A webcomic is based on your high school life
How would it go and would people be interested in it?
A webcomic is based on your high school life
How would it go and would people be interested in it?
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>How would it go
>would people be interested in it?
So long as it's just the latter leg of my highschool life. My early highschool years (ie: before I moved to a different school) were a nightmare. I spent recess hiding in a toilet stall from people who would outright throw rocks at me. I think sitting in those stalls struggling to breathe from the pungent stench of teenagers pissing on the fucking walls that it pretty much killed my sense of smell.
I went to a gimmicky alternative school that exclusively attracted spergs, freaks, kids who'd gotten kicked out of other schools, and kids trying to escape bullying.
I was probably one of the more boring kids and I never got fucked, so readership would probably drop off pretty quickly.
Like- the premise is interesting but in between the wacky and terrible teachers, classes, and students, there's just a lot of the fat ginger MC masturbating.
Like, 10x a day.
That sounds great though. There's plenty of humour opportunity of hard cutting to him masturbating in his room after a weird awkward moment.
I shot up my high school but they arrested another kid for it, so it might be a little interesting
What a bitch.
It seems like the kind of people who read teen comics want the teen to get thrown a bone every once in a while.
At least there'd be fun vacation arcs for the traveling program my school had.
>grew up in a cult
It would go badly.
I'd read the shit outta that.
>Single man masturbate alone in the dark - a Yea Forums masterpiece
>Be annoying kid that just wanted some friends
>Loads of teens hated me
>Got bullied and picked on for it
>Become really quiet
>One girl actually speaks to me
>I think she's really cool
>Tell her a lot about my life and even some personal stuff
>Wants me to join her activist club
>I join and start to do speeches to promote the club
>Club becomes a failure and shuts down
>"Well, that's fine, we can just start another club or do other friend stuff"
>The next day, I try to speak with her
>She ignores me
>Become confused
>See her another time and wave to her
>Still ignores me while talking to her friends
>Decide to speak with her again alone and say her name
>She finally looks at me and says "Look, can you stop bothering me? we're done here, I was just using you to get people into the club, yet you didn't help at all and just super annoying."
>I actually apologized
>She says "That's fine, I'm glad you understand" then leaves
>Find out later she was telling my bullies about my personal life including the suicide of my father
>Went almost suicidal over it and saw a therapist
>Switched schools
>Find out years later on facebook that she became a high school counselor and talks about in her posts how she was always good to people and others should do the same
Yeah, I think that webcomic might work..
Make it, gain a following, and doxx her real info in the final panel.
It would filled with a lot of autism, edge, and cringe especially during the brony years.
The only part people would be interested in is the Hurricane Sandy arc.
I can't tell you how many bullies and worthless POS people from my high school go into these jobs with either helping people or high positions and act that they were pure saints.
I loathe those types
>annoying kid that just wanted some friends
I remember that kid- he joined our theater club.
We cast him in one play as a statue for shits and giggles- like his whole role was to do nothing but hold a pose on stage for thirty straight minutes, and "fall" on one dude.
Joke was on us, opening night he popped a boner and the guy under him had to stay there and get poked. He was wearing a toga, too.
Normal stuff, maybe some drama but only in small episode doses that get resolved with talking.
Cute romance stuff and people wondering when will out two main leads (a sophomore and junior) fuck already
It was after the sophmore girl graduated so it wouldnt happen till after the comic, but the only couple stays together forever and the epilogue would show them with their first grandkid
Hate to say it but tons of adults were like that, there wasn't ever a real change, they just mask their true selves in public.
I can speak from experience since my parents were huge assholes in high school, my mom was a pure bitch cheerleader and my dad was an asshole jock. Yet you don't know because they act like good people in public but are the same assholes from their high school life.
I remember a night where they looked in their yearbook and just insulted and trashed all the "outcasts" that never did anything to them. These were just quiet and good kids, I sorta hate my parents for that because it's godamn pathetic.
