This movie made me really fucking sad. They ruined my favorite cape romance. Peter acted nothing like Peter...

This movie made me really fucking sad. They ruined my favorite cape romance. Peter acted nothing like Peter. Tony replacing Uncle Ben is fucktarded. Michele is such a poor replacement for the actual MJ that I swear the writers are outright taunting how much of a departure it is. Can already tell they're going to water down Flash's back story from that one scene towards the end like they did with everything else. The only good things about this film were Mysterio and JK Simmons cameo. I sadly don't think we'll ever get a proper Spider-Man movie.

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Other urls found in this thread:

ah bloo bloo

Nobody wants to watch the old and busted Spider-Man story. Shits boring and been done a million times. The people want fresh and new stories with diverse casts

ah bloo blooo

>Nobody wants to watch the old and busted Spider-Man story. Shits boring and been done a million times. The people want fresh and new stories with diverse casts
Speak for yourself an fuck off, Zoomer.

Ah blo bloo

ah bloo bloo

Honestly? Yeah. Shit's upsetting. Spider-Man got me through some pretty tough times when I was growing up and seeing the studio care so little about the story's legacy is depressing to me. It means something to me.
It hasn't been done once.

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Ah bloo blo

>I don't like the comic book version of Spider-man

hey HiTop films, ah bloo bloo

Why bother with Spiderman if the character has next to nothing that associate him with Spideymong, i wonder

This is pretty much just a faggot with webshooter

You didn't like the Raimi ones?

There's some legitimate criticism; I don't like Nu-MJ because she's not really mary jane and isn't really likeable. The same for pete's classmates.
Aunt may being young and hot also rubs me the wrong way, because she's supposed to be an old bag, virtually a grandmother.

That being said, the villains knock this shit out of the park, and why I love the series. Hope they don't pull a raimi and crash and burn with 3.

Bcause "anyone can be Spider-man", right? Isn't that the line the shills were all eating up when Spider-Verse made it the moral of the movie? Well, if anyone can be Spider-man then a Peter that has nothing in common with comic Peter can be Spider-man.

>HiTop films
Imagine letting a capeshit movie "break" you lmao

>It hasn't been done once.
Can you describe what it is you're looking for? What Spider-Man should be like to you? My argument's always been the reason you can't please Spider-Man fans at all is because there've been so many vastly different versions of him over the years, from different writers' takes on him in the comics to cartoons to movies, that no two people actually have the same mental image of who Peter Parker is, who his best villains are, and what those villains should be like.

That's the thing here. If this were the first movie version of Spider-man, I'd be annoyed as fuck. But this is now the third version of him. The Raimi movies handled him well, the two Amazing movies kind of retreaded Raimi territory without really adding much, if they're changing up the third version of Spider-man I don't think it's a big deal.

I have no clue who that is.
I mean, like I said, I thought the Mysterio stuff was good. I felt it was a nice modern take on his story, but God they massacred Peter. I went with some friends and I didn't want to be that one guy so I decided to go anyway.
They're better than the MCU version that's for sure. I didn't find Raimi insultingly bad like I did with MCU. I would have liked and emphasis more on the science element of Spider-Man. They brought it up maybe once or twice through the course of the series, but never really delve into it. We're just suppose to believe he's smart because Norman and Otto say he is. That all said, at least I can look at Tobey's portrayal and say "Yeah, Peter would act like that" bar the jokes. Even though the Bonesaw one was God tier.
>I don't like Nu-MJ because she's not really mary jane
Not even that, she's the literal polar opposite of Mary Jane. I get she's a different character, but clearly calling her MJ is opening themselves up to these comparisons because obviously they're not going to have two MJs.
>Aunt may being young and hot also rubs me the wrong way, because she's supposed to be an old bag, virtually a grandmother.
Didn't mind that aspect, but she seems far too laid back of an Aunt May for me. Didn't worry enough about Peter.

