My friend is about to come off a 7-year prison sentence...

My friend is about to come off a 7-year prison sentence. What Yea Forums movies from that time does he absolutely NEED to see? He already watched Frozen and Incredibles 2 while in jail.

Pic related. DKR is the last movie he saw before his arrest. So you can skip that one.

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What did he do this time

should have let dkr be the last movie he ever saw imagine how that would have been

>He already watched Frozen and Incredibles 2 while in jail.

That night must've been like running through a corn field backwards

First LEGO movie, Shazam, Aquaman, Ragnarok, Civil War, LEGO Batman Movie, Captain Underpants, Logan, Days of Future Past, Wonder Woman, Into the Spider-verse, Guardians of the Galaxy (both of them) Inifnity War, maybe. Batman TMNT Movie

Involuntary manslaughter. Some drunk dude called him a faggot, so my friend flipped him onto his head. The guy lingered a few days and died.

Bummer, bro.

Gravity Falls

What kind of men's prison screens Frozen wtf.

>Gravity Falls

It is all part of the tranny Discord conspiracy.

Everywhere screens Frozen. Everywhere.

Logan, Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse, the rest of the MCU Films, Shazam, the main LEGO Movies,

Ant-Man, he's a ex-con

Raggedy Ann and Andy: A Musical Adventure
It will kill any bad feelings he might have, its such a great movie.

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>He already watched Frozen and Incredibles 2 while in jail.
i thought cruel and unusual punishment was unconstitutional

this but unironically



God imagine the catcalls when Elastigirl's thick ass showed up. The probably raped the screen.

>The probably raped the screen

Detective Pikachu and Shazam I think

Why would he need to watch that trash user

Pikachu was cute.

Shazam was the best non-Batman movie DC has ever made.

No, you're trash.

He was in jail retard, literally watching paint dry could be as fun for his mentally ill brain.

This one

Unironically this.

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They haven't seen a woman in years. Probably lost their fucking minds.

Man of Steel


Batman v Superman Ultimate.

Not Yea Forums but if he still likes superheroes show him My Hero Academia.

>last movie he saw was DKR
based. too bad he's missed 7 years of Bane posting


Spider-Verse is all he needs.

Why didnt he said that the drunk guy physically asaulted him?
That would have atleast been self-defense

Shoot up some theater.

Fuck no

Why not?

>Chimping out over a 4th grade insult
They should've put your friend down like the animal he is.

Depends on his stature.

It’s decent, it’s got Immigrant Song

>Immigrant song in there fucking twice
What a shit show

probably because there's likely to be plenty of witnesses in that situation and he acted well beyond what was reasonable

his only real defense would be to say he meant to assault the guy but didn't mean to kill him, plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter and avoid a murder charge and or longer sentence

because he's a fucking little bitch with a temper problem, so they put him in with grown men who wanted to watch Frozen in prison

there's no use sugar coating it, the world has gone to shit since he went away and he needs to understand how far from god's light we are

make him watch the DCEU

all of it

Gay prison. Why do you think some rando called him a faggot?


Spoken like a true pleb.

Seriously, who the hell decided that showing a bunch of incels in cells a sexy as fuck barely legal blond in that hot dress and a thick super-milf in a latex suit is a good idea? Were they TRYING to up their rape statistic?

Superjail. Ask him how realistic it is.

They are perferts

it's only rape when you both get out and one of you still has feelings

The MCU, everything else is shit.