What does Yea Forums think of Murdoch Murdoch?
What does Yea Forums think of Murdoch Murdoch?
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When right wing internet culture exploded around 2014-2017 it seemed novel, but now seems like old hat
Funny and emotionally resonant but also nazi propaganda so I hold it at arms length.
>not being a nazi
he used the bulk and skul theme for the /r/thedonald guy.
that's just brilliant.
I love it. "Metamorphosis" always gets me feeling better.
As does the end of "the Real Red Pill Blues" I can't find that clip though.
The end of "Heroes Journey" is also kino youtu.be
It's wild to think they have as much material as two or more seasons of a studio cartoon. All done by one guy and his two helpers, with no money.
It's pretty well made for autistic internet propoganda and it has a lot of good jokes for the time. A lot of it did not age well though and relies pretty heavily on right wing meme culture that peaked during the election. It's /pol/ shitposting the series. For all the good and bad that's worth
>inb4 a bunch of assblasted lefties screech about muh nazis
Sure but at least look at what it is objectivly despite politics.
It's a funny show that's more edgy and provocative than South Park has ever been in the past decade.
You wanna gush over your stupid fucking propaganda cartoon cause it shows your stupid views with your stupid memes? Fine. But don't take south park into this.
This whole notion that alt right is upset with South Park for not "Going far enough" is just stupid. South Park might have the reputation of being edgy but it was never for the sake of it. Stop expecting Trey and Matt to have the same beliefs as you. There's no need to PUSH THE ENVELOPE if you don't have those reactionary beliefs to go with it.
Also I really don't like how the designs have no eyebrows. Like if a nordic with no eyebrows tried to kill you in the race war, the appropriate response would be to castrate and beat the person with a baseball bat.
t. fat leftist who doesn't even own a baseball bat
Damn how will libtards recover
Did they ever say that MM was ironic or is it genuine white supremacist propaganda? I could never figure it out. It's funny either way. That superchats bit was pretty good.
>being a stormnigger
have sex
I'm a nazi and I still think they're cringe. They have some good gags but the self insert wojaks are repulsive, especially the girl
>entire series is wojak edits
They have two 5 hour podcasts where they go into their ideas of Nice Guy National Socialism. Lots of the content is ironic and comedic, but they are ethnonationalists.
t. one of those weird faggots who "husbandos" the cast of young boys
Who else would care about fucking south park?
>calling yourself a nazi
siege deez nuts stormfaggot
>Literally everything is just a wojack edit
It's reddit newfaggotry incarnate.
So Murdoch Murdoch is satire made by ethnonationalists?
Seethe harder, goblino
Yes. They poke fun at various "figures" in the dissident sphere often.
Sure thing, bud.
You also believe in the white genocide, don't ya?
I can at least respect if for actually following Nazi ideals instead stupid alt-right American capitalism
Thanks for clearing that up. They really do blur the line between comedy and reality that it's hard to distinguish between satire and their personal beliefs.
I hate the white genocide meme so fucking much. Allows people to sidestep and derail the actual issue with birthrates by sidetracking into a faggy semantic debate
White population displacement (via the kosher sandwich of mass immigration and overtaxed middle class having fewer kids) and resulting electoral power loss is gleefully covered by every major corporate media outlet (notably except FOX news, can't let people with the potential to be pro-white put two and two together.)
What do you think "Texas Flipping Blue" means?
You can't gleefully talk about all of the factors and then call the explanation a conspiracy theory. Mark Potok of the SPLC has a chart on his office wall with white population percentages estimated by year, like a fucking CEO tracking stocks.
It is a combination of white displacement (in the population), disenfranchisement (politics is a zero sum game and all metrics show non whites vote against Constitutional liberties at every turn), and demonization (constant coordinated anti-white prop from academia, entertainment and 3/4 of politicians).
These trends go from Texas flipping blue and making Republican presidents mathematically impossible, to mass rapes in Cologne and Telford, to anti-white governments changing their constitution to make it "legal" to violently steal land from whites in SA.
It would be called genocide if it was done to anyone else.
Always thought it was cringe. Maybe I'm not nazi enough. I'll get there someday, I'm sure.
Based and truthpilled.
The Diary of Anne Frank is propaganda.
And that's a good thing.
It was watchable until it became mostly focused on the Wojak OCs. Then it became dull.
Not a refutation.
Dude I just thought it was doing a better job at being South Park than South Park is currently doing. If you still like South Park more then I can't take that away from you. Like what you want to like.
Frankly its the best peice of satire in decades because of this quality. Provided its not memory holed too bad it'll probably become a cult classic.
Rational arguments deserve refutation.
Not whatever shit gullible spergs spit in a comics and cartoons board.
>all metrics show non whites vote against Constitutional liberties at every turn
Then explain the current Italian and austrian governments
The winds are turning, have been for the last four years, but it's difficult for me to tell if this is fast enough or how best to fuel it.
Suppose all we can do is keep the spirit alive and spread the word
Not an argument, my friend
If it's not rational, it shouldn't be hard to refute it
>can't refute a single claim
>just buttblasted incredulity
and people wonder how these ideas spread
Despite the memes those countries are largely still white, the US is pretty much a lost cause at tjis point. Liberalism is a death cult and with the white population in a slight minority all it takes is a little bit of infighting to tip the balance and with brainwashing at least 20% of whites literally want other whites and themselves to go extinct and be abused which closes the deal in america at least.
I also think america is in its last gasps. Going to loot this nation the everyone else does before it completely give up the ghost, then hightail it out of here. I've already lived whats in store for the rest of this nation, and its not pretty
t. Californian
The mouths are ugly
Well they have never been alike. South Park has always appealed to the mainstream because of its takes. This show on the other hand appeals to very specific niche circlejerk. So I understand why you feel that way, since you personally accept the views of this show as the "good ones" and you enjoy being validated by a television show rather than just thinking about the themes yourself.
America as it is is lost, but dailynreminder that just cutting off California (not even the entire thing, just Sacramento and south) could the US from 56% to 71% white OVERNIGHT. Let Texas go and make NYC into an independent Singapore type deal and we're probably over 81%.
Things are bad but there are paths on the North American Continent for white people to have a future.
I would like for such separations to be peacefully negotiated. I don't want a war. Often the biggest concerns are the army and money. You could ironically turn the US into a confederacy of nations without disrupting either much. Share the USdollar and common defense while the full divorce/balkanization is negotiated. Just allow border integrity and internal laws to be the decision of the new sub nations
Judeo-Marxists will never let this happen, even if it would mean they could still play their casino games and expand israel for a few more decades. That is how much they hate whites. Jews hate whites more than they love israel or money. so I imagine things won't go a reasonable way.
it is all so tiresome
You don't seem to understand, niggers,
If it is true, so be it, death to everyone who's not fit to resist it, specially fellow pussy whites like you to separate at least the wheat from the chaff.
