Why is he so lewded?

Why is he so lewded?

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They want to turn pure people into degenerates. Disgusting.

>played by 10/10 male
>wholesome and focused only on saving the world or protecting his friends
>implied to be sexually inexperienced if not a virgin

It plays into the ideal of “corrupt the innocent”.

Hard to not to when his first appearance was this and before that, he was the poster boy of twink fantasy.
They made him check so many appeal boxes and it worked out

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Chris Evans user

Because the female gaze likes to lewd males while demanding only ugly chicks get jobs.

I like the idea of leading Captain America but I hate when people either straight up trace Chris Evans' face or make creepy manips in Photoshop. I just feel super uncomfortable about sexualizing real life people as opposed to fictional characters and drawings.

Because he is a known character

Creepy fags and women.

Anyway i turn gay characters into straight in my art.

Show us some of these lewds you speak of OP

Especially the Japanese Fujoshits, holyshit.
Prove it.

Marvel has always lewded him even before the movies. I recall Stan Lee saying how he would tell artists that Steve should be drawn as the most handsome person in the Marvel Universe and that he is suppose to be a character that everyone should find attractive. He even fancasted a young Robert Redford as him.

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Why DON'T you want to lewd an all-American hunk?

>He even fancasted a young Robert Redford as him.
>Redford played a role as a high HYDRA leader

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Mediocre trips
Better dubs

I don't think their creators would mind

>best and worst of 90s superhero fashion
Is this a real thing? Cuz I'd love to see this if so, seeing what people thought about all those wacky outfits at the time they were popular would be neat.

No one cares

>Marvel has always lewded him even before the movies
Pretty much this, both Englehart's and Gruenwald's runs were full of shower scenes, shirtless panels and descriptions of his physique

I'm trying to find the sauce where that's mention but for now have pic related. That said if you look at younger pictures of Robert Redford and some of the older Cap comics you can definitely see it too.

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Cap being a virgin is such an intriguing and comforting thought

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1872 Steve was also based on Robert Redford's Sundance Kid.

Some of it also happened in Waid's run (the first one) where Sharon stares at his ass while he's changing.

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Even if he's not a virgin in the comics every time people do fuck charts for Wolverine and Stark and all the other men that also fucked the women they fucked, Cap is always absent from those charts.

Nomad was pretty lewd too, especially that V cut.

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The real question is why isn't Star Lord lewded instead.

In the movies he had shirtless scenes and standard male character lewding but he also has a conflicting and offputing attitude for most characters and James Gunn didn't give much of a fuck about lewding him.

In the comics only Anka lewded him and everyone else didn't seem to care.

The only one that counts

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>It plays into the ideal of “corrupt the innocent”.
I don't know, the idea of him a virgin always felt like bullshit, Guy may not be a playboy, But he had his own fair of hot girls and he even managed to end most of those relationships on good terms on top of that. Also, let's not forget about Sam
>but he's Christian
Never stopped him from getting laid, didn't stopped Daredevil either, and he's a strict Catholic

He doesn’t get lewded as much as he should.

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>In the comics only Anka lewded him and everyone else didn't seem to care.
Should've done more fetish lewds, then

Marvel did good on getting rid of that mustache

>typical cowboy pose

Steve is not a facial hair type of guy unless he's on the run and has no time for that shit. But if he can shave he will shave.

I absolutely love Dianax Steve R. But
>The only one that counts
Never understood why Yea Forums has so much disdain for Sharon or Bernie, what did they do wrong?

>implied to be sexually inexperienced if not a virgin
Is he?

>I just feel super uncomfortable about sexualizing real life people
So you don't watch live-action porn?

Why not?
Capeshit was/is pretty much a foil/ground for fleshing out all kinds of fantasies. Every nice character (doesn't matter the gender) should be lewded

There's nothing implying he's a virgin or a prude, just because he doesn't stick his dick in everything he sees doesn't mean he's chaste, just that he's not a manslut like Stark or Thor.

Nothing, just shitposting.

it turns out being the good righteous calm man is equally if not more desirable than the quippy bad boy trope if you are hot and masculine

Um, just asking here for no particular reason, but where exactly ARE these allegeded Cap lewds?

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When I was a teenager I found bad boys and edgy psychopaths hot. But right now in my twenties I’m way more into wholesome men. I can accept an edgy husbando if he has a big soft heart in private

What kind are you talking about? MCU or other verses?