>Iron Man 3
>Thor Ragnarok

>Spiderman Homecomming + Far From Home


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>if anyone can be Spider-man then a Peter that has nothing in common with comic Peter can be Spider-man.
I mean, when I'm going to see a Spider-Man movie, I'm kinda wanting to see the Peter I know and love. Not some alternate take on him.
I've always seen Spider-Man as someone who grows up and was dealt a shitty hand in life, but made the most of it. I like to see the transition between Ditko and Romita as Peter finally learning what it means to have great responsibility. He starts as a kid who doesn't get his role in life and is motivated by grief and ends up learning that he shouldn't do what he does because of that. He should do what he does because he has people he needs to protect. He's quick on his feet and witty, yet honestly cares about everyone, even the people he's beating the crap out of. He's some dweeb who realizes that if he doesn't act he may as well pull the trigger. When I was young my dad was arrested and my mom didn't want me so she shoved me off to her parents. Grandfather hated me, but my grandmother was nice. Reading about someone like Peter really meant a lot to me in that time. Ditko's portray made me relate to the character and Romita's made me hopeful about my future. Spider-Man literally made me who I am.
I don't think the two groups you're talking about are the same people.

spiderfags are such fucking losers lmao, just end yourselves

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It's unironically Disney shills.

I'm gonna go ahead and say it. There has never been a good spiderman movie. I will say though that Mysterio was done really well. My current biggest complaint about the current spiderman is that literally EVERYTHING is connected to ironman and it really doesnt feel like Peter and his conflicts are his own.

I agree on pretty much everything you said.

Please do not say such mean things about my Night Monkey movie

Why didn't they just call him Dusk?

>Strawman: The Post

Because Ned couldn't think of a good fake name on the fly, and then his shitty fake name caught on. That's the entire joke.

The next movie will have a real night monkey show up as a brick joke.

On that note, "spider monkey" would actually be a decent name.

I have to admit the part where the Dutch police dude was wearing the mask, on the phone with his wife, and just saying "Night Monkey. Yes. Night Monkey." made me laugh.

Am I the only one who hated Ned in the entire movie? He was acting like an asshole throughout it more so than Flash.

I don't like the character in general.

I don't know if I'd call him an asshole but he was pretty useless

>the writers are outright taunting how much of a departure it is.

They are and they know it. They have creative licenses to basically just make it up as they go along, knowing he vast illiterate audience is going to eat it up. This is why boycotting and attacking this franchise is the only option for anyone who actually loves Spider-Man. Disney needs to not be rewarded for cutting and skinning characters.

Holland is the fucking worst. He's just a rich, spoiled pretty poor handed the role out of pure nepotism, connections and a willingness to throw Spider-Man under the bus as well. Holland is truly one of Spider-Man's greatest foes.

Holy autism

They can't make up their mind because they make it up as they go along user. It's partially just trolling, when Yea Forums knows something is inaccurate they troll to pretend it's great and piss people off. We always had user's admitted to making Iron Man 3 shill threads just for bait and to piss people off.

The problem is their troll arguments are used by the normie production companies making these movies. It "DOESNT MATTER" whenever they fucking feel it. It matters to my wallet though, I stopped giving Disney money a long time ago.

Do you retarded faggots have anything other to say than this? It's this every time. It's unoriginal at this point. Please write new material trolls.

The scene where Michelle is saying she acts weird to push people away genuinely upset me. Like, again, I know she's not supposed to be Mary Jane, but come the fuck on. I wouldn't say Holland himself is the problem, he's just an actor, but the writers who wrote what he was meant to portray really need to get the ax

Well I mean if you keep shouting NOT MUH SPIDERMAN DISNEY MUST PAY FOR THIS SIN you shouldn't be surprised that people keep shouting WOW AUTISM at you.

I bet you're the type of idiot who'll praise the upcoming Joker movie despite the director strait up telling you the comic fans would be pissed.

Nah I literally praise no live-action adaption at all these days. Try again. I want either comics or cartoons or video games. I do not trust Hollywood and film industry with comicbook properties, they've proven they are only interested in stealing and skinny recognizable names and characters for their own made up stories and agendas.

I don't endorse any version of that anymore.

anyone who unironically watches HiTop films or The Cosmonaut Variety Hour are brain dead and can't make their own decisions.

Who is the HiTop person people keep talking about?

>Nobody wants to watch the old and busted Spider-Man story.

I understand this and I agree. However the execution was fucking shit.

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>Tony replacing Uncle Ben is fucktarded
brainlet-tier complain
as far as we know uncle ben's death and him teaching peter about power and responsibility still happened?

you started on spider-man sony?

hold on.... why would you say that when the whole MCU was about remaking movie versions of the original source and not making new stories with the MCU name?

ah bloo blooo

I agree with you man. But studios dont respect comic fans . They just see comics as easy ideas for their own story . They dont need you . Especially MCU. MCU is on momentum that they can make anything and normies will watch it .

