There are people browsing Yea Forums right now that haven't read Cerebus

>there are people browsing Yea Forums right now that haven't read Cerebus
What a terrible thought, to share this board with such plebs.

Attached: cerebus.jpg (483x640, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

desu I'm a bit turned off by all the crazy that supposedly takes over a good chunk of the series

Thought it was boring so I don't care that much

Fuck off Dave.

That's in the last third of the comic, and even then it's nothing serious, you can just skip the 10 issues that have too much text and are a mouthpiece for author's views on life, although if you do that, you won't get maximum feels in the last arc.

Why did you think it was boring?

>anyone who hasn't read Cerebus is a pleb
Get a load of this entry-level hipster.

Cerebus is overrated

Because it is pretentious trash without any action. Cerebus is an extremely unlikable character.
Comicbooks should have the depth of Immortal Hulk, the optimism of Johns' GL, the pure energy of Snyder's Batman.

>doesn't read cerebus
>thinks their opinion on comics matter

Attached: Cerebus Downloads Ad.jpg (640x828, 138K)

Did you really read it? Cerebus doesn't become pretentious until at least 100 issues in. It's a goofy comedy until Jaka's Story.

Cerebus' reputation precedes it, unfortunately. There are a ton of people who won't read it because of Sim's screeds and dismiss it entirely, kinda like .
It's a massive pity, but I can't blame them. When I first heard about Cerebus it was briefly summarized along with its controversy and none of it sounded appealing. The only reason I got into at all was because some madanon storytimed the whole thing here on Yea Forums several years back and I was curious enough to check it out.
Someone with the time and determination should storytime it again to rope in new readers.

I don’t care for aardvarks after Arthur. Little bitch

Fun Fact: Neil Gaiman recommends both Arthur AND Cerebus.

Attached: >it's a falafel episode.jpg (1920x1080, 939K)

Looks like an edgy version of Bone.

Cerebus is on the far opposite end of the spectrum from Arthur.

Bone owes its existence to Cerebus, and Dave even published some of the earlier chapters of Bone in Cerebus.

Attached: official art drawn by Dave and Jeff.jpg (862x1250, 417K)

Bone took some inspiration from Cerebus, especially in regards to how it was published.

The authors used to be friends, but then the author of Cerebus developed schizophrenia and insulted the wife of the author of Bone. When the author of Bone demanded an apology, the author of Cerebus suggested that they settle it with a boxing match instead. There was no boxing match and they aren't friends anymore.

What's it about?


So why did the author lose his mind?

For 2 years, it's a mediocre parody of Conan the Barbarian. A generic fantasy world of humans, and one character who is a fighting, talking, asshole aardvark.

Then the author overdoses on LSD and gets hospitalized. After he's discharged, he comes up with a grand scheme to write an epic story that will last 300 issues and 30 years. He starts the next story arc with the main character entering the fantasy nation's election for Prime Minister. The author dreams to create the Mount Everest of comics, the longest single-author comic in the entire world (outside of Japan, I guess). And the mad motherfucker actually does it, he still holds the record even today. And it just keeps becoming more and more impressive, because he never stops experimenting and he improves his skills with every issue.

However, the author was diagnosed with schizophrenia and he refused treatment. After 18 years of amazing comics, the quality of the story begins to go downhill. And he begins writing essays on the side about how all women and gays are stupid for thinking that they're equal to heterosexual men (and he thinks that because women like animals, women must therefore think of themselves as equal to animals, and thus owning housepets will lead to the downfall of human civilization). Because of this, the author and the comic have a bad reputation.

However, there are those of us who still believe that 2/3 of the comic is sooo good that it justifies suffering through the 1/3 that's bad.

For example,
>"Cerebus, as if I need to say so, is still to comic books what Hydrogen is to the Periodic Table, and is one of the only comics that I still read and enjoy regularly every month." - Alan Moore

Attached: Cerebus the Aardvark.jpg (1345x864, 166K)

Refusing treatment after being diagnosed with schizophrenia, and cutting off contact with family and friends after they urge him to seek treatment.

Attached: schizophrenia.png (600x175, 34K)

Cerebus is the water sandwich of comic books. Its alright when you're hungry but I wouldn't go out of my way to read it again and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Its not a bad comic but its just "okay".