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Ehm...you can find lewds of every Yea Forums character on Paheal. pretty sure this case is not an exception

>he's not a manslut like Stark or Thor.
I'll say on Thor's defense that he's nice and considerate with most of people he fucked at least. Tony is... a little more complicated.

Tony is a chad not a slut. A man who fucks a lot of woman is based and chad. A woman who fucks a lot of man is a slut and degenerate.


That’s way easier than 616. Look for Steve shirtless fanart. Pinterest is a blight on humanity but useful for this type of things.
Tony only fucks others because he can’t have Steve.

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Women finally figured out that going after potential abusers isn't a good idea, after all

Lmao there are tons of men who also waifu psycho women. It’s not gender thing.

It's an interesting dynamic. He's such a handsome chad and swell fella that he should be drowning in pussy but he's too god damn pure for that.

Even official comic artists like Kevin Wada lewd him.

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Steve fits with most people like a warm cozy glove. But as far as crossover ships go, that's nearly GOAT, right behind this one.

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>Clark gets a canon son
>All Steve gets is kids in alternate timelines.

It's not fair.

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Honestly this is one (of many) reasons why I won't be watching Endgame again. The whole "look at my ass!" bullshit. Totally inappropriate for a kids movie and just pleb tier writing.

>Tony only fucks others because he can’t have Steve.
Look, user. I'm all for Tony lusting over Steve, but making him "No one ever mattered because I've always been a slut for [X], Lmao" is a sure way to shit on his character. Hell, is a sure shitty way to portray canon gay characters even.
Yes, and it ends up the same in most cases, Who would have thought?
He might not drown in pussy, but the ones he's gotten are top notch for sure.

I love Steve lewded but Endgame was forced and uncomfortable.

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Huh. I do have a copy of this. Well. Scans. I do have a one or two physical copies of other year in review issues. It was a magazine Marvel put out semi-set in universe.

Anyway. The best dressed.

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Didn’t mean it as anything more than a joke. Except for MCU Pepperony after IM3, I’ve liked all the people Tony’s been with.

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and the worst.

I... can't tell the difference.

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Holy shit, Uhm....
My only question here is.
Who's on top

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Sexiest man in the universe? Does Rogers even have his own credit card company? BAH. I think not!

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They take turns

Victor, we all know you're a dicklet, Sue only fucked you because she's a irredeemable slut, and you were autist enough to kill the only woman who loved you so you can RREEE at Reed and Strange louder, You still lost on top of that


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In the MCU I think so. He was a dink until the serum injection, then he was busy fighting Hydra, then he went under the ice for 70 years, then he was busy fighting Hydra again, and lastly he was busy fighting obnoxious space jerks. Poor bastard has had little time to himself.

How the fuck is Clark supposed to be interested on Lois after this? I'm pretty sure Steve has bigger tits and a tighter ass
>Worst dressed
You take that back, Jan.

>We will never have a good Dr. Doom live action adaptation

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Hadn't the Russos said in a interview that he was already fucking Sharon before IW?

How so?

The most obvious answer is because MCU is so popular and he is one of the main characters. I search for a specific fetish tag on AO3 and I see MCU fics A LOT

And which tag would that be?

Not saying being a slut is inherently bad, but if you're a potentially VD-spreading machine, then you should probably wear a sign indicating as such just so people don't wake up with a seafood buffet crawling around their junk.

Thor's had over a thousand years to fuck god knows how many species of women throughout the ages, considerate or not, I'd be afraid of what kind of Super STDs he has sloshing around down there.

If she's such a slut, then why doesn't she fuck Steve?

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Has Thor really slept with that many people? I know Ults, he was with the blonde Valkyrie and maybe Loki. Jane foster in other verses but he usually seems chaste. More chaste than Steve.

>mfw I realize Steve is just R63 Peeg with a nice boy personality.

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Steve has standards

>Snap is undone, everyone is back
>Steve ditchs those two guys whose always were for him right afterwards
Care to remind why he almost died fighting Thanos again?

I've seen one or two anons in Yea Forums be bitchy about Sharon but I also dismissed them as Fujoshits since no man that I've met was that assblasted about her and at worst considered her boring. Diamondback I've only seen Brubaker be shit against her and dismissed her as Cap's Catwoman, Spencer making her a stripper was retarded as well.

