>another story about a dorky loser who has to learn to believe himself with the fat comic relief friend so he can get the girl. >catalogue of cheery white suburban mom's and goofy dad's with the dog that all hop when they talk really fast. >fairy tales >shitty pop song and dance sequence once the "believe in yourself" plot is resolved >rain when the main characters are sad over a disagreement >no blood, no gore, no violence, no guns, no swearing, no existentialism, no creative family dynamics or character relationships, no protagonists over 15, no social commentary, no drama (dead mom's that don't impact character personalities in any sognificant way and "You lied to us" is not drama)
If you want animation to not be kiddie shit prove it.
Movies that actually have balls:
Lilo and stitch (Chris Sanders was fired from disney for being too much of a downer. Showing a broken home, bad attitudes, and a child dealing with CPS was off brand.) Treasure Planet (majority. That stupid fucking robot comic relief that came in later wasn't needed) Iron Giant Nimh
I'd certainly throw Spider-Verse in there - not saying it was massively above the other modern capeshit, but the way it used the medium was noteworthy.
I realize that the joke here is demographics =/= genre, but TG really was published on a seinen magazine.
Oliver Thompson
Are there any Western kids' cartoons that are borderline adult? Japan is more lax when it comes to demographics.
And I know the original picture is more like a meme, but "anime for kids" is inaccurate. Japan has its own demographic for children: "kodomo" is for kids under ten, and examples include Doraemon and Yokai Watch.
Asher Johnson
Tokyo Ghoul as a story is worse than a lot of shounen battle manga. Do not understand why people like the characters or care what asspull happens next.
Charles Ross
>listing only widely-known disney production absolute pleb taste. you're not even qualified to make a Yea Forums post
Pic related breaks at least five of your descriptors...
Camden Thompson
Hollywood has never been very willing to step outside of its comfort zone. Why should it be any different for this?
Easton Lee
Oliver Rogers
Yeah there are movies made completely for a cash grab, but the masterpeieces will be remembered for longer
Wyatt Gomez
You devoted more space to promoting a "bad" movie than your list of good movies. No press is bad press. Stop talking about shit you don't like if you genuinely want it to fail.
I think the point of that image is just that kids fantasize about being something like action heroes (capeshit) while adults fantasize about having good, stable life with friends and family.
Benjamin Gutierrez
It's Pixney.
Michael Cook
I'm all for an adult animated film. Not Sausage Party adult, I mean full on mature themes. Not just because I want the medium to evolve, but to hear the many confused normies who would inevitably bring their kids to theaters and express confusion at a bloody animated feature.
There are stories of people who brought their kids to fucking Ari Aster's Midsommar. Say whatever you want about the film, we can all agree it has things children shouldn't see. They brought their kids anyway, not knowing what film it they were going to watch. Imagine Midsommar x10 since its animated and more parents would bring their kids.
I thought the image meant "lol kids like dark adult stuff while adults like childish stuff" while what you said would be the reason for that.
John Allen
Probably only 20 Yea Forums regulars actually watched it anyway.
Majority of people here will only fap to whatever is popular.
Xavier Stewart
I like to think Fantastic Mr. Fox won over enough Yea Forumsmrades that it was seen by more than just stock Wes Anderson fans. It was well received here ten years ago what the fuck
Alexander Nelson
I'm not sure what the author of this image was going for. None of those are children's anime.
That's Japanese.
Isaiah Garcia
Spider-verse is just fun
Elijah Long
not the division is "Edgylords" and "weirdos"
Nicholas Hall
grow up, children's content is for kids, get out of the ball pit and look for something more appropriate for your age
>We adults watch gritty and realistic contents that actually gives a fuck!
wow, how amazing. I feel more matured.
Evan Lee
It's a seinen in name only series. Manga publishers force authors to pick an age and sex demographic before publishing, but many seinen series wind up being more popular with the shounen demographic.
Owen Mitchell
>Manga publishers force authors to pick an age and sex demographic before publishing AFAIK the mangaka send their work to the magazines (which already have a set demographic).
Brody Rivera
Reaction pic shitposting is not an argument.
Aiden Edwards
When is Pixar going to grow a couple of these and make a PG-13 or R movie?