But what pushed the line was when I was with my mom in a grocery store and she saw a woman she knew in high school that she bullied. She then whispered, "God, that's what happened with her? Loser then and Loser now, huh", she then spoke to her with a fake smile and "wished her the best of luck"
I seriously hate my mom sometimes, man. The shit ain't cool.
I was stalked by amateur "gangsta punks" and drug addicts in high school. All they really did was meow at me everywhere or give fake threats to do something. It was more annoying than threatening.
I guess it'd be a pathetic knock off of terrible terrible terrible.
It would be frustratingly dull for most of the series. Things wouldn't start getting interesting until later in the second half. I'd be a shitty protagonist in that story, anyway.
Just me bullying freshman faggots all day, you tell me if that sounds interesting, freshie
It'd be like those school shows where the main character is a "loser" but goes on some adventures and has a couple friends and of them is a cute girl. The comic would be just like that minus the adventures and the friends.
Nobody wants to read that.
>Get bullied 1st year in
>Air Force builds my confidence and turns me into a man 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year in.
Literal military propaganda.
My running team was the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I have had so many good laughs through the years looking back on the insanity. The team was filled with every type of person from the extreme social outcasts to the ultimate chads. One of the greatest moments was the semester we got hooked on C4 preworkout. It's amazing none of us fucking died off of it since we would take 2-4 scoops before every race. I'll have to find a way to retell those stories before my shitty memory forgets all those great memories. Only issues are how to prevent those 20 guys from ever knowing the existence of this media and how to reliably tell the stories in a reliable format since a lot of running is involved.
Absolutely nothing would happen at all during the comment.
My high school years were pretty uneventful.
I haven't even been bullied, like at all.
And I missed all the fights that apparently happened.
>How would it go and would people be interested in it?
>Had two friends and knew them since elementary school
>When we enter high school they all change
>I become an outcast, while they become popular
>Start bullying me to impress the juniors and seniors
>Never make friends and form deep trust issues
I doubt it
>How would it go
Lots of issues of sitting around playing video games, watching anime, smoking weed, screwing around on newgrounds, and jacking off
There would be one dramatic story arc where I caved in the JV quarterbacks nose with a rock and the school administration believing the absolutely asinine idea that I decided to attack him and 5 other football players by myself and it would take the law getting involved for them to believe that I just got jumped by those assholes while I was walking home because I hurt the guys feelings by correctly answering a question he got wrong when called on in class
My actual school life was just unbelievably boring. I slept through most classes, acted erratically at times and had no real friends. Less interesting and more pathetic.
My after school life was actually the bat shit crazy time of my life. I slept an average of two hours to under four hours a day from fifth grade to the beginning of my 12th grade year and from the time I was eight years old would leave my house at 12 am and come back at 5 am roughly without nobody noticing and that was the most harmless thing I did outside of school.
High School is weird. People place so much importance on it, but it is almost literally a blur to me. I remember vague things about it, a face here and there I catch looking at me at the wage slave job I'm working at but aside from that nothing about it is remotely memorable.
It would be me hanging out with the weirdest people in the school and being completely oblivious to it. Anyone reading it would be infuriated by my blinding ignorance of the weirdos I hung out with.
>the story of an autistic closeted pseudo intellectual furfag obsessed with porn, politics, spirituality, and looking smart
>outsider to all the groups I hung out in (never played Magic the Gathering, but hung out with the MtG kids anyway)
>had no real friends, only acquaintances and people that put up with me
>lead on and rejected a (really horny, but) legitimately nice girl and I actually liked for philosophical reasons and would end up regretting my decision for years after
It'd be like making a story where a supporting character is somehow the main character. (which was exactly how I thought of myself before the girl) It'd make no sense.
It's like Evangelion but it unsatisfying ends with the protagonist getting over his 5 year oneitis of a whore.
Sorry you were treated that way.
I bet they were pretty standard teens and you're a boring fagboy
The story of one man and his quest to continue being the Fighting Games Club XO, despite the damage to his smell.
Nope, I did hang out with weird people. The problem was I realize how much of a fucking weirdo I was to and I cringe whenever I remember it. I was also stupidly emotional at completely inappropriate time. I wanna go back in time and kick my younger self’s ass so bad sometimes.
