Has Miles replaced Peter as the Spider-Man in public consciousness.
The new Wally West
Not even close. I bet Otto is more Spider-Man for certain types of people.
Not really, since Spider-Man is still Peter in the MCU for one thing.
MCU Spiderman is nothing like peter. He might as well be Mile but with white skin
Far From Home has already made double what Into the Spider-Verse made in total in under a week, so I'm gonna go ahead and say no.
Spider-Verse is still more well known overall, especially after Netflix picked it up.
Peter stole a lot from Miles if you think about it
You gotta make it less obvious if you want to draw any (You)s, I'm gonna let you have this one, though.
Peter will always be the main Spider-man, even when MCU tries to bring in Miles and fucks it up because they used Miles's story for MCU Peter.
In your fucking dreams maybe, spockfag.
That’s because MCU Peter was supposed to be Miles; Tom Holland threw a hissy fit and demanded he be added back onto the franchise.
1. the one making awkward nerd jokes around other heroes
2. pathologically self-sacrificing
3. wants to have it all, but always chooses the suit over a person life.
The main difference between MCU Spidey and 616 Spidey is that this one is still a teenager and doesn't have a "oh, you fucked up now." mode where he stops making jokes and just starts being terrifyingly competent and dangerous, and he doesn't have that rebellious anger and bitterness towards others that he had in the earlier stories that he eventually grew out of.
The latter doesn't work for Spider-man, as we saw with Garfield in the first movie, and the former can be saved for like...the 4th movie, when he's not the rookie, he's the torchbearer.
The fact that they used Miles’ story is proof that he’s more interesting than Peter
Not at all it's just proof that Marvel Studios shouldn't have been allowed to touch Spider-man.
No? Miles is admittedly better than what he was but Peter will always associate Spider-Man with Peter
>sees into the Spider-Verse
You’re right
Spock book has been a better book than amazing for a few months. Granted, the hunted was just so bad it wasn’t hard to do.
>2. pathologically self-sacrificing
>3. wants to have it all, but always chooses the suit over a person life.
MCU Peter doesn't do either of these, really. In FFH he had to be forced into fighting the elementals pretty much every step of the way, and really only decided to do something about Mysterio when his fuckup endangered everyone.
Right, like how everyone associates Flash with Barry Allen or Green Lantern with Hal Jordan.
1. Mile does quip too
2. Mile does it too
3. Mile does it too
Because he is literal Petee clone but with black skin. The main difference between MCU spider and comic spider is that they are two different fucking characters
Fucking this. Hopefully the rights revert back to Sony
Miles is more angsty though. Peter is happy go lucky
Miles would have fought with no hesitation
>Ghetto Spiderman
Fuck no.
>The main difference between MCU Spidey and 616 Spidey is that this one is still a teenager
>Doesnt run on suffering, run on fan boy fume
>Be so much of a sheep he will beat the shit out of Cap just because Tony told him to
>Super advanced suit right off the bat
>Keep mooching shit off other people
>No Unca Bon
>Use some shitty poor man's Friday instead of the iconic Spider sense
>Petee is all about secret identity
>This retarded keep unmasking himself in the most retarded way possible
>Already gotten exposed
>Wonderbread Spider-Man
Fuck no
>affirmative action Spider-Man
Two and only two points I want to pick out
>Use some shitty poor man's Friday instead of the iconic Spider sense
He uses Spider-Sense in the last battle against Mysterio. Apparently it was on the fritz because of his issues.
>This retarded keep unmasking himself in the most retarded way possible
This has been a problem with live action Spider-Man movies since Raimi. I love Spider-Man 2 but the scene ok the train gets stupider the more I think about it
considering i'm not a comic book nerd and i just saw this from the front page i can tell you as a member of the "public consciousness" that I don't know who miles is and peter parker has always been spider man
Next you’re going to complain that Sam Wilson is affirmative action Captain America.
no and never will
>peter parker has always been spider man
>forgetting Ben Reilly
>forgetting Miguel O’Hara
>fuck even Kraven was Spider-Man
Won’t you feel stupid when Spider-Verse 2 comes out
1. He runs on a desire to be helpful.
2. You mean, exactly like he did in the comic Civil War event?
3. the most science fiction thing about Spider-man's suit is still the webslingers, and it made sense in the context of the movie, plus it gave us reactive eyes.
