>Scarlet Witch almost beats Thanos
>everyone cheers
>Captain Marvel almost beats Thanos
>everyone groans
It was the boobs wasn't it?
>Scarlet Witch almost beats Thanos
>everyone cheers
>Captain Marvel almost beats Thanos
>everyone groans
It was the boobs wasn't it?
Other urls found in this thread:
She had more character
No, it’s that SW was in movies before endgame and didn't come out of fucking nowhere.
nobody cheered, there were a couple of memes about Thanos shouting for help, but it was mostly ignored
But honestly, the point still stands
People are mad about Captain Marvel because they dare insinuate that a woman had a tough time breaking into a male dominated field or that she couldn't inspire children
That, but also the fact that Wanda is a likeable character who actually has a personal stake in the battle against Thanos.
>end of IW had you believe CM was going to play an important role in EG
>shows up for 10 seconds and fucked off for the entire movie only to show up at the end and job
Why was she even in this movie?
It was the emotion. SW isn't even the most loved or developed character, but they allowed her have a loss that clearly would be devastating to her, and showed that impact on her behavior, allowing the audience to understand and root for her. Carol lost Fury to Thanos' snap, but most likely because CM was filmed after Endgame, the Russos had no idea what to do with the character. They didn't show that CM had any personal grudge against Thanos, she's just strong and she smashes spaceships and shoots beams and punches things. Why should the audience feel anything other than that what they're watching is a necessary formality when the filmmakers didn't communicate anything else? I don't blame them really, just the system they had to work with.
Studio mandates. Let's just be grateful she wasn't in it more and single handedly killed Thanos with a single punch
Wanda at least had stakes in the fight and something of a character arc from her first appearance.
Carol had nothing.
Wanda is an established and likeable character with a reason to roflstomp Thanos.
Carol is an 11th hour nobody that no one likes but we're told it's the future of the brand.
>Captain Marvel almost beats Thanos
>everyone groans
Did you see Endgame in a theater full of incels? Everybody was cheering for Carol.
carol had no skin in the game so it just felt cuttable
>Scarlet Witch isn't strong enough to move planets
>Nearly beats Thanos
>Captain Marvel is strong enough to move planets
>Nearly beats Thanos
No it's because I actually like Wanda and her character. Carol is a little miss perfect bitch I'm expected to like. Glad she was written out of most of the film
Brie Larson is not a likable person. She's actively unlikable.
Is that why you lot are accusing Battle Alita fans as an alt right cult?
Au Contraire. Captain Marvel is not the female hero that America wants or needs. No, she's the female hero they deserve. JUST LIKE TRUMP.
Ain't that a bitch?
What did you expect? Captain Marvel is Dobson's favourite superhero, and you're surprised about this revelation?
Oh my God really? What next, people breathing air are going to be called alt-right now?
Trump is a female?
He's definitely a bitch.
Dunno what theater you were at, but people at mine lost their shit when Tony got the report that Sanctuary's guns were targeting something else.
Both Wanda and Carol having the ability to beat just Thanos nearly ruins the movie for me. I felt the same way with Superman in JL were it was plain to see that he could've delt with the problem from being alive in the first place.
Carol Danvers just showed up 2 months prior with a pretty bland film. Scarlet Witch we get why she hates Thanos. Carol doesn't even know what a Thanos is even though she was "Saving planets across the universe"
Well, there's that mock election that reversed the genders of Trump and Hillary as an experiment. Male Hillary was hated even more than usual while everyone loved female Trump.
Wanda at least is a glass canon. A bullet could take her out.
Scarlet Witch is a character the audiences have gotten to know. We can understand her motivations, why she hated Thanos so much.
People are mad because she's not a good character and her actress is a cunt. Also Wanda is known to be an absolute power house while Carol was manhandled by Hulk in the comics. Trying to play it off as a woman thing is fucking retarded considering people like SW.
I cheered both. But also, yeh. Lizzy Olson can get it for the rest of time desu
>I cheered both
Please stop watching films in the cinema. Wait until they come out on bluray
>People are mad because she's not a good character
Okay but neither is Wanda
>Trying to play it off as a woman thing is fucking retarded
You're right, it's an anti-feminism thing. Elizabeth Olson plays a shit Wanda but she shows her tits and keeps her mouth shut so she gets a pass while Brie Larson is le evil feminazi so she doesn't get a pass.
