Ultimate Spider-Man and Daredevil were good, but everything he writes is literally unreadable these days.
What happened Yea Forums?
Ultimate Spider-Man and Daredevil were good, but everything he writes is literally unreadable these days.
What happened Yea Forums?
He became lazy and stopped caring.
Bendis poses an interesting writing dilemma. When he writes dialogue, he is trying to emulate realism as in how people really talk in real life. Then there are writers who think realistic dialogue is bad because in real life people go off the tangent often. So they should only write the most important points of a conversation because otherwise it would be tiresome to read.
all that fame went into his head. he thought he could do anything he wanted, but most readers got tired of his bullshit.
>Ultimate Spider-Man
I don't know why people say this.
The only good parts were what he copied from the already established lore.
All of his "original ideas" that he added were complete shit. I mean:
>randomly write Kitty in there because "muh waifu"
>make her date your literal self insert
>kill off Peter to push your retarded OC
It's like if I said "HEY, I WROTE THIS TOTALLY SWEET NEW COMIC, CHECK IT OUT", and it's just Watchmen, except I sharpied penises all over the pages.
Part of the problem though is that he's simply bad at it. He gets too carried away and repetitive, and it loses all flow. More importantly though, his plots have gone to shit too. If he were writing great plots with his meh dialogue then that would at least be something. But he's not.
USM is him retelling the stories of some of the best cape comics ever. He just does it in extremely slow motion.
Wait, are you telling me that you're not waiting on pins and needles to see how Superman will defeat Ragdoll Zoloft?
That is a big problem but hasn't anyone noticed that it also reads like shit? In Young Justice, Tim says something like "Someone erased the whole of Young Justice from my mind" which is such an unwieldy and awkward sentece like wtf?
>What happened Yea Forums?
He became a parody of himself since he thought what made his writing "good" was the snarky dialogue, so each and every one of his book has them. It happens to a lot of writers.
He also doesn't seem to have editors checking his stuff since he keeps doing semantic errors in his new event.
Also, need to point out that he keeps making shitty OCs cuz he adopted too many kids and needs the cash
Truth is that Bendis has spent his entire career in comics writing stories in a purely movie screenplay format hoping to get optioned by Hollywood, but never has because of his lack of concern and subsequent lack of skill with things like continuity, characterization, pacing and plotting. Hollywood decided it was just easier to hire a professional screenwriter to adapt actually good comic stories then a ready-to-go Bendis story. Leaving us stuck with Bendis' sisyphean labor of subjecting us to his non-stop cuck stories and wife's son characters in the hope of movie optioning that will never come.
got high off his own farts after USM, thinks he can "coast off the fumes til' retirement" but his USM fart gas tank ran dry several years ago and all that's left is little crinkly dried shit pieces and an odor of pretension
Reread his Daredevil. It's got all the annoying shit you hate about Bendis writing, and you probably only remember it fondly because of novelty.
Also, the art is lazy as shit photo traces.
He had stories to tell and he told them. But he forgot about whole "growing as a writer" and "coming up with new stories" thing and stayed at exactly same level he started with, except he has no more stories to tell. Now he's just getting a paycheck for his name.
Yeah, I get what he's trying to do, but his dialogue writing is just bad and just doesn't sound natural. If you want to write a realistic dialogue in a superhero comic you should also make it sound natural.
>Like an Egyptian Pharoah?
God I hate Bendis so much
>ltimate Spider-Man and Daredevil were good,
No it is Cancer.
>Ultimate Spiderman
>Ultimate Spider-Man and Daredevil were good
Nice memeposting.
>That would be a yes
Bendis hasn't actually talked to real people in years, has he?
Well, he is Captain AMERICA, needs to represent american education.
His action comics run is BORING compared to Dan Jurgens run. The first 3 issues of naomi were enjoyable. I haven't read issues 4 and 5 yet.
TL;DR give him OC that he cant fuck up
Garbage in garbage out, user.
>Ultimate Spider-Man
the only reason you could call it good was because of the contrast it had with the rest of 1610 it had for the majority of its run.
>Ultimate Spider-Man and Daredevil were good
wrong, Yea Forums, still wrong
Stop, you newfag. Both of those are good.
Shoo nostalgiafag.
They put him on series to big to tell small stories.
He's trying to write real-life conversations for TV in comic books. That's the problem!