Is this character appealing to anyone here? why does it seem like that only the creators liked sergeant hatred

is this character appealing to anyone here? why does it seem like that only the creators liked sergeant hatred

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I didn't like him at first but he's grown on me since and become weirdly endearing as the Venture family's weird, kinda pathetic uncle.


This. His eagerness to help and be apart of a unit makes me like him.

white chocolate doll boys

I liked him. He's fun

He's the character me and my brother quote the most often.

I like him when they're not trying to make a gag out of him being a pedophile. That's a bit too much for my tastes.

I like him because he’s relatable

>disliking any Venture Brothers character
how can anyone's taste be this bad

dermott and the tim-tom midgets are both shitty and annoying characters.

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Demott grew on me when he evolved into a guy whose tryhard facade was covering up the fact he's an alright guy rather than a tryhard who's just a cunt.

If you listen to the commentary the creators talk about how he was inspired by because one of the creator's had an army dude in their town who turned out to be a pedo. So he was written in as such. Then they needed someone to fill Brock's role, and he was one of the most disciplined and knowledgeable antagonist characters we had seen. It's very strange how a character who molested the two teenage boy main characters became their bodyguard and mentor. But then again, not that strange because the creators do most of the shit they do for the lulz.

I've always found Dermott hilarious, even back when he was a total shithead.

To be fair, who else would be so protective of young boys?

never had a problem with Courtney.

He actually molested the brothers? I remember him asking the two over for a "sleepover" and being declined but I don't remember him molesting them.

Dermott's great. Like he's a total loser, but a loser you can't help but root for, like Gary. I honestly forgot the midget henchmen even existed, but yeah, they do suck. But their role is so tiny and they're so shallow they're barely even characters in my mind.

He also got a lot better when they stopped running the LOL PEDO joke into the ground. It's funnier in moderation.

Hank recalls it during the time they were kidnapped by Myra. Dean was passed out.
"It was mostly awful."

Before Hatred became a recurring character they made a joke about how he molested the boys. I think it might have been the first time he was ever mentioned in the series.

He made me drop the series at the third season. I recently picked it back up and just muscled through all of his scenes and I'm basically glad I did. But god damn, there is no reason for this comedy void to be in this show.

He's a nine-year-old boy genius and he's cute as a damn button! I'm not letting you anywhere near him!

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I remember way back when he first showed up, people were commenting on how a person's reception of Dermott depends almost entirely on whether you knew someone like him growing up. People that did know a Dermott liked the character, people that didn't tended to hate him.

He gets better, but it does take a while and they beat the shit out of the dead horse that is the pedophile gag. It was brought up frequently in season 3, then in season 4 it felt like "repressed pedophile" was literally his only character trait, then in season 5 and beyond it basically went away. I think even Doc and Jackson realized the joke had way overstayed its welcome.

I'm glad they did, they're notoriously bad at realizing when a joke has stopped being funny.

Hank and Dean have been through some SHIT. Shit that would be hard enough to process without being emotionally stunted as they are. Though I unironically love Emo Dean. and I'm fully convinced Dean will develop into a more mature, empathetic and insightful person than Hank).

I've never known anyone like Dermott in a close or meaningful way (I'm ) I just really feel for alienated young people characters, even if they're total dumbasses, though that kind of comes with age. Also, as corny as it sounds, I think there's a little Dermott in every guy born in the 80s/90s.

Sgt. Hatred is great member of the cast, especially in season 5 when Hank isn't screaming I WANT BROCK BACK every time he talks to him.

"Hank? Well, he's blond, and more, like...athletic?"

Hankies btfo, Deanoids reign supreme

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i hate him.

He's a self-serving little tit who sniffs his own farts all day to get himself hyped enough to fuck his brother's gf.

if you were keeping up to date, you would say that you VATE him

But they hardly ran that into the ground. The times it came up, it was always either a subtle thing like him getting unnerved with kids nearby like the day camp episode, or having a full blown meltdown at the movies. And that all played into his growth from being a fallen villain to a respectable member of the Venture family overcoming his weakness.

Hank, stop posting

This. Say what you want about them but pedos want to see kids stay safe and unharmed.

>pedos want to see kids stay safe and unharmed
This has almost never been true, historically.