Pretty impressive mental gymnastics there, friend
wanda had massive emotional investment. her love was killed twice in front of her, once by her hands, the other by thanos. he was her everything, loving her unconditionally, with her entire life being one of being different, used, a weapon, a freak. he gave her peace and joy. and thanos took him away from her.
captain marvel just swoops in. you can literally take her scene fight thanos, remove it, and has no impact on the rest of the movie. her major contribution and the part i got excited over was her destroying the ship.
Not an argument, try again kiddo. Where exactly are the mental gymnastics?
>people like one female character over another one
>they must be misogynists
Cause this was her only chance to meet Cap and Tony even if they barely interacted.
>likeable character who's been in the MCU long enough for normies to know, has personal stakes against Thanos and is out for blood
>overpowered, tryhard "teehee stand back boys :^)" character with Superman-levels of power and none of his charm who exists as a deus ex machina and little else
Gee I wonder OP.
The anons saying nobody cheered for Carol are larping incels who haven't left their parent's basement in years
I could not be arsed to care about Carol in the slightest. Apparently she could've killed Thanos and his army anytime she wanted within the last couple decades (which would've prevented multiple planetary genocides) but didn't because space big
shes a glass cannon that can kill thanos because she is paper to his rock
meanwhile carol's powerlevel is so high that she can just facetank and out dps anyone
To be fair neither one of them should have been able to defeat Thanos one on one.
>>Captain Marvel almost beats Thanos
I'm sorry, what?
At least you can argue Wanda had a chance since he didn't have the gauntlet yet, but Carol had no chance. Thanos only took an extra second to put her out of commission because he was trying to do it with as little effort as possible.
It's because Scarlet was actually really fucking pissed off at Thanos while Captain Marvel felt more like mild annoyance.
>character that has been known since ultron vs a character that has literally been inserted the last minute
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder why
This thread makes me despise Captain Marvel moreso than the actual movie she's in. Her fans are so obnonxiously millitant, I wonder if they're just trolls who hate her on the inside.
Captain Marvel got taken out by a plain old energy blast from one of the stones. Did you see the shit Thanos was doing with an INCOMPLETE gauntlet against the Guardians and Strange? He dismissed her without going all out. She would have had to fight him without a gauntlet to stand a chance.
please tell me you've posted this exact sentence before and I'm not going crazy
You probably heard similar sentiments, or I may have posted something similar in a past thread qith similar bullshit. Even I can't tell anymore desu. It's not like these threads get archived. Most of them get 404'd.
Thanos had time to learn how to use the individual stones in Endgame
Grabbing one to toss Carol like a ragdoll is all 2014 Thanos could manage
It was the emotional payoff, you know, the whole "vision dying" thing.
Everyone had my studio was either confused or didn't care but that might be because I watched it in Seoul. They were more thrilled with Cap wielding Mjollnir
>"Why don't people love the bland, shoehorned hero that panders to third-wave feminists??"
The fucker was on his knees until plot said she needed to lose just like the situation Wanda
Wait, who didn't love Captain Marvel no-selling Thanos' headbutt?
I know we're all supposed to hate her and shit but that was fucking great. She didn't one-shot him like Woke Twitter was predicting but she also never jobbed to him.
That was the worst thing she did though. Absolutely awful and made him look weak as fuck.
This is the thing with Carol, she's fucking smug but she hasn't earned the right to be, like Tony. I hate that little head cock she does after tanking that headbutt, too.
And just like that, you've shown your hand too early. Try again next time, pal.
You probably live in California
To get dabbed on
scarlet witch has an actual stake in the fight and says as much herself. captain marvel shows up and doesn't even say a word for the rest of the fucking movie, she just starts kicking his ass because it's all she's good for. if scarlet witch was in the rest of the movie you bet your ass she wouldn't be absent for the vast majority of it because she could give two fucks. also yeah, she's just cuter and i want her to step on me.
