What does Yea Forums think of Murdoch Murdoch?
What does Yea Forums think of Murdoch Murdoch?
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When right wing internet culture exploded around 2014-2017 it seemed novel, but now seems like old hat
Funny and emotionally resonant but also nazi propaganda so I hold it at arms length.
>not being a nazi
he used the bulk and skul theme for the /r/thedonald guy.
that's just brilliant.
I love it. "Metamorphosis" always gets me feeling better.
As does the end of "the Real Red Pill Blues" I can't find that clip though.
The end of "Heroes Journey" is also kino youtu.be
It's wild to think they have as much material as two or more seasons of a studio cartoon. All done by one guy and his two helpers, with no money.
It's pretty well made for autistic internet propoganda and it has a lot of good jokes for the time. A lot of it did not age well though and relies pretty heavily on right wing meme culture that peaked during the election. It's /pol/ shitposting the series. For all the good and bad that's worth
>inb4 a bunch of assblasted lefties screech about muh nazis
Sure but at least look at what it is objectivly despite politics.
It's a funny show that's more edgy and provocative than South Park has ever been in the past decade.
You wanna gush over your stupid fucking propaganda cartoon cause it shows your stupid views with your stupid memes? Fine. But don't take south park into this.
This whole notion that alt right is upset with South Park for not "Going far enough" is just stupid. South Park might have the reputation of being edgy but it was never for the sake of it. Stop expecting Trey and Matt to have the same beliefs as you. There's no need to PUSH THE ENVELOPE if you don't have those reactionary beliefs to go with it.
Also I really don't like how the designs have no eyebrows. Like if a nordic with no eyebrows tried to kill you in the race war, the appropriate response would be to castrate and beat the person with a baseball bat.
t. fat leftist who doesn't even own a baseball bat