Bernie Rosenthal did no wrong and I have never seen anyone hate her, she's probably the best Cap girl and the one that almost got him to the altar but Gruenwald ditched her.

>Fucked Carol in another dimension
>Fucked Natasha in another dimension
>Fucked Jan in another dimension

Thank god canon Cap has standards.

>In another dimension
You said it yourself

Also Sue and Doom never slept together. Hell, Namor and Sue never slept together. At most they kissed but it always ended there.

Steve's had an adoptive son in 616.
Ian Rogers.

The fujos who bitch about Sharon are mostly MCU onlies.

>>Fucked Natasha in another dimension
He's fucked two (2) Natasha's in different universes. Black Widow Nat and the fem Tony who also happened to be named Natasha.

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It's up to interpretation since he's very reserved but IMO he's probably not a virgin.

He only acted nervous with women in TFA. But Evans, the writers, and the Russos, have said he isn't a virgin since he was good looking and a lot of women were ready to jump his dick. I mean he really got into Natalie Dormer when she was liplocking with him and would have probably gone all the way if Peggy hadn't come in. So he's definitely not prude. The thing about Steve is that he isn't a "kiss and tell" guy, he didn't tell Natasha about Peggy and he was uncomfortable with her pairing him up with women, he also wouldn't even tell Sam who he married at the end of Endgame.

What's Ian up to? I think the last I saw of him was that Secret Wars tie in where he met an alt sister who got venommed and died.

Holy shit I love this! Was this from a Drawthread?

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Maybe. I got it from the Yea Forumsbooru.

>Tony only fucks others because he can’t have Steve.
He fucks because he likes to fuck, but yes he will never have Steve and that's what makes them so fun.

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He's thousands of years old, and did nothing but fight hard and fuck hard before Odin forced him to learn some humility, no shit he slept with a bunch of women.

>I've seen one or two anons in Yea Forums be bitchy about Sharon but I also dismissed them as Fujoshits
I was talking about 616 Sharon, but the reactions you told are just lame. I lewd Steve even with Thor and never had a problem with her, Van Camp is hot as hell (forever mad that we never saw her with the white suit). If anyone's to blame is the Russos who never cared about Cap's supporting cast
>Fucked Natasha in another dimension
Correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't that ended with her trying to kill him or something?

How? It was jokey and a bit stupid at the most and besides it didn't last that long.

I didn't know about Jan, sauce?
>in another dimension
There you go, not all Steves can have good taste.

It's mostly tumblr's doing, they'll lewd anything.

She is just really boring. To be honest most female MCU chicks are just there... I only like Wanda.

He fought to bring them back. He left because everyone’s fine, he doesn’t have to caretake either of them like a co-dependent because they’re grownass men capable of taking care of themselves. Plus he can fulfill his promises to both Nat and Tony who wanted him to have a life of his own.
Technically Steve and Tony did hook up by marriage.

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Didn't they date in Ultimate for five seconds before she goes back to Hank?

Nat and Tony fucked in Ults then she tried to kill him after. I think user is referring to the Steve and Nat in Next Avengers where they had a son named after Bucky.

>Correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't that ended with her trying to kill him or something?
Are you thinking of the Ultimates where Natasha and Tony hooked up and Natasha tried to kill him?

Also Shuri she is cool too

Yeah, they couldn't stand each other, the generational difference was too great

Is Nosferata just straight up lady Die Fledermaus? I know she predates him by years, but I figured he was always a blatant mockery of Batman.
>Jubilee's outfit comment
How have I been blind for so long?

I was going to say Steve already qualifies because of Wanda but then I remembered that it wasn't the real Wanda. But damn everyone does fuck around in the 616 Marvel Universe. I dunno why villains don't just make a plan with a sexually transmitted disease, this shit would spread quickly.

I kind of liked one headcanon someone came up with for a DCU/Marvel crossover where they had the idea that Queen Hippolyta first ventured out into the world of men during WWII where she can into Cap, the two had an affair before Steve was iced, and years later after Steve's thawed out, many other heroes can't help but notice Diana has Steve's eyes.

>Worst dressed
She pulls it off, you take that back you hacks.
.Black Knight
A much needed update, he looks more imposing

Marvel comics is simply a series of loose romance comics with the occasional villain smashing.

I was the one who was doing a lot of the Steve/Hippolyta/Diana stuff.