4. Comic Peter is totally a moocher.
5. Uncle Ben is only in that first issue. Doesn't need to be a big thing, everyone knows the origin. It's like complaining that Superman Returns doesn't have enough Pa Kent.
6. Slow motion bullet time? Because he's been shown to have Spider-sense already.
7. It's a superhero movie. He does it less than the first two spider-men did.
You're a fucking cunt with the brain of a lobotomized opossum.
>Has Miles replaced Peter as the Spider-Man in public consciousness.
>Has Miles
Even you, faggot OP, used Miles instead of Spidey, because you know in your heart that if you said "Has Spidey replaced Peter as the Spider-Man in public consciousness," then people would have no clue what you're talking about.
Miles might be hanging on to Spidey's co-tails for dear life and thus trying to use the name, but he's still Miles whenever anyone wants to talk about him. No one can go "I didn't know Spider-man's uncle was the Prowler" because Spider-man is Peter Parker.
>B-Bucky should have been Cap!
Sam Wilson was the logical choice
But he is?
He isn’t.
Next you’re going to say Amadeus Cho is affirmative action Hulk
When Spider-Verse 2 drops, you’ll never hear about Peter Parker ever again
>t. butthurt Bucky fag
Sure, just like OMD and OMIT made everyone hat and forget about Mary Jane Watson and Pete's marriage or how Gwen Stacy made people forget that Pete's endgame is MJ
Mary Jane and Peter were never supposed to be a thing. Why do people keep pushing it so much?
Asians don't get affirmative action
i have no idea who any of those people are. i was born in '87 and i've only ever heard of peter parker as spiderman. i know of the spiderverse movie but i didn't watch it
Indians do. So do Filipinos.
>exactly like he did in the comic Civil War event
It is the exact fucking opposite you retarded nigger
>t. Racist
accidentally called my own post number. how many spiderbucks or whatever the fuck did i earn
>were never supposed to be a thing
No, they weren't
Gwen was the pre-planned end-game.
But do you know what happened? People hated Gwen. People loved MJ. Pete and MJ's chemistry was more fun and interesting, and the authors reacted to the audience instead of dictating to them.
So MJ, by virtue of being the likeable character, became Pete's endgame romantic interest.
Miles, by virtue of of living in the (former?) world's #1 hero, is Miles. He can't take Spidey's name. The writers can try to dictate to the public that he is totally 100% Spider-man, but he isn't He's Miles. He won't be refereed to by a super-hero identity until he gets off Pete's brand and gets his own identity because whenever you say Spider-man, people think Peter Parker.
No, Bendis. Of course he fucking hasn't
You do realize many writers hate the romance and MJ as a character right?
Christopher Priest, Dan Slott, Roger Stern, it was never supposed to be a thing. MJ is not the right girl for Peter
No one will ever replace Peter as the definitive Spider-Man in the eyes of the public. Miles may grow in popularity, but the majority will never consider him the one true Spidey.
>a vapid unobtainable sex goddess is somehow a good character and a good matchup for Peter
Spider-Man fags are retarded
Dan Slott's not really a good person to cite. He hates MJ because she reminds him of the girls that bullied him in high school.
Then fuck those writers and get someone who'll give the fans what they want rather than tell them they're wrong and should be grateful for whatever they're given.
Yes, give the fans a boring waifu. It’s what they want, why bother fighting it?
Spencer is doing that and his run has been great, so yeah. Give the fans what they want and don't use the book to pad your ego like Slott does.
You're probably baiting, but out of curiosity, who do you think he should be with?
If the love interests who came after her were any good, he'd still be with one of them.
You say that as if Dan Slott isn't always wrong.
>lacking flavor, zest, interest, animation, or spirit : flat, dull
Shit son, it seems you do not know how to words goodly.
Spider-Man shouldn’t be with anyone. If anything, he should be with a girl every issue, like a pimp
Honestly, Spider-Man should be gay. It just makes more sense that way.
