Next Spider-Man Movie

>Has to lay low because of the after-credits scene
>move away to a different city
>dye his Hair Blonde
>change his name to Ben Riley

Is there any chance we are going to get Scarlet Spider in movie version? I just thought this was a possibility

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I'm betting on something closer to Identity Crisis.

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>Ben Reilly
More like Tony Reilly. Do I fit in now

More like Antonio Stark

They're going to drop the ball. The film barely cared about the snap, Tony's death, or Aunt May's discovery, so why should the post credits be treated like a big deal? They'll probably just have everyone fine with Peter.

The film cared a lot about Tony's death and Aunt May's discovery, actually. It was the setup for the bulk of the plot, and the core of the Peter-May interaction in the movie, respectively. The only thing it seemed to not wart to really look at too hard was the Snap, and can you honestly blame them? They do this work setting up Peter's classmates as a side cast, and then the crossover movie says "Oh yeah, half of everybody should be 5 years older now, deal with it." Fuck that. They were justified in making Peter's key side characters all get snapped with him, and using it only to introduce some joke rival for MJ.

Oh, this would be great.

I kept on thinking about this when he was superhero-ing as "Night Monkey"/

How much more Tony pandering and Starkwank do you need in a Spider-Man movie? I've seen so many tonyfags mad about FFH it's not even funny.

That's actually a really good idea.

>wanting more Tony pandering than what we got
While I do agree having an emotional scene with Peter and Aunt May would be nice, what more did you want? Peter masturbating to Tony's pics?

Ten bucks says they'll hand wave some emergency protocol Stark created to protect Spidey in the event his identity is revealed or some bullshit.

I have a feeling Mysterio is his arch-rival and will set the Sinister Six up instead of Ock

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OMD so instead of Aunt May dying it's a way to bring back Tony with a different actor.

I'd lick his tummy

the villain is totally going to be Kraven. Who should play Kraven the hunter?

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Spider gay

Jason Mamomomamamoana

>that get
it could work too

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identity crisis is my fucking jam

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>Peter builds a functional flying suit and doesn't keep the flight when he goes back to being Spider-Man.


Good idea. Better than a clone saga

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Spiders don't fly. At least not in this universe.

Multi dimensional vampires hunting spider totem holders. Tobey, Garfield, and Holland are all on as Spiderman. Along with a Mana Ashida as Penni Parker, Emma stone as spider gwen, Joseph Gordon Levitt as Spider Noir, Miles brown as miles morales.

And who's gonna play Spider-ham?

Ted Raimi.

We guess the name of the next spiderman movie.

I'll start. Spider-Man: Homeless

Spider-Man: Home Stetch

Spiderman: One more day.

He trades "mj" for aunt may, with mephisto. Dr. Strange helps him and he gets a proper ginger MJ back.

Spider-Man: Homeschooled by Mysterio

Spider-Man: Homework

Spider-Man: Home Alone

Spider-Man: Home on the Range
Spidey becomes a cowboy.

Spider-Man: Home is where the heart is

Spiderman defends Strange's NYC Sanctum. Then goes to Mephisto's hell to save Strange.

Guess again.

You know this isn't what they'll do and they'll go with a piss poor idea.

Spider-Man: Homerun.
Spider-Man: Homeboys.
Spider-Man: Homeostases.
Spider-Man: Homey don't play that.
Spider-Man: Homeoerotic.

I got it spoiled that his identity was revealed, and throughout the movie, I was sure it was gonna be because of Flash walking in on him changing into/out of his costume while Flash is livestreaming. I kinda wish that happened, I would have liked to see his reaction.

Spider-Man: Homeward Bound. The characters are all replaced by animals with no explanation.

Spider-Man: Home Sweet Home

Man I’d be fucking hyped for this

What are the main animal and who are they voiced by

Spider-Man: Long Road Home

Spiderman: Sweet Home Alabama.

Peter and Aunt May go into hiding as a couple in the deep south.

Spiderman: no road home.

No that's gay.

Ok, but what about the fucking six?

Spider-Man: home... least it was before i fucked everything up

Spider-Man: Homefront

Spider-Man Homeslice
Spider-Man:Home Free
Spider-Man: The Home Stretch
Spider-Man: Stay At Home Dad
Spider-Man:There's No Place Like Home
Spider-Man: You can't go home

Spider-Man: Can't go Home

Spider-Man: Nowhere to Call Home

How much you want to bet they handwave away the fact that Quentin outed him in the first ten minutes of the next movie like they did with May finding out?

A "leaker" said that the newest movie already is in production and the script is finished. Apparently, Happy Hogan becomes the new Spider-Man by dressing up as Peter and showing off Stark tech to make the suits to save Peter.

Also the movie ends with Pepper stressed out with all the work, giving Stark Industries to Peter and an after credits scene shows Painters finishing up a "Parkers Industry" billboard.

Aunt May was treated like a joke and you know it. I disagree about Tony as well cause it feels strange how Peter's sole motivation is MJ after Tony died.

We went from Endgame where Peter lost another father figure only to start Far From Home where Peter is discussing how he lusts for MJ, a character he expressed ZERO interests in the last film.
Just saying, the film was clearly written before they knew which way Endgame would end, and it felt uneven.

>Did you just refer to your girlfriend as Aunt May?
>Well, alright then.

>Fiege literally quoted as saying it will have dire consequences today.

Sure thing pal.

Spider-Man: Home Skillet

An adaptation of Spider-Man: One More Day.

