Young Justice

Anyone excited for the new episode today?

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Other urls found in this thread:[/spoiler][rartv]-[].torrent

Yeah, hopefully they're ripped faster

Still no Final Space 24 hours later.


Today's the day?

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>Fish Boy is back
Kill me now. The only good thing King did in HiC was killing him off. Weisman should have done the same thing.

Last week's eps felt like filler

>that tumblr post that leaked was right
Yes we are really going WOKE NOW


I'll watch it but I'm honestly not excited. There were a couple really good episodes in the first half of the season but overall I'm not into the new characters.

I wish they focused more on the classic Teen Titans like Nightwing and Miss Martian.

>we need more color on this team
>need more vagina
>hello I'm brown
Just get to Snapper Carr or some other irrelevant male extra getting some surprised gay wedding

Any chance we'll see these guys again. I miss icicle Jr enemy/bro relationship with Superboy

It was okay. Wonder Girl and Static saying they're on the team for diversity's sake was unnecessary. I feel like some VAs put on their Japanese cartoon dub voice. Whoever wrote the subtitles wrote "get away" when they said "grok."

Attached: source-YJST18309.jpg (1920x1080, 897K)

>Cassie is a muscle head
kek yet fitting

>Bart doesn't chime in.
And that's why he is best boy.

Post link

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-09 Watch Young Justice First Impression - Young Justice - s3e17 on DC Universe(1) (1200x640, 595K)

interesting Easter egg

Scooby-Doo Mystery Inc. references everywhere.


What a dead thread

Is YJ dying?


There is another thread that has 400 comments faggot. Pay attention.

No just really boring right now. They should get good again. Hopefully

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user, /

That’s a thread complaining about the show

Has the mega been updated yet?

This is Yea Forums you idiot. We bitch about everything.

>Artemis is feeling old

Yeah, I bet she pounced on Will that night.

Attached: artemis thumbs up.jpg (1191x669, 49K)

>those leaks were true after all

Aww, I wanted more Black Beetle.

Also, full Mystery Inc crossover when?

I really thought the writers just pulled a Poochie on Lagoon Boy.

link to the tumblr links?

Just wait.


Asami, Tye's girlfriend.

Which posts?

Read the thread Some faggot in the other thread claimed they were jokes that the user was making, but that was bullshit.
Hell yeah I'm all for Will cucking Wally and Wally raising Will's kid.

Is Halo autistic?
>scared of lightening

I can't tell if the joke is supposed to be that Beast Boy is still mindcontrolled or not.

People are speculating that he is but I don't buy it.

Yeah, it essentially just contradicts the entire point of Nightmare Monkeys, but on the other hand, it would reference Beast Boy and Terra's relationship in some way.

It’s rather unfocused

No, they are just a motherbox.


That was weird but it's good to know Mystery Incorporated is still remembered.

Vandal Savage did nothing wrong. He's preparing mankind for the final war against Apokolips

Icicle seems like such a bro, I hope SB invites him to the wedding on a day pass.

I recall Weisman saying that a character wasn't originally going to have a big role but they ended up giving them one anyway. I always assumed it was Beast Boy but now I'm not entirely sure, maybe Terra?

I think he said that character was originally "retired", so probably BB.

They even reused one of the characters.

I forgot to put the image.

Attached: Sheriff_Bronson_Stone.png (1920x1080, 3.42M)

The rips---

Oh and
>Beast Boy talking about bureaucracy.

What the fuck is she implying? Everyone but Bart will gang bang Cassie while Bart films it?
She does remember everyone but Static aren't desperate horny virgin losers right?

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That's exactly what she's implying because she knows what she did when it was just her and Connor alone in Happy Harbor.
If the walls of that place can talk, they will probably ask for therapy or be put out of their misery for the degeneracy they had to witness

They can literally sneak in their lovers to fuck. If you know anything about Latino parents, they won't let you fuck at their place. Hell I bet Traci would love to hear Gar bang his queen waifu while getting that brown cock in her.

Conner's reaction is subtle but great.

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She said it while looking at Brion and Halo.

Brion did talk about how much bigger the bedroom is.
You just know he was plowing that ass when the alarm sounded

Is there a Mega for the new episode yet ?

i don't get what Weisman is doing here by creating Titans-Tower-except-not-really. Even the interiors are similar to the one of the 2003 cartoon.

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Still want them to kill off Halo. Also any pics for the next week episode?

>Superhero teenage group
>Are famous in-universe
>They live on a tower
>Beast Boy is their leader
>I know! Let's call ourselves "The Outsiders"!
Like Jesus Christ, just fucking say that word.

Should be out in a few hours.

Thank God. I hope we see Savage again. Fuck this gay teenager shit. Kids and teenagers don't watch this shit anymore, Greg.

Cassie is the team bike.

Everyone gets a turn except for Bart and Virgil, voluntary and involuntary respectively.

Imagine the degeneracy.

