Who would you cast for a GOOD Ben 10 movie?

Who would you cast for a GOOD Ben 10 movie?

>Mike stoklasa as Grandpa Max

Attached: beingaplumberisexactlylikestartrek.png (1640x1092, 1.2M)

>”hey ben, ya know this situation reminds me of that one episode of DS9 where odo tries to sneak taking pictures of kira undressing in her quarters”

>Who would you cast for a GOOD Ben 10 movie?
That implies Ben 10 was actually good to begin with. No, just because you want to fuck Gwen (degenerate scum) doesn't mean the show was good. That's Yea Forums-tier "logic" for thinking a show/movie is good.

>hates ben 10
>hates lolis
I never seen shit taste on this scale before

>Ben you shouldn't be trying to fuck your cousin, fuck alien chiks like Captain Kirk did!

Forgive me for hating a boring, repetitive, aesthetically bankrupt and immaturely written show.
">hates lolis"
Oh, you're one of those faggots. Never mind then, anything rational will be lost on you.

Eceleb garbage

>>hates lolis
But Yea Forums has ALWAYS been MILF territory.

Attached: future_gwen_tennyson_by_fitzoblong_d2v9la3-fullview.jpg (900x675, 64K)

>Forgive me for hating a boring, repetitive, aesthetically bankrupt and immaturely written show.
>thinks this describes ben 10 at all
Opinion discarded

I need this
>Jay is just Ben, cuz why not

>those tits

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Some hack fraud


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I think you mean shotas

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No, I meant milky mommies

Mike is not nearly thicc enough to play the Grandpa in Ben 10.

Mike that wasn't Odo that was Quark

Max needs to be enthusiastic, and Mike's been dead inside for at least five years now.

we do get a lot of ss

>">hates lolis"
you have to go back

Is Rich Evans replacing Ben?

Actually fits

First, Ben 10 was good. Gwen was the worst part of it. It had fun action scenes, it was legitimately funny in places, and Grandpa Max was almost an Iroh tier uncle.

But second and much more importantly, it implies no such fucking thing. There's nothing inherently bad about Ben 10 as a concept, and you can make a good movie out of anything. If you don't like the Ben 10 cartoon, what would you change about it to make it good?

It's great that now, he wouldn't need make up to look Max's age

Attached: zeocaa6mt6ty.jpg (280x280, 9K)

Just have the original crew and animators of Ben 10 and do an animated film instead. Don't like the older teen been, or any of the redesigns, or the reboot it got recently.