Common goals, different methods, don't ya think?
The more I argued with them the more I learned their dialectic. At first they calculated on the stupidity of their adversary. Then, when they could find no other way out, they played stupid themselves. ...Whenever you attacked one of the apostles, your hand closed around slimy matter which immediately separated and slipped through the fingers and the next moment reconstituted itself.
If you struck such an annihilating blow that, observed by the audience, he
had no choice but to agree with you, and thus you thought you had taken one step forward, the next day your amazement would be great. The Jew knew nothing at all about yesterday and repeated his same old twaddle as though nothing had happened
I too was thunderstruck. They never speak in good faith or stick to their own premises. Same as always.
He might not even be a Jew, that's the sad part. Jewish thoughts and tendencies are so snaked into modernity it's hard to tell.
I don't think he is actually jewish or doing anything but baiting and avatarfagging, but it cracks me up how appropriate the quote is.
Dishonest people always end up using the same tricks, regardless of motive
Unironically based and redpilled
You're a fucking tryhard faggot
"The Jew"
Yes every jew is one person and capitalistic jews and socialist jews are working together to destroy the aryan race
Imagine if some nigger or jew said "The White" like it was a monolithic hivemind, you'd be bitching
>It would be called genocide if it was done to anyone else.
The ultimate non argument
No I wouldn't and I would not call you not being able to kill brown people "A genocide"
A genocide involves actual murder, not you not getting laid
>Mark Potok of the SPLC has a chart on his office wall with white population percentages estimated by year, like a fucking CEO tracking stocks.
Means absolutely nothing since you guys also have charts of non white populations, does that mean they are going to be genocided?
> and all metrics show non whites vote against Constitutional liberties at every turn),
Don't whites in Europe vote aganist guns and free speech? This notion you think whites just automatically vote for reaganomics is retarded
>and all metrics show non whites vote against Constitutional liberties at every turn
Just by curiosity
Do you think liberties like race mixing and homosexuality should be allowed?
>A genocide involves actual murder
The definition of genocide doesn't state that the method of extermination must be exclusively done through murder. Other methods can be utilized to achieve it's end goal.
There’s being “edgy” and then there’s literally advocating genocide and thinking Hitler was right. That’s not provocative, that’s just being a tool.
Nobody is being systematically killed.
Thought their shit was funny for a bit but after a while the stench of /pol/ roleplaying was unbearable. I liked last son of the west though.
The term “genocide” was coined to describe what happened to the Jews during WWII. You’re essentially trying to claim a white Holocaust is happening, which is ironic considering you probably don’t even think the Holocaust happened in the first place.
He obviously doesn’t. White nationalists don’t actually care about personal liberties and even regularly mock “muh constitution”. They want to re-create some version of the 3rd Reich but for mixed American Euromutts that Hitler would call untermensch.
>The term “genocide” was coined to describe what happened to the Jews during WWII.
no absolutely wrong, Holocaust is maybe the term you referring to, people used the term genocide way earlyer
genocide doesn't even need to involve direct murder, look at the trail of tears, displacement of people and exposing them directly and indirectly to life threatening conditions is one condition too
Are you comparing what happened to the indians to you?
Are you being kicked out of your house and scalped?
Kind of cringe but still feels comfy to watch. It's like an old recording of a school play, sure it's shit but it's wholesome and leaves you feeling good.
Also Murdoch and Murdoch-chan need to have babies already to catch up with Dr. Murdoch
Based and redpilled.
>What do you think "Texas Flipping Blue" means?
More people moving to the more liberal coastal regions and embracing more liberal policies and outweighing the more rural, conservative regions. The fact that any state with mono-party rule will inevitably become more and more corrupt and make the other party more attractive, if temporarily. The fact that the Republican party has focused almost exclusively on culture wars like Gay Marriage and lost and younger demographics either don't care about fighting a culture war or are on the opposite side. The fact that Texas reaps immense benefits from trade with Mexico and the insistence on a wall would do nothing but hurt the Texan economy.
Not quite yet in the US, that comes in about 20 years
Actually what the Chinese did to tibet is commonly referred to as genocide and did not involve physical violence or killing. You're deluded
Call it whatever you want, cultural disintegration, whatever. But according to the UN definition what happened to tibet falls in line.
>It was the americans that scalped the indians
Also more natives killed each other in brutal wars than were ever killed by settlers
You literally just sound like somebody who read guns, germs, and steel once and then took an introductory level sociology class
>Yea Forums complains about /pol/ boogeyman
>said boogeyman board has actually made more actual animation than Yea Forums that can directly be tied to the board
Was it jealousy?
It was never been called "Genocide" more like "Cultural Genocide"
>Also more natives killed each other in brutal wars than were ever killed by settlers
This is what you Gen Z alt right retards do, whenever you're confronted with a point you move the fence
I know the indians tribes were never united and were in a state of chaos with eachother similar to how other continents were always in constant war. I was simply saying you shouldn't compare your "White Genocide" to trails of tears because the latter was actually FORCED into it.
Let's say someone makes a movie about why they should kill your family and you got upset. Should their argument be "Ur jealous lmao"
Okay i guess
But it's actually an animation about why you shouldn't kill their families
Brainwashing children into hating themselves is as bad if not worse
There we go again, moving the goal post
Find some low hanging "SJW" fruit in a cringe compilation and say "THIS IS EVERYWHERE"
Not using your heritage as an excuse to attack and steal is not masochism
You erected the goalpost, I am not obligated to agree with where it stands. In our currect society, governmental and institutional policies which explicitly discriminate against whites are tolerated and defending. Equality, according to the modern left and every institution of learning, is not about equality of rules, but equity of outcome. And they say the rules we have now still are not enough! Thag we should spend hundreds of billions of tax dollars (of which, on average, only whites net contribute to) to allow non-whites to have even more free shit, and even more access to work and school programs they aren't qualified for. They condemn the fact that criminals are held liable for their crimes, and genuinrly believe that battery and theft are acceptable prices for diversity. And they want to further raise taxes, which will inevitably hit everyone making over 20k a year, as is the case sll across europe, in order to pay for their racist programs, further hurting the ability and interest of people to form families.
There's no displacement happening, which would imply white people are actively pushed out, in the US the white population isn't shrinking it's still rising however the precentage is shrinking due, ah-duh, migration.