>Brion has to teach a jealous Violet that men of royalty are expected to have multiple partners and she has to learn to accept that part of him

And I thought it was weird they never used the words "Young Justice".

Episode 18 "Early Warning" description,
>Project Rutabaga threatens to create an international crisis.


They have been right so far.

>If the walls of that place can talk, they will probably ask for therapy or be put out of their misery for the degeneracy they had to witness
Lol, okay that got me

>the only non slut is the fag
I wish the media would stop pushing this meme.

Zatanna when

To be fair, that was because Weisman didn't want to use it since they weren't actually adapting Young Justice. I'm not sure if there's any reason why he refuses to use the name Titans.

Summoning of Trigon by Klarion maybe causing massive earthquakes and demons leaking out?

Oh sweet Jesus no Judas Contract.

Wait we're actually gonna learn what the fuck that was about?

We were gonna do that at some point anyway.

How do we know it's Trigon-related?

Wait are they killing off Joan?
Why? Her last comic counterpart that was a huge bitch to Jay and was never seen again but assumed to have died or whatever.

Because superhero team names are LAME in his cool paramilitary literal child soldier setting. What is this, a COMIC BOOK?

Didio wants the Flash family to suffer on all levels.

But he gave them a name, "The Outsiders".

>If the walls of that place can talk, they will probably ask for therapy or be put out of their misery for the degeneracy they had to witness
>That time Megan shapeshifted as Dinah and kissed Connor
Man, the kinky shit those poor walls had to witness

Most IRL gays are depressed fairies that slut out and take in as many dicks possible as a means to fill the loveless void in their hearts, think Toot from Drawn Together and food. But most gays in media are well adjust happy people, ergo, no slutty features (usually).

I like how Ollie literally saw nothing wrong with them roleplaying. I wish we saw more of this Ollie, because I hate ARROW Ollie.

>Everyone just forgets to invite Virgil to the orgies
>He could've lost that virginity ages ago

Fun Ollie is the best Ollie. I hate how ever since ARROW he's more Batman-lite than usual

>It also felt really weird that at the beginning of the episode [Static] essentially joined the team because they needed a token black guy. Between that and Violet's "HEY SORRY TO INTERRUPT BUT I'M GENDERQUEER" moment it's starting to feel a little ham-handed. They could do with a bit more "show, don't tell" from a writing perspective, IMO, like they did with Ed/Impulse
Do you agree with this person Yea Forums?

But they said Young Justice League this episode.

I was disappointed they couldn't get Patrick Warburton to voice him, but Troy Baker sounded a lot like him when he spoke a little bit.

Troy Baker is the Walmart bargain bin version of voice actors. He can sort of sound like a lot of more famous voice actors, but it always a little off and it's distracting.

Ep still not online

While these kids are playing house and dealing with hormones, these mad lads are making the Earth the rightful center of the cosmos.
Vandal is /ourguy/

Attached: Vandal and the Light.jpg (1400x700, 100K)

Patience is a virtue user, although you should really pay for it.


They're not even allowing most of us to pay for it.

Well maybe it shouldn't be US exclusive then.

Stupid Frog Show gets online hours after release. YJ should be more popular

It doesn't even get updated on TvTropes. It's not popular anymore.

Hope it turns out to be some Disney traitor uploading the Amphibia episodes.

I’m cool with season 3 being the last

I'm not.

It's because it's on DC Universe's niche streaming service. It's by far the most viewed show in the service according to DC itself.

And yes, it gets updated on TvTropes.

It looks like they renewed Doom Patrol some days ago (some days after the cancellation of Swamp Thing) which has a way bigger budget. I would be surprised if this doesn't get a fourth season.

Last episode is titled Nevermore.

I love it
I get to read all the silver age comics I want

> The invincible uber villains who are so perfect they can't show any real loses.
DC put in some real interting villains like Black Lanterns, the good versions of Joker, and well something other than this bland Illumini/David Xanatos crap.

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She is 95 years old.

Will the Joker ever reappear on this show?

I hope not

He was in the first season.


>the good versions of Joker

DC panders to Jokerfags enough already.

No, he didn't want to use the name because the show is not an adaptation of Young Justice and he knew autistic fanboys would bitch about it and he was right.

Not really. I hate Geoforce and Halo. Forager is cool though.

I mean... kinda? The Halo stuff was fine, but with Virgil and Cassie going “you need a black guy, you need a girl on the team” it was pretty obnoxious. Also hate how Beetle didn’t count pretty much because no one could see his skin color. How shallow could you get with my boy, Jaime?

Yea Forums, welcome your Young Justice League of Outsider Titans.

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What terribly boring uncreative and designs.

Well, the designer won an Emmy so he Warner isn't going to kick him off any time soon.

Fuck that where's my Batman Inc episode at?

This. There are 16363773 versions of The Joker.

>Snapper Carr

hell no, I dont want him gay

just a reference, like the not-Superfriends

What if it ungays Bart? Would you do it then?

>Static STILL doesn't have a costume
Virgil please

Where is it?

