
I want to get into the Sandman series. What's the best edition to get (Omnibus, trades, Absolutes, 30th anniversary trades, annotated?) Any recommendations?

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Floppies. And get only the self contained stories like "men of good fortune". The big plots suck

how are the big plots bad?

Without spoiling anything, they get resolved rather quickly but not in a good way. Like, we've been having this problem for a whole seven issues, and then the last issue is like "whoops, gotta go" so the problem gets solved in a few lines of dialogue and the rest of the issue is what the characters did after their adventure.
Dropped the book halfway, so take my opinion with a grain of salt

I see. Is there a guide/reading order somewhere so I know what the standalones are?

Just read it and form your opinion. The trades are fairly cheap and easy to track down. The Absolutes are fucking gorgeous, but not worth investing in unless you really really like it.

Not that i know of. The first book even though it has a plot is mostly self contained stories. There are a couple of them in each one, for instance Men of Good Fortune is the fourth or fifth one in the second book, A Dolls House. Tales in the Sand, it's first issue is also standalone. There's also a couple of books with only self contained stories. Country of Dreams and Brief Lives, i think

I see. Is there any difference in terms of content? Searching around, it seems like the Absolutes have short stories in them. Do the trades have those?

Another factor is ease of reading. I guess the trades have the same kind of content as the Absolutes, story wise? Because I keep hearing that the Absolutes are big and bulky, which make them uncomfortable to read.

The best option is almost always the Absolute when one is available.
Other than the annotated for obvious reasons, the rest are identical unless you can get old as fuck trades or floppies with the old coloring.
Start at issue #1, don't skip anything.
Then read the various connected stuff like Lucifer and Books of Magic, at least the 4 issue miniseries by Gaiman if you don't feel like bothering with the series.

The Golden Child is the best issue.

There's a prose story called the Dream Hunters, but both the prose and comic versions are available as TPBs.

Omnibus is surprisingly good quality, high quality paper and good colors, the only problem is the binding is a bit weak and i can be kind of cumbersome to read, but its not bad for the price. Also I disagree with some of the bigger plots end kind of abruptly but I felt like a majority had really nice endings. But he is right in saying a lot of the shorter plots are stronger, men of good fortune being an especially good one.

Meant to reply to him

Don't listen to the other user. Just read it from the beginning, format doesn't matter. The omnibus is nice tho

Honestly digital isnt bad, it's how I first read it. If you really want to go physical the omnibus is usually half off which isnt a bad price.

I see. Other than image quality, is there anything content-wise that's noteworthy about the absolutes? And are there any noticeable differences between the absolutes and the omnibi, since it's a similar kind of format (big hardcovers?)

is there any notable difference between editions?

Mine look like this. The comic book store in my city was practically giving away a mint 1st-ed "Sound of Her Wings" for 35 bucks. I missed my chance. I would have framed it and put it on my wall. . .

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Those covers are stunning--they really convey the ethereal atmosphere of the story.

The 30th anniversary trades look pretty nice.