Mary Jane is flat and dull. She’s just a pair of tits for Peter and fans to ogle.
>Debra Whitman
>Carol Danvers
>Michelle Gonzalez
>Ann Marie Marconi
>Carlie Cooper
Fuck even Gwen Stacy, Liz Allan or Betty Brant would be better options.
Now I know you're baiting.
I can't believe this board has gotten so stupid and gullible that people actually fell for this thread.
I can’t believe people still like Peter Parker. Even other new sites find him white bread
It's a safe bet that anyone who claims Miles deserves to permanently replace Peter only feels that way because Miles isn't white.
And what’s wrong with that? We need diversity in comics.
You were triggered about black Ariel weren’t you?
Do you really have nothing better to do today than... this.
I just want diversity in comics senpai.
Pretty much
>We need diversity in comics.
And why does that mean replacing Peter instead of making a new character?
bro you'd get more replies if you posted this on /pol/ though I don't know why you want to make other /pol/lacks mad.
>This fanfiction
No, man. No.
Pretty much none of this is right, and you can take Gerry Conway's word for it
John Stewart and Wally West are the only GL and Flash people know.
Fucking thank you.
MJ is not the right girl for Peter
Because I don’t want to piss off people?
I legitimately want more diversity in comics.
Because POC need heroes to look up to.
Sadly, as Black Panther and Princess and the Frog have shown, people don’t like original POC. So we take what we can get.
>Because POC need heroes to look up to.
And PoC lack the empathy to feel a connection with someone who doesn't look like them?
White people lack the empathy to connect with other races.
Black Panther was hugely successful though
People can identify better with characters that look like them/share a background. That's why Dwayne McDuffie created Milestone. You're arguing with someone who is making these arguments both in bad faith and not earnestly though, so you're kind of wasting your breath. He doesn't actually want "diversity in comics" he just wants to troll people.
>People can identify better with characters that look like them/share a background.
Hence why we need diversity. I’m tired of kids being forced to identify with the wrong people
Well, I agree, but to be fair to that dipshit,*Conway* hated Gwen and thought she was boring and just looooooves Mary Jane. It had nothing to do with fans, and everything to do with Conway's shit and his dislike for Joan-like (Stan's wife) characters created by Stan, like Sue.
>4. Comic Peter is totally a moocher.
you can find absolutely no point in 616 where Peter sucked anyone off like he does Iron Man in this movie
hell he respects Reed Richards and even then his first interaction with the F4 was breaking into the Baxter building to steal their shit
>calls MJ a bad character
>cites Carlie fucking Cooper as a better fucking choice
Carlie Cooper was literally a nothing character that only existed because of Joe Quesada
For some reason Dan Slott really liked her too.
Hence decades of food aid to Africa, the abolition of slavery everywhere they could enforce their will
Unless you believe televised pop-history is presented in good faith
>People can identify better with characters that look like them/share a background.
this shit never made sense especially with fucking Spider-man who in his entire run always had worldwide appeal, hell in Latino America Spidey is the only S list capecharacter while Batman is a lot less popular.
the entire world was able to relate with Peter and his problems despite his skin color and now suddenly we need a pastiche version of Peter because other races wernt able to relate enough?
what kind of sense does that make
PS4 Spidey sold like crazy and Far From Home is about to be the first Spider-Man film to make a billion so no.
No. Also Wally got away with it because it was before Super-Hero death became meaningless.
call me back when Miles can star in something without Peter backing him up
Spider-Verse 2 is going to be fucked because Pascal wants Gwen to be the protagonist and Lord & Miller won't be writing it
For the record, I know this is all bait and most likely the same person, but the words they excrete in this thread are the exact sentiments of the pros at Marvel comics and the MCU. Replying to this troll won't stop Marvel from continuing their path of ruin. If you want Marvel to stop destroying themselves with what they perceive to be good intentions, stop buying their books and stop paying to see their movies.
Good. Bury this crossover shit. Make a Spider-Man movie about Spider-Man.
He's not a Peter clone.
He's not a genius or an inventor. After her gets Peter's web formula, Ganke makes it for him.