Spider-Man: Home Cookin

My bet is that Peter's newfound status as a menace will lead to Jamerson and/or Osborn bankrolling villains who historically go out of their way to target Spider-Man specifically, like Scorpion, Kraven, and the Spider-Slayers. They would hunt him and keep him occupied so Norman can scheme his schemes. Once Peter fights through them and drives Norman nuts for ruining his plans, he'll decide to take matters into his own hands and ingest the serum post-credits.

Homestretch is really nice.

Remind me again why people knowing Spider-Man's identity is an issue in this movie universe?

Spider-Man: InfoWars

Peter will set up a rival site to JJJ's Bugle to make the public like Spider Twink.

He was framed as the bad guy, and most likely would still be framed because of the Daily Bugle.

because as far as the general public is concerned, he just committed terrorism and murdered a guy who was an upcoming hero from another universe

Spiderman Homestar Runner

He was literally carrying a car engine on his back. I can see him putting the suit away because it was causing him back pain.

Holy shit they actually might do this too, Feige DID say the third movie will be something completely different

Spider-Man: War at Home

>Spider-Man is framed and the city turns against him

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They'll do Smithe before they do Osborn

It’d honestly be great. They could spin off Slingers as the bridge between the Sony-verse and the MCU.

he wears a modified version of the homemade suit as the scarlet spider

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Mysterio is dead, guy.

They'll give him another movie to clear his name, then he's the next Stark-lite doing cameos in everyone else's movies while Miles is the new Spidey-Man.

Holland isn't living past MCU Spidey 3. Everyone knows this.

No, he'll stick around. He just won't be making any more Spidey movies.

Spiderman: Home Depot

aunt may is going to fucking die

>Spider-Man: Home-Oh

Spider-Man: Home Is Where The Heart Is

>not realizing Jonah being Alex Jones means that only a really small percentage of people will believe it
>it'll be a recurring small problem in the third film until an adult solves it like the rest of his problems in the mcu
>"and now the Daily Bugle, a very controversial news site, with J Jonah Jameson..."

I never understood the point of Kraven wanting to hunt Spidey the most. Wouldn't Beast or Wolverine be better hunts than Peter?

>He trusts Mysterio

Mysterio literally says it though

they will never replace Peter Parker. They won't cut off a revenue stream from their most iconic character for some shitty Bendis character.

There's two possible outcomes I see with the future of Peter Parker in the MCU
>he gets 3 solo movies and either dies or reduced to Tony Stark-esque cameos
>he gets lots of live action movies, all with dying enthusiast and quality

>beast is basically a really hairy dude who has super strength
>wolverine can heal himself and has special claws
>guy who can climb walls, has super strength, jumps good, and can shoot webs

Yet the next phase is going to be full of diversity and wokeness, and Peter Parker won't actually be going anywhere.

I don't think any of the other MCU characters got more than 3 titled movies. Disney seems to be able to move on to the next thing before the last thing got too old.

Logan would dimply fuck the dude up. Kraven would have better luck hunting a T-800.

does Peter Parker even go to the gym in these movies? dont know if a body like is possible unless Peter actually eats a super specific diet despite being a high school student cause i doubt just doing what a spider does can get him that body . hard physical labor gets bodies like that though, so unless spiderman lifts super heavy stuff a lot... stuff that he himself finds heavy and does reps/sets of

>The film cared a lot about Tony's death and Aunt May's discovery, actually.
Stopped reading right there. Thanks for the laugh, intern!

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Have you ever read a spider-man comic in your life?

Whoever voiced him in Spiderverse. He can be Roger Rabbited in

Spider-Man: Home Town Hero

>so much plot centered on Tiny
>still want more wank
Tonyfag pls.

Well in actuality, Aunt May discovered Peter as Spiderman a couple years before Far From Home (more when you account the snap, which doesn't matter since they were both dusted). I would have liked to see something of her coming to terms with it, but there's no reason they wouldn't have worked it out at SOME point. Wouldve just ended up being an unnecessary and misplaced subplot

The Rock

Sneeder-man: Homer simpson

Fuck off retard. You don't know jack shit. Just a another pathetic nerd who just watches the mcu movies lol

Spder-Man: A New Home

>the film was clearly written before they knew which way Endgame would end, and it felt uneven
What is this nonsense? The entire thing hinged upon Tony's absence, no fucking way they didn't know. Only at the very start you see Peter caring about the mundane, because the very next scene is him having anxiety over Tony being gone and avoiding any mention of him. Just ridiculous really, I've never cared over Iron Man and having this one movie that was perfect otherwise focusing so much on Tony annoyed the fuck out of me.

Probably something really stupid like Peter and MJ still being together (not the stupid part) and literal who rival Brad becoming increasingly jealous and in some way becomes the MCU's Venom.


Oh man, yeah, this would be a great idea. In fact they kind of teased it with Night Monkey

As far as the world is concerned, Spider-Man just killed the newest big hero and has an army of drones targeted at anybody. Which by the way, is why the whole "a Skrull can just disguise themselves as Peter" isn't going to work because it doesn't get rid of the framing problem.

That's a good joke friend. Take Spidey out of the franchise when his newest movie is about to make $1B and Holland's star is just about to shine brighter than it ever has

They have to make a Spidey movie at least every 2 years

And with so many movies being innaccurate to the comics, it'll involve a rapist with light based powers.

>tom holland
no my dick cant take this

Get a load of this faggot.

There is video proof of Mysterio's "murder" my guy

happened in Web of Shadows, too

Spider-man: Home Alone

I'm sure fury will cover it up. Maybe other new sources will talk about the drones or how mysterio was a fraud

Dr Strange and mystics doing a mass memory wipe?

>No u

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