More people of one colour doesn't mean less people of another.
The US white reproduction rate is below replacement and has been for years.
>There's no displacement happening, which would imply white people are actively pushed out, in the US the white population isn't shrinking it's still rising however the precentage is shrinking due, ah-duh, migration.
Amazing how literally nothing in that sentence is true.
>being upset by cartoon saying something
Yes the only way you can ever protest the affirmative action is by being a fascist. Whites pay more taxes simply because they can afford to pay more taxes since most minorities work working class jobs so this jab that you think whites are the only ones forced to pay taxes is wrong.
>And they want to further raise taxes
White people in Europe have high taxes without non whites, this is an ideological battle, nobody is decoded to want to raise taxes
And is that genocide how?
Because it's a result of policies designed for this exact purpose.
Cut/pasted wojaks with poorly animated mouths doesn't count as animation.
Even when the white population falls below 50%, they still will be the majority.
People didn't vote for the 1965 immigration act, or integration
Also up until the manifest destiny era of the 1800s, American-Native relations were actually really good despite what you've been taught.
The plains indians were nortoriously violent and warlike which is why there was so much conflict
Nobody is forcing white people to not have sex you fucking idiot.
Tamest genocide in the world
People didn't vote for the Irish or Italians to come in through Ellis Island either.
So bad news if you're ethnically Irish or Italian, when the white nationalist purity spiral hits you'll be forced out or killed too.
>10 homeless people jimmy open your window and move into your house
>hey I'm being displaced
>"hurr how is this even displacement your numbers aren't down at all this is totally not a problem"
This is what user actually believes
watched the sargon episode
felt more like "how do you do fellow polchanners"
it wans't funny but it heralded the downfall of yet another dumb brit youtuber
Net taxes I said. As a group, whites and asians pay more to the federal government than they recieve in benefits, while blacks and hispanics recieve more than they pay (with blacks, it's a net difference of 8000 dollars per person per year). And yet, supposedly we are oppressing them even to this day!
I wouldn't be offended if this shit weren't inspiring real-life killings, which it is.
Correct, they are instead using childhood brainwashing and cultural manipulation to get people to stop having kids.
Yeah sure, I already heard all those terrible stories of immigrant squatters on your property.
What are you afraid of? Some kind of South Africa scenario where whites are systematically massacred? Whites still hold the majority of power in the US and even with immigration there's no feasible way in which the US will ever become majority black with a tiny white minority. Racial tensions between whites and Hispanics are minimal if nonexistent.
The world doesn't revolve around the Anglo man
Did the Spanish in New Spain get any choice whether the anglos would be in the southwest?
Guess the white race are a bunch of gullible idiots then. Survival of the fittest, motherfucker.
I don't care what you two faggots are arguing about but if you think hispanic is a single racial group then you are a fucking idiot
Why should hispanics of Iberian descent be lumped in with the more native ones? It's a geographical term.
except for the fact that the curriculum is being altered over time to demonize and undermine history for ideological goals
4th-6th grade for me was Indians genocide slavery segregation holocaust
The reason zoomers like myself are this way is because of the extended push on us.
>White people in Europe have high taxes without non whites
And those taxes go toward productive infrastructure and beneficial programs.
In the US, our roads are falling apart and our tax money is going toward section 8 housing and dependency-causing welfare programs.
The Corporate Wars and military industrial complex and israel takes 90% of your taxes but complain about construction workers not paying more taxes than an engineer
no they aren't
>4th-6th grade for me was Indians genocide slavery segregation holocaust
You know there's actually a way to get more taxes by taxing people, a key feature of taxation which America apparently forgot all about.
These Neo-WNs are 99% of the time middle class suburbanites in perfectly comfortable living situations who get mildly annoyed at the sight of Mexicans mowing the lawns in their neighborhood or the Indian cashier at 711 and think that's a justification for mass murder.
>In the US, our roads are falling apart and our tax money is going toward section 8 housing and dependency-causing welfare programs.
Yes the tax dollars are going to programs and whites have never received a welfare check
>I can't come up with a counter point, better post stale memes
Defense is 15% of the federal budget. Most of it is welfare.
>An influx of Irish and Italian families in the 1920s is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied 80iq african and central american men being brought in
You do realize the US govt literally stole native children and placed them in European homes to erase their native culture. Not every act in a genocide will be overt or violent
>teaching about historical events that actually happened because it's fucking history class
>undermining history for ideological goals
Jesus Christ you're retarded.
t. also zoomer
>being brought in
By whom?
They walk there by themselves.
After shooting their homes with cannon balls
Not history, lies. Do you even know the percentage of white americans who owned slaves in the 1860s? Did you know there are more native americans alive north of the rio grande today than there were in 1400?
>By whom?
Jewish NGOs, who orchestrate and provide supplies to migrants
If there was a majority black country with a white minority and the black politicians were advocating for apartheid and giving systematic advantages to whites, would you still say that the people are adequately represented by their politicians even though they're acting against their own interests?
The average iq for the irish until the 50 was in the 80s
Nobody is saying import the masses in but you would be surprised how much culture and environment play a point
>thousands of unaccompanied 80iq africans coming in
Where the fuck in the US is this happening? Seriously, where? Can you point to exactly one place where Africans are crossing the US border by the thousands? You're literally making shit up to suit your worldview.
>central american men
Central American Hispanics have an average IQ around that of the Irish.
>Jewish NGOs
And which ones would that be?
Give someone supplies is not the same as giving someone a lift.
Guess pandas should just die off
there's plenty of other kinds of bears
> Do you even know the percentage of white americans who owned slaves in the 1860s?
Wow the decade where it legally ended
Everyone knows only really rich people had slaves, it was the fact that it was allowed that strikes a chord with people
its cringe
>Racial tensions between whites and Hispanics are minimal if nonexistent.
Hoyl shit are you deluded
>You wouldn't argue for x if x was y
Lamest argument
Why are you so upset that people have critiques of the status quo?
which is it?
Are WN's poor meth-addicted racist trailer trash or are they affluent prep boys? make up your mind
>Everyone knows only really rich people had slaves
No, most people of normal or lower intelligence don't, due to deliberate omission.
Hispanic's not a race fuckwads
I don't know where you're getting this idea that white and black interests absolutely have to be 100% opposed to one another. No, helping out minority groups doesn't necessarily mean working against your own interests. It's called basic human decency. We're not primitive warring tribes.
Also 1860 was the peak of US slavery you brainlet
>/pol/ boogeyman
>Multiple threads across an entire website that's basically thinly veiled /pol/ ideological pushing.