He's not responsible for his Mom's death, and now his Mom's alive again- he has a full family, is not driven by guilt.
He has two more powers than Peter,and they are the centerpiece of his fights.
He’s basically Peter Parker done right
Fuck off /pol/
>He's not a Peter clone.
Well no, that’s Ben Reilly and Ultimate Jessica Drew.
Miles isn't a clone but he is certainly a poor imitation, with less internal conflict and more privilege. Miles' costume is essentially an inverted color scheme of Peter's. His base powers are the same, except Miles has MORE power with no drawbacks. Furthermore, Miles doesn't have to deal with Marvel civilian contempt the way Peter does. All this, plus the love and admiration from all his superhero peers which Peter also doesn't get, and you have the perfect (P)OC donut steel.
>Has Miles replaced Peter as the Spider-Man in public consciousness.
That's the major fucking flaw with legacy characters.
They ride off the coat-tails of the original. People will always prefer the original.
Not even close, retard. Peter even stole the show in Mile's own movie.
So basically you’re just mad that you’re favorite character is getting upstaged by someone new.
Grow up
It's ironic that a black character has more privilege but it would be fine if miles wasn't so fucking devoid of anything interesting that didn't already belong to peter.
you're implying Wally West was ever in the public consciousnesses.
"poc" here. I feel nothing but disgusting for Miles.
I stopped loving Spider-Man about 10 years ago. In fact I hate the franchise now, or rather I hate what it became.
What I don't abide is people pretending Miles is interesting or has any unique qualities. He doesn't. You can meme at me all you want, it doesn't change anything.
>who are Green Lantern and The Flash
JL and this.
So what about Jay Garrick? Or Alan Scott? Or Al Pratt? Or Carter Hall?
Miles helped save the franchise after it had been run to the ground. He’s the chemo keeping the franchise alive.
You mean the show where he never became Flash and died in Barry’s stead?
No, but I bet they desperately want Miles to.
Miles is Kid Arachnid
Oh my I wonder why OP made this thread. Surely it's to discuss this character in a positive or at least constructive way. I'm sure most of the anons in here have thoughtful and insightful knowledge and opinions on this subject.
Don't mind me, just posting the superior black Spider-man
What point are you trying to make here. Are people only allowed to say good things about Miles? Why?
This is basically She Ra all over again; people are shitting on new stuff to “pwn the libs”.
Just replying to let you know that chemo is literal poison that gets pumped into the body in an attempt to kill cancer cells before the chemo kills the body, and that it doesn't work to kill cancer half the time.
For fuck’s sake, let kids in marginalized minorities have this.
Between SU and Miles, people really hate on diverse projects. Guess it’s easier to destroy than create.
White people need to be banned from this board.
God the hate aimed at Steven Universe is so disheartening. Queer kids finally get something and incels at the Internet have to come and fuck it up
>let kids in marginalized minorities have this.
Kids in marginalized minorities deserve better than a boring, low-quality copy of a white character without any of the charisma.
Why do you not want minority kids to have nice things?
Carlie wasn't that bad, she was just the first one love interest so everyone hates her.
She's not great either, but you know.
The one who was great was that reporter chick that ended up dating Phil Urich.
Let minorities like what they want
Kamala is an updated Peter done right.
I know you're just trolling, but...
Miles... Just didn't work. I'm not part of /copol/, but Bendis's insistence on having miles solo AAA threats with two venom stings, invariably with them saying "what did you doooo" and not being willing to challenge miles on a personal level led to a boring book.
What does that have to do with my post?
>Yea Forumsmblr fags seething this hard
>/pol/ on the defense
How is Kamala Peter done right? She’s a girl and a Muslim. Miles is a guy.
>No Unca Bon
Stop this tired meme, he exists and nobody wants to waste time filming a scene of him getting shot again.
>This retarded keep unmasking himself in the most retarded way possible
This has happened in every Spider-man film to date.
>Already gotten exposed
Because Talos fucked up, misjudged Mysterio and had Peter unmask himself the minute they met.
What’s wrong with him just being Doctor Octopus?
Are you baiting, or is your reading comprehension really so shallow that you can't see the parallels because Kamala implicitly has a vagina?