>Hope they don't pull a raimi and crash and burn with 3
Now come on, you can't play Raimi for it.

>as far as we know uncle ben's death and him teaching peter about power and responsibility still happened?
So let's say that it is not canon in MCU. What would be your opinion on it?

>6 hours apart, feelings are still hurt
Holy crap, your autistic attachment to shallow flicks is really something, huh? Poor child, do you think a movie franchise can replace people that care about you?

Ah bloo bloo, Hi-tol films tier thread. He's a fictional character, stop creaming your pants over NOT MUH SPIDER-MAN

MCU’s target audience are zoomers like this. OP shouldn’t be sad. Let them have this shit. One day Zoomer Spider-fag will be rebooted too and you’ll get to see the next generation of kids shit all over zoomer fags like this one.

No. It’s not a fucking spider-verse story,


Stopped reading there

I can’t wait for school to start again so you can fuck off to 9th grade

>Can you describe what it is you're looking for? What Spider-Man should be like to you? My argument's always been the reason you can't please Spider-Man fans at all is because there've been so many vastly different versions of him over the years, from different writers' takes on him in the comics to cartoons to movies, that no two people actually have the same mental image of who Peter Parker is, who his best villains are, and what those villains should be like.

Congratulations! You figured out why the MCU stopped trying to cater to comic fans in general. Because everything you just said about Peter Parker is true for literally ever hero, villain, side character, superpower, plot device, and everything else in comics.

The idea that there is a specific version of the character that the movies have to adapt to 'get it right' is inherently a fallacy, because even in comics this stuff has been written and rewritten so often that there is no consistency at all. Just whatever version is a person's favorite (aka: whatever version that person read first).

The MCU coming up with their own thing instead of trying to please slavishly comics fans that were going to bitch no matter what they did anyway is honestly the best decision they ever made. And, clearly, its worked out for them. Can't argue with success.

That doest mean you have to go off rails on everything. Compromising on one or two things is ok .

616 Peter has not varies that much.
Underdog figure, experience in money woes, caring, self-sacrificing to a fault, aggressive tendencies, protective, cares deeply and looks up to his aunt & uncle, independent.

Writers may vary in the voice they give him or how competent they write him, but there's enough defined there for "tries to live up to the legacy of billionare Tony Stark" to feel like an affront to the character.

And I forgot witty. Though how good his wit actually is depends a lot on the wit of the writer.


People always cry how the films are nothing like the comics, but for some reason it's ok if Marvel Studios does it.

This is pretty much only true for Batman, and batfags will see any batmovie no matter what, so that argument is bunk anyway.

Peter hasn't really changed that much over the years. He's grown a lot, yeah, but it's always been pretty consistent with his characterization. Like no one is going to say "MY spider-man is the peter in high school" or "MY spider-man is the down on his luck bachelor trying to make ends meet" or "MY spider-man is the one that is married". Yes, people prefer different specific incarnations of the character, but it's all Spider-man and as long as it's consistent with how he's been portrayed then people are happy.

Look at Into the Spider-verse. Peter B. Parker was a fat depressed sadsack, but ultimately, was still not that far out of line for what people see Peter Parker as, and spidey-fags are all over that movie.

I fell the same bruh

I'm not going in the theater to see any more capeshit until they respect the comics, stop the miscast and stop deconstructing a universe that does not need reconstruction

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They dont need you actually. They dont care about comics.

Was Tom Holland Peter molested? NO?


Imagine being this petty

not even the comics respect the comics, dude

The main way a consumer can fight back against practices they disagree with is by not giving a corporation their dollars.
Will it be effective? Does Marvel need people like him anymore? Absolutely not, but if everyone did this there could be actual change. It's not deserving of mockery.

The Mysterio fight scene cemented for me that it didn't, at least not in a way that mattered for Peter. The lessons he learns he Homecoming should have already been learned through Uncle Ben's death and Mysterio taunting Peter over Tony Stark's death really doesn't make any sense. What do you think has more impact?
>This person who was murdered by an alien who would have been murdered by this alien regardless of your involvement is your fault
>This person who raised you that got shot because you decided not to stop a criminal is your fault

You do realize Marvel has a mainline continuity that hasn't been rebooted, right?