We settled on it being Diana finding him on the island, Hydra attacked, he saved people and helped out. He was made to leave after he told them what was going on outside. Diana decided to go with him as an ambassador, but would join the war fully and fought alongside the Invaders, becoming an icon for women. She and Steve grew close until he got iced during the missile mission. After that she went home. Steve was un iced decades later and I forgot the rest

>I dunno why villains don't just make a plan with a sexually transmitted disease, this shit would spread quickly.
Pretty sure because there's a lot of scientists who could manage a cure in no time, if is not an instant kill or "imposibly hard to diagnose before it kills you" kind of disease it's not worth the effort

Every time fujos play the, "My ship would be canon if one was a woman." card that panel runs through my head without fail.

To be fair,they're tend to be right in most of those cases, what they should understand is that almost all Capeshit romances are not forever and they come and go with the time

I’ve seen Stucky fujos say that often but this Stony panel is Marvel themselves admitting it in a shady, official capacity. I find it homophobic.

Are stucky fujos still a thing?

They’ve moved onto SamBucky or completely ignore endgame.

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Yes, one would think that after Endgame they would banish, but apparently they doubled their efforts out of spite

He’s a pure boy who doesn’t truly realize just how lewd his body is. It’s gap moe.
I want to defile him—maybe torture those big tits a bit. t.female

I miss Hydra Trash Party.

They're still around but very angry. What matters is how much of them will still be around a few years from now since they'll no longer have any content coming from the MCU when it's their sole contributor.

Me too, user. Dub-con Rumlow x Steve was my favorite thing of it

Why the hell are they angry?

Steve “abandoned” Bucky.

They believe Steve abandoned Bucky and are generally salty over Steve being with Peggy. Also they didn't joy how unhappy Steve looked around Bucky in the last 10 minutes compared to how he was smiling at Tony earlier in the film.

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Bucky was hardly a character on his own and only really a device for Steve’s plot. But maybe is was just Sebastian Stan’s performance seemed empty.

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>That breast press

>Neko Bucky hugging a Cap TsumTsum

Beyond cute!

Cap has been raped before.

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Pretty much the first one. They barely gave him any lines overall, it made sense in TWS. But after that the character feels barely meaningful. Even more when you compare him with his 616 version. You can see the same thing with Sam or Natasha.
I'll take that on the Russos or Feige that didn't stopped wanking over Tony since Civil War

Holy shit

>there's a universe where Steve took over Rogue's body instead of Carol

Feels like something written by Claremont

Not enough mind control. But Steve and Carol living in Rogue's head would be fun. Classic devil and angel on your shoulder shit.

>"let me fix your wedgie"
Oh, Steve...

>Hyrda captures Cap
>they surgically remove excess parts of him only keeping enough of his brain to be conscious, a few internal organs to survive, and his asshole and prostate
>put him in a small metal cylinder with machinery to keep the remaining parts of him alive
>his asshole is sticking out of the bottom
>they use him as a flashlight
>Cap can’t move, even feel his own body, can’t see, can’t speak, can’t smell, can’t hear but can feel himself being fucked and orgasms but has no dick or cum so it’s an overwhelming sensation
>this is his life now

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>Madame Hydra captures Cap
>just BDSM femdom 24/7.

That's Hellraiser-tier more than anything

Based. That or
>Both Sin and Crossbones get to fuck him, Sin wears a huge strap-on of course

That's not too surprising for this board. We had anons using Hydra Cap to go The Hills Have Eyes on Tony by using Extremis to give him a functioning womb and pop out babiea with a side of mind break.

What the fuck user


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>Steve managed to pull of a menage á trois, at least for a while
William Marston would be proud


A limited imagination is a terrible thing. He can absolutely fuck or command his boys to fuck in front of him, even as an old man.

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>Hydra Cap captures good Cap and makes him a sex slave
>Makes Tony watch as he fucks him or records it all so Tony can watch it after he exits his coma.

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They haven't cured a lot of real life diseases and a super disease can still get them.
Alternate reality though, 616.

I know for awhile some of them tried to jump to the comic or using moments from the comics to try and squee about Steve and Bucky but ughhh it's awful since Bucky is Steve's kid brother and kind of like a son to him. But they eventually gave up on that.

I would not be opposed to Steve getting an Amazon girlfriend and having some snu-snu with her.

Look up @616stucky on twitter.