Miles ruined the impact value of the symbiote suit and I will never forgive that
>you can find absolutely no point in 616 where Peter sucked anyone off like he does Iron Man in this movie
Except all those ASM issues after his old high school buddy burnt his house down
>first interaction with the F4 was breaking into the Baxter building to steal their shit
He also wanted to join them for profit and left pissed off after they told him they made no money
Whats happening?
>unironically comparing one of the best and most iconic legacy character with sjw replacement of main hero who has no character at all and being forced simply because of his skin color
fucking hell, absolute state of this place
>Shit copy of a white character
Guess it's easier to steal someone else's work than to make something on your own
That because white and straight people shit all over original content; see Black Panther, She Ra, Steven Universe, Princess and the Frog
>hundreds and hundreds of times people say that it's not about Uncle Ben getting shot again
God, MCU-fags are retarded.
>Princess and the Frog
Princess was white in the original. also
>Black Panther, She Ra, Steven Universe
all trash
Spiderfags in general are retarded
>all trash
Way to prove my point
Does Peter pray to Allah before battle?
In either the first or second issue of his post-Secret Wars run, Miles beat Blackheart with his Venom blast after the latter had just beaten several Avengers.
He had a reason to fight Cap in Civil War and he still questioned the pro-reg's reg's motives. It's why he defects and even then he still went and had a talk with Steve to hear his side out.
MCU Spidey never even knew why he was going after Cap, he admits to it in Homecoming. He just goes because Tony said to go. In his defense Tony blackmailed him and said he was going to tell Aunt May.
>done right
Kamala is shit, her supporting cast is shit, her villains are all shit, her stories are shit. There's no way she's anything "done right" beyond being bland waifubait.
To be fair, Wally didn’t get interesting until he was black
>ignoring the fact that she’s one of the few non offensive depictions of a Muslim
But go off
That doesn't make her a "modern Peter Parker done right", just a slightly less shitty character than your average Muslim character.
shitty bait
Muslims need a character like Kamala.
Understand that, especially in these trying times
Does Kamala?
[She does not, or at least not in a way meaningfully different than Pete saying "God I hope I can get there in time"]
Muslims need to grow out of their savage "religion" and become civilized people.
>When Spider-Verse 2 drops, you’ll never hear about Peter Parker ever again
Just like when Ben Reily existed, people stopped asking for the REAL spiderman
Just like when Superior Spider-man was a thing and people stopped asking for the REAL Spider-man was coming back
Yeah, see I don't really give a shit about your opinion. Fuck off back to /pol/.
To be fair, I don't think you have to be /pol/ to not enjoy Kamala. But I think you are.
>t. /pol/ tard
No, I'm just not a retarded waifufag who likes LOLSOQUIRKY obnoxious fangirls.
99% of Yea Forums is alt right at this point
The MCU is sort of a weird case study because whatever they’re doing with Aunt May and I can’t even recall Uncle Ben being mentioned.
They’re trying to make Peter the new Miles
>Has Miles replaced Peter as the Spider-Man in public consciousness.
No, why would you think that? Are you legitimately retard?Last may the Peter Parker based books sold like this:
ASM #21 sold 92,538 copies
ASM #22 sold 78,102 copies
ASM #20.HU sold 52,728 copies
Symbiote Spider-Man #2 sold 52,088 copies
Life Story #3 sold 37,771 copies
FNSM #6 sold 30,752 copies
SM/DP #50 sold 22,760 copies
That adds up to about 365,000 copies of Peter Parker books sold in May 2019. The only book starring miles sold 33,538 copies, 1/10 of Peter's total. Even if you're gonna argue that only nerds buy comics, it's worth pointing out there is a reason Peter has 5 ongoing books, one of which comes out at least twice a month, while Miles only gets one.
If we're going by something a little more mainstream, let's take a peak at box office numbers. Into the Spider-Verse (the only movie to star Miles) had a lifetime gross of 375.5 million dollars, something that only qualifies as a success because of how low the budget was. Meanwhile the latest movie to star Peter Parker, Far From Home, just came out last week and has already made over 50% more at 577 million dollars. In fact, the movie could very well end up making more than a billion dollars by the time it stops showing, it might even overtake Captain Marvel as 2019's second highest grossing movie.