>/pol/ boogeyman
>a whole fucking subculture of, webcomics, animations, and websites all devoted /pol/ idology
>/pol/ boogeyman
>fucking documented proof of /pol/tards organizing to raid other boards and websites.
>this fucking thread
I hate all nigers i hate em kill niggrs
>Why are you so upset that people have critiques of the status quo?
It's the fact your only argument is "Status quo"
The natives were still brutally persecuted by colonizers even if they were fighting each other
That is a fact and I think christianity is far superior to any native religion
If Pandas just decided one day just to stop having sex I wouldn't cry about it.
Yes it is.
Just like all those violent videogames!
>Why are you so upset that people have critiques of the status quo?
most "critiques of the status quo" don't involve mass murder or leads to massmurder.
Criollos, Mesitzos, Mulatos, Indios those are races.
"Hispanic" is not.
And you take the bait every time.
We literally gave up on the space program because blacks were complaining it was a waste of money. There were protests against the moon landing as it was happening.
Ever heard of "whitey on the moon"?
I said middle-class, not affluent. They're mostly decently well-off white guys turned meth addicts, alcoholics, or shut-ins i.e. Chris Cantwell. Actual trailer trash usually don't bother with politics and are pretty harmless.
Remember the Great Meme War of 2016?
Thanks lads for your service...
>Why are you so upset that people have critiques of the status quo?
You're literally advocating for the killing of innocent people.
In Europe they skim the mediterranean and literally pick them up
Ok so the pale rich white mexicans are the same race with the darker working class mexicans?
Hispanic means you have lineage from a spanish speaking country regardless of race
Why do you think the hispanic question is before the race question on the census?
its not mass propoganda its "bait"
Yeah, or they just land on the boats they were already in, big difference.
>We literally gave up on the space program because blacks were complaining it was a waste of money. There were protests against the moon landing as it was happening.
Yes that is 100% the reason why we aren't going full funding on NASA right now
Never has there been a war or lack of space race in the last four fucking decades
There's been like four different mosque and synogogue shootings in the past year with the perpetrators literally citing /pol/ and similar cites as their inspiration. Eric and Dylan didn't say Doom was the reason they killed their classmates. It's not a similar thing at all.
ok retard
I wasn't talking about just the US
But there are thousands of Africans being funneled into minnesota.
>Central American Hispanics have an average IQ around that of the Irish.
Guatemala average IQ: 79
Ireland Average IQ: 93
This guy is of 100% Mexican heritage.
IQ isn't 100% genetic. It's about 80/20 Genetics/environment.
There are obviously going to be capable outliers but they do not define the mean.
There are also transracial adoption studies which show that the influence of upbringing in IQ score is generally negligible.
>Implying the Irish IQ didn't increase over time over gradual acceptance
That's literally what's happening
You know why? Because humans fucked up their environment
Where in his post is he "literally advocating for the killing of innocent people"?
this level of conspiratorial straw grabbing
Lemme guess those facts come from that one study by that one guy which is citied all the time.
Mexico: 88
This is where the bulk of US immigrants are coming frrom, not fucking Guatemala. You literally just cherry picked the lowest IQ latin american country you could find on that list.
2019 Poway synagogue shooting
2018 Tallahassee yoga studio shooting
2018 Jeffersontown Kroger shooting
2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
2018 Murder of Blaze Bernstein
2018 Murder of MeShon Cooper-Williams
2017 University of Maryland stabbing
2017 Car-ramming attack into counter-protestors at the white nationalist Unite the Right rally
2017 Portland train attack
2017 Stabbing of Timothy Caughman
015 Shooting at a showing of the film Trainwreck
2015 Planned Parenthood shooting
2015 Shooting attack on worshippers at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church
2014 Attack on Pennsylvania State Police barracks
2014 Ambush attack on Las Vegas police officers
2014 Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooting
2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting attack on TSA officer
2013 Double murder committed by Jeremy Lee Moody and Christine Moody
2012 Ambush attack against St. John the Baptist Parish police
2012 Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting
2011 Tri-state killing spree by white supremacists David Pedersen and Holly Grigsby
2011 FEAR group attacks
2011 Murder of James Craig Anderson
2010 Murder committed by Aryan Brotherhood members
2010 Shooting at bookstore cafe perpetrated by Ross William Muehlberger
2010 Murder of Todd Getgen
2010 Suicide attack by airplane
Yeah real Harmless
The "80/20" rule doesn't exclude that genetic IQ can increase or decrease over time depending on many factors
Economic crisis's and wars can play a significant part in decreasing the genetic iq
>this level of pisspoor denial of facts.
Obtaining a white ethnostate in America would logistically only be possible by killing hundreds of thousands of nonwhites. Don't pretend "just pay them to leave" is ever going to fucking work.
Blacks are measurably worse off under today's policies than they were during the 40s and 50s.
If Europeans didn't colonize them then the Chinese or whomever else felt like doing it would. There was nothing significantly dark about those events.
There were good experiences with natives and bad ones. North America they got along pretty well.
88 isn't acceptable. Even 100 isn't. We shouldn't be letting in average people, but exceptional people. Instead we're letting in morons who can't even speak english.
That never happens. They take shitty rafts because they know NGO ships will pick them off.
Never do they use craft capable of crossing the mediterranean
They let your retarded ancestors in didn't they?
It was one of the contributing factors my friend.
Then you're gonna need to kick out the Irish.
Why are you acting like I'm still angry Europeans colonized Natives?
I literally told you that even though I'm not religious, I vastly prefer Christianity rather than Native Religions.
What I'm saying is that it's stupid to compare "White Genocide" to Trails of tears
Just because X group would do something worse doesn't justify you doing it too
Is believing what the majority of Americans believed in the 1940s and 50s genocidal?
>That never happens.
Sure thing, buddy, and the moon is made of cheese.
How do Murdoch Murdoch feel about minorities who speak english and have good mannerisms? Oh wait that's FILTHY CIVIC NATIONALISM!!!!!1
Did you watch their asian invasion episode?
>Is believing what the majority of Americans believed in the 1940s and 50s genocidal?
>1940s and 50s
>genocidal beliefs
Your not bright are you buddy.
In today's context, yes.
The irish are white, as genetic analysis and their ability to form functional communities makes clear.
You can't act like there are no visible and violent consequences to the current immigration policies in western countries. It's not just about numbers and demographics. People are being murdered and raped
I would be concerned more about the trail of tears if it happened to my own kind. I can sympathize with them but at the end of the day they are a different group with competing interests.
If they had the power and resources to kill off the colonists they would have.