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Why couldn't they just kill off Lagoon Boy?

Wheres the link or mega

Hasn't the world seen him as Blue Beetle during the Reach Invasion?

too many females and literally 0 capes.
what did you expect?

>good versions of Joker

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>All these girl characters
>Virgil is still a virgin

Didn't they point that out?


Why are there two LGBT characters in Gar's team?

Bart and...?

Brion. Traps are gay.

Mark Hamill?

Not him, but I'm pretty sure he's referring to takes similar to BTAS or Strange Apperations than "edgy nilhistic and a wicked sense of humor" Joker.
Me personally, I want something similar to the Bronze Age, where he's crazy but still actually functional enough to work with.

They could easily change him by saying "oh well that one wasn't the real Joker after all".

Fuck off with that shitty excuse.

it's not coming is it

I wonder how many times has M'gann telepathically manipulated the rest of the team to have sex with her.

It's not popular anymore

as someone who only liked the core old team from seasons 1 and 2 ive been skipping out on this shit because all the new people look ugly and weird

i would fuck the shit out of halo and windfall though


Stop fucking crying. The first three episodes back in January took a day and a half. Titans took like two days and that was the fifth most pirated show of 2018.

>he doesnt know

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You can laugh. None of us will hear you.

>i would fuck the shit out of ... windfall though
So did that entire fraternity

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then why reply to me in the first place?

sounds pretty based if you ask me

because I can

no, hurry up you louts

To be honest it was a meh episode.

Why did they based it on Scooby-Doo?

According two leakers, next week episode will be bleak and negative.
Probably going to see Windfall gangrape backstory.


Still no rips?

If they do that, I'm going to log onto Tumblr next week to see the shitstorm.

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Let him live hes already been cucked ontop of having a shitty life

must be because it's US only, third worlders are much better at this sort of thing

yjfanvids and youngjusticeslut accounts on tumblr

...How did some Tumblr accounts managed to watch the episode early?

I think they have connections to the staff.

Last weeks episodes were out by this time and there was three of them.

Oh wait they are reviewers. That's why

They only give those to press. And I don't think they do it exactly one week earlier lmao. Probably bullshitting.

They aren't bullshitting.

Oh well, it's an "Everyone Dies" episode. Gotcha.

>Least favourite episode ever

Probably has something to do with rape or racism or one of those subjects that get tumblr's panties on a twist


Attached: Team_Batgirl2.png (1280x840, 353K)

I'm betting homophobia. Ed Sr. is probably going to snap and even hit his son for finding out he is a faggot.

it does have a panel at SDCC so we'll probably know then.

>one of the tumblrina says it was extremely out of character
Yeah I'm going with that

They are renewed. They wouldn't have a SDCC panel if not. Swamp Thing doesn't have one.

I can't believe how long lasting this character has become. Are those old animated shorts canon to the Young Justice universe?

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>You mileage may vary. You might like the episode and say it’s fantastic. You might find nothing wrong with it and wonder why I made such a big fuss about it.
>I personally, with my opinions and beliefs, think that there is a lot of things that will make people not enjoy this ep. I felt that ep 18 was lacking in a lot, and the characterization was way off. And the way they’re handling the plot…could be infinitely better.

I thought it would be homophobic Dorado Sr but from this I think Will and Artemis will fuck

IRC Weisman said the broad strokes of it are canon yeah just not the stuff that contradicts.

Lmao, it's vague and it's Tumblr. I wouldn't worry much, but yeah, that sounds likely.

Makes sense.

Why do people hate La'gaan?

Could be both. Hell they could Windfall's rape.

>cue Windfall telling Jr. about getting gang raped in her freshman year
>she reveals she killed them after her powers manifested in self defense
>he acts sympathetic but she misreads that as flirting and tries to kiss him
>he rejects her and tells her he is with Bart, right when he says that Sr. is nearby and hears it and is visibly angry
>scene changes to Artemis being domestic with Will
>Zatanna or whoever is babysitting Lian
>they start reminiscing about the past, like how they hated each other at first
>laugh it off
>awkward stares
>Artemis makes the first move and they tongue lock for 30 seconds
>back to Taos
>Ed Jr is going to talk to his dad about check ups
>the room is dim lit
>his dad tells him to come in
>Ed has no idea what is going on
>he tells him you have any secrets from me?
>he lies and says no
>dad gets upset and says a pg-13 word for faggot and then decks him
>insults Bart and this pisses off Ed to deck his dad
>he teleports away
>back to Artemis and Will
>obvious post coital
>they make a comment that they have never felt more sure of anything in their lives

any day now, its still not updated

I don't anymore, he was redeemed at the end of S2 for me

Because he says Neptune's Beard.

One of their earlier comments was "Chronicles of a Death Foretold" so maybe someone dies?

Really the only people with major death flags I can think of are Superboy and Miss Martian with the whole being engaged thing.