It's even worth mentioning that Spider-Verse is the first and so far only movie made with the Spider-Man license since 2002 to make less than 700 million dollars.
>Kamala is an updated Peter done right.
Her hero name is literally Ms. Marvel
No way a legacy or off-shoot character is going to be Peter-Parker Spiderman done right. Never.
Marvel should have been confident enough to make Kamala be her own character. Not a knock-off, legacy fangirl of another hero.
>Black Panther
Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
>She Ra
Created by Larry DiTillio and J. Michael Straczynski
>Steven Universe
Rebecca Sugar
>Princess and the Frog
That's an old european tale, not an original Disney invention. Though their take on it is their own.
So I guess the point is that straight white people shit all over straight white people's characters.
How is this even a thread?
>Debut movie, which still prominently featured Peter, didn't even make half of the lowest grossing Spider-Man movie, and Spider-Man Far From Home has already curbstomped its entire gross.
>Comics with miles getting assraped by Peter's sales.
>Hit video game was all about peter.
I don't even think most people know who he is, but if they do they're not paying any money to see him.
>That because white and straight people shit all over original content
White people sure did hate Static, remember all those Anti-Static hate threads
Yea Forumsmblr is full of selfrighetous faggots who'll never not take bait and Yea Forums's mods are anus.
>How is this even a thread?
There are people who still don't know
Default or Original > Legacy
Most of those are Jews
Static is mostly a black thing. They wouldn’t even let him in Injustice because he was black
Seeing the Spider-Man suit but in black used to be a special occasion, and meant that shit was going down. Miles having it black all the time by default devalues it, and no the few red lines don't differentiate it enough.
They can force this nigger as hard as they want, but people will never accept it over the real one.
That’s fine. The MCU clearly isn’t and shouldn’t follow the comics to a T, but Aunt May adds nothing.
So what if he is? They can do that because (despite having so many films) the MCU hasn’t really established anything.
People accepted John Stewart as the true Green Lantern
They were teenagers when Gwen died, so they're just butthurt about MJ
Christ you're stupid.
Wally never replaced Barry in the “public consciousness” because the public don’t read comics, Barry was still the Flash in the 90s tv series and CWverse one.
John Stewart is ONE true Green Lantern because Green Lantern is a job, not a secret identity.
It's the difference between being a soldier and being Captain America.
One is a job, the other a unique identity
Fuck off Bendis
Then why were so many people confused by Hal Jordan being the movie Green Lantern?
Because the DCAU didn't really deal with Green Lantern's setting. They just dealt with John Stewart on an individualized level. (and most people din't know Green Lantern before the DCAU)
Name 1 Ms Marvel storyarc that has the impact any of the spidey comics had, Kamala is just safe space tumblr self-insert, there are no consequences in her comic
If they had used him for MCU spiderman you might have a case. But for non comic readers Peter is about 20 times more represented. Even ignoring Everything from pre 2000.
Wally west worked with Barry and had his own life supporting cast and name all his own before he became Flash. Miles is still just a shadow of peter with no personality or motivation all his own to claim. He’s everything wrong with comics today and should be buried but of course you movie fags ruin everything. Pic related is why he should be subtle into his own universe, the bigger doesn’t have an original villain or name or live interst. Though if they make him gay he may have a niche all his own so we’ll see what happens coming up
It literally was in the comics though. Marvel didn't hide that. They had a ton of torches passed to minorities for woke points. That being said though, Sam Wilson is a great choice for a successor
to Steve. Even more so in the MCU as it felt much more organic.
I prefer Bucky in the role only because he has an arc as cap on top of having no name or family in the present, where Sam is just doing it as an obligation. Also how does his flying work when he uses the shield? His arms are pretty important in how his suit works
The entire last scenes of Endgame were kind of a huge middle finger to Bucky.
Like you said it was organic but man I walked away feeling sorry for Buck.
>Has Miles replaced Peter as the Spider-Man in public consciousness.