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It sucks that Bucky couldn't develop as a character in the MCU. Maybe with the Russos gone and the Disney+ stuff we can get him and Sharon actually doing stuff with Sam. Too bad Evans is gone.

Was this Rogue's first on panel kiss? If so what a good way to start.

>they use him as a flashlight
You mean fleshlight unless they put a bulb on him
Tony will just fap to it, make it Zemo and he probably would be more disturbed.

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I guess I was wrong. I still don't like the pairing in the comics especially since even if he got aged from 12 to 14/16 with Brubaker when Steve met him he was a minor and it was clear from the get-go that Steve saw him as a kid and he even compared Bucky to being his son.

Also Bucky in the comics looks up to Steve like a lot, he worries about what he thinks and sees him almost in a fatherly figure. There's definitely some power dynamics there that would make it pretty creepy to me if they were romantically involved.

Keep Hydra Cap and add just Helmut.

Speaking of Tony and Zemo and Steve getting with a Female version of Tony in another universe. That Infinity Warps issue with Soldier Supreme fighting an Umar and Heinrich fused Baroness Umar and with Umar being Clea's mom and Clea Stephen's love interest and former wife. Does that mean Helmut is going to be combined with Clea?

I also wouldn't mind slash with Stephen Rogers and Stark Odinson.


How do you think of this shit?

It's a sexed up version of the comic by John Wagner, "A History of Violence". Also a lurid Hydra Trash Party trope.

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Guess who's next.

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They still try to pick and choose certain panels from the comics to fuel their ship while ignoring everything else. I've even see them blatantly twisting the father-son dynamic to make it shippy. I can't really judge them for being attracted to the age gap in 616 when I have my own fair share of ships outside Yea Forums where one is a minor, though.

>Tony just joins in

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>ironically the popular MCU ship with no content Tony/Bucky has some 616 comic content

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What part of America’s ass didn’t you get?

Tony is going to add toys into the arm, isn't it

>it vibrates
>starts feeling him up
>oh god I can't turn it off
>oh yeah, sometimes the stuff I make comes alive and tries to rape me. suck it up, Barnes.

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Steve even gave Tony his express permission to take care of Bucky.

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>"take care of Bucky"
>Cap returns
>Stark somehow knocked Bucky up
>for fuck's sake

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Why wouldn't he be, user?

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>Stark somehow knocked Bucky up
Stark somehow got knocked up [and it's Steve's]
Tony just knows which buttons to push, it seems

>gave his new body the capacity to bear Cap's children
Good lord.

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He's not one of the smartest people in the Marvel universe for nothing.
The mpreg I've seen is actually quite sweet. Lots of pregnant Tonys.

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Great, now Batman is jealous


>He's not one of the smartest people in the Marvel universe for nothing.
And he's got Reed to help him through the whole process.

>Implying that they don't suck each other's dicks when Steve's not around anyway.
C'mon now, user

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If he's feeling kind and if they've been good. He mostly keeps them in digital cocklocks. They can only frot uselessly and snip at each other in frustration on long away missions.

>Edgy rich boy is fuming because his nice boy crush is in love with another nice boy

That's the kind of NTR I can get behind.

Because/co/ ship me with he and I am a janitor

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Because white, light-haired heterosexual males in good shape with good values are the most attractive thing possible. It's the literal apex of mankind; there is no better possible option. Captain America was made all of those appealing things for a very good reason.

The entire world knows this is true but are too socially or sexually maladjusted to express it properly. So instead of admiring him properly they imagine if he was gay, or trans, or whatever the useless faggots on this board like to do.

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Why hasn't Marvel released Rogue saying who the best kissers are in the Marvel Universe?

Cap needs a brown girlfriend but not someone so young.

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Anyone got the edit of Cap saying he hasn't seen an ass like that in a long long time?

Well, time to fap again.

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Last. Thai fujos are something else.

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I am more of a fan of dark hair myself. I find blue eyes with black hair more attractive than blonde hair with blue eyes because of that dark and light contrast. Not that I didn’t have blonde hair husbandos before and one of my exes was also blonde. But I think overall I prefer darker hairs.

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Where’s Cyclops on her harem?

You know what. I'm not even mad at fujos anymore

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>being mad at free content creators

The most attractive thing possible is a brown tomboy with short hair you fool.

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Maybe in whatever third world country you reside in

Spider-Man is the perfect self-insert. It's part of the reason why neckbeards and fujos ship him with their respective waifus and husbandos despite having little to no canon interaction.