Maybe it confirms Wally won't return

People in general don't like cuck stories and take their anger out on the character doing the cucking even if he did nothing wrong.

Beast Boy's girlfriend? Bonus points if Terra does it.

Youngjusticeslut sounds like an annoying Spitfire/Bluepulse/WillxJade landwhale. It's probably shipping bullshit that got her off.

La'Gaan is cool. He is better than original Aqualad.

Don't know about them but YJfanvids is cool and they seem to be implying it's more plot and character based, also that absolutely no one would be able to guess ANY plot points from the episode. So im guessing somet hing that's just.. .really weird and out of nowhere happens and it's just "what the fuck?"

Um Superboy's dog?

Joan Garrick?

>they start reminiscing about the past, like how they hated each other at first
>laugh it off
>awkward stares
>Artemis makes the first move and they tongue lock for 30 seconds
I can totally see this happening.


show is just boring

I hope this happens just to BTFO the Spitfirefags

I think this might be it, considering how the synopsis mentions "international incident".

Is there a Mega for the new episode ?


it's probably up on kisscartoon by now right?

apparently not yet

They said nobody was going to guess a single plot point of this episode. Then again, I feel you could have said the same thing about 50% of the episodes of this season.

There are anons in this thread. that have watched the episode why haven't one of them riped it. is it hard to do or is it like downloading a YouTube video?

I don't want to go to jail.

unfortunately you're looking for that small crossover of American viewer who follows the show, has the competency to rip & share it and does so in a timely manner

YJfanvids has said it's not WillxArtemis, so pretty much guaranteed somebody is F.

They did it last week

true there most likely not many people that meet all those requirements. guess we just have to wait

and whoever did that could be busy or dead this week, it's a flakey arrangement


Im putting 5 bucks on Conner.

fair point not worth the risk. ithought piracy was ok unless you where doing on a mass scale they wouldn't come after you. your right however companys are fucked u you never know whart they will do it not worth the risk if I was in USA I wouldn't do it. so I dont blame for not riping it. not worth the risk

I’m only really invested in Artemis and Dick. They could kill Conner, Meg and Kaldur for all I care

Perdita gets fridged

plz no

It could be a super hero killing someone. That would be dark

And also, that WillxArtemis will be the least of anyone's worries after next week's episode.

They're going to fridge Lian, aren't they?

Nah took like 12 hours after release to leak it. When YJO premiered it took like a day or two for it to leak. Then slowly someone started ripping them regularly.

It might take a few releases before an user rips them on the regular

oof, please don't. That brings back bad memories

Nah, one of the tumblr users (youngjusticeslut) would be waaay more angry if that was the case just by looking at their profile.

I would double the bet and say that Terra latches onto Beast Boy.

I doubt it will be Conner simply because that would happen on the season finale.

Rip is finally out.

Bruce is next to die so we get Dickbats and Damien after the next season timeskip.



I was hoping for a link, but okay

Terra keeps making faces like she's feeling guility about all this but she's also following her orders to the letter, like this Terra is clearly not sociopathic but obviously she has some reason for why she's sticking with her mission.

she's was one of my favorites in the other seasons but now she is easily the best character in the show. Loved her this episode

It was fine. This version of BB might be my favorite incarnation of him and seeing the callback to what Superboy told The League in the first episode of YJ was pretty cool. Yeah it was chessy as fuck but its to be expected with this show at times.

Ollies like "what, you're hot. You know how many people fantasize about you Dinah?"

Im always happy when Ollie and Dinah show up on this show, Weisman really likes those two and it shows.

Season 3 didn't blow me away but I'm invested enough to keep watching.

I need to see Ollie again. He needs to get out of Batman's shadow.

I finally saw the episode. It was the first episode in awhile I've really enjoyed. I like the "new" team's dynamics and it was cool seeing Kaldur getting back into it even if he was just purposefully jobbing.

That honestly describes the show as whole for me.


I think it's better than the first but not quite as good as the second so far.

Eh I need to rewatch it after season 3 is over so I can have a compete perspective

Gar's acting in this opening scene and speech is fucking awful.

I can't believe Aquaman's fucking dead!

I don't get what their doing with Terra. Like sometimes she has these looks like she knows what she's doing is all wrong.. but she just keeps on doing it anyway.. and she like never talks despite talking quite a lot in her first episode so her motivations are completely unclear. Really not sure what this version of Terra is supposed to be.

Was the Patrick Walburton as the sherrif?

Nah, just Troy Baker making an impression of him.

Ok. Fucker sounded a lot like him.
Also were they trying to do some sort of Scooby Doo thing? This whole episode felt awkward and off.

The whole episode was a tribute to the Mystery Inc show basically.

Why would they do that?

Attached: Screenshot_20190710-022819_Tumblr.jpg (1080x1880, 602K)

Ok Who the hell thought Gar's acting in the openin scene was good?

I mean I can't get what the scene was but the delivery was just so bad. Like a bad sales pitch.[rartv]-[].torrent
>torrent link



Attached: scooby doo rip off.png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

Brandon Vietti made the Scooby Doo/WWE crossover movie and a couple of the YJ girls make a cameo.