>But they hardly ran that into the ground.
Check the first half of season 4 again.

>pedos want to see kids stay safe and unharmed.

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They accomplished something great. They made a supervillain pedophile into a likable and sympathetic character; Sergeant Hatred is a man who has spent his life trying to crawl out of the soul-crushing hole of addiction. He's ashamed of what urges he has, going so far as to medicate himself to keep them in check.

>he WILL DEVELOP INTO a more mature, empathetic and insightful person than Hank

to be perfectly clear, that's a pretty low bar to clear, but I'm pretty sure Dean will do better in that department because he's at least slightly less of a dumbass than Hank

How about you fucking explain how it was "run into the ground" when it wasn't. Yes, it a big part of his character, but as I just said, they actually played with his issues in different ways. It wasn't just the same reaction every time it came up.

Hank isn't necessarily unintelligent emotionally.
He forms and maintains more earnest friendships than Dean.

>How about you fucking explain how it was "run into the ground" when it wasn't.
Multiple times an episode you'd get the HA HA HE WANTS TO FUCK KIDS BUT KNOWS HE SHOULDN'T HA HA scene.

Hank should get to band practice for his shitty band. oh right, his shitty band broke up, and nobody cared

Probably did help that his problem was apparently the result of the Super Soldier serum the VB universe had. Wouldn't surprise me if the writers threw that in with the hope that it would garner some sympathy.

Maybe you should be busy beating up guys who need wheelchairs, big guy.

It was more like once every few episodes. The premiere episode of season 4 had pretty much no jokes about his problem since everyone was focused on the Nazis and Dog-Hitler. And even then, the jokes were hardly that simple, they either had him almost falling back into his bad habits when he finds out that people like Billy exist, or realizing the suppressant he's been taking isn't helping him anymore whilst compounding that with the usual topic of drug dependency. That's hardly fucking "running it into the ground"

Calm down you pedo nobody is attacking you

Hank forms earnest friendships, but in a really naive, childlike way. And obviously he's given to hero worship, and obsessing over approval which isn't a good sign. He's not an utter dunce but he's too reliant on the feedback of others regarding how he should/does feel.

You're a fucking retard.

where does Killinger rank in Venture Bros villains? must be somewhere in the top 5 right?

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Dean's had a few honest relationships too, granted only with men like Jared and his teachers at his university (and while one of them was a villain on the side, he did genuinely value Dean as a student). It's mainly girls that the poor boy just can't seem to get a handle on, which is rather odd since he seemingly got the ball rolling with that one-off girl in the episode where Triana left the compound, then he was back to being all obsessed with her for the finale.

>stupid people can't be emotionally mature and empathetic

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Probably within the top 3, and it's a secret top 3 because there's always a secret group. Starting to wonder if he's meant to be like the Watcher given his actions. He clearly tries to help people embrace their true potential, but also believes that his role (and that of his now fallen brethren) is to not interfere explicitly with humans, Of course, they probably won't ever go too in depth with what he truly is, and just have him be there for the big character moments.

I hadn't considered the possibility that Dean might just be gay or bi, but honestly I would welcome a coming-out arc for him

dumb people can be emotionally mature, but Hank is a dumbass on most counts compared to Dean, except for like hands-on stuff

"ze universe wants you to be happy"
honestly, he might be right

I fucking love Killinger. He just wants the best in people and he helped my main man the mighty monarch get his girlfriend back. Thats pretty based.

Depends on how stupid the person is. A complete retard probably wouldn't be able to grasp finer emotional concepts, but Hank has long since improved since his days of learning-bed based experiences. He's been pretty much able to live the way he wants to an extent, getting away with running a glorified yard sale/store out of his own garage, got laid entirely by happenstance by a hot piece of ass (even if it was his father's sloppy seconds), and proved to be a pretty good worker when he got his first legitimate job in the Big Apple.

Does he even count as a villain?

He’s with the ‘antagonists’ but I think the most evil stiff we’ve seen him do is kill morally questionable people. Hell, Brock’s killed people who probably didn’t really deserve it.

God I wish I had someone who would help me fulfill MY potential. We could all go so far with someone like him in our lives.

Yeah but he did get pretty weird about his first gf. He was kinda bordering on stalker for a while.