>People are being murdered and raped
Which isn't much more rape and murder than Westerners do to each other.
>The irish are white
The irish weren't considered white till like the mid 20th century.
They're below 100 though.
>ability to form functional communities makes you white
Well fuck, then I guess Jews, Asians, and Arabs are white too.
When a colonizer raped and killed an indian, nothing happened with the minor chance of an small indian uprising every once in awhile
When an immigrant kills, they go to jail or get the death penalty
You act like people are just allowed to kill whites with no consequences
That is what separates genocide from single action crimes
>Which isn't much more rape and murder than Westerners do to each other.
in fact studies show they do less.
>A Swedish Police report from May 2016 found that there have been 123 incidents of sexual molestation in the country's public baths and pools in 2015 (112 of them were directed against girls). In 55% of cases, the perpetrator could be reasonably identified. From these identified perpetrators, 80% were of foreign origin.
>When an immigrant kills, they go to jail or get the death penalty
try again
Sweden shouldn't accept masses of third worlders but to say any specific group is decoded to rape is lazy on their part
Swedes were having their fair share of rape back in the day, they just found wealth.
Arabs and Chinese people were less violent before the destabilization of their regions.
Wealth is literally everything
Wow this one incident now means any immigrant can kill without legal consequences!
That's like if I pulled up Vincent Chin to say whites can get away with murdering non whites. I know it's not true and I admit it, so why can't you?
You faggots do this literally every fucking thread.
Correct, and that outdated exclusion was incorrect, as modern genetic techniques have revealed.
In a lot of places in the 3rd world things we consider taboo like rape or child sex aren't nearly as big of a deal.
In Mexico, which isn't even 3rd world, people often marry off their 10-13 year old daughters to grown men for money. Something the west would abhor.
>Mexico, which isn't even 3rd world, people often marry off their 10-13 year old daughters to grown men for money
Immigrants get favorable treatment within the justice system. You can believe whatever you want though
there are literally humanitarian orgs trying to stop it because it's that big of a deal
What genetic techniques? What's the scientific, empirically derived definition of "white"? I'd love to hear it.
How many Mexican Americans marry 13 year olds?
This is total non argument
Are you saying Mexicans are just biological driven to marry 13 year olds? Are you saying no European has ever been a pedofile or no european king has ever married a child?
>Of the 320,000-plus Mexican girls between the ages of 12 and 17 who are cohabiting, nearly 70% are with a partner who is at least 11 years their senior, according to a report commissioned by the Ford Foundation.
>The data represents part of a wider trend across Latin America, the only region in the world where child marriage is increasing rather than in decline.
>Researchers found that 83% of married girls had left school, with the number rising to 92% among those living informally with a man. In contrast, just 15% of Mexican girls not in such relationships dropped out of school.
all cultures r equal tho :^) stop being a bigot
PCA analysis of GWAS SNP frequency data.
Heres your problem. You are trying to make this very emotional because you are incapable of rational thought.
In your own terms,if this were happening to other races you would call it a genociding. You are changing the goalposts to outright murder o pretend this is what a genocide is, while in the same breath admits that we are talking about population counts, not murders.
That you cant actually argue against the fact of white genocide without resorting immediately to emotional arguments without goalposts, tells al of us you don't understand this issue or you are disingenuous about discussing it, i suspect because youre a filthy mongrel nonwhite nigger.
why cant you retards just admit that whiteness (like all race) is completely arbitrary and can change depending on the whims of politics and wealth.
>How many Mexican Americans marry 13 year olds?
>In Mexico, more than 10% of girls are married under the age of 15. Worldwide, the country has the eighth highest number of child marriages
By my estimation
Yeah once I make more than a certain income my skull shape changes
>Heres your problem. You are trying to make this very emotional because you are incapable of rational thought.
This Ben Shapiro shit died ages ago
>In your own terms,if this were happening to other races you would call it a genociding. You are changing the goalposts to outright murder o pretend this is what a genocide is, while in the same breath admits that we are talking about population counts, not murders.
Because White Genocide, at least American wise, is not real. You are not being forced to give up your WASP faith, you are not being forced to not love other white people.
> i suspect because youre a filthy mongrel nonwhite nigger.
Ah clearly Mr. Non Emotional Robot of Facts right here
Because it's not true anymore. Modern exposure to diversity has made it clear that yes, groups that look white are whute and behave white, and our ancestors were fools for splitting hairs
Our retarded ancestors conquered them without mercy. Only our mercy allows the shitskins to live now, and it is waning.
Read my question
How many Mexican AMERICANS
Key word is AMERICANS
Do you think Mexicans are biologically decoded to be like or is it culturally. Do Europeans get off the hook with their history of Pedophilia like when the Spaniards sold inca girls into sex slavery?
Except that you agree with ben shapiro. He doesn't care about the 'browning of america' as long as he gets low corporate taxes.
>doesnt know that Nazi germany literally adopted their eugenics concepts from America at the time.
Well I would prefer higher corporate taxes
And that determines if someone is white how? How do geneticists define "white"?
Ashkenazi Jews have pale skin and Caucasoid skulls, but you'd still say they're not white, right? What about white-passing Latinos and Persians?
I wasn't aware that the magic dirt of the USA causes people to completely change their values and way of life.
You sound exactly like a republican right now.
>skull shape shit
you faggots are fucking diluted.
This disproves my point how?
>behave white
What the fuck does that mean?
If their genetics fall within the white genetic cluster.
You didn't answer my questions
Do you think pedophilia is a trait that only Mexicans were given and not other races?
So in order to rid your countries of supposed savages, you need to become savages. Great logic.
>theres no statistical basis for a particular race being more prone to rape than others
Not be retarded, believe in law, personal acountability and self reliance. Only east asians and whites do this.
There are certain genomes exclusive to ashkenazi jews not present in other ethnic groups. There are some genetic diseases that only ashkenazi jews are known to get for an example.
Persians are generally caucasoid, and with latinos some identify as white but most don't
Not completely, just disporoportionately.
I guess Chinamen and Arabs acted more White than whites back when they were burning villages
>white genetic cluster
For the last fucking time, HOW DO YOU FUCKING DEFINE THE "WHITE GENETIC CLUSTER"? This needs to be a real, scientifically defined thing in order for me to consider it valid.
Jesus Christ, and you say WE argue in bad faith and try to dodge questions.
Not arabs, no.
Asian here, drop the whole "Whites and Asians are bros" bullshit
>Whites and Asians
>not being retarded
Google it, nigger. It's complicated. There are thousands of data points per person.