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That's actually from Newsboy Legion but girls for some reason.

The entire episode is a Scooby-Doo reference.

Wait is this gif not from YJ?

WrestleMania Mystery

>Just a 4 second cameo of Jay watching Gars team being hero no biggie
>No other hero or family gets the same reaction spotlight other than the main core
They are really intending to fuck us up later aren't they?

Attached: SadJustice.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

A lot of scooby doo references but no dog or animal. Also no stoner ou multiversal god. Wtf?

It's from the Scooby Doo WWE movie.

Attached: scooby-kane.jpg (899x489, 62K)

So why did they introduce like three separate teams that could be the Outsiders before making Teen Titans team and calling it the Outsiders?

I found the scene where he declares the name of his new team to be far cheesier and convoluted

Seeing as this season is not afraid to go darker because it has no network holding it back, I think they're going to show how she's been horrifically abused in a myriad of ways to get to this point. I kind of hope she doesn't die this time and instead they actually do something interesting and not so clear cut.

Yeah probably, there's no reason to have that Garrick scene unless it's setup.

There's nothing I would like more than Terra actually surviving and having to ACTUALLY make amends and stuff, no "she was just crazy and evil lol" like the original story no "heroic sacrifice" like some more recent adaptations. Just Terra, having to live with what happened to her and what she did and pick up the pieces of her life.

Nah, I'll wait until more are out and binge them. Fuck all happened the last three episodes. I have zero hype.

Same reason Spider-Man Homecoming changed the names of its characters.

Brion is such a gem.

would approve

this makes too much sense. They've been giving beast boy so much focus, something bad is bound to happen

Wally returns when?


Wally's getting raped in Hell.

When they start their version of Final Crisis/Rock of Ages.
Real question is when will they do a full episode version of “Himon!”?

What if Terra raped Gar?

Really wish Static would get a better costume

How can she do that?

Is that the one where John Cena punches a boulder like Chris Redfield

Whats with the sleeping doggos in the credits?


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>That Virgi(n)l haircut
That's a yikes from me.

Attached: yikes.png (298x322, 205K)

Are they really going to 1 episode a week now? That's fucking bullshit.

Maybe someday the outsiders can save a town with more than 5 people.

>rip beat the MEGA

Attached: sleepyaniki.webm (540x404, 1.18M)

>every guy in this pic is getting ass except for Virgil
>Cassie still with Tim, and even if she breaks up with him, Weisman will just stick her with Roy somehow
Being a StaticBro is suffering

He sounded like he was reading a script

Weisman is literally turning Virgil into Brooklyn from Gargoyles. Same forever alone storyline and everything.

>When you just want to lose your V card but the universe is against you

Just started the episode. When did exactly DC people started fearing supeheroes? What the fuck is this bullshit?

>tfw Virgil won't get laid until the post-season tie-in comics

Attached: GODDAMNIT.png (275x369, 8K)

>literally and unironically saying that female and black heroes in the team simply because of quota
fucking hell

Attached: laugh2.png (393x391, 216K)

1080p link? last week was 1080p this time 720 witch is good but 1080 would be better

>Jaime doesn't count as diverse because his suit covers his skin
How fucking shallow can you get. If Yea Forumsmblr has anything to get pissed about, it should be this because it's pure bullshit.

But the line made me laugh

Check the folder

When Lex started his fear campaign against the League

>getting assmad over an obvious joke between bros
Fucking idiots

> rampaging mu- I mean meta-teens awakening everywhere at once
> Justice League being basically a joke

Not too hard, especially with Lex having a good publicity move.

diamond control

who ever posted that was fucking high. thats a goddamn laptop

I cant handle my nigga wally getting cucked this hard

A bunch of the staff worked on that show. Same reason Black Spider exists.

Bart's a bottom, Weisman subtly hinted that when they were in the bumper cars.

She'll never break up with him. She is a cuckqueen supreme. Meanwhile he is fucking Steph, Cass, and Cissie while she learns to tolerate. This must be the most pimp Tim has been since Dixon.

>Meanwhile he is fucking Steph, Cass, and Cissie while she learns to tolerate
Nice try Timfag

That was the worst episode of this season by far.

kid flash had his identity revealed?

No? I think it's just no one realize he died and just thing Impulse is Kid Flash in a new costume

a set up for what tho?

The dogs are the moles for the bad guys this time.

I'm a Bartfag though. And it is true and you know it. Tim literally told Cassie jack shit and pretty much dumped her cold, but she went running back to him. Face the facts, hater.

Bart claims that Wally's identity was supposedly revealed once.

>has a vibrating superfast cock
>never uses it
Gays were a mistake

>Black Lanterns

Weisman and Vietti wanted to do a Scooby crossover. They probably weren’t allowed, so this is the compromise. Mixing Mystery Inc. with a gender-flipped Newsboy Legion.

