>Avengers #21
Tuesday Carolthread
From our new cover artist
IDW Jess has glasses.
>"But Marvel is full of SJWs who are censoring everything!! No leotards allowed!!"
Fucking idiots. Also I think this is for the allegedly cancelled Summer Special, I'm guessing they're going to resolicit.
And from our old interior artist
We skipped a week so there's a backlog!
That would have to be a very quick turnaround to get it out for the summer though, wouldn't it?
Probably, but it's kinda weird how the one-shot was cancelled without explanation and now Mark Brooks releases this while saying "it's for... Something" without much explanation. I'd believe it was for "Fearless" but then I don't understand him being cagey about it, so it has to be for something else new, since other artists have been releasing teasers for Fearless without problem.
>le anti-sjw boogeyman right off the bat
rent free
Rent free what? I'm not the retard who spends every day posting gymnast bitches in leotards crying because they can't put actresses in movies with the range look and pretend it would work, and besides that's barely the second post after the imbecile who posted the anti-sjw shit in this thread, so maybe get yourself checked first.
>no Carol in preview
>just Aaron's meme 'big 3'
No Carol this week? Bleh. I'm still waiting for this arc to start.
There’s literally no other posts before that one, retard. Second post in the thread already bitching about MUH ANTI-SJWs.
Clearly you're not paying attention. See
She's (almost certainly) in the issue, just not the preview.
Can we get the john byrne she hulk run she hulk back? Please? I really liked the tall amazon, not the tokenized hulk.
Not as long as Aaron keeps being Yoshida-san's favorite.
Are you gonna man up Yea Forums?
Dude as you can see by this , pic related, the picture in the She-Hulk Annual etc, nobody but Aaron cares about the brute gender-switched version of Hulk he made and every artist that cares is going out of their way to draw her the way she's more supposed to be. I guarantee you many others will look for ways to ignore that characterization, either using flashbacks or having her in human form.
Aaron and Cates are Marvel exclusives now, precisely the ones doing the most egregious damage. Meanwhile Ewing writes 50% of their landmark issue and no one pays attention.
>visual merchandiser
did she do the posters? that's neat.
Kelly had Jen in a mechsuit, that was cute.
Can't draw hips and ass
Sorry Liefeld, but that's how real sexy women look like, wasp-like waists are unrealistic.
That better be a non-alcoholic piña colada, Carol.
Oh I knew I was forgetting something!
Rejoice, fellow Carol Yea Forumsrps: Marvel will be reissuing the Starjammers' classic run by Cockrum, focusing on the popular Brood Saga where Binary was born, and the two issues of the X-Men Spotlight around the Starjammers. This is a MUST HAVE for Carol Danvers Dana, specially since this material is only available in the Omnibus and one of the (also expensive) Marvel Masterworks. It comes out in October.
Also fuck carolfags
Forgot the solicitation:
>In 1977, the X-Men went cosmic, traveling to the far-flung Shi'ar Empire -where they encountered the swashbuckling space pirates known as the Starjammers! Corsair, Hepzibah, Ch'od, Raza, Cr'reee and Sikorsky quickly became fixtures of the X-Men mythos, and this volume features every appearance drawn by their co-creator, the legendary Dave Cockrum! First, the Starjammers must help the X-Men prevent universal armageddon - but what happens when Corsair realizes that one of the X-Men is his son? Then, when the parasitic Brood attack and Shi'ar Empress Lilandra is kidnapped, the X-Men fight a war on two fronts...without and within! But will Carol Danvers join the Starjammers? And in their first solo story, the team embarks on an interstellar quest for a cosmic object of immeasurable power!
>COLLECTING: X-MEN (1963) 107-108; UNCANNY X-MEN (1981) 154-158, 161-167; X-MEN: SPOTLIGHT ON STARJAMMERS 1-2
Hepzibah should be added to Carol's supports like that YA novel did.
>yfw Brie does blackface as Binary and suddenly becomes Yea Forums's new queen
Are you people trolls being super ironic or actually sincere hardcore fans
Carol's been Yea Forums's favorite character for years, user.
They're shills
just let them be
This can't be shilling, it's too much.
Thought Fearless was this week but it got delayed to the 24th.
Nah man, its shilling.
Shills are just salesmen. Sales people can't talk about the flaws of the product they're trying to sell.
Actual fans are willing to discuss flaws of their favorite characters. Story-lines they want to see, villains, supporting cast etc. They'll shit on writers or artists who get the character wrong etc. Fans are willing to make fun of their own favorites.
Think about it for a second, fans of popular characters such as Spider-man, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Wolverine, Deadpool. They have a sense of humor accept flaws, will rage about bad story-lines (OMD for example) and still after all that still love the character . Now compare those threads to this thread, Carol threads are so dry and lack any humanity.