To be fair, Mysterio wouldn't know about Uncle Ben since all Peter talks about is Tony, especially since he is still mourning. Though yeah it is obvious that the Uncle Ben death either didn't happen, or it wasn't meaningful at all to Peter since he has to be forced into saving the day pretty much every time.

>ah boo hoo hoo, not muh Spider-Man thread #57851

Fuck. Off. Retard.

He knew who Peter was, so he could have researched. Uncle Ben at the very least existed at one point, but apart from that? Pretty much moot.

Why do opposing opinions upset you so much?

At least they kind of fixed nu-mj by changing her from an sjw to a conspiracy xy theorist.

The cast should have been more realistic. The schools should have been mostly black but then they'd probably have to actually talk about the shit that happens in poor inner city schools that they don't want to talk about.

It doesn't fix her at all. The reason the relationship between Peter and MJ works is because MJ is a foil to Peter. She ran away from responsibilities because she feared them and put on a party girl persona to cope. When she found out Peter was Spider-Man she actively went out of her way to avoid spending time with him because it'd just be more responsibility. By getting with Peter she accepts the importance of not running away from your prpblems.

stay dead, Stark

>and new stories with diverse casts

This smells like another white liberal from New York buzzword

>diverse casts
They're all awkward nerds except for Flash.

You’re here defending a movie made by a mega corporation. Holy autism

The Spider-Man director doesn’t even exactly knows if Uncle Ben exists

The Zombie Stark scene should have been dropped for something like this.

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>The only good things about this film were Mysterio and JK Simmons cameo.
The JK Simmons cameo is the cheapest, most shallow way to manipulate fanboy response, and you all fell for it hook line and sinker. You're like a crowd at a music concert who scream and clap when the performer says the name of your home city.

More like I think JK Simmons portrayed JJ the best out of every adaptation, including none movie ones. It's like if they Frankensteined Sean Connery back from the grave just so he could play James Bond again.

I honestly said "for crying out loud" under my breathe when I saw Tony's gravestone.

I exhaled from my nose pretty sharply. I can't see how anyone can claim Tony Stark isn't a replacement for Uncle Ben after that scene, which at its core defeats the entire point of Uncle Ben's message.

>disney execs coping this hard
how much do you get paid to shill here?

This. Fuck them. The more of us there are the quicker they fall.

>best spiderman movie since raimi 2
>bitches and whines because it's not exactly the same as the comics

It's not that it's not exactly like. It's that it's not even remotely similar. What's the point of making a movie based on another property if you go out of your way to make it nothing like that property?

Homecoming was great in how it was about Peter learning not to use hero work as a coping mechanism for low self worth, but why did this movie have to throw his self-esteem right back into the shitter to create conflict?

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Cringy as fuck if true

>which at its core defeats the entire point of Uncle Ben's message
How so?


Unless Peter was doing fuck all until he embraced a sense of responsibility folowing the death of Tony, saying >Tony replacing Uncle Ben is fucktarded.
is still more fucktarded.


do we even know how Uncle Ben looks like in this Universe? have we even seen a picture?

I agree here but i like the messages on his movies about he should not aspire being a avenger or IronMan sucessor but being his own thing. This movie sucks all kind of dick. I went in hoping it'd fix some of the problems of Homecoming and it started off With Peter having to pay for ditching Ned which had me hopeful but it went down from there.

Dude who made these

Uncle Ben's message is about how one man alone has enough power to make a difference. By Peter obsessing with Tony Stark being something that made him great (in both movies mind you) it shows a reliance on him and not Peter's own gifts.
See and he takes up Uncle Ben's role as Peter's motive. Peter isn't doing what he does in this movie because he feels not doing so is comparable to murder, he does it because he fucked up Iron Man's legacy. As I said before, the zombie scene pretty much cements this.

Driving now, but I'll watch later.

Mysterio manipulated Peter usign what he knew about him. I doubt he knew about the Uncle Ben incident and how it affected Peter.
It is canon fucktard but they didn't want to repeat the same shit as Raimi or Webb movies because people would complain anyways.

>Peter acted nothing like Peter.
It's literally the most accurate portrayal of him in a movie, where all his personal problems and superheroing are colliding and fucking his life up but he still digs deep and comes up with a way to save the day anyway.
>m-muh uncle ben
Fuck off autist, they've already shown him twice in two other movie continuities, not everything has to be exactly like the comic books that are 95% shit anyway.