At its core it's a satire, but it adapts and changes genres and themes constantly so each arc has its own flavor despite being one continuous narrative, because of this it's pretty hard to summarize exactly what it's about in a concise manner.
Essentially it follows a cartoonish aardvark named Cerebus and his adventures in a realistic-fantasy pseudoEurope as he makes his way from a simple barbarian in a simple setting to a complex barbarian in a complex world surrounded by complex characters, going through multiple stages of power and intrigue and dealing with all that entails, at least for the first 200 issues.
The last 100 is a slow descent into the author's degrading mental health characterized by bizarre misogynistic paranoia and later religious conversion. It's kind of tolerable at first when Sim at least keeps his beliefs separate from the actual plot of his story but soon the two become interwoven and the quality of the writing plummets.
But those 200, even with the hiccups that appear during the last 30 or so issues leading to 200, is still very much worth it.

cerebus is the magnum opus of graphic novels two artists with 30 years of hard work creating something absolutely amazing and also insane

reading cerebus for the first time is like being on the world most longest and intense roller coaster

>Comicbooks should have the depth of Immortal Hulk, the optimism of Johns' GL, the pure energy of Snyder's Batman.

Don't listen to the shills, Cerebus is composed PRIMARILY of the crazy stuff. The supposedly "good" comic is like 20 issues between the early shit that's badly drawn and the filibusters that take up most of what comes after.

this is your brain on capeshit all it takes is one comic and you forever a crayon eating tard
capeshit not even once

Please explain your lies.

Early parts of Cerebus look like ass and are just unfunny parodies. Then you get to High Society which has somewhat decent art and is doing something new with its political satire (though it's still HEAVILY bogged down by the Moon Knight parody that just keep dragging down every scene its in) but after High Society it turns into a pretentious mess about ascending to godhood and the power of faith and then it goes into the full-on text pieces about why women are evil or why Mary Hemingway actually killed her husband or why the Torah describes a male God and a female god who are at constant odds because women are dumb.
If you only ever read High Society you get every single worthwhile thing Dave Sim ever made and even then it's not worth the time you spend reading it. Like what the fuck is that autistic fictional card game at the beginning about? Why explain the rules when it's never going to be relevant? He was just making shit up as he went along and it shows.

Disregard Cerebus, read Concrete.

Attached: Concrete.jpg (1154x800, 713K)

If you didn't like it, that's fine, but you skipped huge chunks of the story in your sweeping generalization and it really comes across like you didn't care/weren't paying attention to what was going on.
Case in point,
>Like what the fuck is that autistic fictional card game at the beginning about? Why explain the rules when it's never going to be relevant?
It had a lot of relevancy and was referenced in multiple different scenarios by multiple different characters and each time, it had something to do with the story.
Apart from that, the fans loved it and printed decks sold out.

>skipped huge chunks
Oh I'm sorry, did I not describe "Cerebus is a bartender" long enough?
Cerebus is a bartender. Cerebus himself admits nothing is happening and that the series will get cancelled because of this.
Or do you want me to talk about the shit where Oscar Wilde is dying? Because that was super relevant to the overall story, wasn't it?
Jesus Christ you're as deluded as Dave Sim is.

He's falseflagging hard and you fell for that

If you read Cerebus online, you are missing out.

There are few comics that benefit from actually being a comic rather than a short story, storyboards, animated or spoken word. Cerebus is one of them.

Attached: file.png (522x57, 7K)

This, the physical paper does so many things, like giving Dave Sim more money so he can keep making one misogynist youtube rant a week.

>High Society
>full-on text pieces about why women are evil or why Mary Hemingway actually killed her husband or why the Torah describes a male God and a female god who are at constant odds because women are dumb.

I guess you sorta skimmed over Church & State, but you're really understating how much content there was in between (and how good it was).

>I guess you sorta skimmed over Church & State,
No it's right here
>after High Society it turns into a pretentious mess about ascending to godhood and the power of faith

Considering you have to buy a complete set used off Amazon or Ebay, I don't see how it would contribute to him in any meaningful way.

>they're are people on Yea Forums that haven't accepted christ has their lord and savior


Attached: 51Of7DZmlXL.jpg (343x500, 45K)

As a Buddhist I look upon your proselytizing with an amused smile.


At least I'm not a Gnostic Jewish Christian Muslim like Dave Sim.

that is a beautiful splash

Concrete is a beautiful book.

Attached: concrete-013.jpg (902x1355, 306K)

Sold, I'll try to find some copies, looks like there's a lot of material if wikipedia is to be believed, also:

>A film based on the character was in pre-production during the early 1990s, with a script written by Larry Wilson and Paul Chadwick.[2]

Shit what happened to this, wish it came out before the MCU dominated cape movies.

>looks like there's a lot of material
Not as much as you'd hope once you get into it.

Attached: Think like a mountain.jpg (1024x1536, 755K)

Is there a reading order?

Yes. Start at the beginning.


But seriously though, get the books titled Volume 1-7, they collect everything in the appropriate order.

Newfag here. Who’s Dave?

>complaining about musoggynees

Dave Sim, author of Cerebus the Aardvark.

Dave Sim, author of such tracts as "why pets are a feminist plot" or "why the center of the earth is a female spirit trying to castrate all men".