I predict Static and Wonder Girl will become a couple. Virgil seems to be only close to her in team. They’re always by each other. Virgil mention her in the Thanksgiving episode. Static talks to Wonder Girl the most. Static wants a girlfriend and she is kinda broken up with Tim. Watch them become a couple.

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Nah. They will be straight Bluepulse.

It could happen . It would at least give Static something to do in the show since he's barely done anything this season.

I am so fucking hyped to see the Newsboy Legion. I love when these shows do homages and cameos from things as obscure as the Newsboy Legion.

Attached: Newsboy_Legion_01.jpg (400x315, 35K)

user, Sphere is already pretty much literally the Whiz Wagon.

I figured it out, Jason is going to kill Bruce before going into shock after realizing he just killed his father figure.

>laptop made out of wood without any ports or plug holes or wires

Attached: Seems-legit-25.png (317x238, 74K)

Sphere is actually the Super Cycle (from the Peter David YJ comic).

this show would actually be better without relationship drama

This show would be barely one season long if you cut all relationship drama

Doomsday Clock. The DC Universe hasn't gone full X-Men yet though.

>1 episode
Where's the second and third?
Are they releasing one episode a week now instead of three?

She drugs him or uses an inhibitor collar.

the fuck happened to the stronk twins?
they were so much better looking in s1.
time skip was a mistake.

No, the new characters are boring and the dialogue feels like something out of a fan fiction.

I honestly hope they kill off Beast Boy. I have grown tired of him.

For something Jay Garrick related. Honestly why else would you show a 4 second cameo.

How would that create an international crisis?

Maybe it reveals that Bruce is Batman and thus ruining Wayne Corp and something something else? Remember the leakers also stated that no one would come up with this. Too many people on tumblr are speculating that Perdita will be killed so it can't be that.

Yeah. First three were a batch, last three will be a batch. The rest are one a week.

They are much better looking in the 2011 comic.


When Beastboy was pitching the idea talking about meta humans and fear, I was ready for him to call his team the X-men.

Speaking of SD, what did you thought of female Fred? She even calls the mayor from Mystery Inc. dad.

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Beast boy is absolutely right about needing to make the team public, but i hate how much social media is involved and those stupid girls saying shit they are like real reporters

I admit my generation was a bunch of fucking gringy weebs, that's why teen titans still has a ton of fans because of all the anime and weaboo lifestyle stuff trown in it, but at least we fucking knew what we were, this generation of teenagers has no identity at all they don't know what they like or what they hate, they just know that they have to part of every fucking story or their feelings will get hurt

God dammit i feel old, maybe if those girl hadn't sounded so fucking stupid i wouldn't mind the social media shit so much

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that time could be used to deal with its excessive number of characters


>but i hate how much social media is involved and those stupid girls saying shit they are like real reporters

They're a version of the Newsboy Legion, so it makes sense they modernized the media aspect of it.

Isn't Static 16? Shouldn't he be having sex over Gar and Bart who are both 15? What kinda immoral people are in charge of this show?

He got in that Martian pussy back in season two. Shippers have been triggered ever since.

I hate him because he was cringe as fuck and none of the backstory to justify it. He was a shit character because he was flat and uninteresting, no one should care about the opinion of shippers aka the mentally ill.

I'm legitimately curious to see what Weisman, Vietii & co. made on the next episode, even if it's total shit. Although it's probably this ( and ).


Conner dick more cucking than him

Nobody likes Conner, as well.

Even if that is, you can see other scenes in that episode with the whole bedside table that suspiciously has no picture frame. It's over Spitfirefag, Ginger Daddy is going to give Artemis what she needs, the Ginger D. Learn to accept the fact that you are a cuck and chose the wrong ship.

Gar is 16.

Why do they keep changing the goddamn core cast of the Team every season? Goddamn, I barely remember season's 2 roster and the majority of them weren't fully developed yet. Is this some kind of marketing ploy? Why do the writers keep introducing new characters with names and powers and lines when they aren't even going to have 5 minutes on the next appearance, if they even have one?

beware the batman outsiders were better than this show's

>YJ kept getting worse as it went on
>BtB kept getting better as the season went on

We revived the wrong show, folks.

green lantern season 3 when?

It needs to have a season two first.

Also, never. It's a miracle the first season even made it to DC Universe.

Are we going to have the entire Judas Contract nonsense go down without Tara saying a god damn word? Has she said anything since she was rescued?

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I feel as though I’ve missed something. Don’t the new episodes usually come in threes each week?

Because those Outsiders are literally just the Teen Titans with another name. They live on a tower for god's sake.

He is 15. He was 13 in 2016. The show is currently in 2018.

Yeah, but the wiki is not taking the birthdays into account. He was 8 in November 2010. Now it's December 2018.
(I can't believe you made me go to the Young Justice wiki to check that).

Why didn't Cassie made that nerd eat her out right there on the spot? What kind of Amazon is she?