Also, he is sorta crazy. That comes and goes but it’s something to take into account.

Wasn't really implying he's gay or bi, just that he's not entirely devoid of friends. His relationship with the red HELPer, Hatred, and some others shows that he can connect with people when he's not going into a meltdown as he does with girls. He did seem to be doing alright with the chick who mutated during the space shield construction, at least when she was still normal. And while we haven't seen what led to him getting into Sirena's pants, the two were able to make a pretty platonic connection because they just wanted some normalcy every now and then instead of mind-blowing weirdness 24/7.

>why does it seem like that only the creators liked sergeant hatred
If the previous season is any indication the creators suddenly started hating him. If Brock is considered a 10 on the power scale then Hatred should be an 8 or 9. But this previous season they just gave him a humiliating mall cop job and had him get the shit kicked out of him,

True, but there is the argument to be made that she was apparently not giving him any time to be with her. Of course, the story pretty much dropped any focus on Hank and Sirena after she blew him off early on and didn't pick up again until the penultimate episode and the finale. And it was rather odd how Hank started to act even more offbeat than usual. While he's always been prone to weird utterances, they were usually in times of stress or being hyped over something. Yet in the second to last episode of the season, he's stopping in his trek to the campus to fucking play football and concusses himself like a jackass. I do however think he's not going to be all bent up over the betrayal, given his statement to Rodney and Phineas seemed less angry and more like "Yea, I noticed that. Need to find out what that's about"

I think he's a villain, but a particular type. Like a "villain enabler". He was clearly leading Rusty down the road to villainhood. His whole deal is helping people "realize their potential", but that potential isn't always good, and his own purposes are utterly inscrutable.

too late user, my view of Dean has already been altered to include "tragically closeted bisexual"

To be fair, there wasn't much to do with him directly since the season premiere was really a massive moment for Rusty and Malcolm learning about the fates of their fathers, and then we had Hank and Dean's small arcs of the former's seemingly perfect life starting to spiral out of control and the latter's finally seeing an uptake after leaving the nest. All the while, we had Malcolm/The Monarch and Gary/21 climbing the ranks to get their shit together after their vigilante stint.

Based on what though? While he's always been pretty effeminate, that's a trait his father has had in spades for many years (even more so if you count the pilot and series premiere where it was pretty much enough straight up flamboyancy that he could be used a lifeboat). While there was the time(s?) he and Hank experimented, Deano seems to be pretty much into the ladies, even if he's barely been able to talk to any of them without acting more braindead than his half-baked clone form.

yeah Dean's crush on Triana was humiliatingly real, but I wonder if he might turn his attentions to men if he finds that he's consistently unbearably awkward around women.

(also I just think that Dean and another guy would be cute af. Venture Brothers has already had a fair number of well-written gay characters, but they haven't really shown as being in love)

So how do you expect Hank's journey to play out? I'm rather hopeful it won't be a complete farce that gets swept under the rug and shit's back to status quo. I'd rather see him actually achieve some semblance of growth for once given he hasn't really gotten that much since season 4 and the bits and pieces he had in 6 and 7. While I doubt he'll make a massive 180 turn in character, I could still see him making enough of a change to acknowledge some of his old shortcomings instead of just lucking out and getting his problems sorted by somebody else.

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Dean's straight. Get over it.

Guess we'll just have to see how plunging the depths of Sirena's velvety coast affects him, if he's not too distracted by Hank's departure that is.

I can honestly say I have no idea how things will play out with Hank. Feels like anything can happen.

I think Hank will probably become a fully-fledged OSI/SPHINX operative at some point, at least for a while. His main obstacle as I see it is learning to realize his own being instead of aping heroes, but I think he's made some good strides on that front

I won't get over it and you can't make me.

I've been watching for a while and while I used to like dean more for his innocence, it was hank's earnest and good nature that eventually won me over. Especially that scene where he's talking to rusty in the hospital. If anything that scene alone proves that hank has a character arc of wanting to be loved and appreciated for his abilities, and I think with him checking himself out the hospital will lead him on a journey of self discovery.

