X-Cellent #1 by Peter Milligan and Mike Allred, in 2020

Not giving any clicks to Johnston.

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that's based

>the Hickman era's already brought back X-Statix
Yeah, I'm thinking we're set.

Other X books will be annouced after House of X, Powers of X.

Hickman era will be Morrison 2.0 and I am so happy about it.

As cool as that is, it's important to remember that Milligan has been terrible since the early 00s.

I mean, he's my favorite writer and I love him to death. But writing superheroes changed the man.

If you re-read his N52 Stormwatch as a "fuck you shippers, you want Apollo/Midnighter that bad" it's impressively perverse if not actually good

This. The man is good when he wants to be perverse.

With the X-Statix Giant Size coming out this week I was really hoping they'd relaunch the series so this is great news.

isn't this yellow mask guy already dead? he was an asshole anyway, why are they bringing him back?

They were all dead by the end of the series.

All I hope for this new series is to be as offensive as the original was.

My dick is so hard right now

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user what the fuck?

how long is the x-statix run? I read some of it, also is fucking dead girl necrophilia

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Doop is the original canon pansexual

>14 issues of X-Force
>26 issues of X-Statix
>2 issues of Wolverine & Doop
>1 issue of X-Men Unlimited
>1 issue of I (hearth) Marvel
>5 issues of Dead Girl
>5 issues of All-New Doop

A new X series by Chuck Austen

thanks my man. Well looks like I am caught up except for the dead girl and doop stuff then.

the monkey paw

who is the modern equivalent of chuck the fuck?

Cullen Bunn
Sam Humphries

Cullen Bunn is nowhere near Austen. Humphries only approaches Austin at his absolute worst though I'd certainly sooner rate Humphries as our Austen equivalent. I still wouldn't put any current big 2 writers quite on his level though. Sure, there were so truly heinous writers like Rivera, but they only wrote, say, 1 short book then bounced. Not really comparable to Austen being a fucking plague.

no, he's still good, you've changed

his Exiles was good though, better than Claremont

Holy shit this made my week

Ha! Why not.
At least with this team, there is no pretenses. We clearly know that we'd better not get too attached.

>is fucking dead girl necrophilia
If Dr. Strange says it's okay, it's okay.

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Tom King is getting there

That's great.

Extremely stoked for this, x-statix is one of my all time favorites

Wizards have no sense of right or wrong.

I would not trust his judgement.


At worst King is Bendis tier.

tfw Hopeless is no longer part of this tier

Absolute nonsense. Due to never making it in big in mainstream he's had trouble getting gigs. Kid Lobotomy for example was fantastic, capeshit is something he was never interested in and forcing him to do crossovers probably just kills his drive.

Rosenberg definitely

Stoked. Fucking love allred's art. Its got thick clear outlines that somehow looks realistic but exaggerated at the same time. Its like someone did kirby better than kirby did kirby. Also I love Madman.

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All of them. Even Chuck Austen would've been a revered writer today.

>House of X
>Power of X
>Main X-Book by Hickman
Any more predictions on 2020 X-Books?
I'm hoping X-Force by Ellis

Have you read Forager? That's Allred drawing Kirby

Bug! was the first thing of The Allreds I read where their Mormonism really showed through and it was a bit distracting to me

Ellis isn't at Marvel anymore.

That doesn't excuse all the mediocre to terrible books he's put since then, including all his non-capeshit stuff.

He's not exclusive and I'm pretty sure he didn't fall out with Marvel

I read like the first issue when it was storytimed a while ago. Forgot his wife did his colors, they make a good team.
Where'd their mormanism come in?

Too bad the writing is poop.

Great news but Milligan hasn't written anything as great as the original X-force/X-statix in a long time and there's always the problem of writing societal commentary in a world where half of the news headlines genuinely sound like they're made up by a comedian

Sneed the need



Same. Hoping Milligan does a good job. Can't remember the last time he wrote something decent.

The Losers? Legion? Kid Lobotomy?

>tfw I was mildly interested in his Dan Dare miniseries, when it was just a load of faffing around with no apparent love for the character

*happy clapping*

Smoking crack again user?

Rosenberg or Guggenheim

That's X-Cellent

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anons have to be contrarians for the sake of it

The Losers was Andy Diggle, back in 2003.
Legion had him making another dream girl OC
I haven't read Kid Lobotomy yet

Are you sure that was Andy and not Milligan?

Opinion discarded

Are you thinking of Human Target? Human Target was Milligan, and the ongoing was out around that same time

And was much better than The Losers.

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>Hickman leading the X-Men
>The Milligan/Allred series has expanded from one-shot to on-going.
My favourite gang is FINALLY saved, boys.

They also did a literal Book of Mormon comic book adaptation.
it's kino

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I didn't know there was a Sandman-crossover

What is Daniel doing there

>Yea Forums
>not full of contrarians

Milligan's X-work > Morrison's
based CB bringing back the better Brit

this, he's better than most modern writers

I disagree. Compared to X-Force or X-Statix, his run on X-Men was not good.
You say that because you haven't experienced the Austen experience. Fucker was fucking awful, like Hopeless level of awfulness.

you liked "Mystique turns into jailbait to prove that Gambit's a shitty lover"?

I haven't read his actual run but his few contributions to X-Men Unlimited, Ultimate X-Men and Exiles and those are all fine

>I haven't read his actual run
Oh you are in for a wild ride.

His gf was fucked by Ben Franklin. Let him have this.

It's what i'd do if I could shapeshift.

Tom King is becoming the new Bendis.

I only read Deadpool not regular X-comics but that sounds based

Nice Phoenix Saga cover tribute.

He has definitely gotten more hit & miss, but he still has hits. His Britannia for Valiant was very enjoyable.

Red Rocket 7 is even mormonier (?) but it's also a very good book if you're into rock'n'roll.
Mike's great-grandparent is supposed to be one of the first mormons actually, he was hanging out with Joseph Smith when mormonism was still hip.