Read scans of it for free.
You'll know when it's time to stop reading.
I used to collect the floppies way back in the day. I followed it longer than I should have, when the comic turned into 7-10 pages of actual comic, with the rest being retarded screeds/shitty guest-comic filler.

I have a great fondness for the book up through the Church and State stuff. But its not worth sticking around for the finale.

Church and State is less than halfway in...

Jaka's Story tho. Don't tell me that your fondness doesn't extend to there.

Seems like a misanthrope's soap box.

>text pieces about a whore who won't have sex with her cuck husband
Yeah that gets a yikes from me dawg

Yep, and I have remorse for the money I spent on his floppies past that point. I think the issues that introduced Sacred Wars Roach were the last that had me thinking "This is legitimately great shit".
The rest is sunk-cost fallacy or whatever.
I've long sold off the floppies. I have a huge budget for books and a wall full of HC's and trades, and wouldn't spend a nickel on the collections of Cerebus. I have them all in scans and I have never read past #90 or so twice.

Attached: cerebus_75_09.jpg (972x1452, 326K)

I own all 16 books and don't regret buying any of them. I find I enjoy the stuff from Guys onward the most and always find if funny how different my tastes are from literally everyone else on earth.

Sorry, but it doesn't extend that far.

It's odd that for a comic that's supposed to be soooo good, you never actually see anyone post their favorite pages, scenes, or story arcs

You and the Snyderfandom are just rugged iconoclasts, I guess.

Snyder totally sucks though.

It might be that good in the sense that the story is great, but a big part of what makes it good also makes you uncomfortable.

>I have a great fondness for the book up through the Church and State stuff. But its not worth sticking around for the finale.
Ah shit I just finished reading that arc, how bad does it get?

That's because there's nothing good about it. It's "influential", not good.

I never meant to imply that you WERE one, just that like them, you have the rugged fortitude to chug amounts of shit that plebs like us cannot handle.
I salute you.

Attached: bag of shit.png (578x712, 17K)

Literally all text and no pictures for hundreds of pages talking about how women are evil and other paranoid rants, don't do it bro get out right now

It's all one page pin ups and the paneling/sequencing is awful. Of course they can't post more than three pages without losing everybody's attention.

The artwork in the parts I like is objectively superior to anything that came before, the comedy is funnier, the more down-to-earth, character focused stories are comfier and the long-ass study of the Torah is something I have done at university myself so it was interesting to me all the way through.
I can't help liking what I like, user. Here, have birbs

Attached: Birbs.jpg (1042x1600, 543K)

It literally becomes one (insane) man's journey to reach 300 issues of comic, no matter how little actual "comic" is actually in each "issue".
It is unimaginably worse to wade through in floppy format.
Allow me to storytime an issue at random.
About this time, I think it was like a Manga-level of decompression, but with less interesting action. Cerebus is battling with the "Matriarchy" to decide who is going to be God on Earth (or something, its been a long time).

Attached: Cerebus_189_00_fc.jpg (1200x1832, 498K)

>The artwork in the parts I like is objectively superior to anything that came before
speaks to your lack of experience with good comics

Attached: Cerebus_189_00_ifc.jpg (1200x1839, 390K)

It has good art in a lot of places, I won't say it doesn't. But its not a groundbreaking masterpiece by any measure. Unless you only read Big 2.

Attached: Cerebus_189_01.jpg (1200x1849, 355K)

Is it okay to skip the first volume and start with high society? Or do I need to power through it?

Fug this timer is slow. Not gonna give Gookmoot my cash tho.

Attached: Cerebus_189_04.jpg (1200x1865, 416K)

I think you misread my post and assumed I was referring to all comics instead of just the earlier parts of Cerebus. But that's fine. You are entitled to be wrong. Just like I am entitled to be right.

The early chapters are just fast-reading Conan parody.

Attached: Cerebus_189_05.jpg (1200x1845, 394K)

The first volume has some fun bits with Lord Julius.

This is probably the worst piece of shit I've ever seen, who the fuck reads this lol

Gerhard does some really nice B&W background work, and Sim is an able cartoonist. But I wouldn't even call it "influential".

Attached: Cerebus_189_06.jpg (1200x1848, 378K)

I think people lie about having read this comic.

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>le ebin moomin and nun are arguing about religion
>it's so epic but he's also a goofy animal XD
So this is the power of Cerebus... whoa...

The cheap paper this not-cheap comic was printed on made all this black ink a real delight to get on your hands, I can tall you that factually.

Attached: Cerebus_189_09.jpg (1200x1831, 366K)

Attached: Cerebus_189_10.jpg (1200x1857, 438K)

Thanks, I am definitely putting it on my reading list.

Goddam that's sad af.

Quit trying to sell me a pass, Gookmoot, you are not gettin it.

