Rip Hunter in Time Masters

He travels time. For the future of mankind.

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I always love time travel stuff in DC because of the rich history that's at their disposal.

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So is this Booster

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Can you redpill me on RIP Hunter? I know that he's a Time Travel expert.

Uh oh he's going down a conspiracy hole

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This looks fun

That's mostly what there is to him, he gets recast later on in the 00's as THE time travel guy who basically polices the timestream and shows up to fix time. So a time cop.

Spoiler for Johns/Jurgens Booster Gold series and 52: he turns out to be a descendant of Booster himself

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I'm reading this because 1) I adore that Booster Gold series he was in that spun out of 52 and 2) I was suddenly reminded of its existence the other day

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Also I always thought it was clever how he uses an alias so nobody can go shoot him when he was a baby or sitting on the John, Scott Evil style

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All my exes live in Texas.

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Average scene in a college professor's office

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jli was so fucking good

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Coincidentally, according to the letters page the idea for this series originated in Texas, at... ArmadilloCon...

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Sorry, had to shoop these two pages together right quick.
Also, Lewis Shiner lives in Austin and shares a name with my favorite beer, which also comes from Texas.

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What a total bro

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art's pretty nice

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>He travels time. For the future of mankind.
He was turned to steel
In the great magnetic field
Where he traveled time
For the future of mankind

Nobody wants him
He just stares at the world
Planning his vengeance
That he will soon unfold

Now the time is here
For iron man to spread fear
Vengeance from the grave
Kills the people he once saved

Nobody wants him
They just turn their heads
Nobody helps him
Now he has his revenge

Heavy boots of lead
Fills his victims full of dread
Running as fast as they can
Iron man lives again

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Finally some time travel in this time travel series

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Hopefully we'll see some Jonah Hex!

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oh my god jc a bomb

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was this really necessary to destroy the floor

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I love the cowboy illuminati

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>historical advisor William Messner-Loebs
And just when I thought I couldn't adore Loebs any more

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jesus christ

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Are the Linear Men (and Not!Cable) in this?

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Basically monocles are pure evil

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I don't think so, they were a later Jurgens creation AFAIK

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He's actually Booster's son and we see flashbacks of father Booster teaching a young Rip about time travel knowledge that he then tells the current Booster.

That's right! thanks user

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Oh god there was an ad for Dick Tracy here, this is some prime nostalgia

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wonder how Bendis is going to use him

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It's a weird loop because then you wonder who taught who first.

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So he's blonde here yet during the 07 Booster Gold run he suddenly is a redhead.

I bet $100 he's going to talk like a teenage girl and/or Buffy character

Honestly I'm a huge fan of causality loops, I adore time travel fuckery

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Not!Cable is Rip if I recall.

I love how he literally says "who cares?" to the editorially mandated "crossover"

He's one of the ten billion square jawed blonde guys from the 50's, they just decided to change his design a bit so you can actually tell him apart from Booster

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Really I'll just have to do Johns/Jurgens Booster Gold someday

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Man do I love Viking Prince, all these obscure non-cape guys are just great fun

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But kinda made sense for him to be know, Booster's kid. And from what we seen so far, so is Rip's mom.

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Can't say I get why they picked that look since instead of looking like every 50's hero he now looks like every 00's video game character
To be fair blonde hair tends to skip a generation as I can say from personal experience

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>see Swamp Thing 86
I really don't think that issue explains what that is.
If you like time travel, you should read that arc though (80-87*)
*88 would be the Jesus issue that got canned

just gonna say im doing my best to resist monty python quotes in this issue

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>veitch swamp thing
jk it's pretty fun

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Good to know that Rip being a dick in the 07 Booster Gold run isn't out of character

Oh no! It's Dane Whitman, Dane Whitman and Dane Whitman...the Black Knights.

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Veitch might be crazy, but his Swamp Thing was good.
I forgot, the arc technically concludes with 90, but Doug Wheeler is complete shit

This is DC so it's Wayne Ditman

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Almost thought it was the Blue Beetle Scarab.

Man Savage just looks so fly every time you see him

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Not!Cable was "Travis O'Connell" and his main claim to fame is being the one who actually blew up the moon (killing billions) during the Giffen/Beirbaum Five Years Later LoSH

I think this was during Loebs Fate run which is genius and should be read by Yea Forums

There's actually a surprising lack of continuity wank in this series

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Man, what happened to paneling in superhero comics?

Like there are so many good, well executed page layouts here. The art is also bold, detailed and crisp.

Where did the artistry go?

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To be fair there was some utter garbage coming out at this same time, but yeah you don't see stuff like this anymore. I have friends who've looked at art like this (specifically Totleben Swamp Thing) and say they just can't read it because it looks "dated" compared to art from the 00's. I don't get it.

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It's the more "fun" of the two halves of that volume, but I'd want the first half collected first.
But then JMD ended up reusing plot elements from it for two other books, so it gets reduced a bit in my eyes.

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It's Vandal Savage..he always dress for the occasion.

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I like how Nabu just already know this shit

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Yeah but Rip also did look like Cable at some point in his career.

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this cool time travel series was definitely the place for this extremely heavy drama

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this is also the position i sleep in

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I think Atlantis Chronicles launched the same time as this and is also great

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Babby powergirl!!!

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So, this was during the retcon where Power Girl is Atlantean, right?

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That's right

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Snake Plisken?

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Can't wait for all those mohawks and visor shades 15 years from now, maybe Bendis Legion's sidecuts aren't that far off after all

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Knowing that Vandal Savage still exists...I guess Rip failed.

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desu that was a little... uninteresting considering the sheer potential for awesomeness Rip Hunter has.

Anyway, thanks for reading, my friends. Be safe.

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I'm guessing Bonnie died horribly or else Rip wouldn't be beating Rex Hunter senselessly during the Booster Gold run when he mentioned her.

Guess he didn't stay in the past too know, Linear Men, 52 and such..

Thanks OP

I mean if Doctor Who wasn't a kids show I could see them doing something like this.

wait is doctor who not a fujo show now

Thanks op