>how it affected Peter.
Not at all seemingly since it happened six months before Civil War and he seems to not give a shit and not only that seems to believe that a high tech suit is what makes someone a hero in Homecoming and not ones own inner strength. Now that I mention it, didn't someone say that Peter was saved by Iron Man at one point when he was younger making him his inspiration or am I remembering wrong?

>Writers may vary in the voice they give him or how competent they write him, but there's enough defined there for "tries to live up to the legacy of billionare Tony Stark" to feel like an affront to the character.
As if this wasn't so different when he tried to join Fantastic Four several times but learned later he was better being on his own.

I swear many modern Spiderfags only grew up with the 90's animated series and Raimi movies.

Homecoming wasn't even about that

> It's literally the most accurate portrayal of him in a movie
It's not
> where all his personal problems and superheroing are colliding and fucking his life up but he still digs deep and comes up with a way to save the day anyway.
Literally all the other movies did this.
> Fuck off autist, they've already shown him twice in two other movie continuities
You don't have to have Uncle Ben being shot again to show his presence.
> not everything has to be exactly like the comic books that are 95% shit anyway.
Shit taste, Spider-Man is literally consistent in quality up till his Aunt gets shot.

Now wait for the X-Men and Fantastic Four, accurate costumes but will be shit, surely related to Stark or another Avenger.

>As if this wasn't so different when he tried to join Fantastic Four several times
The difference being he wanted to join FF because of the scientific research they did. Not their heroing.

FF will be an attempt to recreate the super soldier serum. Mark my words.

>I sadly don't think we'll ever get a proper Spider-Man movie.


Yes, it was
>If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it

Based and never read a single comic pilled

Spider-Man can still be Spider-Man without his support cast

based abloo bloo poster

Since when is the comic relief sidekick supposed to be useful?

If they wanted to change the story so much, they could have done Miles instead of Peter. Because this is not Peter Parker at all

And he was completely nothing without the suit he didn't even land a punch on vulture he was only beaten because he survived a plane crash and his wing nearly blew up

He's talking mental spiritutal terms. Peter would wreck Tony and the vulture physically without their suits

Peter's problem in the movie was that he was acting out of a desire to get Tony's approval because he didn't believe in his ability to function as a hero on his own (the suit was a metaphor for this), he overcomes that in the moment where he gets himself out from under the rubble and defeats the Vulture

imagine going to the theater to enjoy a movie and have these two fucks complaining under their breath during the entire movie, how awful

And it was still shit and pointless because he went back to depending on Tonys suits and now he depends on sheild

And if you read the reply chain that's exactly what I was complaining about in FFH here

The entire point of Into the Spider-Verse was that there are countless interpretations of Spider-Man, and that anyone can wear the mask as long as they have the sense of responsibility and selflessness. Every interpretation of Spider-Man has this. The character can be interpreted so many different ways. Raimi is different from every other interpretation, Webb is different, 60s cartoon is different, 90s cartoon is different, Spectacular Spider-Man is different, PS4 Spider-Man is different, Peter B. is different, Ultimate comics Spidey is different, 616 is different, that CGI Cartoon Spider-Man is different, MCU Spider-Man is different. But all of them have that sense of responsibility and drive to help others.
No, they're using Iron Man's death as an extended metaphor for Uncle Ben. We're seeing how Peter reacted to Uncle Ben's death through the lense of Tony Stark's death. "Everywhere I go, I see his face" That's how this Peter deals with loss.
Do I think we need a bigger reference to Uncle Ben? Yes. But given how FFH was Peter actually becoming his own thing, and the post credit scene pretty much says that he's not going to be able to use Stark tech, and the entire city is out against him like early comics, I have plenty of hope for his next outing.
Also, I will gladly take Iron Man being an Uncle Ben metaphor over Mark Webb's, "I became Spider-Man to get revenge on Uncle Ben's killer." Interpretation.

>anyone who listens to others' opinions can't form their own opinions

this here is the train of thought the destroys intellectual discussion

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>and the post credit scene pretty much says that he's not going to be able to use Stark tech,
You fuckers said this about Homecoming.

To be honest, this scenario wouldn't make sense in the context of the movie. How could Mysterio know the "with great power comes great responsability" line?, How could he know that Ben died because Peter didn't stop the burglar when he could. Whoever made this probably didn't watch the movie and just draw based on what he hear.