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Pretty sure Bucky could easily break them without harm, what happens now?

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I swear this guy is like Raita where his work safe/professional stuff is okay but his porn just looks like hot garbage.

>He doesn't like skeletons with tits the size of a supermassive blackhole

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>Outright denial of facts all while clamoring to the vision of aesthetic beauty propagated by a failed political system out of sheer contrarianism and to pretend they're the defenders of tradition.


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Steve always finds out because Stark makes the best toys, thanks to his new upgraded bionic arm.
Bucky'll come to regret it and Steve makes Sam jerk him off so many times his dick feels raw and then ices him. Then breaks out the heavy vibranium belt to be locked in for a month. Sam gets rewards while Bucky has to watch from a corner like a kicked pet.

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Stuff like this makes me wish fatalpulse did some regular gay porn and not just the occasional trap bullshit

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Pls don't lock your boy, Steve. It gives him bad flashbacks

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Oh exploitable

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>horny homo/fujo capsploitation thread
I love these.

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I was really tempted to write a fic based on that thread but I don't like the possibility of SJWs coming down on my head for fetishizing trans people or whatever.

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He'll never put Bucky in restraints he can't get out of easily but his cock on the other hand doesn't belong him and Steve doesn't look upon these antics kindly.

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Post the work as Anonymous, add a "Author chose not to use archive warnings" tag and enable comment review, to screen. Delete any comments you hate. You're "fetishising" a fictional character and a robot at that.

That kind of powerplay requires such high levels of trust...

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Um. What's going on here?


That trust is already there but anyone can fuck up or just have bad days. They'd then discuss it and recover or make up for it because nobody's perfect.

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>Thor's had over a thousand years to fuck god knows how many species of women throughout the ages, considerate or not, I'd be afraid of what kind of Super STDs he has sloshing around down there.

Thor is inmune to any earth diseases.
And for the rest, uhhh. Odinforce?

Thank for the tip, user. I'm gonna start planning it out as soon as I can. I wish I was a better artist so I could draw it out too.

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>Hydra Cap makes Tony into his wife with a jantron womb and SamBucky into his kept submissive boys
Yea Forums fixes Secret Empire.

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The sambucky plot was more of an endgame Old Man Cap fixit but this works too.
I like the idea of Hydra cap amassing a harem of dudes and chicks to fuck at his disposal. Natasha, Sharon (old) and Maria with short hair would also be there.

Based. But Natasha still lives, right?

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Tony's making the sex toys and Nat's his tester. She pegs him often.

Is this the kind of shit girls masturbate to?

You came here for a reason

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only the special kind that come to Yea Forums
i've seen worst stuff from the fujo threads on /trash/

Any links?

If only Redford had been playing Dell Rusk, it would have been perfect...

...Magneto boinked Jan?

>why is this handsome, ripped, heroic male character in one of the most popular American entertainment media franchises so lewded?
Gee I dunno


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>i've seen worst stuff from the fujo threads on /trash/
The /fujojo/ threads have a similar forcible impregnation thing going on with GioMis

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Helps thay 616Howard was shit and that Bucky didn't kill Tony's parents. Also I hate MCU Bucky/Tony shit mostly because it's angry Tonystans who want to stcknit to Steve or at least most of what I encountered it was. I like Tony but some of his MCUfans are annoying.

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Helmut has so much pent up rage for Steve but also gives off gay vibes what with him admiring Steve and how he got triggered that Bucky was Cap without having to earn it.

Not even the Red Skull is that gay for Steve.

>how he got triggered that Bucky was Cap without having to earn it
I believe that's called "respect".

Dunno, I always felt that if some villain was gay for Steve. It was Batroc

Yes in the first Secret Wars.

Helmut doesn't have much respect for Steve judging by some of the shit he has done to him.

I always enjoyed the Stone Ocean Jotaro elf rape posting

>enjoy TonyBucky because it has pretty comfy friendly 616 interactions like arm maintenance and going to see fireworks together and MCU Bucky deserves to be spoiled by a sugar daddy for all the shit he keeps going through with no agency
>most content is self insert wish fulfillment and Tony is portrayed as a jilted teenage maiden and Cap is like an obsessed stalker or just an evil homophobe or something

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I think all of his villains are a bit gay for him. I think it was Remender Cap but there was a weird panel of Red Skull having Steve on his knees besides him and petting him and then it turns out it was an actual dog being made to look like Steve with an image inducer. Could be a humiliation thing but weird shit.