Attached: Cerebus_189_11.jpg (1200x1834, 434K)

Now this is what I call story advancement!

Attached: Cerebus_189_12.jpg (1200x1859, 381K)

Wait, you want more not-story going nowhere for pages?

Attached: Cerebus_189_13.jpg (1200x1863, 433K)


Attached: Cerebus_189_14.jpg (1200x1839, 402K)

Oh shit, the big payoff this issue! Some shit is kinda happening!

Attached: Cerebus_189_15.jpg (1200x1859, 354K)


Attached: Cerebus_189_16.jpg (1200x1818, 381K)

Attached: Cerebus_189_17.jpg (1200x1857, 441K)

Attached: Cerebus_189_18.jpg (1200x1828, 400K)

This is why no one storytimes this slog. The wittily written stuff is long in the past.

Attached: Cerebus_189_19.jpg (1200x1831, 530K)

Attached: Cerebus_189_20.jpg (1200x1826, 352K)

now follows 6-7 pages of Sim dick-polishing

Attached: Cerebus_189_21_AC.jpg (1200x1868, 396K)

And then 12 pages of some comic writer/artist you never heard of, and will never hear from again.
Followed by 2-3 pages of Dave advertising his shit, making you think you are getting value for what was a reasonably expensive comic back in the day.

Attached: Cerebus_189_22_AC.jpg (1200x1842, 473K)

Attached: Cerebus_189_23_AC.jpg (1200x1854, 498K)

This is basically ye olden equivalent of a fansite, soapbox and general rambling that ate up a lot of the comic.

Attached: Cerebus_189_24_AC.jpg (1200x1842, 456K)

Attached: Cerebus_189_25_AC.jpg (1200x1853, 484K)

Attached: Cerebus_189_26_AC.jpg (1200x1839, 466K)

This is the power of Autism, + whatever other mental issues Dave was rockin'.

Attached: Cerebus_189_27_AC.jpg (1200x1857, 433K)

So this is what Cerebusfags defend.

Attached: Cerebus_189_28_Preview.jpg (1200x1843, 308K)

And now onto the backup comic!

Attached: Cerebus_189_29_Preview.jpg (1200x1785, 287K)

Yep, this is Peak Cerebus.

Attached: Cerebus_189_30_Preview.jpg (1200x1790, 351K)

Attached: Cerebus_189_31_Preview.jpg (1200x1811, 326K)

Attached: Cerebus_189_32_Preview.jpg (1200x1783, 347K)

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Attached: Cerebus_189_38_Preview.jpg (1200x1785, 315K)

Attached: Cerebus_189_39_Preview.jpg (1200x1784, 353K)

This comic sold for $2.25 cents in 1994, which is roughly the cost of a double-sized giant from the Big 2 in that same year. A good deal for Dave, considering he basically wrote nothing, threw in some fan-letters, and a free backup filled the rest for exposure value.

Attached: Cerebus_189_40_Preview.jpg (1200x1774, 262K)

When you say it gets bad, how bad are we talking here? Does it turn into a chick tract or what? I cant stand preachy anti-gay religious shit but I can stomach a lot of bad writing if there are redeeming elements.

Attached: Cerebus_189_41_ibc.jpg (1200x1856, 533K)

There are stretches where it just becomes written story by a madman, with no comic at all.

Attached: Cerebus_189_42_bc.jpg (1200x1821, 412K)

> I cant stand preachy anti-gay religious shit
He's not anti gay, he's anti "homosexualist". It's a word he himself invented. Homosexualists and feminists have a global conspiracy, and part of that conspicary is to get Dave Sim to commit suicide because he discovered the Grand Unifying Theory of physics by studying the Torah.
So if you like in-detail discussion of this kind of topic go nuts and read Cerebus.

This. It literally becomes the unfunny and unironic ravings of a diseased mind.

I think I'll stick to Bone, thanks.

Dave Sim once challenged Jeff Smith into a boxing match.

Excellent call.

Yeah, I saw that earlier. Feels bad, I knew the guy had mental problems but I didnt realize it seeped into the comic to such an extent.

Dave Sim is like Andy Kaufman, only unironically.

That's what happens when you have no editor.
I'm still going to buy The Strange Death of Alex Raymond when IDW publishes it

Dave needed help far beyond what a mere editor could provide. He needed someone with the power of attorney and physical custody over him.

>Patreon on has 89 donors
>less than $500 a month
Is Dave on food stamps?

He sells Cerebus artwork in auctions or something

God I hope so, because he's only bringing in twice what Sonichu is on Patreon, and I'm pretty sure Chris-Chan gets some sort of government disability.

He is Canadian, what's social security like in Canuckland?

This is the most respectful disagreement I have ever seen on this site

I don't want to read and get invested in a story written by a fucking lunatic.