The scenario is cool thou, and it could actually work as a halluciantion caused by Peter's own mind after being infected by Scorpion's poison.

congrats on not being a brain dead normie.

>Peter acted nothing like Peter.
Oh fuck off. Peter acts however the writer handling him at the time wants him too. Fucking faggot ass drama queen,

>wyn get this in the mcu

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Even moreso, how does EDITH not make him utterly broken?

Here's the thing, I don't want to see an off take on Spider-Man. I want to see Spider-Man. And bear in mind, they called themselves Earth-616. While it was a lie/a reference, it still implies they are trying to be an adaptation, at least to some degree and not an alternate take.
>No, they're using Iron Man's death as an extended metaphor for Uncle Ben.
By making Iron Man into Uncle Ben I mean they made Iron Man take up Uncle Ben's role in the story as Peter's motivation/reason to fight.
He could have at least known about Uncle Ben pretty easier. Mysterio seemed really researched in this movie and likely studied Peter Parker after learning he was Spider-Man. It'd be pretty easy to put two and two together seeing as he began crime fighting after his Uncle died.
When did Normies get into comics? Also, the normalfags seem to be eating this movie up, so I don't know what you're on.
Rude, but ignoring that, he's had a pretty consistent personality and motive through his entire history. While small details may change from writer to writer, such as how he reacts to certain people, ultimately his personality and motives stayed in tact.
There's so much shit we wont get in the MCU Spider-Man. Harry's drug addiction, anything involving Mary Jane, Peter trying to pay May's medical bill while still attending school, a proper If This Be My Destiny, and you know they don't have the balls to show a kid dying of cancer. Also
>Will you never

Finally got around to watching. Why does everyone keep reeing about it in thread? He even says they're just opinions and people can enjoy the movie if they enjoy it. Are people really this anal about someone criticizing something they like?

>tfw we got this instead of Kingpin's ultimate arc in the MCU

If they wanted to try something new they should've gone with that, those comics had some genuine gold material with Kingpin being untouchable in NY yet unable to actually deal with Spidey and him trying his best to fight a corrupt system in his own neighborhood.

This isn't bad. But it isn't what I wanted, and it sure as hell it isn't what I consider Spider-Man. He isn't in New York, he isn't down on his luck, he isn't struggling to make a living, and after the next movie he won't be struggling to balance his hero life with his real life neither. They nailed Peter as an actual teenager and unexperienced hero, but they threw away everything else for the sake of novelty when it wasn't necessary. He's supposed to be your friendly neighbor, defending the working joe agaisnt low (and not so low) tier villains, so why is he defending Europe from otherwordly creatures?

I think Endgame is my stopping point for capeshit.

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I mean yeah, like you said, he wasn't a great team player.

Compare that to MCU Peter whose still relying on Stark, even after the guy's dead.

Kingpin would have been god tier, but I don't know how it would work with Daredevil. I've always been a fan of the detective esque Spider-Man stories. Would have been badass to see them pull in the Maggia and Hammerhead. It'd also be a great way to keep him grounded and street level.

When I first heard about them and saw the reaction, I got the impression he really went for the people who made them and anyone supporting them.
It's just a guy articulating his opinion. There's a million videos doing this positively and negatively out there.

either make the netflix shows not canon (let's be honest here, they never actually were) or just say that after the snap people had bigger problems to worry about than Kingpin.

they could even had work those two pages into a movie easily by just saying Spider-Man was just starting to be around (iirc they said that he had been doing it for a couple of months in Civil War)

hell they could've made it into a honest to god fresh trilogy instead of retreading on the sinister six yet again, even if none of the movies actually made it to them they sure as hell tried and every other piece of spider media has to have them

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So why not make a new story instead of REHASHING Spiderman?

Thats a really poor argument.

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>Peter acted nothing like Peter.
Stopped reading here. You are a turbo-faggot.

Seems pretty essential for an adaptation.

The film simply isn't for OP and the 50k sad remnant of comic book buyers that remain. Its for the 20 million ticket holders over opening weekend, probably 50 million people will end up seeing the film.

Comicbooks are just R&D for the films, and you've been paying to be a beta tester.

Those 50 million wouldn't have known the difference if it was a faithful adaptation or not. Moreover, what's the point of using these characters if you aren't planning on telling their story?