No because:
-Wally became the Flash while Barry was dead. Yes, Miles became Spider-Man while Ultimate Spider-Man was dead, but Amazing Spider-Man was still running with Peter in it (up until a year or so of Superior stuff), and in Spider-Verse, a different Peter helps Miles out.
-Wally had character development within a decade of his run as Flash, under Baron, Messner-Loebs, and Waid. You can't really say that for Bendis' seven years writing Miles, which seemed to do the bare minimum for character development. To be fair, Wally was also around for decades prior to becoming the Flash.
>99% of Yea Forums is alt right
For real? There are a fuck ton of unironic leftist here
>People hated Gwen.
People sent tons of letters to Marvel complaining about killing Gwen.
Literally who
>99% of Yea Forums is alt right
>But 99% of Yea Forums is also Yea Forumsmblr
Alt Right = Leftists????
99% of Yea Forums is banned for being typical 4chaners, which is guess make them "le ault rite".
The real problem is the tumblr tranny mods.
Doesn't help she was replaced by a shittier character.
They need to bring Gwen back
>99% of Yea Forums is banned for being typical 4chaners,
This is 4channel now, when will those old timers learn
Not at all.
It’s proof that the MCU isn’t just going to stupidly do the comics verbatim.
The mods are fine
bad joke
>Dan Slott
You fucking idiot.
Dont be so upset.
no, but Marvel is making the same mistake DC did with pushing multiple legacy characters to the general public. Look at the Green Lantern mess.
>Spider-Verse is still more well known overall, especially after Netflix picked it up.
vocal minority online =/= real world
This is bull shit
This is nonsense, MCU spidey is Ultimate Peter Parker on film.
that literally makes no sense. Tom Holland/Peter Parker was always going to be Spider-Man.
You can’t really compare the two.
yeah because of media exposure. Peter Parker is more comparable to Bruce Wayne or Clark Kent.
Well he isn't wrong about them lifting a lot from Ultimates Miles.
I'll bet Spider-Verse will flop
Nobody cared who DCAU Flash was under the mask, and people just knew John as the black guy
>I legitimately want more diversity in comics.
so why not support actual diverse characters? Like Black Panther, Luke Cage, Blade, Monica Rambeau, etc?
>"diverse" means "not white"
I do love Spock but Miles serves as a better hero. I would love to see them fight for the title of Spider-Man though.
You already have white heroes
Nope. Miles was set in the role; why do you think Aaron Davis
>Has Miles replaced Peter as the Spider-Man in public consciousness.
Not even Ben Reilly could do it and he's a clone
a shitty reference/cameo to appease Milesfags and nothing more?
Hell no
You have a source on that?
It's time to replace Parker. He had his time and no one will miss him once he's gone. Miles is more trendy, diverse, and accurately represents the modern mixed American youth than Peter ever will. Spider-Man is a hero. And no offense, White Males just don't capture the image of a hero compared to a diverse character exists for modern audiences.
What are you talking about? Miles and his father Jefferson Davis may appear at a later date but the little fuck apparently needs the death of peter parker before he can go on to do the same job half as well
>Replace a nice white guy with a mutt
>The mutt has done nothing unique in his almost decade of production
>y'all niggas latch onto him because of the negativity that he breeds
I'm against miles because I'm against Bendis making money, every other rational reason I have come up with is just window dressing
Based JMS not one of the jews
Jon Watts mentioned what a prima donna Tom Holland was And how he complained that Miles was going to replace him. Eventually Feige, not wanting another ASM fiasco, caved in.
And now you know the sad story of Miles being cut from the MCU.
Only if Miles hooks up with Mary Jane
Don’t you mean MJ/Michelle Jones/Janna from Star Vs?
Bendis you’re already writing for Superman. Do you even need Miles at this point?
>sad story
>Bendis not making money
sounds like a great story to me
Is that Aaron Davis cameo ever going to go anywhere? Or was that just to cocktease Donald Glover fans?
I hope not, miles means they'll kill off peter and we don't need to kill off a pete in his prime for a character who has only one notable story, to do across from an actor who really isn't that good
Source: Trust me, dude.
Lately, adaptations have moved away from killing Peter to have Miles take his place.