>caricature political comics about the irish which makes no assumption about genetics or whiteness
Next you'll say anglo banter against germans and other euros means that they aren't white (from an anglo perspective)
So no other race has been known for crime ever in the human history except for black?
Check the stats dumbshit. Genocide is purely a numbers game, and the population counts prove you are wrong, both locally and globally.
White genocide is real, whites are being displaced and simultaneously forced to carry the burden of increasingly subhuman waste.
Not be retarded, believe in law, personal acountability and self reliance. Only east asians and whites do this.
There's too many retarded, criminal, selfish and lazy Whites and Asians for this to be true.
>here are certain genomes exclusive to ashkenazi jews not present in other ethnic groups
That's true with literally every ethnic group. A geneticist can pretty easily tell the difference between an Anglo and Italian. Italians are actually closer in genetic similarity to Ashkenazi Jews than they are to most northwestern Europeans.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that's how the majority of human history played out.
>g-google it!
>i-it's complicated!!
I rest my case.
No im trying to say that white is a arbitrary distiction and always was.
Arabs =/= persians and fertile crescent civilizations
There's a huge difference between warfare and senselessly killing civilians. You're advocating the latter.
When you have a rabid dog that threatens your family, you put it down. You don't speculate on the philosophy of becoming a dog when doing so, because you were a man doing your duty.
So too will we not become subhumans simply for reestablishing the natural order.
I didn't say we were bros, I said they are the only two groups that aren't retarded. And don't pretend like your people aren't racially aware. Or are you so isolated from the country and culture of your ancestors that you don't know?
Why is white not an arbitrary distinction when it comes to academic discussion of white privilege, reparations, etc?
You never made a case. You're not even capable of comprehending what I was talking about.
Are you seriously pulling a "we wuz Phoenicians n Mezopotamianz" here now?
your fucking pathetic.
Not an argument.
"the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation."
Are you being killed?
Also whites are still on welfare to this day also so just view it that you're helping some of your fellow aryans
I made the case that there's no empirical definition for "white" that's universally accepted within the genetics community. You offered me no counter-point and instead told me to "just google it."
You haven't explained how or why that is. I'm just saying a barbaric push requires an equal response.
There's aren't families and children despite the cherrypicked msm photos. They're 20-something unaccompanied men acting out of either conquest or economic self interest. Either way they don't belong.
Why is white not an arbitrary distinction when it comes to academic discussion of white privilege, reparations, etc?
Yes only we should be talking about ethnic privilege and reparations.
I love cats
Yeah I'm sure all those children in that mosque and that woman pleading for her life while bleeding out on the sidewalk were rabid dogs that needed to be put down.
You're fucking evil.
In fact, arabs destroyed those civilizations
bring back zoroastrianism
not trying to make one faggot.
how bout you check them violent crime statistics and tell me the dis-proportionality of niggers commiting those crimes against both each other and nonniggers (versus whites, which unfortunately still include mexicans, halfbreeds and arabs, further skewing the data, and yet still somehow coming in far lower than the blacks).
Face it, youre retarded and the statistics hold solid.
post your source on that one
Imagine being so fucking retarded you cant google something scientific and instead demand the answer be spoonfed to you on a ecuadoran glass-blowing forum, then strutting as if you won something simply because you were unwilling (or incapable) of educating yourself when nobody takes the time to baby you on an entire field of genetics.
You seriously think that civilians were never victims of war lmfao? No fucking wonder retards like you seriously feel no threat from invading forces, you legitimately think youre untouchable for some reason.
That woman was an incubator for future invaders who most likely sustained herself with white tax-payer money. Good riddance.
Whites Ruled Egypt before the niggers took over
>using an image from 2013
Anyways objectively someone who is conspiratorial minded has a better chance at being right compared to someone who trusts the media. even if they're a loon
>Natural order
I know you're retarded now
It's natural for mammals to eat their own babies for food
Does that justify you eating your son?
Saying "Natural Order" doesn't make your argument right, it makes you sound like a edgelord retard
"Fat incel goes postal and burger king after seeing black people in there
His excuse: NATURAL ORDER! "
But you'll still defend the natural order fallacy when it's used to justify homosexuality
Because "white" is completely exclusionary. No white nationalist can give an exact definition as to who is white, whereas black and Hispanic nationalists can (one drop rule; they're not picky at all). You can only tell me who ISN'T white. You basically follow the reverse one drop rule in which anyone who's not ethnically pure enough (another definition that varies from person to person) isn't white.
Do you what me to show you all the treads about /pol/ tards whining about trumped up and cherry picked statistics about arabs invading the west, and then contrast it with the /pol/tards jacking of about their latest monthly massacre.
I love it when stormfags have to project YOU BELIEVE IN X IF YOU DON'T IN Y I BET HUH HUH
Morality is used to stop pure raw violent nature, that is the point of a civilization in the first place. Homosexuality isn't inherently violent like numbskulls killing eachother over a race war so therefore Homosexuality is at best subjective compared to more objective moralities.
OP is a faggot
Here we are again with the "this horrible act of terrorism means other horrible acts of terrorism are totally okay" mentality.
Also literally no one ever claimed Muslims were the "real victims" in those tragedies. Stop strawmanning.
>Thinking non MSM media doesn't lie to you
We fucking Sheepcore now.
My genes are being removed from the gene pool intergenerationally through passive and active anti-white measures. This fulfils the concept of geno- -cide.
I of course dont mind uplifting my own kin, but my work isn't for the subhumans. Nor are my kinfolk who have been atrophied by a welfare state welcome to free handouts.
Let them starve.
I told you. Whites only deign to allow subhumans land and power because we are too empathetic and kind to the subhumans. As whites realize the divide of race is biological and not merely societal, they will reestablish order.
>Hispanic nationalists
Hispanic's not a race you fucking idiot
Put a kind of white Argentinian, a black Dominican, a brown mestizo mexican in a room and say "You're all brothers in the race war"
You don't even know what a hispanic is
goalpost moving pussy.
I don't need to google the "real definition of white" because I know there fucking isn't one. Or at least not one that you'd accept.
>killing civilians is totally okay
Have fun being on an FBI watchlist.
What's your opinion on non whites who have jobs? Should they be put the blame for your failure in having a woman? Your "Genocide"
Violence is the cornerstone of lasting civilizational protection for the most part. Rome got sacked by some germanic and french goons when it could no longer defend itself.
Also 46% of homosexual men admit to being molested by a man as a child.
There is an inherent abusive or trauma-caused undercurrent.
Yeah I'll bet the entire white population will totally turn on their friends, loved ones, and favorite celebrities/figures because some autist on an anime image board told them to do it.