Could work. Hell, they could have had the six months Peter was being Spider-Man before Civil War and just say that Sandman, Otto, Green Goblin, Lizard, and Electro got off screen origins there. That way the series benefits from their presence and we have definitive reason not to go through their origin story.

I do not buy more like before and many are doing the same
sales are falling and they do not change and continue to destroy the comics
>look this thread
boku no hero e one punch man, dragon ball and shingeki no kyojin can be more interesting than most us comics

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>Italian Spiderman

Classic Spider-Man/MJ hasn't been done one time on the big screen

>This scene can't work with Michelle
Really is a shame.

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Very well put

>Spiderman is a indie comic published by a small company

because the name has marketing power you dum dum

Whoa dude, you're soooooo against the grain and woke!

A youtuber

Wonderful page

>not only that seems to believe that a high tech suit is what makes someone a hero in Homecoming and not ones own inner strength.

Did you fall asleep during the last half of homecoming when stark takes his suit away and Peter throws all that rubble off him and takes on vulture with just his homemade costume?

>last half
That's the point. He should have known that long before the movie even began.

>Peter is a nerd
>Spider-Man is a Chad.*

Literally can't understand why you guys are arguing that anyone can be Spider-Man in defense of this shitty movie. It's true anyone can be Spider-Man, but if you call the nignog in the suit Peter Parker make him act like it. Otherwise don't call him peter.

>Spider-Man never wears his mask.
>that scene where Fury tells him he's only feigning being anonymity because he's met everyone then proceeded to introduce him to 2 strangers who he obviously didn't know.

Can someone talk about this shit? They keep trying to change our personal opinions with these movies literally outright. No subtle. It's all shoehorned bullshit.

Peter would have politely declined and kept the mask on because he's a fucking Chad* as Spider-Man. He likes the mask. That simple.

>Tom hollands Spider-Man is obviously gay.
>That kiss? Gay dude realizing girls don't do it for him. That's what that kiss was.
>Literally had the most hollow "teen" romance ever produced on film.
>gives no reason for us to ship them.

I don't mind black MJ, but she has no reason to be Interested in this Peter he has no reason to like her they just do cos plot.




Srsly, I went to the theater to see Spider-Man not to watch a PlayStation cut scene. I'm condemning the MCU and I'm just gonna stick to literally EVERY OTHER STORYTELLING FORMAT for enjoying Spider-Man because the people making the movies can't get their shit together.

You can't call movies that ride the coattails of their title character successful. Take out every shot with cgi-man and Mysterio and tell me that movie was worth a $10 ticket. This MIGHT have worked as a cartoon because that's the level of production value this movie had. It's like watching Disney channel all over again.

>Based Mysterio tho flaws aside.

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Actually I think the opposite will be true. Think about it:
>previous spidey adaptations were pretty comic accurate
>MCU tries to avoid comparison by not being comic accurate
>X-men and FF previous adaptations weren’t comic accurate
>MCU will differentiate by making the most comic accurate films possible

>It's true anyone can be Spider-Man, but if you call the nignog in the suit Peter Parker make him act like it. Otherwise don't call him peter.
This is what I don't understand about MCU Spider-Man. I'd really prefer it if they would have just made it an OC hero entirely but since "lol brand recognition" they didn't of course, but they could have at least made up a name or something, and save Peter for some other time.

Don't we already have a spider who's entire schtick is that he idolizes a super hero? Just go with Miles, you already took his best friend.

That would've been just fine as well

>at the movies with some friends to see the new Spider-Man movie
>find your seats, it's a row behind some fat fuck sitting by himself
>he has a large popcorn, a slurpie and a box of Buncha Crunch, munching loudly
>during the pre-movie trailers you and your friends are all joking around and laughing and offering each other food
>landwhale in front of you keeps shushing you and telling you to shut up
>every trailer he loudly announces what movie/franchise it is
>in the middle of the movie there's a scene where Mysterio makes Spidey freak out with illusions
>camera pans over to the grave of Tony Stark
>throws his popcorn everywhere
>gentle sobs from the row in front of you for the rest of the movie

Peter acted exactly like peter

Tony didnt replace uncle ben, hes just spideys mentor

Michell was ok this time around i agree shes not mary jane or any thing close

>Peter acted exactly like peter
No he didn't
>Tony didnt replace uncle ben, hes just spideys mentor
See the second part of

You know, I think that Ned's role in the story would have been fantastic if they had given it to MCU Harry Osborn instead with no other real alterations to the script. Imagine how much more impact the Green Goblin arc would be if Harry had been Peter from the very beginning, covering him as needed, losing him to the SNAP, getting him back five years later, and then seeing his best buddy's life destroyed by Mysterio. Imagine, the fucking narrative gravitas

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It's Ned because they're going to do a storyarc where he gets jealous of Peter's powers and becomes Hob Goblin. There, saved you fifteen dollars. But yeah, hopefully they drop Ganke on his ass and bring in based Harry.