If anything, they’ll just have him as his sidekick/partner in crimefighting. This way, Peter continues the MCU tradition of the white superhero with a black best friend.
He's to young to have a ward and it goes completely against the entire point of the character.and what do you mean "they've moved away from miles killing peter" when spiderverse had that exact origin. Until someone at Marvel either moves miles back to his own universe or someone actually takes the time to give him a 616 origin beyond him literally asking spider-man if he can be spiderman at the same time (in a stupid sequence that shouldn't be in canon because he had web shooters when he wouldn't have been able to get them) than I prefer it if the MCU just ignored Bendises little shit for as long as possible
How long until Miles gets his own identity like the other legacies?
Cho became Brute, Jane Foster is a Valkyrie now, Laura and Sam Wilson went back to their old identities, even Gwen is Ghost-Spider now. So far Miles has been spared from Fresh Start.
>and what do you mean "they've moved away from miles killing peter" when spiderverse had that exact origin.
Outside of that, in things like the new Spider-Man cartoon and Spider-Man PS4 Just has Miles in the same universe as Peter. Even other mediums seem to agree Peter is the main Spider-Man and Miles is just a bit player
Why would a Multibillion dollar franchise bend to an unknown teenager? They obviously handpicked him you dumbass.
Honestly what does Miles add for you? His character interactions are boring for the most part, he has one story no villains and barely any different powers. Why would I want to see an interaction with someone whose not from peters supporting cast be a main character in his life? If the writers don't want to properly quantify him in the story than just leave him out completely
>Peter's still in comics and MCU; practically tied to the Spider-Man name
I thought Wade Wilson replaced Spidey, as Marvels cool and hip funny outcast hero type. I mean 6 years ago, they made Spidey rival a nobody(strider) in marvel vs Capcom instead of their cool and funny Spidey equivalent Dante from the devil may cry series(dmc is Capcoms Spider-Man in terms of popularity and fanbase for kids and teens) and that was the only way marvel could have prompted Peter as one of their faces in the fucking game.
Marvel doesn't see Peter as their lump mascot anymore now that the avengers and wolverine also deadpool are just as famous as he is. Miles might as well be the next best thing.
In the motherfucking crossover series with Capcom he's not the fucking main marvel rep, Wolvie and deadpool is alongside iron man and cap.
Its only because of Sony, since Marvel has the license to every other hero except him and they're more than likely fine with tanking him now in order to get the IP back wholesale. Miles is a great way to do that. destroy peter to build Miles than let writers do nothing worthwhile with him
>Marvel doesn't see Peter as their lump mascot anymore now that the avengers and wolverine also deadpool are just as famous as he is. Miles might as well be the next best thing.
I think too much of his popularity is due to him being Spider-Man for that to happen.
fuck you strider is cool
The only time I can recall them trying to push someone other than Peter as the face of the company was in 2015, and that stopped as soon as the deal was made to have him in the MCU.
>I think too much of his popularity is due to him being Spider-Man for that to happen.
Legacies got their advantages but they suffer from being bottle-necked by the default character.
OP should just be happy that people like Miles but the 'replacing Peter as the Spider-Man in public consciousness' isnt going to happen.
Its going to take an original to take down another original
Not at all. Spiderverse made fuck all and Peter is in the MCU
Yes? Barry has been in movies and has a show. Hal had a movie and a cartoon
Yeah and everyone has been Batman but the only real Batman is Bruce Wayne
Wally never replaced Barry in the public consciousness. Up until recently everyone just called The Flash by his superhero name and didn't know who was under the mask. Now everyone considers it Barry. Wally's name only got dropped like twice in the cartoon and people barely cared that he had a name at all.
Justice League Wally was given Barry's origin and job as well
>Peter Parker being Spider-Man instead of Miles
>Sad story
the sequel won't do as well. Screencap this prediction for a flop.
>In the motherfucking crossover series with Capcom he's not the fucking main marvel rep, Wolvie and deadpool is alongside iron man and cap.
He's as big as Wolverine, Iron Man and Captain Marvel on the cover. Deadpool and CA are much smaller.
keep talking out your ass.