>My genes are being removed from the gene pool
maybe there's a good reason for that
You and the people who think like you deserve to die. everybody deserves a chance at a good life you fucking monster.
It's merely a critique of the double standard. Those other acts weren't global news for over a month.
And I was watching twitter hours after the manchester attack and that was exactly what people were saying.
>Violence is the cornerstone of lasting civilizational protection for the most part
Yeah, until the feds show up at your house.
I never said it doesn't lie to you, retard. I'm just saying you have a better chance at eventually figuring out the truth through a web of tin foil shit.
The internet allows people to research for themselves
>everybody deserves a chance at a good life you fucking monster.
everybody except bigots.
The Nice attack wasn't global news for over a month? Fucking what?
Hey bro those autists didn't get laid with white chicks
They are victims of genocide
>hurr durr animals eat their babies, humans have never and would never cannabalize.
Its almost like the natural order says the strong survives the weak die or get eaten, or something like that.
:^) I wasn't the person who made the post he was responding to
More like sociopathic wannabe murderers. Which is what you are.
Now you get it!
civilization isnt to stop violence, its to jointly work together to create things to overcome competing civilizations. Violently.
Violence is the basis of the long term survival of any nation with a single enemy.
Keyword: civilizational
A civilization needs an organized defence force for it's own interests.
Some retard killing people has nothing to do with the idea that at the end of the day brain needs brawn to back it. Rome didn't have enough brawn.
Which is why we've evolved beyond said natural order.
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some babies to eat.
germans french and english basically. If you are one of those three, you likely consider everyone else as something else... irish, italians, russians... all of them
I'm saying Humans are capable of doing evil natural order things for the sake of nature
What I'm arguing is that the point of civilization is to correct natural urges
I never said Humans were never capable of eating eachother, I'm saying we are capable of knowing better and to not give in to our natural urges
Are you religious? A lot of you far right types are and it baffles me that you guys claim to be "Divine men" even though it means nothing if you're going to boil down morality into just natural urges
2-3 weeks at best.
And thats a good thing how?
I didn't say it was ok, I said it was a real thing and how wars actually work, or did you forget about all the children we bombed to get at those terrorists.
You arent immune to war by virtue of being a civilian.
I like how you stuck your feet in and refuse to educate yourself about genetics so you can keep pretending you aren't wrong, very progressive.
Well no one is attacking you at the moment, and most white people agree, so there's currently no reason to defend. White people aren't getting lawlessly slaughtered in the streets, dude.
altright oppression olimpics.
So I should only be worried if people are being slaughtered in the streets? I shouldn't care about anything less?
Learn to speak coherently please.
Theyll do it because they no longer feel safe in their own neighborhoods and their families will be raped and ripped off too the point they have nothing left to lose. You will see hundreds and then thousands of Tarrants as the effects cascade through society.
>"Prior to the modern age, no European peoples regarded themselves as "white", but rather defined their race, ancestry, or ethnicity in terms of their nationality. Moreover, there is no accepted standard for determining the geographic barrier between white and non-white people. Contemporary anthropologists and other scientists, while recognizing the reality of biological variation between different human populations, regard the concept of a 'white race' as socially constructed."
Oh wait, sorry. (((Wikipedia))).
Or perhaps my wealth is being stripped increasingly with every generation, my body is being poisoned by anti-fecund medications/processed foods/'treated' water, land is becoming a luxury of the rich and foreign investment groups and my children are being taught to hate themselves and other whites for being evil slave owners and apparently being equally bad as nazi germans by merit of their skin color.
your such a pathetic faggot.
People have been saying we're on the brink of civilizational collapse for decades now, dude. I don't think it's going to happen as soon as you think. Again, I'd urge you to put away the fertilizer bombs and survival gear before the cops find out.
Do you believe in climate change?
I never said anything about collapse. I just said that being concerned and proactive about halting things like immigration is not irrational and we shouldn't wait for things to get worse before we decide to enact those policies.
We can address those issues without a race war.
You're the one assuming that violence is necessary when all you need to do is close the door
As soon as somebody's like "Hey mass immigration is kinda a problem" people get hysterical and go "WHAT SO YOU WANNA KILL THEM THEN? HUH???" like this user
>perhaps my wealth is being stripped increasingly with every generation
you and every poor person in america
>my body is being poisoned by anti-fecund medications/processed foods/'treated' water
blame that on the corporations and late capitalism
>land is becoming a luxury of the rich and foreign investment groups
again blame that on capitalism
>my children are being taught to hate themselves and other whites for being evil slave owners and apparently being equally bad as nazi germans by merit of their skin color
1. you don't have kids
2. nobody is doing that
Man, this site is truly reddit now
I'm merely diestic.
IMO genetics establisht he range of 'urges' which are conditioned through the society which is an echo of the underlying genetics. Introduce other gene groups and you see suddenly different/new 'urges' taking root.
Whites established incredible civilizations, with their own criminal class and such. Then we began importing the lowliest civilized bantus and integrated their culture and suddenly our violence rates are skyrocketing.
Every tribe of people has their own behavioral schema, add in new tribe, mix in their schema.
Do so enough and youll find that the violent will destroy the nonviolent and wipe away anything of that schema from the pool, as the societal schema is a disgusting unwanted hodgepodge and individuals wil force it to restructure to something familiar to their race.
Thus the schema is washed in blood and the new 'civilization' is born from that blood.
must feel like home to you huh.
You're acting like we aren't against capitalism
Why is it that corporations enable and support mass immigration?
You murdoch murdoch people literally shame those people for not being full alt right
You fuckers have no common ground
It's either RACE WAR or NO BORDERS with you fucks
There are literally people ITT advocating genocide and mass killings. There have been several actual mass killings just this past year in the name of white nationalism. I don't think it's unreasonable to point out how this might be a real danger.
Well we can't have both can we. Wait...
Did you actually post this at face value as your argumentation regarding genetics. jfc. This is anthropology. Genetics can point you to the europoid region.
White are clearly definable by their hominid admixture (cromagnon and denisovian groupings). The different human species is how we all came too be different human 'races' (read: admixed species).
I would now like you to define the exact measure by which we determine one species is separate from another, since you believe that race, as genetically determined, is a social construct.
You're deluded man
Get off the internet for a while and stop taking shitposters seriously
And you offer no substantiation for your claim, which is laughable considering the likes of 23-and-me.
It's not capitalism, it's mass immigration.