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Even more so, the entire romantic thing with MJ came out of absolutely nowhere. He was into Liz and showed no interest in Michelle in the previous movie and no time really passed for them since the snap since they were dusted so how is he now suddenly in love with her?

this MJ was actually charming in her sort of dark, spooky way. I don't know what she sees in him though. he's a generic nerd outside of being spiderman. they have 0 chemistry

Ned's too fat to be a believable villain, and he's also too fat to believably pull a "He suddenly lost weight by training!" asspull.

Hell, I actually hope ned's the "gwen stacy" for this series, with him being a friend of Parker's that gets kidnapped and then killed in front of him due to everyone knowing his name.

I know the "Killed the girl you were in love with" aspect would be lost, but it would still have emotional impact on him and get rid of the fat waste of space at the same time.

I wouldn't mind, but they already teased at the fact that Michelle is getting killed off.

I’m not sure that was so much teasing as paying homage to the occurrence with Mysterio’s illusion

A possibility, but I got this strange feeling they rushed the romance in this one to do something they wanted to do quickly. That or they're killing Peter off in the next movie Ultimate style, but the problem with that is it doesn't fucking work because he doesn't have a rogues gallery yet.

they'll have him defeat the sinister six and then die in that movie as a "grand finale" for him, and then bring in miles morales to replace him. Not unlike into the spiderverse.

So 1-3 more movies, depending on how much time they need to develop the group; They could try and rush it and introduce the other members in the same movie as the team up, or give it another movie or two to do them justice.

Also depends on if they try and use the shocker from homecoming as a legitimate member given how he's basically just a hired thug in that movie and not a super villain in his own right.

Well to be fair, the romances have been rushed in the Spider-Man movies since Amazing Spider-Man though this one basically went from 0 to 100 out of nowhere given that there was not even the semblance of Peter and Michelle being interested in each other in Homecoming only for Peter to suddenly be super in love with her here

based and spiderpilled.

>boku no hero e one punch man, dragon ball and shingeki no kyojin
Imagine being this retard, and a hue on top of that.

gotta be honest I haven't read a comic book in years but I still go out of my way to catch up in mangashit every now and then, and I genuinely disliked it before.
Even if a manga eventually goes downhill you can just hop in to any other and start over, you just can't do that with capeshit. You can't even get a decent ending with capeshit, even with stories that were never supposed to have any continuations. also 9 times out of 10 manga looks better than current western comic books

who the fuck thought a watchmen crossover would be a good idea christ

Coincidentally I've started playing the PS4 spidey game today before watching this crap, and it's weird to realize how they made a better derivation (judging from what I've played so far) than the MCU

ehh the whole game I was just waiting for them to obviously make Doc Ock evil and for the chinese demon gang to fuck off

Peter goes to a highschool for smart ass kids.

>mentions the multiverse
>not a multiverse story

Are you retarded? The multiverse shit was a lie.

There's something wrong and unsettling with her face
It almost looks like a mask from one of those Mission Impossible films

either that or it's just extreme makeup

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This is why I love peter and mj

What is this panel from? I miss this friendship.

Millennials, user. Zoomers don't give a crap, they're playing Fortnite and that shit. Younger Millennials that bought the SJW crap are their target audience, and they'll keep eating the shit because either they're told to like it or they really do like it. I don't know which is worse.

ASM 582

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I'm all for a different version of MJ if that's what they want to do. She's got her own bit of charm but I totally agree with you on the whole lack of chemistry. Maybe it's because he's spending 80 percent of the movie "pining" for her instead of actually doing things with her.

Actually got this issue as a kid when my uncle got me a bunch of comics that were on sale.

It's a great one. Best of Enemies is one of my favorite arcs.