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Swiper confirmed

I think Moner is pretty CUTE

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Does she do the dog food thing?

is there anything danny trejo isn't in?

Now that you mention it I'm not sure why Robert Rodriguez isn't involved in this.
It's right up his alley.

Mestizos were a mistake.

Why exactly is Danny Trejo playing boots?

Dude she's 17.

Legal in my country

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A new official poster because your OP pic is shittily cropped

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This isn't Vegas I'll hit on a 17 if I want to.

I'm legit looking forward to it.
It's like a new Tomb Raider movie wrapped in a Dora The Explorer parody.

>legal in most states of the us

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Looks better than it has any right to be.

>She's one year younger than me

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She's not bad but Paddington's still the cutest thing to come out of Peru.

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So many low reviews is this going to get because the Dora is pretty

and it ends on a fart joke. Of course it does

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Hmm should be catwoman.

There's only been one choice for any catsuited roles since a particular iZombie episode.

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Because when we get 'all you brown people' movies they have to shove in as many as they can.

Because he's a big famous name who's known for serious works and having big famous names who are known for playing serious characters playing goofy characters fucking PRINTS bastions of "WHAT?!?!?! [INSERT FAMOUS PERSON HERE] IS PLAYING [INSERT GOOFY CARTOON CHARACTER HERE] IN [GRITTY LIVE ACTION REBOOT OF CLASSIC KIDS CARTOON] articles from shitpile sites like screenrant, buzzfeed, and kotaku.

I certainly will enjoy this movie.

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Cheech Marin was busy,

>Eugenio Derbez
oigame no!

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nigga, the only state people care about is california and specifically hollywood, 18 or bust.

>Eugenio “I’m moving from Mexican comedy to American comedy because it’s superior” Derbez

the only thing he does nowadays is funny voices, the times when he made jokes are long gone.

>So Mr. Producer, wanna go another round?

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I'd go multiple rounds with her footpussy hot damn.

Max hydrated

>Danny Trejo as Boots

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>"They told me it was Spy Kids 5: Sp5 Kids"

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Is this going to be this generation's "Live Action Scooby Doo"?

we live in a society

Post the other webm, the one with the tongue

He didn't even make his own jokes. The guy from Nintendomania wrote his scripts.

Well, Swiper is furry bait

>reminder that the actor for diego was replaced because he was caught fucking and making out with moner on set multiple times

lol go Diego go

I don't see the problem here, so long as he doesn't knock her up.
And then I'm still game.

>I want to explore her booty

>actor for diego was replaced
Isn't it the same dude in both trailers?

idk Swiper looks pretty bad. almost taxidermy fox uncanny.

Moner gives me a boner.

Wait, what? What nintendomania guy?

Gus Rodriguez. Yes, it's true, he's a scriptwriter.

You think they role played as cousins?

Also, the lead editor of the original mexico Club nintendo magazine .

If they got rid of all the other talking animals, why did they keep Swiper the same?

So kids who watched Dora before Kindergarten are teens now?
>August 14th 2000
>Almost two decades old
>People born the year the show began are old enough to post on Yea Forums
>Toddlers who watched the show are in their mid-twenties

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its so odd that they made a movie based on Moner's halloween costume

Not him but I got you fampai

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He's integral to the show's DNA.

Wtf? This is bullcrap now it says its spam

She turns 18 tomorrow.

You do know cute can be non-sexual right?
Otherwise there's a lot more baby and toddler-fuckers out in the open that we were aware of

You're right, that's the worst thing. She should be at least 12 years old. Fuck that movie.


>Dude she's 17.
Too old for you?

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