All the stories seemed to fizzle out and then they moved on to the next one and repeat

that sidemouth is disgusting. In all of the pages you posted it looks like somebody just cut a hole in his cheek.

Don't fall for the start at High Society meme. The first half of the first volume is the toughest to chew but it gets easier about halfway through when the writing and art noticeably improve. Along with that, a lot of characters and events from this volume reappear/ are referenced again later down the line and not knowing who or what they are beforehand lessens the intended impact (like for example, the end of High Society.)
It's hard for me to do that because Cerebus is written in such a way that any one page taken out of context wouldn't make much sense by itself, kind of like posting a chapter from the middle of a book with no additional context.
But here's one I love for how it depicts panic and a tense situation in both art and dialogue.

Attached: issue166.jpg (981x1505, 334K)

>It's odd that for a comic that's supposed to be soooo good, you never actually see anyone post their favorite pages, scenes, or story arcs
I never see anybody on Yea Forums do this for any comic other than cape comics.

And then their favorite page is a splash page where the hero says "No, I refuse to give up" and he rallies for one final attack on the villain.

It’s challenging but I love it.

Attached: 28A01F81-2897-4E76-A5B3-BAEBA6819A0C.png (640x1136, 532K)

So Sim is, like, the King of Incels?

He's just celibate.

There's a Cerebus universe map which contains lots of locations (cities, swamps, rivers etc). I always wanted to do a project with other Cerebus fans in which we mark which location on the map appeared in which issue (for example, that one town east of Cerebus' hometown, in which he played that tennis-like sport for one or two issues). I don't remember many of the locations, though (but I think most of them appear in the first arc, as the arcs after that one are usually contained in one place).
Anyone up for it?

Involuntarily, yes.

He is voluntarily celibate. As a man, this is a choice that he is able to make.

However, he believes that all women should quit their jobs and stay at home taking care of the kids, because G-d created women for the purpose of creating and caring for babies.

Men get to choose to be celibate, but women shouldn't get to choose, because G-d said so.

No he's a connoisseur of cunny.

>celibacy is an option
Yeah, right.

In this case it's voluntary. Sim used to get laid all the time before his religious break. After that, he swore off sex.

I’m definitely a plebe, but I’ve read it.

If Cerberus started in the late 90s, it would be that webcomic that starts off generic, gets really fucking good for a few years, then turns to shit and fades into obscurity when the author gets banned from Twitter.
It's still worth checking out, but it's mostly famous as a pioneer of a form of storytelling that isn't rare anymore.

Cerebus is a series with hills and valleys in terms of "stuff you might like".

For example, if you like religion/philosophy you have "Church and State", "Mothers and Daughters" and "Rick's Story".

If you like literature read "Jaka's Story", "Melmoth", Going Home" and "Form and Void".

If you like comedy/drama "High Society", "Guys" and the first third of "Latter Days".

If you like fantasy epics? Read the first four books.

Attached: Cerebus Drunk.jpg (432x756, 81K)

You can't spell "pioneering, trailblazing, groundbreaking, experimental comics" without "mental".

where does
fit into it?

>google if Jim Woodring went crazy
>Jim Woodring has always been crazy
I should have seen that coming.

Attached: 14.jpg (1163x816, 915K)

Into volumes 1 and 2.

He literally broke up with his girlfriend over his religious conversion.

>Susan"I got dumped for God"

Attached: dave_sims_last_girlfriend_susan_alston.jpg (550x747, 71K)

Dave, rolling a joint in Hawaii circa mid 80's.

Attached: photo_dave_sim_nasty_habits_1987.jpg (650x933, 164K)

Jeff Smiths a faggot so fuck him.

Wrong, motherfucker. Now prepare to taste the taste of my left hook!

*hits you with a surprise right hook*

I think we have the female equivalent to Dave's craziness.

Looks like it's made by faggots. am I right?

Is there any specific reading order for Jim Woodring's stuff? Also, what stuff of his should I read? Everything or?

Honestly it sounds like you dislike Sim because if what you've heard and so you googled enough of the storyline to say you read it in order to tell others not to.

You queers really are obsessive.

>you just didn't read it if you don't think this is the height of comics as an art form
Eh fuck you

See here it is. You're angry anyone would support him.

It's why I very mch think you're the same person as: You being gay doesn't make Cerebus bad.

>hating on "Guys"
Pleb spotted. That arc has the best comedy in the entire series.

Are comics not allowed to have letters pages now?

And you seem like a faggot.

Are you one of his patrons?

Post picture if all that. As far as I can tell youre the same false flagging faggot who's mad anyone woul give sim money.

Get off the Internet, Dave.


You had one job.

If you learn how to use Yea Forums, you'll see that you're replying to multiple people from the timestamps.