I'm rather into the idea of him finding a father-figure who runs a big company, and either gives him the reigns to see how Hank handles things, or he gets thrusted into the leadership role when the man suddenly dies and Hank has to try and keep the company afloat. It could play of his Batman fascination where he thinks it'll all lead to great adventures where he'll get to be a hero during the night, only to realize it's nothing grand like that and he's simply being entrusted with the future of a business and has to "save the day" as a responsible adult. He could still easily be a goofball as he shifts the perspective of the company to his more upbeat worldview, while also getting the maturity he needs to show that he can be dependable in a serious situation and not just dodge responsibility for his actions as he was often doing before.

Initially? No, he was a pedo villain played pretty straight forward, minus the actual kid fucking. Having him be repentant and earnest in wanting to help raise Hank and Dean, as well as want to not be a kid fucker anymore really helped his character. Also the fact he does get his ass kicked, but still keeps on trucking feels more enjoyable than a lot of the other Venture family's shtick. Rusty's over inflated ego, Hank's annoyingly prevalent fantasies, Dean's whining; this felt refreshing. Sure, he would lock himself in the bathroom and drink axe cologne, but when shit hit the fan he dropped his bots on the ground.

Tl;dr: he grows on you.

good point, Sirena is cute af

also do her gills allow her to give head longer?

honestly saving the family business would be a pretty heroic effort at this point

Tough to say, given he somehow got ahold of his Batman mask before shuffling off into the crowd. Guess either Dean brought it to his room during one of the visits, or Hank had it with him before his hike during the storm.

With the gills, she can probably go near-indefinitely if she wanted to. Question is, is she that insatiable for chugging chode?

As for Hank saving Ventech, that would be a pretty cool closure to the financial crisis Rusty is facing. All seems lost, then Hank swoops in with a merger deal or something that pulls the company out of the red and has Rust feeling extremely proud of his boy for the first time in his life.

Yea Forums will forever be mad about this, huh?

Seems like the worst of the hate has died off. Hell, I hardly see people bitching about Sirena "cucking" Hank as much as what was going on back when the episode was still fresh in people's minds.

Well it was a dick move tbqh.

That's actually not it at all, they just saw some big dude with a military buzzcut blatantly looking at foot fetish porn at a cafe on his laptop and made an entire character out of him.

Think he meant season 6. Season 7 was much MUCH kinder to Hatred by comparison. Season 6 had maybe 1 nice thing go for him, and that was him helping Brock smuggle a polar bear. The rest of it was just one beat down to the next until he was in the hospital, and when he gets out he is just disrespected the entire time.

And he admitted to that, somewhat. A lot of times that happens in shows, you almost always have the traitors trying to pin the blame on the character they wronged and dragging out the issue for a while before finally owning up to their deeds. While we still don't know the specifics of the relationship, signs do point to it being a spur of the moment for Dean and Sirena and not them being complete assholes behind Hank's back.

Hard 8. Shore Leave and top tier OSI are a 9. He can't kick their asses, but he can definitely put some bruises on them, so would put him just under those guys. Brock would kill him, anyone considered a 10 would.

I dunno, Shore Leave and The Alchemist have their moments.

Makes wonder what Gary's level is at now. Season 4 he was doing pretty well against Brock, though it was possible Brock was being nice given the times he spared 21 and 24 before. Hatred though did seem to be able to get Gary on the ropes the few times they've met after Hatred got his hate-boner for Gary, which then became a murder-boner after the Moppets tricked Hatred into thinking he had been betrayed. But after all of season 7, we know Gary's not a pushover, nor a newbie like he was in season 4.

That's not how gills work, fish swallow water and then it flows over the gills and is ejected out the holes.

True, but that seems to be more of casual/sometimes intimate fling, more so on Al's part since we found out at least twice he got super into Shore Leave and had to be brain drained to get him to back off for a bit. Of course, they could always end up becoming completely serious at some point and full-time partners.

It's cartoon gills though, stop ruining the fantasy with logic you fag!

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I doubt she wants to give inifinite fellatio, but it's a pretty powerful bargaining chip/tool for manipulation should she need it

If we're going full pie-in-the-sky here, I'd want more from a Hank-saves-the-company story than for Rusty to be proud of Hank. Have Hank kick Rusty out or relegate him to a fancy-sounding but ultimately meaningless "assistant manager" position. Rusty's a worthless parasite who hasn't come up with a good idea in decades.