We have too many LGBT reps for Greg to handle. 4 is honestly enough.


No because they hired an expensive voice actress.

who's her voice actress ?

Tara Strong.

Are you one of those people who gets mad at cartoons having smartphones in them because the cartoons you grew up with didn't?

Because those people are stupid.

this one time, like 8 years ago, I was in the park and 2 dudes were kissing and that was the gayest thing I had ever seen till I saw the new episode of young justice

user, episode 17 was pretty hetero

Episode 16 was pretty gay.

I thought it was pretty cute but needed more gay, like a French kiss between Bart and Ed.

Has Beast Boy been reading communist literature again or something?

Artemis became such a mom for a lot of girls progressively and it's so darn good

there is a hard limit for how many speaking roles there can be in one episode, and we already know Terra is going to do Terra things so there is no point wasting a spot for that. It's basically set in stone like batmans backstory, there's no point repeating it each and every time. Plus big name VA's are not cheap.

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>tfw no artemis mommy gf

>ywn cuddle with Artemis while she mothers you

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BB and his team gave me a lot of champions feel with the young heroes and hashtag shit.
I don't like it.

I'll care when Big Barda returns

...I just realized that what Beast Boy is saying is essentially just a toned down version of what Ma'alefa'ak (M'gann's OTHER little brother) was saying.
>Ma'alefa'ak is a rabid beast

The Light=Alt-Right, Trump, fascists, etc
The Justice League=Liberal democracies
Beast Boy/Ma'alefa'ak:Communist revolutions and other leftist movements

Thank goodness I wasn’t alone in that vibe. Also, Newsgirl legion gave me a chuckle.

I want Artemis to hug me softly and make all the pain go away. Or any woman, really, I'm so lonely and broken.

Static pls

Yes. The season finale is just him seizing the means of production.





i didn't say shit about the phones, im talking about the stupid girls thinking they are reporters and part of the story, like for fuck sake move the fuck out you could die, Aqualad even told them to get the fuck out of there

They've goten stronker.

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Imagine taking a Scooby-Doo parody/Newsboy Legion cameo this seriously. Go outside.

>season 4 never ever

Holy fuck. I know this season is the "nothing happens" season but I had to skip a third of the episode from Green Boy monologing about "such social media, much good".

He was so out of character this episode. Did he seriously just use the word "demagogues"?

Fuck off or lurk moar.

It felt like the writer taking the piss out of whatever exec told them KF, Gar and Beetle weren't diverse enough.

It's totally toothless too. "Corporate controlled media is bad, let's use this corporate owned social media client as rebellion!" Beast Nigger better unwittingly unleash the Anti-Life Equation on all his followers.

>And it is true and you know it
>Having sex


>Beast Nigger better unwittingly unleash the Anti-Life Equation on all his followers.

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>whatever exec told them KF, Gar and Beetle weren't diverse enough.
Do you or that retard even know who is in charge of this show?

If Granny Goodness isn't secretly filming their sex lives and then later selling said films to the dark web to make money and expose these kids, she isn't a true villain.

Can you imagine how much sickos would pay for Perdita taking green horse cock? Or Bart vibrating while he has Ed dick in him?
Cassie going Snu Snu on Tim?
Brion having rough and possibly fatal sex with Violet?

This will happen.

Regimes use children all the time to further their own ends. Its the classic folly of young children who feel empowered and want to start a "revolution" This is evident by the last scene of the episode.

is there art of Perdita taking green horse cock?

Think of how fucking dumb your average teenager with barely a decade of life behind them is on a day to day basis. Now throw superpowers into the mix. You'd make sure an adult was in the room at all times, too

>literally bursts out laughing because he finds it funny as hell
This Ollie needs to have scenes with Guy. I don't care what they do, just have both of them on screen and it'll write itself

>Brion kills Violet everytime they have sex
>Gets to point where she starts to like it and gets a death fetish
>Brion thinks its weird but he goes along with it, though he has a hard time keeping it up as his half melted gf begs him to choke her
Make it happen, Wiesman

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>You'd make sure an adult was in the room at all times, too
But that's fucking worthless. When you have a speedster in the team, he can easily get pass the normie adult and sneak anyone into other people's room.

>If Granny Goodness isn't secretly filming their sex lives and then later selling said films to the dark web to make money and expose these kids, she isn't a true villain.

I think that the sex industry is more of Sleez's area of expertise.

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>a wesiman show without relationship drama

>ywn have kinky brown computer waifu scream "KILL ME WITH THE CROWBAR, YOU FUCKING FAGGOT" as you rail her from behind
Why live, bros?

I would kill for Doctor Daedalus.

It's not for pervertedness user, it is to blackmail and control.

I need pics of Artemis.

Here you go senpai

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Last time we saw them they had "relationship drama" because Ollie went with Bruce without telling her. Didn't like that.

Meh they are both going to forget that when they learn Kaldur and Bruce tricked, channeling their anger for another to those two.