>superman almost beats OP character
>raven almost beats OP character
same thing, we root for characters who overcome their tribulations or plain feel relatable, not for the-plot-decides-when-we-can-be-useful faggots
I'm not mad about captain marvel. I just didn't care for her movie and therefore don't care for her. She basically cruised almost problem free into being the most OP character in Marvel while being extremely unlikeable to boot. I don't particularly care for Wanda but she had a couple movies of development and experienced plenty of genuine hardship so seeing her kick the shit out of Thanos was cathartic. Captain Marvel showed up late to the party and didn't even help much when she was there. You, as a viewer, didn't feel any real "need" for her to do well against Thanos and it wasn't satisfying to see her do so. Compare her need to be the one thats beats Thanos to Thor, or Wanda, or even fucking Scott. Its not a comparison.
its because wanda is more relatable to everyone as a whole rather than carol being relatable to just some women.
I appreciate most people realize that Wanda had a built up very good reason for wanting to kill Thanos and Carol didn't even have a good reason to be in the movie. Its pleasant.
No it was the fact that Wanda actually has a solid thematic reason to fight Thanos and if she was the one to beat him I wouldn't even be mad. Captain Marvel is worse than Justice League Superman and I can't believe most people are OK with it
>>superman almost beats OP character
>G R O A N
Superman lost to Batman and died fighting Doomsday. Thanos was absolutely no threat to Captain Marvel.
>scarlet witch is given her powers via an infinity stone
>is very powerful but still about on par with the other avengers
>captain marvel gets her powers via an infinity stone
>is fucking unstoppable, can breathe in space, fly at light speed, take a hit from the power stone that can destroy planets singlehandedly and solo thanos
>quicksilver gets his powers via an infinity stone
>dies to bullets
>Absolutely awful and made him look weak as fuck
Which barely matters because he had very inconsistent power levels, it's like he was as powerful during his pre-Gauntlet moments while he was fighting Cap, Tony and Thor at once, as he was during the fight with a complete Gauntlet, which he should have been stronger then everyone in that field.
Realistically either Wanda or Carol would've taken him out the chances they had, but they didn't because of plot. Both times they were taken out very circumstantially and only loses to Tony in the dumbest way, which is fine because he's supposed to be outsmarted, but that was after having pretty much everyone lose to him with and without the Gauntlet. Ridiculous really.
Oh wait you guys are still debating Captain Marvel's merits without objectively looking at the scenes, my bad, carry on.
This. Doesn't help that they wrote Carol as a stuck up asshat who can only reply to people with a look of incredulity and a bitchy answer.
Holy shit I thought you were joking. What is wrong with people? Anyone who doesn't follow the shitty shoe horned character is alt-right?
Also this. Apparently no one has interstellar communication despite interstellar travel.
not them, but it serve for a fan service scene for people who never were into comics but pretend they are for the sake of attention.
What are you talking about?
I mean, they clearly do. Not knowing who Thanos is can be faulted more to the writers who couldn't come up with a realistic way to make all the powerhouses is the universe suddenly become unavailable when it came to deal with him (for instance, Odin dying and Thanos showing up shouldn't have to be inferred as good timing on the latter but as a circumstance where the old guard can't stay alive long enough to keep him in check).
And a lot of the problems between Captain Marvel and Endgame could've been solved with another cosmic movie in between, or scenes in Endgame showing what's happening in space while the Avengers were trying to deal with Thanos, because for a Cosmic movie, it felt as if NO ONE else had skin in the game until the very end. No space empires, no aliens, no high tech to deal with the problem of the Stones, nothing. Just the plucky Avengers who discovered time travel while doing the dishes.
>Just the plucky Avengers who discovered time travel while doing the dishes
It bothers me that you can summarize it like that and make sense.
you do realize that only makes supes lamer right? this is not disproving what I said in any way, like I agree with what you're saying but its not a counter argument in any way shape or form
I was being sarcastic, bruv.
Though, I thought Thanos only started moving in more overt ways due to Odin weakening and dying, but I might be making up head canon. Which would explain the dwarves.