This is the biggest problem you guys have really Whenever a "moderate" white nationalist like Lauren Southern comes up you all start claiming they're in cahoots with the Jews (or they're secretly Jewish themselves) and then they get berated and attacked for not being full neo-nazi and calling for the extermination of nonwhites. Moreover these people get attached to their heels and they can never shake them, so as a result their PR will always be horrendous no matter how hard they try.
>Its all shitposting except all the times it wasn't
This excuse is getting old
It's not capitalism, it's mass immigration.
Which is a symptom of capitalism keep up dude.
>Which is a symptom of capitalism
Nope. Mass immigration was pushed by socialists because they knew the people coming would have kids that vote for socialism
Alright I'm sure you'll undercover the nachtzee internet conspiracy someday
Lauren southern isn't WN and stopping 'mass immigration' (but the good ones can come!) won't solve anything, just delay it.
You need to realize that no matter how moderate someone is the outrage mob will still act as if they're a bloodthirsty maniac
I disagree.
Open borders is something both socialists and capitalists want
capitalists get cheap labor and socialists get free voters
23-and-me identifies ethnic groups, not race. There's a pretty important distinction there.
>contemporary anthropologists AND OTHER SCIENTISTS
Jfc you can't read.
Anyway, where are the exact "boundaries" for who's white and who's not? There are plenty of ethnic groups that fit your exact description (specifically Ashkenazi Jews and Persians) that most WNs don't consider white. In order for someone to fall into a certain genetic cluster, that cluster needs to have proper boundaries that aren't just arbitrary.
shes literally a coal burner. Thats as antiwhite (youre breeding with the single most distant gene group) as it gets.
you are an idiot.
read this.
I'm not reading this stupid thread but I'll post this
>the outrage mob will still act as if they're a bloodthirsty maniac
So what? Just go full Nazi because it doesn't matter how the public perceives you? You don't want to prove the outrage mobs right or people will avoid you like the plague.
Wait, why am I giving you advice? Just keep digging yourself a deeper hole for all I care.
Its both dude. Socialists need more people to fund their programs because the socialists in charge are actually capitalists looking to profit as well. Its the same have-have not class divide both ways. Capitalism>socialism allows the haves to profit off the government as well as th people, so its a step up on capitalism scale imo
>There's a pretty important distinction there.
Not really
>Anyway, where are the exact "boundaries" for who's white
Nice monovariant falacy
Yeah haha, just like when that guy in New Zealand shitposted at 49 people including a bunch of children. Man what a jokester.
So the only way to stop "White Genocide" is by making everything pure white?
There's a pretty important distinction when you refuse to tell me which ethnic groups fall under the umbrella of "white race" without just giving me your personal opinion.
Actual capitalists understand the importance of culturing a stable and prosperous endogenous population. The people you are talking about ard neoliberal wankstains who are deliberately undermining the country for profit, DESTROYING capital for transient wealth, which they use to live in luxury while everything falls apart around them.
the public is less concerned about how people are perceived than you think. These people just focus on the symptoms rather than the people who are actually behind it and never offer any real solutions.
The mosque had ties to ISIS, they had it coming
>Actual capitalists understand the importance of culturing a stable and prosperous endogenous population
Actual capitalist lmao
>"No True Capitalist" fallacy
That's honestly a new one. Kudos to you.
>and other scientists
Anthropologists arent geneticists and I'm a bioloist so I'm literally the 'other scientist'. Your appeal to authority is meaningless when you dont even have substantive argumentation to begin with.
The fact is that there are distinct genetic loci that only exist in x subgroup of hominids. There are black people loci that whites wont have and vice versa
Ashkenazi jews are an inbred group of separately admixed people, which makes them inherently lesser on the basis of genetic disease alone. Persians were supposedly aryans, but i dont care. Middle east can have their sandholes.
Those clusters have a ton of genetic study behind them and you'd do well to look into the actual genetics and not just wikipedia articles about social constructs.
funny pooooopy funny pooppoo peeepee haha
>So the only way to stop tibetan replacement is by making all of china pure tibetan?
actual pol makes fun of retards like him.
capitalists are literally the ones censoring right wingers
Explain why people like David Duke and George Lincoln Rockwell have never been elected to any political office or taken seriously by any decently sized population of normies despite decades of trying.
>These people just focus on the symptoms rather than the people who are actually behind it and never offer any real solutions.
this is the reason
>which makes them inherently lesser
Wow, great objective scientific reasoning there. Either way it seems like these "lesser people" are currently kicking your ass if what you're saying is true.
Post your biology degree or it doesn't exist.
>actual pol
You mean leftypol. West coast tech niggers aren't capitalists, they're social engineers who garner power through political manipulation and blackmail. Capitalists build capital.
Pretty sure both of those guys "named the Jew" on a regular basis.
Those arent constitutional though.
How exactly are they capitalists when they advocate for socialism?
So whites don't care about liberty as much as you think?
because its not Jews its the rich in general.
lol @ your need to appeal to authority
Thats not scientific reasoning btw, thats just simple logic. More genetic disease= shitty genes.
And no they arent kicking my ass. In fact we destroyed them so badly that we felt bad for kicking their ass and gave them a seat at the global table. An act of regrettable benevolence.
oughta check out what those rich people are sometime
epitome of reddit humor
Not him but:
>The constitution doesn't say it's a right so it's not a right
Read the 9th amendment. You're the exact cited reason why the founding fathers didn't want a bill of rights and why they compromised on the 9th amendment. Because they thought people would foolishly think that the only rights protected under the constitution were those enumerated in the bill of rights.
If you think going after random jews will stop the international banking industry as a whole then you're retarded
Ok, which article in the main body of the constitution says you have the constitutional right to get rammed in the ass?
Rights not listed in the constitution do not deny the existence of ones not specifically enumerated within it.
david duke was extremely close to getting louisiana governor
If it wasn't for the klan baggage he would have won
I dont believe I ever said that at all.
Jesus this, it's well made and resonates with me in some issues and in an emotional level and I'm not from the US, European or the "1st world". Fucking crazy world we are living, were a self-proclaim white nationalist making cartoons seems more reasonable than the average idiot in social media.
>oughta check out what those rich people are sometime
i did, if you think the only billionaires are jewish you are retarted.
I have never watched this but everyone who tells me to watch it is the most irony dependent (((Alt-Right))) people I've ever met. So I'm not touching this series.
Fantastic. More heart and soul than anything being churned out by mainstream sources. I assume they're gonna skyrocket in relevancy again once 2020 comes into full swing.
Easy to sympathize with characters, decent humour and enjoyable stories. Anyone that truly cares about the animation quality is a pleb anyway, same kinda retards that cant appreciate films, games and books/comics made before like 2010.