Dude a pussy id eat his hook and ground and pound him into a coma.

Yea Forums is a hivemind, user.

Stop deflecting and answer me.

I disagree, in the end he WAS the western pope, he was the hero in decline . This is the typical descent arc of a heroic story that didn't always take itself seriously and sometimes did.

I read ALL of the cerebus comics from first to last. And though the corporeal story has much irony in its parallels to our history ( i.e. Jaka's cucked husband gets crucified by feminists for being jesus , the church changes, the church has absorbed judaism via the three stooges and woody allen, the muslims got pissed off as a punchline ).

But Dave to his credit does inject a bit of levity into Cerebus' death as if to say, one's reward for getting through 300 issues of processed hardwood should not be a literary soft-on.

>Cerebus himself admits nothing is happening and that the series will get cancelled because of this
Except "Rick's Story" is extremely important because it's a base on which "Latter Days" builds on. Basically, everything that happens in the last 40 or so issues in the comic is tied to "Rick's Story", and there's a few connections to the "Going Home" arc as well.
Of course, I'm wasting my time because you haven't read the comic and are just spouting what you saw on the internet.

Dave Sim doesn't use the internet. He doesn't own a computer or a cellphone and communicates via letters. I think he was pen-pals with another crazy hermit, Steve Ditko.

>Jaka's cucked husband gets crucified by feminists for being jesus
Except he becomes Jesus way later on.

The literal faggot samefag wanted to make samefag claim about me after I called out his continued faggotry.

Sim brings out the obsessives. They hardly even hide that they shit on all of Cerebus just so he can't make money. I fucking hate it.

If that were true there wouldn't be any faggots saying Cerebus is entirely bad.

I mean to say ... ALL of the issues were ultimately relevant. Brain-rot notwithstanding , the work was fucking brilliant. Sort of like Phillip K. Dick , some people work best without intervention, a straightjacket or medication.

Of course. He'd kill himself once he saw how everyone considers him a loser.

Stop deflecting.

Bah, Immortal Hulk is much better.

He probably just write about it. What does he care if queers hate him?

Have sex, Dave.

Just say that after 300 issues of immortal hulk .

>faggot refuses to admit his samefagging
>continues to imagine he's talking to a man who doesn't use the internet
Go back to twitter and announce your glorious battle with Yea Forums bigots faggot nobody cares about you.

*sets alarm clock for 25 years from now*

See you on Yea Forums, unless you chicken out like a coward.

>implying ih won't be 1,000 issues of masterful storytelling
You Image faggots are so delusional.

>nobody cares about you.
You do. Otherwise you wouldn't be crying like a bitch about some overrated webcomic.

I've only read The Frank Book (Fantagraphics collected volume), but it's a mastercraft in language-free storytelling.

So Sim and Ditko are fucked in the head now ?

This is interesting ...

How many of my favourite artists and writers are totally fucked in the head now ?

I liked John Byrne's stuff . Is he also fucked in the head ?

Ditko is dead.

Isn't john Bryne a legit pedo? I've only seen rumors on Yea Forums so i'm probably wrong

>despite you quoting Cerebus' own words from the book you haven't read it!
Okay user.

Attached: DSCN0756.jpg (4407x3305, 3.66M)

>So Sim and Ditko are fucked in the head now ?
>fucked in the head

A surprising number of his comics feature grown men kissing underage girls.

Off the top of my head: Doom Patrol, Fantastic Four and Generations.

This is like saying you care about Cerebus because you're in a thread shitposting.

I’ll always love high society, I’ve been involved with local elections and the depiction of getting votes, securing districts and promising a 3% tax reduction to get someone who would previously spit on your grave to embrace you as a brother is hilariously accurate. Can’t win an election without Da Docks here either.

>continues to show how much of a casual she is.

No. He compared homosexuality to pedophelia and so literal faggots who think themselves normal say shit like this:

Double bummer - I loved the way he drew hands and women. Sometimes the way ditko drew women it was almost the way some traps look, the one's with confidence . The one's that look like Annie lennox .

well thats fucked. How did it get pass the editors?

It's fun while I decide what to read.

In fact, I feel like reading Dixon's Nightwing. Thank you for the help, Dave.

>How did it get pass

Knowing Byrne, fucking good artwork, good context , great pencilwork and inking , a decent plot and good scripting. It was all probably in context.


>shitposter gets BTFO
>never replies again








Cerebus is better than this SJW bullshit, you cuck


I read the series online and have a question to those who have the phonebooks.
Are the covers still included? What about the Aardvark comments?
I know that several issues were omitted from the phonebooks (for some reason,) do the new remastered versions include them?

>reading remastered versions
Grain or GTFO.

Man gets his brain transplanted into a fucking insane alien warrior body. Spends the entire comic being a whiny cuck pining for his therapist/manager. Has no cock. Good art can't make up for the absolute cringefest that is the writing.