Thanos should have had a fleet of angry people chasing him from the ends of the galaxy. And what was up with the need to make faster than light travel when warping was a thing as the guardians of the galaxy were skipping around all over the place? The ravagers had that tech since before quinn was a boy.
>Wanda Waifuxoff
>existed since AoU
>played by Best Girl
>not a bitch
>has a reason for her grudge
>great costume
>based on a good character who's also a pure Mommy
>Carl Manvers
>bitch; not even a hot one
>manages to ruin short hair on an army babe
>no personal investment in the story
>boring costume
>played by a talentless and ugly cunt
>shitty character in the source material
I like Wanda and I don't care about anything else. Carl Manvers can go get fucked.
>Though, I thought Thanos only started moving in more overt ways due to Odin weakening and dying, but I might be making up head canon
That's part of it really, the idea is that Asgard guards over these realms (whether it's planets or galaxies, whatever, it was never clear), then having it fall the way it did should've been made more obvious as a big deal for everyone in the universe, not like "oh yeah that happened, oh well no matter, Asgard is its people, not a flat golden planet", as if every baddie in the universe wasn't waiting for it to fall.
>And what was up with the need to make faster than light travel when warping was a thing as the guardians of the galaxy were skipping around all over the place?
Now this is my severe headcanon but I'm guessing it was because they didn't need to use the jump points monitored by the Empire, easier to scatter across the universe to places where jump points are farther/unavailable than to use the already charted galaxy to find a suitable planet, if you're on the run. Jump points are still the most efficient travel method but that was after centuries of mapping the galaxy/ies.
In the same movie, the Kree use the tech to go to Torfa so it's not like they didn't know.
He’s saying that even with Superman’s immense strength there’s still tension in a fight involving him in a lot of cases. Carol doesn’t really have that because she tanks pretty much everything
I don't think she'd have been able to do anything about getting sent to the mirror dimension or across the galaxy, for one thing. I was really annoyed over the Power Stone being used the way it did because unless they showed her knocked out (they didn't), there's NO reason why she shouldn't have charged back at him again.
And either way I have absolutely no problem with her being OP because a lot of these cosmic characters are supposed to be. I'm actually very annoyed at the way they had to be nerf everyone just to make 2014 Thanos a credible threat. I don't believe in grounding shit for the audience, that's why Strange vs Thanos in Infinity War was perfect.
Captain Marvel with regards to Endgame was a tie-in. She has a tenuous connection with the Space Stone.
Scarlet Witch had an invested story through-line of revenge and a demonstrated relationship with the powers from the Mind Stone.
That said, in the penultimate end-game, they were fun to watch
Scarlett Witch has been built up as a viable powerhouse, plus she has reason to stop him.
Marvel was just literally injected with no preface, because fuck you incels.
>with no preface
>literally a teaser in the previous Avengers movie and a solo movie before this one
Her being OP doesn’t make her an interesting character. When she was Ms Marvel, she was arguably better given her character flaws like alcoholism
I don't care if it makes her interesting or not to you, I'm talking about the power levels specifically. She shouldn't have been grounded in any way, just like they shouldn't ground Adam Warlock, Richard Rider or Silver Surfer (among others) should try come to the MCU. Again, that's not how they're supposed to be, they're meant to be powerful with other sort of hurdles beyond the street level shit.
>muh alcoholism
Her detachment from Earth and inability to connect with it after being in space for so long is ripe for exploration and it's likely where they're headed, because we know they won't do the whole alcoholism thing. But that's besides the subject.
Seniority rules.
>and keeps her mouth shut
You assume that any woman who isn't openly feminist must be hiding it? You're silly.
>I'm talking about the power levels specifically
Only idiots like you care about this crap. And you’re being blindingly optimistic about what personal issues she COULD have. But as it stands she’s a shitty fucking character. Alcoholism was at least something.
Dumbass I'm not talking about how X is stronger than Y but how powerful they are supposed to be and why the whole "too op" shit is nonsensical. Whatever, not worth trying to make sense to you, you're already set on your ways.
Boring overpowered female character < Boring overpowered female character with a bad European accent
You’re being a fucking baby and not being able to come up with a proper argument here. You and every Carol defender live in a fantasy land hugbox like the idea of her and not what she actually is. Being “too OP” is a valid complaint when there’s next to nothing else going for said character
Do Amerifats worship capeshit movies?