I'd think salespeople would be less obvious with the week after week gushing.
Imagine being a fan of a character that's ever had a bad storyline
Feels good to be a Carolfag
>Kamala with an almost-Farrah
You wouldn't say this if you hadn't this much animosity towards the character.
odd that he describes how the thread was going and then said that's not how Carolthreads are
Like he wants us to fill up 500 replies bitching about Caroljess not being canon or something?
If you sincerely like Carol, why are you posting Marvel's shamebaby version of the character? Wouldn't you prefer the Captain Marvel version too? I'm just trying to follow your logic, assuming it isn't just trolling. I know it is trolling, though.
What language are you speaking?
user it's the same character in a different outfit.
Do you have object permanence problems?
They're bots. see
So you think Marvel is wrong for trying to distance themselves from the sexually objectified Ms Marvel, then? Or do you agree with them? Stop reposting the same images over and over again for a minute and have a discussion with me.
Her new costume is better, not sure why you're so outraged about everything
That can't be healthy for you
Not that person, but why should we have the same tired discussion over that as if it's an actual, pressing problem? She's sexy when a good artist is handling her, and the times where she isn't attractive or something is usually when there's a filling artist. That's it.
Your complaint over leotards is fucking tiresome and nobody cares over it, frankly. At least I don't.
I enjoyed those Starjammer storytimes
Maybe I'll do her part of Galactic Storm when I get home, since Kree-Shi'ar is one of my hopes for CM2
>I enjoyed those Starjammer storytimes
Awesome! Glad you did. And sure thing, I think Galactic Storm has serious potential to become a movie in the future, specially if they introduce more cosmic powerhouses. They don't have to rush into Annihilation if they test the waters with something like that. And it would be a great introduction for Quasar if they decide to put him in.
hehe wouldn't it be funny if she got drunk again and let Rogue touch her hehe
What the fuck is this stupid shit? Thor doesn't need a spacesuit. He can survive in the vacuum of space unaided.
nobody brought up sjw you fucking fag
The adventures of the only comics character that is actually more relentlessly pushed than Yea Forums thinks
"nObOdY bRoUgHt Up sJw!!" Imbecile.
okay, you need to kill yourself and stop seething over it
Then why are you posting Carol in a leotard and tight clothes? Why aren't you posting the superior Carol that looks like a fucking dyke?
The distinction is entirely superficial and only casuals care.
What eve was war of the realms? Didnt they do that years ago with everyone getting tron costumes?
They shll until their reparation debts are cleared.
No this was different, because there weren't Tron costumes.
It is, these threads didn’t exist until the movie came out to such a meh reaction. They’ve been shilling her for months now in hopes that someone starts caring about her. Attacking anyone who brings up her old costume and runs because they’re problematic
I think that the things that bugs me most about modern Car-Ell, is that whenever she goes binary now all she gets is her hair glowing a little with small flames at the ends, the could at least have her skin still turn red.
>they're shills
>because they started after the movie came out
You are just embarrassing yourself at this point.
Nice try shill
You’re shills because you attack any old interpretation of the character to build up carol post 2012. These threads aren’t made out of love but out of desperation to get nerds to latch onto your IP grab
Half the thread is gushing about the Starjammers era
I don't know, I like assfloss and Carol was the best in Marvel
You mean half of the thread is getting excited to buy a product. Interesting how consistent that trend is in these threads...
>It is, these threads didn’t exist until the movie came out to such a meh reaction.
You really are new, we've had these threads for years before the movie was even out. You can find Carol threads in the archive from 2017 at the very least.
>You mean half of the thread is getting excited to buy a product.
No, Starjammers. Nice to see you moving goalposts, because that "product" entails some of her best stories. Dumbass.
And next issue, Carol actually appears for more than a panel
A shill post here is literally the first mention of Starjammers in this thread, and suddenly you carolfags are excited for something you basically never mention otherwise.
People have been talking about the Starjammers era in Carolthreads since the Avengers FCBD tease, newfag.
>Ms. Marvel 2
>Not Warbird
One job!
Well she was still Ms. Marvel when it debuted
After the Reed run she might've been Ms. Marvel for the majority of that costume's run actually
That was my post, dumbo. The Starjammers era Binary is considered one of her best stories and it's why we post about it in here. You're just a complete newfag who has never participated in these threads.
Already resigned to Aaron fucking up with the Avenjammers
And I think it was just Starblast between this and Busiek.
Hey look, the reason we moved to Tuesdays!
Just get Byrne back. He will BTFO Aaron.
Even got a Brood mention in the next issue
Will she marry Valkirye?
All Carols are good Carols
rogue plz no bully carol
See you for Aarontime storytime.
>Caroljess not being canon
One day
Maybe not soon, but one day
Women really can't see how they're behaving by typing all that shit?
Fucking drink her like she's a slushie!