>Hurr durr his blade is useless
Mother fuckers, he chopped through Caps vibranium shield like it was butter.
Hurr durr his blade is useless
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>This made up fictional alien space invader thats stronger than the Hulk and smarter than Tony Stark is totally believable, but that double-bladed sword he's carrying is useless and unbelievable
Why people to this day bitch about muh immersion in their FANTASTICAL, FICTIONAL WORLDS shall forever be beyond me. Maybe that's how Alan Moore started down the path of wizardry, seeking refuge against this blunt obtuseness.
It's not useless, just uncomfortable and unergonomic.
Thor's hammer is a stupid design for a hammer weapon, but it's design was explained in the story that it has magical properties that make it a useful weapon despite not being intended as one, it's not just a lump of alien metal in that shape, which would be terrible.
Thanos's sword has a terrible design and no justification for it was given. Even if you assume it's made of an alien metal that's better than vibranium, the design is still bad for a melee weapon for reasons that should be obvious to anyone with eyes.
>Thanos's sword has a terrible design and no justification for it was given
He got it from the blades of the Thanoscopter ,you Dunce
Thanos is a Crosschad
its designed that way because its BALANCED
Well if it was designed to be the same way, but with a significantly longer handle and double-sided blades it'd still be balanced, but it'd be less shit.
That's a Thanoscopter reference, right ?
Not for someone with his physical strength.
I'm not saying he isn't strong enough, I just think he would appreciate a little extra hand room. Comfort is just a nice little extra.
Who would win Serge or Thanos
That doesn't change the fact that there are very few ways to swing it without him risking hitting himself.
Strength won't let you bypass shitty handling because of how unwieldy it is.
i liked when he spun it around in his hand to deflect lasers
You’d be surprised
>Why people to this day bitch about muh immersion in their FANTASTICAL, FICTIONAL WORLDS shall forever be beyond me.
... Immersion is like the most important thing about a fictional fantasy world. That's the quality that allows you to enjoy it in the first place, instead of rejecting it as stupid garbage.
He seemed to wield it just fine in the movie
Because it's written for him to do so, or rather the scene has to written around it being able to do so.
He killed Fate
He should have just weld the entire Thanoscopter
If he took off and flew around with it like Mary Poppins during the fight I would have flat out tossed my popcorn laughing
>Arguing against a position that does not exist.
>He wasn’t here during Endgames release
That's rough, buddy
The point is that its balanced you silly motherfuckers. Its a symbolic weapon, he doesnt need a weapon to put the beatdown on cunts.