What the fuck was her problem?
Also are fraggles Yea Forums?
What the fuck was her problem?
Also are fraggles Yea Forums?
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shes technically a Muppet so yeah
>What the fuck was her problem?
She wasn't Mokey.
puppets are Yea Forums
anyone who disagrees is a newfag
She needs to trim her bush, like, pretty bad.
Puppets are Yea Forums
I accidently started a troll thread asking if muppets were Yea Forums. It was a hilarious dumpster fire.
She lives in dank cave underground and walks around without any pants! What isn't her problem?
Sun burn?
So... Mokey or Red? I know most of you usually say Mokey, but I think sex with Red would be an incredible workout
Red's the one you fuck. Mokey's the one you MARRY.
You didn't join her Helping Club
Sure, puppets are just a very fast form of 3d animation.
I always liked Mokey because she seemed like the kind of hippie lady who would have sex with you if you told her how you were embarassed about your virginity.
Fraggles are a cartoon.
Red is the tomboy, and Mokey the waifu bait.
>he thinks the tomboy isn't also the waifu bait
>How to Start a Cult
I barely remember what happens on fraggle rock
weren't their crystal rods made of radishes or some stupid shit
I feel like I'd probably appreciate this show more now then when I did as a kid.
He looks like Mike and Rich fused together. Maybe that's why the huffing.
It was a closed ecosystem. Dependant on the Gorgs garden.
Gorgs also seem to be in danger of going extinct.
Yeah, the Doozers would grind radishes into a powder that they'd mix with other ingredients for both flavor and stability, and that's what they'd make Doozer sticks from.
They're a live action performance in contrast to e.g. stop motion. You might as well call shadowgraphy animation as well. Doesn't matter what we call it anyway - if a mod decides it's OT it'll be deleted.
Trips of truth right there.
You'd probably need sheep shears to trim that mess.
It also had a comic series through Marvel's STAR imprint.
The issue with the Hensons now is that they don't reinvent the wheel at all. Whenever Jim would come up with something it was new and unique. He never repeated himself, and always had several ideas in the pipeline. Nowadays all the Jim Henson puppets do is rip off other show formats, or retread old concepts. Anyone else feel this way?
Whitmire getting fired was proof that they’re no longer about performing.
>game show(s)
>news parody show(s)
>Reality television
>YouTube originals
It's all so tiresome. Why is everything so SOULLESS?
are Fraggles just a lost tribe of Lemmings?
Nah, Fraggles aren't as fragile as Lemmings.
>When he had money and people loved his IPs
>"dear god what happened"
I actually dont think Brian is a bad business man or anything, he just is has been given an upbringing and legacy that has systematically purged from the public groupthink.
so what you're saying is Jim Henson is dead?
Yes, but we'll puppet him about like Weekend at Bernie's. There's some sort of poetic justice there.
>Red was voiced by Mona Marshall in the cartoon
Oh boy my dick.
All this time past, yet still no Fraggle Rock movie. Barely any passing mentions of this franchise. It's just stagnant.
Yeah, they were trying to make one around the time of The Smurfs movie (the Neil Patrick Harris ones), and I think they backed off because the story was too similar. That's my guess, any way.
I think it's too late for this movie to be good even if it comes out within the next three years. The original vision would be ruined. The script would be altered to suit modern movie audiences, the tone will be off, there will be a pop sound track.
the Donkey Kong Country cartoon was also a live action performance. I think that's pretty undeniably Yea Forums.
Mokey was voiced by Mona.
Red was voiced by Rita Repulsa.