Post characters that would look better with some muscle

Post characters that would look better with some muscle

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Are there any characters that wouldn't?

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But does she also have a black belt?


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She doesn't need one. She has lumberjack training and apocalypse training.

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NO. Fiona is for huggably soft cute chub.

How tall is Diana anyway?

Six feet even, as I recall, though I think that artist's interpretation is meant to be taller.

Why do you guys like muscle girls?

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I like girls, and I like muscles.

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Peter definitely loves muscle girls

Like all things in comics, it depends on the artist. During Nu52, Chiang had her at least 6' tall in her solo while Lee had her ~5'2 in Justice League.

Does no one else think its odd how she doesn't have superstrength or anything?
the video games built up my perception that she can leap across buildings and go toe-to-toe with spidey.

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Because of the animated series I assumed she was a super solider

Do tell

Also i like the idea of felicia playing cat and mouse, but with her doing the chasing.

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Do tell
You mean shulk?

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That is objectively the best version of her.

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>when Connie gets older and buffer, she and Steven do roleplay scenarios where she’s a shy nerd girl who hulks out of her clothes

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Idk, it’s just a feeling. He’s also definitely a sub

>He’s also definitely a sub
He’s the one webbing people up, though.

>not wanting a powerful core of solid steel underneath the huggable softness

Just dirty bulking, bro.

would you?

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Make it crazy lola and you got a deal!

sounds like a deal too bad there's no good muscle art of that Lola sadly

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There are those two comics Atariboy made, though I tend to count him as more average than fully good.

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I'm trying man!

>tfw ywn have a werewolf gf who hulks out of her clothes on a full moon

Just a bit, mind you. Like Leela from Futurama: noticeably buff, but not distractingly so, and in a way that complements and even accentuates her curves.

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Realistic but impressive muscles>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Weird super muscles like

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agreed. hypermusclefags ruined this fetish.

cry more

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Why even live?


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It depends on the character, really. Some are a better fit for hypermuscle than others, and even then there are levels to it. One could make an argument for Nicole Watterson being in hulk-mode 24/7, for instance, or Fionna having a build like Susan Strong.

Conversely, it doesn't work as well for characters like Pearl, who would clearly look better with a more lean musculature, or Black Cat, who could go as far as a powerful-yet-still-agile build in the manner of the larger cats.

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Sorry, out of the loop, who's that?

Also, I think there's a good webcomic called peter is the wolf for that, haven't checked on that in like 6 years, I just know the first bit was basically a giant werewolf GF raping her smol boyfriend.

You can't explain a fetish user, its a genetic quirk in your brain due to a host of genetic and hormonal factors.

This is simply the human bodies attempt to variant its genetics pool so as to see what sticks, in case of changing evolutionary needs.
There's times where having a stronger or dominant female might be superior to having a stronger or dominant male, and people having that fetish is genetics trying to see if that's an evolutionary path to take.

For example, female hyenas are noticeably larger than the males and the ones in charge, so there's precedent for other mammals to evolve out of the desire for a larger female to mate with.

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Biology alone definitely can not explain this

Personally i think there's a lot of novelty with big strong muscular girls
It just activates something inside you when a girl lifts more than you or is noticeably bigger/taller

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Well yeah, I guess psychology would probably have something to do with that too given how complicated the human psyche is.

Thinking on that, I think they have a hard time getting pandas to mate because they get horny for humans, not pandas-- they had more success showing them human porn to get them aroused and mating than panda mating videos

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>Not wanting the perfect mix of muscle and chub on your all around big gf

Muscular women are usually portrayed as confident, feisty and adventurous, which are all attractive qualities.

Also, I'm really into the idea of a woman who's powerful and fit, but still shy and basically demure at heart. That whole union of opposites really gets me going.

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Tfw you will never have four biceps in each arm

I like my own muscles and muscles with muscles is how the world should be

I agree with this, we need more shy FMG..

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and all of my muscle girl love started with tiny toons...

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My only retort is that jaguars can be up to 210 pounds and can be black, making them the biggest black cats in the world.

But seriously i dont think Felicia should be a brickwall in comics. Ideally she'd be built like kiki vhyce

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See, this is why nobody likes you. People tell you they don't want your hypermuscle shit, and then you double down on being an eyesore.

That's kind of what I meant by "powerful but still agile." Definitely big and beefy, but not so much it could have a serious impact on her acrobatic ability.

>My only retort is that jaguars can be up to 210 pounds and can be black, making them the biggest black cats in the world.
Right, but it doesn't mean they're very muscular
Jaguars and panthers are above cheetahs, but still way below pumas, lions and tigers.

God, I wish tumor fetishists would fuck off.

to die

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Upper body > lower body
Muscular backs are best backs.
Biceps, triceps, forearms and shoulders a best.
That is all.

Speaking of Hyper Muscle I'm surprised body has posted this yet.

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I see you are a man of culture as well. The way a properly huge set of shoulders, traps, and pecs frame the neck is fucking awesome.

>big = hyper

Take it easy man.

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Chun li says no.
You can make the legs super big without being creepy, unlike the upper body.

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