>constantly willing to beat up anybody who got on my bad side
>nobody did
what a disappointment.
>Freshman year I was naive
>Finding out how to make friends
>Sophomore year I had my first gf
>Worked at a pizza shop and played league
>Junior year lost that gf, got a new gf
>Stopped working at the pizza shop
>Still played some vidya, had a better friend group, learned how to be social
>Got the lead in the musical
>Junior year did some pretty wild stuff with choir and band
>Senior year had the same gf, but lost her in the transition to college
>Did a lot more with music
>Actually went to a state choir ensemble and a multi-district band festival
>Got a solid friend group of 4 people I still talk to now
>Decided to become a music major
>At the end of every year I held a huge birthday party and invited just about everyone I knew
It would probably work better as a slice of life anime than a cartoon. The birthday parties could act as finales, and having music become more and more a part of my character as I mature could be a pretty cool character arc.
I guess any story can be good if done well, mine included.
>doesn't list a single weird thing
>just calls it "really weird" and "totally cringe"
Fuck oooooooooooooooooooooooff
Fair enough
>one girl wore mechanical cat ears she said reacted to her emotions. Also had a “long distance boyfriend” who she said could see your spirit animal if he got a picture of you. Mine was appearently a blue, humanoid beetle.
>A male friend use to wear a cats collar and fake tail and use to let his girlfriend pit a leash on him and he’d act like a cat like purring, meowing and licking her.
>one guy unironically drove a jersey and gave girls hickies. Appearently got in trouble for hitting one of said girls.
All I can remember right now.
Grade 8 and 9 would be tedious as shit. I seriously remember nothing from that era. All the good stuff happened in grade 10 when I joined theatre and got a new friend that helped me out a lot. Grade 10 would also have one of the first positive endings to an arc, with me thinking that finally things are changing and it'll get better.
Grade 11 would be drama filled thanks to theatre because the teacher for that year was awful, and one of the other students was a cunt for no reason . Grade 12 would also have the infamous "Loss" tier page where it's me walking across a road while my friends watch me get hit by a cable van.
That year would also have me finally get a starring role in the school play, and then quickly brought back down when we take it to a competition and lose. It would also be kinda dialouge heavy about the future and what the hell we're gonna do.
Grade 11 and 12 would also prominetly feature my growing obsession with Spider-Man and comics in general thanks to "Homecoming" coming out around the same time.
I imagine lots of complaints would be that I miss every cue that a girl likes me, and that I probably miss it because I spend too much time masturbating and thinking everyone hates me.
Hopefully I would do it long enough it would be drawn better than pic related.
When I was 11-13 years old I actually drew a daily comic strip about me in my sketchbook, with the idea that I would eventually scan them and upload them on my own personal website. I recently read them again and they aren't even too cringy. If I ever become famous maybe I'll upload them with the rest of sketchbook online one day
>walking across a road while my friends watch me get hit by a cable van.
You should have looked both ways
yeah I should've
>attentionwhore who lied about stupid anime shit
>the kids who just discovered fuckin'
>boy who gave girls hickies and sometimes slapped them around
Yep. That's teenagers.
They're just all roughly that shitty- it's silly that you're still embarrassed by your high school pals.
I don't know if anyone would find it interesting. My life reads like a comic book but saying it was autobiographical would be just too much. Everybody would call me a liar. You're going to call me a liar.
I had ECT when I was 15 because my parents found out I was gay. It caused brain damage, so I forgot a lot of other details/memories about myself and hid my gayness for years and was completely unhappy dating girls. Couldn't get boners from my girlfriends but finger banged them all to heaven, so they would gossip "date the gay guy he does just foreplay and doesn't want a blowjob even." My dad got near-fatally poisoned by my mother when I was a sophomore which caused a divorce, and then she took a five-year nap trying to scam disability while collecting alimony, child support, and lots of sympathy, all of which she hoarded to herself, so it was me and my older brother raising our younger brother and younger sister, both working part-time at Arby's to pay the bills. I had worked dozens of odd jobs in addition by senior year, nearly failed high school because I was already living an adult life that made good grades impossible. One of the side jobs I stuck with for years was professional paranormal investigator; believe it or not I made a lot of money on that one. People love a good snake oil cure and will pay good money to be lied to. Thank god for theater class. Senior year I started to remember my memories that the ECT had zapped away, and came out to my girlfriend. She stayed my beard for a year to help me come to grips with coming out slowly, I was so afraid it took me until I was 20 to be out all the way.