Dave was a very slick motherfucker in the day. In fact he was kind of a chad.

Schizophrenia and LSD are a hell of a combo. Still have high hopes for this though.

Attached: strange_death_of_alex_raymond_idw_covers_1_4.jpg (1120x881, 377K)

His wrist healed enough for him to draw again?
I haven't read Glamourpuss. Is Alex Raymond good?

>His wrist healed
No but he's got somebody doing it for him, he did a video about the covers they were working on. IDW will publish the story in three parts I think.
>Is Alex Raymond good?
It sure looks pretty. I haven't read glamourpuss either though since I can't find it online and it was never collected, no way in hell am I tracking down singles.

Bump, Cerebus threads are rare.

Not an argument.

So between Cirinists, Kevillists, and Tarimites which ones had the best ideals and why were they the Illusionists?

He's involuntarily schizophrenic and that prevents him from getting laid.

Going off the storytime in this thread I dont want to waste my time with it.

So you're conceding that it's a fact?

If it helps that storytime is not indicative of the whole of Cerebus, it's a small part of a climax that's been building since the early arcs and it loses a lot of its impact and meaning when taken out of context since Cerebus is very continuity heavy. That user also seemed to be mocking it for not having more action, even though the issues preceding that one had plenty of action and there was no need for this one to have as much too.

Sim used to show up at comic cons in a limo because he was making so much money by avoiding diamond distributors

really Cerebus is the best comic book series ever published up to the last 100 issues when its just one long extended epilogue.
Its still good but Cerebus doesn't really do much after that...he decided to go back with Jaka which sealed his faith .

I went to public school and dont know how to read

This, but ironically.

Why do apologists try to defend this if they believe the work can stand on it's own? Let the work speak for itself and have others judge it to their own accord instead of "nuh-uh, it's culmination of story-telling that somehow avoids peaking in 300 issues." Shit, people are going to hate it either way.

>Void Worshippers

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Bitch please. Dave is getting sweet Kabbalsitic lore beamed straight to him by Hermes Trismegistis and the angel Raziel so that he can defeat the pretender Yaldabaoth and her archons. Gautama ,Amida and Kannon aren't giving you shit.

>Allow me to storytime an issue at random
>Is literally one of the first issues wherein Sim starts loose the plot and start ranting about the feminist conspiracy
If anyone's wondering about reading this Sim starts to go nuts around issue 186 (-ish it's been a while and it's a gradual build up, but 186 I remember as being the tipping point) but the stuff before that is really fucking good. Esp. the first 4 volumes.

I'll add that Sim was always off-putting, if you read the Notes from the President and Aardvark Comments he came across as a condescending asshole more than once.
It's really only with the infamous issue 186 that it becomes obvious but the signs were there.

I gave up reading Cerebus around issue #90 or so. I gather I didn't miss out on much?

>right before Astoria's Trial and the Final Ascension
You missed out.

user most of Yea Forums doesn't read comics or read shit comics


Didn't he start ranting about how the jews bought the Holocaust on themselves near the end?

No, he loves the Jews and considers himself a Jew (despite believing in Jesus, Mohammed, the good god G-d and the evil god YHWH).

The crazy is the best part. You don't have to agree with it to enjoy it.


He converted to Judaism.

It was. It's like nowadays you can't have two men be close friends without people saying they're gay. A man kissing a girl in a fatherly manner is seen as pedophilia.

This is great. How the fuck can you say this is bad?

There's a really great documentary about Robert Crumb called 'Crumb.' There's a fantastic scene in it wherein Robert goes through his brother Charles's old comics he wrote. It's clear Charles had a shitload of talent but gradually his comics become drowned out by text bubbles until it just turns into nothing but text. And the text gets smaller and smaller and smaller every page until it's unreadable:
And then Charles suffered a mental breakdown and never left his parents house again. Cerebus is a bit like that only longer and with more clear genius and talent. It's such a waste but his mental breakdown is both tragic but kinda funny.

>he wants to exist forever

You guys have to pay more attention. Cerebus points out to Woody Allen that the Jews will be burned in the future because of all the burned sacrifices they made to yoowhoo. So yes, he did say that the Jews brought the holocaust on themselves.
Judenhass is still a great little book about anti-semitism though.

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thanks user. I'll check out this guys work. He sounds based and redpilled.

He's pretty much the definition (and possibly originator) of the term 'ODing on redpills'

Somebody storytimed the entirety of Cerebus?

All 300 issues back in 2015.

Its cool if you like it my man, but as a fag Im not really interested in reading shit from a crazy guy who lets his woman and gay hating stuff seep into his fiction. Like I said I'll stick to Bone.

