How did DC get away with this?
How did DC get away with this?
can you make the suit dudes niggers?
They didn't. Its a shop. You moron.
Well obviously, OP is clearly baiting.
What was the building originally?
It isn't. It's from the first DC/KFC crossover comic.
It's a real page from a KFC promotional company, that shop is run by Earth-3 Colonel Sanders and his evil fried chicken is mind-controlling people into crime.
The real crime in this page was DC trying to push this godawful Flash costume.
>The real crime in this page was DC trying to push this godawful Flash costume.
It makes him look so evil
KFC crossovers are kino.
Marvel had a commissioned comic with the Florida oranges people.
The new hero had a decent enough design and powers while the plot was old school superhero goodness, which is refreshing compared to modern Big Two bullshit.
It was surprisingly decent overall, just not as crazy fun as this KFC example.
>chicken colonel sanders
...wait. does. Does he sell his own people? Or are humans....?
Dumb newfag
>piss is better than shit
You're right, but not in any meaningful way
I legit wanted to read that northrop grumman comic Marvel was going to put out. It would have been the first Marvel comic I bought in years, but we all knew what happened.
Post apocalypse where people are mutants, not from a world where people are chickens.
See the problem with that hyperbole is that fried chicken from chains is actually pretty decent nowadays, especially popeye's, and you can get some cajun fries on the side.
There are no Popeye's in my country, just KFC. What's the big difference?
Spicy cajun chicken, usually restaurants in suburban areas instead of purely ghetto/low-rent food like KFC.
Well used to be that kfc had better fried chicken thanks to their secret spices, now Popeyes has better fried chicken.
KFC still has variety with bbq/sweet/sour/spicy chicken but all of these taste weird now.
Marvel still does them often, we just never see or hear about them because they're not solicited. Company comes to Marvel, gives them a bunch of money, and they get their own comic to give away. Sometimes it's based on whatever company is ordering it, other times it's just a regular story like this one for Visa.
Meanwhile, in Japan...
Newfag doesn't read comics
It was a different time.
>Despite being the 13% of the population, they commit the 400% of all the crimes
What did DC mean by this?
It really does, it looks terrible on Barry. Would be a good costume for some Thawne fuckery though
The crossovers were quite fun, indeed.
Kentucky Fried Humans.
Marville #2
they meant that minorities often are born into such disadvantage they have to resort to crime simply to survive. Asshole.
t. Dark Colonel
>Perfect perspective and body ratios
>terrible hands
This is Dr McNinja-style nonsensical
I love it
When niggers shoot each other over designer brand nikes, they're really just trying to feed their families.
no, they mean their quality of life is so low it is valued less than shoes... asshole.
Because Based Hal used his incredible WillPower to not let the Kikes silence the Truth.
Jordan is in the middle east, and Hal is short for Halal... you never put this together? He is a Muzzy dude. He has the wrong kind of Jew hate. The brown kind.
Popeyes gives you a dry biscuit and kfc gives you a cookie.
>Popeyes biscuits
This is the easiest way to spot a casual
I know some High Class/Rich Arabs. They're white, hate niggers, Kikes, and are Based & Redpilled.
Mmhmmm muh baby dindoo nuffin he just trynna eat sum dat chicken
not white. Just the product of brown guys buying white-ish women to breed.
You have to be white to know what white is.
Nothing wrong with that. Even the Blacks sold their fellow blacks into slavery.
humans... humans sold humans. Racism is altogether stupid and something we will evolve out of, like it or not. I will miss the good jokes too.
Near as I can figure, he just sells the Mashed Taters and greens, which are apparently good enough that even the Carnivores like them.
Eh, should've said white-passing, whatever. Certain Middle Easternerns, like North Africans, aren't exactly "brown" like a Paki is.
>Chicken Colonel
you would have known better if you were actually white, but you are most likely Italian or irish or some other mud person.
Nice fetish-latex Flash costume, there
>hurdur Meds r BROWN
>tarantula told me so!
>now excuse me as I jerk off to the Roman Empire and Plato
I bet "u wuz raped n sheit n now u be brownz, cuz OGs wuz Nordz" is coming next...
nah, I am German and French and can smell mongrels such as yourself through the fucking interweb.
>German & French
Oh, hello Barbarian whose sister and mother are getting DPed by Niggers! How's it hanging?
This but unironically
The only hanging I am interested in is you from a branch. You go around inquiring about every guy's cock?