We're still friends fifteen years later. I'm now happily-married to the best guy ever and live in the trailer park because I have no degree and the brain damage from the ECT later caused a stroke, so my finances are crap and I can't work. My siblings all made it and are happy adults because we all worked hard and always had each other's backs, so there's no shame and no regrets. Now I'm an uncle. My mom's disability scam worked and she tries to be a part of our lives. Dad got a lot better and remarried. Happy endings, yay!
Hope everything is better now and you found a guy you really like user!
>posted it a literal second later
makes enough sense
>lived in an abusive home
>let myself get in an abusive relationship because it's all I knew
>lived in misery until junior year
>watch Evangelion
>realize I was running away from my problems
>get out of abusive home, cut off abusive partner
>last two years are focused on self improvement and trying to make myself better
>ending is an uncertain one, with me beginning university and unsure if I'll ever find happiness in life
Might make for a decent slice of life/drama comic.
Thanks, buddy. I did get better, as you can see. I appreciate the well-wishes, and hope your life is awesome as well.
>Home life is a miasma of emotional abusive from my mother and emotional and physical abuse from sister. Some unpleasant things occured with a twenty year old girl when I was nine.
>School life consisted of me failing every class I was ever put in due to testing into advanced classes where group work was mandatory.
>No real friends. The people I hanged out with didn't give a shit about me really and teachers thought I was a lost cause due to erratic behavior.
>Despite clearly showing evidence of abuse and self harm, not cutting, fighting people who were older than me by years, never got any help from school or friends.
>Openly suicidal to the point people gave me a fucking nickname.
>Woodshop teacher gets me to go to community college which leads to me finding salvation in a manual labor job I got to help pay bills.
It could work as a story about realizing that eventually things do get better but it's more a boring sort of pathetic than anything else.
Watching media that touches on depressed people in High School it dips too often into outright cruelty. People were mean in high school, but more than that the apathy of others is the soul killer. For every crazy guy who becomes a school shooter there's somebody who just is alone and dies alone. More than just telling kids not to bully others, they should be taught to really look at people and see if they're okay.
>one girl wore mechanical cat ears she said reacted to her emotions.
God I feel old now.
Anyone else fully aware of the ability of people to grow and move past their childhood selves and that many of your tormentors from decades gone by are scarcely even the same people... and yet you can't stand the thought of interacting with them because some base, primal element deep inside you. Your innermost child will just never be able to forgive them. It's like your contempt for them feels separate from your present self, like it's an unwelcome passenger you just have to put up with.
It's one of the reasons I'm glad my old man lives 20 minutes outside the town I grew up. When I go interstate to visit him I just hang about and help him on his farm. I have no interest going into town except on the briefest of excursions. I loathe running into people I recognise. Even worse when they seem genuinely happy to see me and interested in what I've been up to.
It's not healthy but it's not an invalid feeling. As long as it doesn't consume your entire being, you have every right to feel that way. Just don't allow it to be an unhealthy thing.
Forgiveness is overrated as fuck. It helps some, but some people aren't worth it.
>comic about way too many crazy fuckin kids in a cursed small school that had a news making scandel/incident at least once a year including but not limited too, racist principal who sexually harrased people, supervisor forcing teachers to take tests for son, and teacher having realtions with a girl who attended the school and was underage when realtions started.
also the school was an old metal plating factory that madd parents concerned about poisoning or some shit
yeah it could work
>group of outcast nerdy friends
>collect them all: the goth, the computer geek, the comic geek, the gamer, the theater student, the partying fat guy
>the jocks and cheerleaders are cool people
>the snooty band kids are the school assholes
>never interact with the black majority because only a handful in honors classes or extracurricular besides sports
I dunno, could be interesting, but it would turn divisive quickly.