Well glad we could clarify that. Weep more, you fucking whale
Do you REALLY think they are going to explore Carol's inability to behave like a normal person?
In, like, showing it in like any other way than "strong independent wumyn better than everyone else"?
>Do you REALLY think they are going to explore Carol's inability to behave like a normal person?
Why not? They already showed hints of that at the funeral scene, and the question remains as to what happened to Maria and Monica all these years she was in outer space. That shit is definitely gonna factor in the sequel.
Boobs are nice but Wanda actually has motivation and character while Carol is just in there as a power character that the Russos clearly didn't know how to or want to use.
What i was trying to say is that, Yes, they could do it. They SHOULD do it.
But that would give Carol a weakness. And clearly she is being sold as a powerwul perfect heroine that is always right. So the feminist lobby would REEE if they try to make her vulnerable in any way.
She's a character we've had years to get invested in who has an actual, tangible reason for us to root for against Thanos specifically since he ripped her robot boyfriends brain out. Captain Marvel felt like she was infringing on the old guards last hurrah even though her screentime was so brief.
>So the feminist lobby would REEE if they try to make her vulnerable in any way.
I think you and many others have this idea of feminists that doesn't correspond with reality and every time you get proven wrong about it, you're forced to find edge cases. Absolutely NO ONE would complain if she's given weaknesses of this sort, in fact I'm sure they'd applaud them because that's precisely one of the things that clicked the most with the audience: that despite her issues, she stood up and won.
Everybody read this post because its correct
Because modern feminism is a damn joke and you and every other person who follow it is a deluded moron with zero self awareness.
This is you.
Man you are a fucking brainlet, holy shit.
You two are such clowns.
And like fucking clockwork, you resort to name calling with absolutely no argument whatever when you get the hard truth. You’re not fighting for women’s rights, you’re not fighting for equality, you’re actually setting women back 50+ but are too stupid to realize it. This thread has shown time and again people like heroines, like Wanda, when done well. But instead you want to play pretend and label everyone sexist not liking the poorly conceived character you were tricked into publicizing by a corporation making a buck off you dunces with free marketing
>And like fucking clockwork, you resort to name calling
So it's fine when you do it but not me? LMAO "so much for the tolerant left". I'll reiterate, it's not worth debating when you're already set in your ways.
>Thanos is the most power being in the universe and a major threat
>weaker, than Wanda, Carol, Hela, strange possibly a healthy thor
I actually had an argument to go with it. Clearly you can’t read either, because you chose to ignore everything else posted.
>It’s not worth debating
And yet you keep coming back. Admitting you have no argument doesn’t make you a better or smarter person, it just shows how limited your communication and debate skills are. But hey whatever makes you feel special
source? I need to know more about this.
>Tolerant left
Where does that post imply ANYTHING about being leftist? In fact leftist idiots defend Carol, not call out how shit her character is
This is a sad, SAD display of lack of reading comprehension, unbelievable. No faggot I wasn't accusing you of being a leftist, I was mocking you. Holy shit.
Because you're easy to rile up.
So you mock someone by....making nonsensical statements?
Wanda earned her moment and has been through horrible shit.
>this idea of feminists that doesn't correspond with reality
Feminazis are a loud minority, that's for certain. Your beef is with the media who amplify their looniness.
>Your beef is with the media who amplify their looniness.
Yep. And with the dunces who think everyone else acts like this too.
Wanda's powers are tied to her emotions so her being OP requires specific circumstances.
Carol can just breeze through anything, her powers have no negative side.
You're mistaken, I'm not upset about her lack of presence. She's just so tertiary to the story to the point that she simply could have been cut
Tell that to Andrew Dobson. He's sucking on her proverbial teet about how she's the perfect heroine.
>Captain Marvel almost defeats Thanos
>I cheered both
>you will never have a Trump waifu
She's also likeable.
feminists don't correspond with reality
>OP posts thing that never happened
>gets 83 dunces to reply to him
Yea Forums really is dumb.
Or Google "Her Opponent".