Shore Leave and the Alchemist are both great, but as far as I remember, they simply are gay, with no romantic relationships that have been fleshed out

k then, infinite BJs as long as a sufficiently deep pool is nearby. a hot tub would do nicely, (with the heat off ofc)

I'd fuck him.

Definitely an 8 or 9. Aside from what you mentioned about him going toe to toe with Hatred, Shore Leave and Brock have complimented his skill and improvement; also I am almost certain if he had tried to officially join the OSI through the proper channels, he would have been in like that. Shit, they let Dermott in, even taking in to account he had strings pulled. He has also only improved since that fight with Brock. He killed a level 10 villain barefisted, was able to subdue and capture no less than 5 other level tens. All that while working out of a busted up house and almost no modern equipment.

Gary's a fucking T A N K

Oh please, Rusty's hardly that bad these days. He has a legitimate passion for innovation, and while he probably did have a lot of help from Peter and Billy, he did make the teleporters that Hunter told him to fuck off with. And I really doubt Hank would want to steal his father's business or even humiliate him. At most, he'd just want to show his pops that he can be a dependable person and isn't the moneygrubbing little dork he used to be.

>certain if he had tried to officially join the OSI through the proper channels, he would have been in like that
Tough to say, Hunter hates most people, and rarely wants to deal with the ones he's explicitly told he despises. Though he might at least find Gary's prowess commendable all the same. As for Hatred, got to wonder when those two will finally get to sit down and clear the air, at this point it just seems to be a minor issue for Gary and pretty much the only motivation for Hatred given his newfound deskjockey role.

idk if Hank would *want* to take his dad's business from him, but if he starts being a serious business type, he might come to view it as a hard but necessary decision (like giving him a fancy-sounding position that has no real power to appeal to Rusty's ego). Hank's main motif is a quest to become "his own man", which might lead him against his father (and parallel the conflicts between Jonas and Rusty).

Hank's journey is incredbly enduring. I can't wait to see how his quest for Maturity goes. I don't think he'll go with Dean on the Harsh road of Normalcy, so his Journey of Super Normalcy or Paranormal will be something.

I suppose, but I could also see him just being happy that he's found success on his own, helps out his father, who in turn is proud to see his boys are finally finding success as regular people and not getting stuck in the boy-adventurer life he's pretty much obliged to keep coming back to every now and then.
Guess we'll have to wait and see if Hank tries to maintain something of an interesting life that has the spice of adventure, or if he fully embraces maturity and real-world concerns instead of the make-believe stuff the guild and OSI are perpetually trapped in.

I thought the main difference was that Dean was dealing with the more intellectual/creative "super science" aspect of the Venture legacy, while Hank is dealing with the physical, courageous "adventure" aspect.

Rusty might be proud to see his boys be successful, mature adults, but at the same time, he might be jealous of them for achieving the happiness he never could.

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Dean pretty much wants nothing to do with the crazy stuff if he can avoid it, as seen with how he blew up at Monarch and defused his new teacher from going movie Doctor Doom on everyone. While he was coerced into exploring sciences, it's not seeing him going thousands of leagues under the sea to look for rare ores or any incredulous shit. Meanwhile, Hank is presumably going to get a wakeup call that will show him that life can be an adventure without having to see people die, be maimed, or turned into bizarre monstrosities all the time. As for Rusty, I think he would be happy if his boys were able to live completely normal lives. We know for a fact that he feels sorry for Hank who always fought back against the "routine" of boy adventurers that Dean initially bought into wholesale. While there's always a chance that Rusty might feel some emasculation seeing his boys be more successful than him, I would think he'd be able to swallow his pride since it at least means they won't have to repeat his mistakes should either of the boys end up with kids of their own.

I felt meh about him at first but he really grew on me by season 5, I like what they did with him, pretty much what says


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Hatred is an exception
> A lot of times that happens in shows
And there's your problem, Venture Bros used to make fun of cliches, now they just use cliches as they're.
Season 1-4 were the best and the show went down the hill afterwards. I will say season 7 was quite good.

Tim-Tom are great cause they’re freaky little weirdos with knives and they make you root for Henchmen 21 even more.

Wes Warhammer appeals to me the most because he can actually talk to God using a communicator watch.