>Being gay makes you brain damaged
Knew it
sorry about your brain, user
>A webcomic is based on your high school life
Yeah that's what I'm drawing.
>How would it go
>and would people be interested in it?
Evidently no.
>Grew up as a Naval brat
>was a loner and never devolved social skills
>was molested twice(once by a male gardener the other by a female teacher)
>told my parents about the molestation three years after it happened because I was ashamed of it
>went to civilian school and was badly bullied
>Got into a lot of fights
>attempted suicide twice
>Got interested in Boxing
>Learn Mike Tyson was also a bullied kid and start Idolizing him
>Convince my dad to let me go to Boxing Gym
>Started training daily and developing my body
>Got a Growth spurt and became the 3rd tallest kid in 9th Grade
>Physically no one messes with me but they still tease me
>learned how to swear so anytime any kid thought about teasing me I would say the most vile stuff at them regarding their parents and siblings
>Got in to a lot of fights
>Parents decide to Home school me to avoid more trouble
I wish things had been different
additional details
>My only friend was this Goth kid who introduced me to comics and he ended up Joining the Marines
>was a NEET for 5 years in which time I just punched walls and did lots of Push ups at home
>was mocked in the Boxing Gym as well and guys used to call me Psycho
>Tried joining the Army and Marines but was rejected due to Mental Health reasons
Well I know what would happen, the fanbase of my comic would rip the author to pieces because of "queerbaiting". You see in high school I thought I was gay because I was awkward with women and had a slight crush on one of my classmates because he was nice to me. Now that I think about it probably just wanted to be his best friend and felt jealous if he had other friends who were "stealing" him from me and I just confused that with sexual attraction.
After high school I grew out of "being gay" and even dated a girl for a while. This is very common for young people but if you portray it this way in media it's "homophobic".
>brony in hs
this site is 30 and over. get out of here, underage faggot.
I don't think it'd be interesting as a long form thing, maybe a oneshot but even then that's kind of a stretch since it'd be mostly me dealing with being a black kid who wasn't like the other black kids in my school (I read a lot of books on demonology and dressed like a punk) and hearing the usual, "you don't' act black," etc. However I wasn't so much bullied I just had a lot of rumors spread about me which made me an outcast with very few friends and even losing one of my best friends since elementary school since he wanted to distance himself from me. By the end of high school I'd kind of managed to turn things around, I'd made a lot of friends in every clique and more or less became leader of my own circle of friends.
This, it's maddening how most bullies and psychos get happy endings and will never have to apologize for or even acknowledge their dark deeds
it would be psychological horror with a downer ending
Man, your high schools were harsh. I was afraid mine would be too but apart from the first month or two it was the chillest experience ever. It was a fresh start - next to nobody knew me, bothered me or cared about me in any way. I had a bunch of dork buds and I even befriended a guy that was a bit of a bully, he was a total bro too. After school the four of us would screw around by the river, drinking beer or liquor (drinking age here is 18). Good times.
So it was rather uneventful, if comfy. Strangely next to no shipping fuel, almost none of my classmates were dating anyone.
It wouldn't be interesting, there weren't that many memorable events
>Freshman year a video of senior girl masturbating with a pickle made rounds and more or less became something of a tale passed down from grade to grade well after she'd graduated
>Some guy and his dad tried to murder the vice principal during a conference
>One of my friends got choked out by an overweight special needs girl
>A young english teacher was caught fucking the whole football team
>I started a horrible game with my friends where you shake your fist up and down in masturbatory motion then do Spider-Man's websling hand gesture while saying Spioder-Man. It got way too out of hand to the point where people I didn't even know were doing it and you couldn't turn the corner without somebody going Spider-Man in your face. I knew it was time back out of it when people were adding extra shit like Slenderman and the game to it