But that’s his brother. And the dad’s dead/missing. The plot of the movie is finding him. And there is no girl.
Liam Martinez
>There’s the obvious problem of animation being viewed more as a genre than merely a medium viable for telling stories in any genre,” says Duke Johnson, co-director of 2015’s Best Animated Film nominee Anomalisa. “Any illusions I had of us actually being able to win going into Oscar night were dashed the moment our category was introduced by Woody and Buzz Lightyear. As if to say, this category contains films that are cute and whimsical and ultimately for children.
what was he expecting? first Oscar for animated feature was won by SHREK 2!
Nathan Edwards
>no blood, no gore, no violence, no guns, no swearing, no existentialism, no creative family dynamics or character relationships, no protagonists over 15, no social commentary, no drama (dead mom's that don't impact character personalities in any sognificant way and "You lied to us" is not drama) I get enough of that shit in real life.
Leo Bailey
Good. That shitty how to train your dragon was grade A cringe because of that shit
Easton White
>Do not understand why not an argument, you are an adult, being stupid doesn't make you right
Blake Nguyen
We get it user you hate Disney & Pixar stop making nultiple Pixar/Disney hate threads everyday or better yet make something yourself
Brody Allen
I liked isle of dogs but spiderverse was a better film in a lot of ways.
Colton Ross
To be fair, a good hand full of parents knew exactly what they were taking their kids to see. My mom took me to see a bunch of movies not suited my age, like Mars Attacks, in theaters. I got to watch a lot on tv at home too, I was a hard core horror junkie as a kid. I was able to handle what I was seeing, and process it just fine. I also knew it wasn't real, so I never got scared. If there had been more adult animated movies in theaters in the 90s, we would have gone, even for hard R rated stuff.
Ayden Gonzalez
You unironically don't and its made you a worse human being for it.
Justin Lopez
Does the movie characters have sex in that 70's shaggin wagon?
Off the top of my head; Anomalisa Rabbi's Cat Lost your Body The Breadwinner Mary and Max Wizards The Illusionist The Triplets of Belleville Chico and Rita Waltz with Bashir The Plauge Dogs
If all you watch is Disney and Dreamworks than all you get is Disney and Dreamworks
Nathaniel Roberts
Every animator I talked to was rooting for Spider-verse.
Shit is genuinly groundbreaking and honestly, the story of Isle of Dogs wasn't that strong.
Lucas Green
Shrek 2 is better movie than Anomalisa God how I hate Anomalisa
Daniel Richardson
youtube.com/watch?v=2-wowSRBfrY >one of the nominees is an R-rated movie with swearing and strong sexual content >let’s pander to little kids lol WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?
If you're a hot black guy and you wanna fuck me come fuck me.
If you wanna move in you can move in, but you gotta fuck me. I-I need to be fucked a lot, man.
Free food, free rent and everything else man. Here's the deal man.
Men from jail, homeless- or um, if you're a thug, you wanna come move in, your friend can move in too man.
Free rent, you get lease and a key.
Fuck me. Piss on me. Beat me. I'm home here now.
If you see me and you wanna come over today and try it out, try it out, man. If you're in my building, try it out. You wanna fuckin' piss on me, try it out.
Serious replies only, just fuck me.
I'm lookin' for hardcore guys and mean it, wanna do it, and wanna deliver it.
I'm a hot white trash cum dump. Let's fuck.
William Miller
You sound like a faggot OP. Try watching more animated films.
Not that user but teenagers and kids like edgy stuff but stressed and overworked adults likes light and funny slice of life
Brody Reyes
>70s-80s references everywhere >Jack Black voices a major character >Ozzy Osbourn voices the villain >tense relationships with "street thug gangsta" characters, likely voiced by old rappers >magic guitar battle or some shit >Pixar stuns everyone (but not really) by revealing the Tom Holland character is gay halfway through the movie >Chris Pratt character is unsure of how to react at first, but through a series of events comes to smile/love his brother for who he is anyway >ending turns out to be bittersweet because Tom Holland's character's dad disowns him or something because 70s-80s >Chris Pratt character gets mad pussy
Does this about sum it up?
Camden Morgan
You haven't watched them have you.
Ian Gomez
Stuff like The Breadwinner and Watership Down are pretty adult imo.