And then there was the time Gambit stole one of the Iron Man suits and made it work using his powers to charge the suit...

And then there was the time Gambit stole one of the Iron Man suits and made it work using his powers to charge the suit up.

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Gambit's last solo series, really leaned into the whole thief thing

He also stole Excalibur right out of Faiza Hussein's hands, in front of the Queen, during a knighting ceremony

Ah I remember that. Good times.

Gambit solos tend be to quite fun.

>He also stole Excalibur right out of Faiza Hussein's hands, in front of the Queen, during a knighting ceremony
Man that scene was complete bullshit.

I mean most obviously thats not how knighting ceremonies takes place, or the fact the queen's guards were portrayed as just dudes with swords instead of a bunch of squaddies that would have shot him with their assault rifles before bayonetting his corpse repeatedly just to make sure.

But Faiza could have immobilized him at any time with her powers, without even needing to inflict any lasting harm on him.

What I'm getting is the writer of his last solo series was some sort of fanboy writer.

This smacks of Batman stealing Hal's ring without him noticing in the first issue of New 52 JL.

>What I'm getting is the writer of his last solo series was some sort of fanboy writer.
Gambit tends to attract that sort of writer

Marjorie Liu, Kathryn Immonen

If you want a writer for a character you actually want them to like the character though, so I don't see an issue with that beyond the risk of throwing other characters under the bus.

Isn't his power "make things explode"? How does this work. How would he have access to any of the computer stuff since I assume there would be passwords and safeguards, or is Gambit just flying blind with no tech assistance in this mech suit he has never piloted before.

Gambit charges shit and make thing unstable. He doesnt work like a battery

That series was written by James Asmus though, who was basically ripping off his own Thief of Thieves ongoing

The authors not knowing how Gambits powers work and decided "fuck it"

No one who wasn't a fanboy would ever pitch a Gambit series, and no one who wasn't a fanboy would greenlight one, as they've been retail poison for about 20 years

Jesus. Its bad enough when writers blatantly ripoff other writers. But to rip off yourself?

Tom King does it all the time and it led to him writing Batman.

What about the time Machine Man pretended to be wearing an Iron Man suit

There's been alot of bad Batman writers including King, just writing a Batman comic is not an automatic seal of quality.


He did the same thing he does when he uses the stick.

why no one has killed magneto with a plastic fork or something?

>Isn't his power "make things explode"?

No it's much deeper than that. His powers are more than that and include energy/molecular manipulation so he can:

> use his powers to travel through time by transforming himself into living energy which joined with the kinetic flow.

This actually was used in the Nicieza Gambit run.

Or a wooden gun

Comicbooks are retarded.

Isn't Gambit like, considered an omega level mutant or something, whatever the most threatening kind is, because he could technically charge the entire Earth with energy and cause it to explode?

No. They just exist in literally another dimension.

Sounds like he's ready to pull off a twist win against a Saiyan in DBZ.

Sounds like some speed force shit

this is jenky. The gambit from another reality called New Son was a gambit with full access to his powers. 616 gambit had part of his brain removed by mr sinister in exchange for leading the Marauders to the morlocks. He thought his powers were growing uncontrollable.

Omega level mutant status is honestly a meaningless status that lost its prestige. Too many writers are creating a new oc omega level mutant out of nowhere. Some established mutants are claimed to be potentially omega level mutants. Omega level mutants are suppose to be extremely rare and represent a small portion of the mutant population. But every year, they seem to be creating a new omega level mutant only to kill it off at the end of the run and never be heard from again.

For all I care, Franklin Richards and Legion are the only omega level mutants. Everyone else are just powerful alpha level mutants.

Are there any Gambit runs worth reading?

The Asmus run.

Mr and Mrs. X, though it also includes Rogue looking sexy as fuck if that's a problem for you.

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...what even the fuck? Sounds like some bullshit thrown together to keep a writer's husbando relevant. This is what happens when someone with a fucking crush on a character is allowed to write them. All he is SUPPOSED to be able to do is supercharge and excite the molecule of objects and cause them to violently separate, resulting in explosions

Neverending capeshit is just a breeding ground for powercreep.

And the fucks never got into the "Secondary" mutations, like Wolfsbane being able to become a whole PACK of wolves, and have extending bone claws or Toad having saliva that ignited. THAT was actually interesting

t.uncreative shitter

“Comic books are steeped in realism.”

- Literally no one ever.

Whay kind of sycophant beaten-spouse are you to kneejerkedly defend such bad writing

I really liked that powerup for Rahne. It's a shame it got dropped by the next writer to use her

I think that's less of a big deal than sneaking up on Superman.

Have you read it?

There’s no fucking way you’re anywhere near that level of writing

I'm sorry, are you actually expecting Marvel to have editors to catch this kind of shit? Most people who work there don't even know the characters, with the exception of the two dozen professionals the industry rotates around.

How many omega mutants have they pulled out of their asses? Granted I hadn't read X-men ever since Bendis irreparably destroyed their continuity as well as that of the GoTG. But I don't remember them pulling off too many Omegas before that. The last ones I recall was Quentin Quire who is a teenage moron (introduced nearly 20 years ago), Elixir (introduced in the early 00s), and there was one hippie dude in the "198 mutants only" era of books who only appears in one single miniseries.

Franklin Richards' power levels and age has been retconned more time than there are Omega level mutants. Hell, give it two years and he'll get turned back into a five year old again, mark my words.

Legion has always been an odd case cause he can access like a billion power sets but has nearly no control, so 99.9999% of the time he has some single, very specific usage power. He only has Omega level power when they use him as the big boss of an event.

*New Sun. That was supposed to be an indication of his power