stop pretending sandman is good
Stop pretending sandman is good
Stop pretending it isn't, bigot.
it's the best
why do they have to make it into a show
it's never gonna work
The arc about all the various mythologies and factions trying to get ownership of Hell was pretty great. Incidentally, how is Lucifer?
They're not pretending. I just stopped reading it after season of mists because if that's one of the best arcs in the comic... also because i heard a game of you sucks. So i didn't want to keep spending money on it. Also because in the meantime i got into more serious literature and suddenly this book written by a man who's the embodiment of hot topic isn't so deep anymore. Also because i finished swamp thing and holy shit he stole everything
think a moment
all the college kid nerds like you and I, once they need to get a job, where do they end up?
Mostly retail and boding desk job.
Then there's a handful who manage to score something where they can somewhat express their interests, usually a job relating to advertisement, which is a field where nerds are occasionally sought for because they're supposedly in touch with that big demographic with obsessive-compulsive spending habits.
As trend analysts or something like that.
So when their boss tells them "We need to drop money on something the kids will like, come up with something, nerdo!" half of the time they just regurgitate whatever they happen to be into.
And a lot of nerds are into Sandman.
So statistically, it makes sense that at least one advisor at Netflix was asked this question and answered: "shit, I dunno, Sandman? It's got a cult following."
It's OK, but Gaiman is definitely my least favorite popular comic writer. Gets pretty pretentious and is the worst at keeping stories well structured / organized. Which is a selling point to some I guess but I prefer a story that knows where it's going and doesn't waste time meandering around random detours for fifty issues.
I like Gaiman but too many of his stories go out with a fizzle.
>the worst at keeping stories well structured.
That would be ennis. He was pretty much done in hellblazer after dangerous habits. Filler after filler about his lame waifu, ennis' projecting his own alchoholism in john, some blacks i don't give two shits about, all these side characters we wasted so much time on only to be "shocked" when they're killed off,and taking care of the big baddies the king of faggots and the first of the faggots in the lamest way possible.
And don't get me started on preacher
>Also because in the meantime i got into more serious literature and suddenly this book written by a man who's the embodiment of hot topic isn't so deep anymore.
this is a real thing. people that read comics seem to ONLY read comics, so they have no reference point. it's sad. the average high school curriculum is more soul satisfying than this shit
that's probably how it happened, but they have been trying to make Sandman into a movie or show for a long time though
>He was pretty much done in hellblazer after dangerous habits
That was literally his first arc
This reminds me of the story about when the writers were pitching the Transformers movie and were having trouble convincing the studio for money so they told them to go ask their interns if they would pay to see a Transformers movie in theaters.
I meant he exhausted all his capabilities in that arc and what came after -especially kit- sucked massive donkey dick
Didn't help that Simpson left for Steve Frank Castle Dillon
Lucifer is really good. Definitely worth reading.
It's great, but it isn't one of my favorites. I'd rather reread Swamp Thing or Bacchus than The Sandman.
I'm sick of super 6 deep 4 u comics
I miss the 90's
The majority of Sandman was a 90s comic though.
Sandman is 90's. Otherwise i agree on the 2deep4me
It's not up for me to prove that Sandman is good but for you to prove that it isn't.
>stop pretending sandman is good
He used to be, but John Byrne turned him into a villain again.
What's deep about Sandman?
I thought the ending was faggy but overall I liked the comic a lot
That's what i said
Name ten better comics.
Why would you read and enjoy sandman just because it’s deep? The main appeal isn’t even whether it’s deep or not, it’s an exploration of dream’s character
>i got into more serious literature and suddenly this book written by a man who's the embodiment of hot topic isn't so deep anymore
No shit.
It's not like i was dissapointed. My first impression of him was that he was a fag. A fag that sold me four books... but not one more! Haha
Seasons of mist is the best thing Gaiman ever wrote and is of more literary worth than all of his prose.
The dialogue can get a little fucky sometimes but it's alright. Not my personal favorite comic ever but still enjoyable.
Lucifer is better anyways.
Excellent at first, I would say it trails on as it goes and doesn't end as strong as it started but since it's a ~70 issue run that's to be expected. Mostly I wish it kept the art team it had during stories like Gods and Monsters.