Awww, Joan's gonna die and its gonna be sad. And then the remaining old soldiers of the Society are gonna have a dedicated episode as they rise up to support the younger generation.

"We were asked to Disband under McArthy...and now you folks are trying to do the same to those who've come after us. My name is Jay Garrick, and I was The Flash. And I'm here to tell you, Mr. Godfrey, that Metas have been around since before we had a word for it, and we've always been people. Products of our time and our environment. When you criminalize Metahumans then Metahumans will only be criminals,"

And Wally will emerge from the limbo to save Jay.

That being said, an old guard comes in for the rescue, with references to their JSA actions, my boner will be so hard.

Speaking of the Old Guard coming in for the rescue, I'm waiting for that to be the ending of Doomsday Clock. The JSA are just gonna be writ back into continuity and punch Teth Adam in the face at the UN or something.

With Dr Fate returning to his normal state as opposed to the JLDark crap? Please? Pretty please?

Good God do none of the underage shits know how corporations or Greg work?
Do they really think will get a full on kiss scene between males? Why can't they shut up? You got your gay rep(s). Fuck off and go bitch to anime creators or something equally as worthless.

>it is to ... control.
Welcome to Apokolips and remember, Darkseid is.

>you have innocent sex
>all of sudden you are forced to be a slave to some galactic dictator as punishment
Sounds like a horror film.

>You can be absolutely savage with Violet in the bedroom
Oh god

Yes. Now you're having GUILTY sex

>while everyone is having wild sex lives, Dick has to deal with a fucking cripple
Sure you can fuck them brutally and stuff, but goddamn it still sucks fucking a cripple.

If one were getting into DC through YJ, they could be tricked into believing it was Dick who created the cripple.

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Nah. Paula is smart and knows sex better than most of the little hormonal faggots on the show, as seen by episode 16. She knows Babs got that crippledness from a villain and not sex.

Why did they make Bart a faggot?
As a Flash fag I miss Wally even more

Because in Greg's headcanon, Bart loves big Latin cock. He probably started the shitposting here on Yea Forums in 2011 that Bart would be gay for Bunker.

The whole social media scene is just cringy.

What does that have to do with Bart being a queer. If anything him being a homo is tolerable since Greg is actually being subtle with this shit, compared to literally everything else.

unfortunately the porn artists have been sleeping on this season

The show has lost popularity. Most of the fanartist are not getting involved.

They should just add Raven. Not kidding here. People made porn out of the shitty DCAMU movies only because Raven was there.
Yet you are still here.

I'm not saying I hate the show. Far from it.
I actually like this show even more now that Bart is gay. Added bonus is Bluepulsefags and Spitfirefags are freaking the fuck out and it is fun to see.
However, I'm not delusional and know the show has lost fans.

Reminder, if Bart is caught having sex in his costume everyone in their world but the heroes will think it was Wally and think he is a faggot.

>Wally comes back and everyone thinks he's gay for some reason

Stop doing this to Wally, DC!

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This brings up an interesting question. Other than Bart? What other characters would be into public sex and pressure their mate into it? Dick maybe? I remember Tarantula raped on a rooftop.

*raped Dick


>I actually like this show even more now that Bart is gay.

*non-consensual sex with Dick

Why not? What's the problem with gay Bart?
For the record, I never really cared for Bluepulse.

motherfucker that is definitely a laptop, and youre dense if you dont think that the line around the object isnt where you pry it open. also, cartoon technology has never been detailed if its not in use. another thing, if its the picture face down, where's the prop up piece on the back of the picture?

what? i have no horse in this race, i dont care who bump and grinds with who, but if youre going to point out details supporting whatever future, at least have them be accurate. i don't know what spitfire even is.

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>i don't know what spitfire even is.
Stop lying esl.

*non-consensual dicking with Dick

Canon gay is always superior to fujo shipping.

The last episode is called "Nevermore" and several of the other Teen Titans have already shown up, so it's likely she'll make an appearance at some point.

This. Also they look good together.

But user, vibrating bussy.

I just hope we get more scenes of them together so most of the Bluepulsefags can fuck off.

Dicks many dickings.

What if the international incident is a porn tape of Deathstroke fucking Tara?

I got it.
Klarion sacrifices Perdita in order to summon Raven from Trigon's realm.
Think of it like Femto/Griffith using the cursed child to come into our world.

The animation and art is boring. Everyone acts like robots and the women have fish lips

Man. I was hyped, when teasers/leaks for this season came out. But, the first half of this season was pretty uninspired and boring, and after watching the latest episode, I don't think I'd care in the slightest if they even did bring Wally back from the Speed Force. They'd just write him as badly as they did the rest of the characters.

But aren't you excited for Wally to become a cuckold and raise Will's child as his own?

Tara is pure in this timeline.

That would be evil on Weisman's part-

>He decides to fuck her anyway.

she is still going to betray them though

It's hardly cuckoldry if the guy has been dead for years


What if he saw the whole thing while trapped in the Speed Force?