Dave doesn't hate homosexuals, he hates homosexualists. He's a big fan of Oscar Wilde.

Uh huh. Sounds like rambling justifications from a damaged mind.

Well yes, but that's not his fault.

That's pretty much how it is now.
Believe it or not Sim used to be a feminist and even donated to pro-LGBT causes back in the 80s
It's also no wonder Cerebus peaked in the 80s.

This is one those series that I've always wanted to read but reading about the creator's breakdown put me off of it. Maybe one day.

Right and if I wasted my time on this, it would be my fault.

Dude just read it right now

But if you only read the earlier stuff he made when he was sane you won't be wasting your time, you'll be getting some great comics. Just read all the way to the end of Melmoth and stop there, you'll be fine.

I already said I'm not reading it. I won't be reading it. If you like it, cool. But I'm not bothering. That is time I could be watching Legends of the Galactic Heroes.

Well at least you'll be spending your time well. Godspeed glorious faggot.

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I read from the beginning up through High Society. Is that enough to say I've read it?

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No, finish Church & State and Jaka's Story.

I have this entire comic downloaded already but Cerebus's sidemouth is really turning me off from reading it. I'm usually fine with it on characters like Sonic the Hedgehog but Cerebus's mouth is much more detailed in comparison. Do you guys just get used to it as you read or something?

No, it looks off all the way through, no clue why Dave did it that way.

those sound effects are horrid, let a real master show you how it's done.
I got used to it. It helps that Cerebus is a cartoon.

Attached: thoom.jpg (1200x1855, 414K)

It's not available digitally.

>Just read all the way to the end of Melmoth and stop there
Would be good advice but Mothers and Daughters, despite its flaws, have a ton of great moments and cements Astoria as the best character.
Dave also gives you his blessing to pirate the whole thing if you want.

>find a random serenity comic in my town's antique shop

Best 25 cents I ever spent

Minds is a very good book, have to admit the artwork of the planets is nice to look at.

The M&D arc was great

Overall I'd say

>Tarim Tier
High Society
Church & State

>High Tier
Jaka's Story

>Good Tier
Reads (Comic segments)
The Last Day

>Meh Tier
Rick's Story
Gong Home

>Bad Tier
Form & Void

>Shit Tier
Latter Days

Also Cerebus has my favorite portrayal of telepathy in any comic

Attached: cerebus-152-page-7.jpg (2000x1509, 978K)

Guys is the best part though

Best comedy but overall dull story.
Dave wrote three excellent political fantasy epics with High Society, Church & State, and Mothers & Daughters, to have the hero be a bartander for TWO whole volumes is funny, but not as much of a pageturner

As an aside, the "introduction" arc is very underrated. It not only does an excellent job and introducing the reader to the world and characters who are relevant throughout the whole thing, it also stops being a Conan parody halfway through. Once Cerebus meets Lord Lulius, the story takes a turn and he starts solving his problems much more through trickery/diplomacy than by being a better fighter, as he does through HS and C&s

Agreed. The world of Cerebus does have a lot of potential for 2/3rds of the story to be set in Iest. I'd love to read about Cerebus and Bear's mercenary days, the stories of previous Aardvarks, or just seeing the Red Marches barbarians toppling empires like they claimed to have done

>I'd love to read about Cerebus and Bear's mercenary days, the stories of previous Aardvarks, or just seeing the Red Marches barbarians toppling empires like they claimed to have done
Make them yourself. When Dave dies Cerebus goes public domain.

I might unironically do that.
Cerebus and Bone were my biggest inspirations for my own comic. And the world of Cerebus does have a lot of untapped potential.

Speaking of Cerebus' world, I loved how the whole continent changed politically and technologically throughout the series. It was some of the most ambitious world building I have seen in Fantasy

But who was making all these innovations? Shepshep having genetic engineering figured out by the end was pretty messed up.

Genetic engineering by the end of the series WAS genuinely fucked up, both for the world of Cerebus and the narrative.

Both otherwise through the series, I just enjoyed seeing their tech progress and how different nations had a reached diverging levels of technological progress

For example, I liked when cannon were first introduced and were part of why the City States in the south were willing to unite under the state which had developed them
Or how gold coins are being phased over in favor of paper money early on
Or how latter on in the series as Cerebus is getting older, rifles and "flying machines" are introduced...

The Northern part of the continent seemed to be stuck in "dark ages" Europe, while the southern City States looked liked they belonged in the late 1700's. While Cerebus is travelling with Jaka, it looks like the world has developed into early 1900's, with shopping malls, air travel, etc... It was just something I had never seen in Fantasy, but thought it was very interesting and a clever way to covey that a LOT of time has been passing

Stopped liking the world by the time the last two volumes rolled around, though. By then the world became more of a vehicle for Sim to express his views, than for him to tell the story