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He could give him a Jony Ive style "Innovator Emeritus" position that lets him fuck around and do super science with Pete and Billy but he doesn't have to worry about running the company anymore.

Is he literally Henry?

I always assumed the midgets were supposed to be hateable

Could Killinger beat 'The Master'?

I must rewatch this show sometimes because I barely remember anything you guys are talking about. It's been running a loong time...

I'd find it really hard to get bored of a show where Brock, Vatred and Shore Leave go on various missions together.

I expect that Brock will find him pretty easily but then Rusty will tell him to let Hank live his life and leave him alone, mostly because he wants Hank out of the house more. Then either Brock will keep tabs on him or he'll have some OSI people watch him.
Maybe Hank will try to emulate his Hero Batman and be a rich playboy during the day and a crime fighter at night.

but he doesn't know what to say, like an absolute loser

but Wes is an absolute delight

He's been useless ever since Samson came back

maybe? the Magic Murder Bag's limits are pretty undefined, and iirc the Master could be murderable

I think that one's best left unanswered

Through magic tomfoolery you have been charged with writing a single episode involving Triana showing up again.

What happens?

Tim Tom and Kevin were creepy

Dermott is based

The alchemist is my favorite character.

she's an evil sorceress queen who tries to force Dean to love her

>Dean sees Triana at college.
>They awkwardly meet up. Dean tries to cover his feelings and apologize. Triana's just uncomfortable.
>Triana's new boyfriend shows up to pick her up and they both leave together.
>Entire episode is the Master speaking with Dean and letting him know not to go after her, otherwise he'll waste the rest of his life pining over what could have been, like Orpheus.
>Episode ends with Dean awkwardly hitting on another girl in a college bar with moderate success.

did Dermott ever finally decide on whether to call his weapon of choice "nunchucks" or "nunchaku"?

do you think he knew Nick Fiend personally, or were they just like casual acquaintances?

>implying the master wouldn't mock Dean for his uncircumcised dick

would Triana even want to go to college? wizard training seems way cooler tbqh

Hatred is fun because he's the one true joke character of Venture Bros in the sense no low is too pathetic for him. There's no joke too stupid or gross, no action too demeaning, that they can't get Sgt.Hatred to do. Any character that interacts with Hatred comes off looking better in the scene too.

The show has to pull it's punches even for the more comedic characters like Doc or Monarch because it has to ground them in their development and stories, but they don't have to do any of that with Hatred. It helps they've downplayed the pedo jokes in favor of developing him as a person too, and he is a fictional character and thus is in no danger of ever really harming anyone.

You know Hatred is a character who is just never really gonna go anywhere but down, and they usually show him the door whenever the show takes itself seriously (unless it's deliberately bringing him in to add a odd touch of comedy to the situation), which makes him fun even if his jokes don't land.

Plus his voice is great

His weapon of choice is a standard issue OSI rifle, now. Sorry.

th-they won't let him have both? ;__;

Not until he gets his GI Joe style gimmick.

Codename: White Thrash!

I wish I had an uncle killinger instead of the uncles I do have.

>dean realized he has outgrown his crush on her
>she instead develops a crush on him, finding him more mature than earlier
>idk, someone else continue it

I hope Uncle Hatred ends up dating that nurse


He got a job with the office of secret intelligence as a cover-up. He's living a good life with meaning now.


He's a hero for evil you twat.

Who is he Yea Forums? What is he Yea Forums.

Fuck forgot the image.

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My nigga

That's what happens when something bad happens to the character people self insert as

The true essence of a hero.

user fucking your brother's gf is never not a dick move.

I get what they were going for with him, but really....what possible arc could he have without going full Yea Forums?

The character's a dead end.

I'd rather see Thalia become a recurring character. But I'm biased because I value a chick for her brain.

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If you didn't know a Dermott and hang out of Yea Forums odds are pretty good that you WERE the Dermott.

I mean Dean literally did it to himself

>Compromise, my friend, is the essence of diplomacy. And diplomacy is the cornerstone of love. SVEEEEEEEEEEEET LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE
How could a precious cinnamon bun like him ever be an antagonist?

Black Maria might have the most cleverly written name I've ever heard on this show. The whole Doom Factory episode is genius.