He also wants Steve's body, like literally.

If you need to ask, you really really don't understand women. He's a handsome, caring guy that, more importantly, has a backbone and is extremely wholesome. Plus he's super strong. Always a charm point.
Fujos also love him because he butts heads with Tony, a fact they see as part of their fujo fantasies.

I want to see him get gangraped.

>I think it was Remender Cap but there was a weird panel of Red Skull having Steve on his knees besides him and petting him and then it turns out it was an actual dog being made to look like Steve with an image inducer.
Reminds me of the what if where Justin Hammer won and he shackles Tony with a mind control collar(?) and leaves him around in just his underwear.

>I think all of his villains are a bit gay for him
Eh, I don't think so. Nuke maybe be obssesed, but he's not "that" kind of obssesed. Flag Smasher straight up hates him and Crossbones even more, the last one it's a shame because if anyone could greatly pull off a non-con /humillation kink on Steve, it's him. and let's not even mention MCU Crossbones

I gotta reread that

Dammit Tony, stop worrying about your boyfriend and fix Jim.

Until he loves it and ends up a mind broken slut, or until he's sobbing, afraid and ashamed?

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>all this porn in this thread
>haven’t been able to figure out how to masturbate so now I’m stuck aroused and can’t do anything about it


Just stick your hand down your pants and see what happens, user.

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Until he loves it AND he's sobbing and ashamed because of it

I can make myself feel good but I can’t figure out how to make myself orgasm. Is the female orgasm a real thing or is it made up?

Mine take fucking ages to get to and are pretty mild, some women seem to get huge ones and some sorta just peak. Try investing in some toys, kinks like wax or self bondage and lubricant (makes a huge difference), otherwise, give both the clit and the spot behind it inside of you a good seeing to. Also try having a drink beforehand, being tipsy always makes it 10x easier for my partner to get me there, because it relaxes you.

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It's called anorgasmia and it sucks balls.

Cap's giving Carol an interview so she can join the Avengers. It doesn't end well for him.

You orgasm via your clit, not via thrusting in you.

>HydraCap going full on "Ever hole a goal"

Fucking awful. Why hasn't anyone done it yet. I need it now.

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>Is the female orgasm a real thing or is it made up?
user.... have you never had an orgasm in your entire life?

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He's a pedo anyways and he's got his own harem of 'sons' to help wipe away his tears


>Bruce's sons/mentees all have combative or unhealthy relationships with him because he makes them fuck him
>Tony's mentees all adore him and badly want to fuck him but he won't let them

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>Steve will never turn Tony into a thicc robot clone of Janet permanently and fuck him till he loves him.

>Tony's mentees all adore him and badly want to fuck him
Uh...brain isn't on today, I only remember Kamala and she never wanted to fuck him. which other mentees?

Very hot and all, but what's going to happen when Cap comes out of the cosmic cube and sees that an evil version of himself fucked his Tony, stole his bombshell girls and fucked his sidekicks?

The universe splits into two timelines. One has a loving Steve with a appreciative harem. The other has Stevil with an army of mind broken heroes and villains

Post niche pairings

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Riri, Kamala and Kid Nova come to mind, and Peter was sorta for a while before Civil War, and he pretty much looked out for and mentored Carol Danvers when she was Warbird.
If I recall he looks out for Cassie Lang, too.

I think user was more joking about them fucking him, as Batman doesn't dick his sidekicks either. Kamala has 100% written porn about him getting his dick and asshole wet, though.

In this cruel world it's fuck or be fucked.

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So Hydra Cap is going to be raped in vengueance?

I meant major villains, Nuke is also not really his villain and he's too fucked up in the head. Crossbones yeah he just wants to be with Sin. Flag Smasher yeah I guess.

If he doesn't fuck Hydra Cap, Hydra Cap is gonna fuck him.

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Put something that vibrates close to your clit or by a shower head that deattaches and put it down there and mess with the pressure. You don't need to pit shit inside to reach orgasm, just play with your clit.

Bruce being jealous would be annoying AF for Steve. Just ask Slam Bradley.

This thread is giving me the gay

Bruce does give obsessive stalker vibes, especially King’s Bruce. The Twilight casting is perfect.


>Those posts in that one thread that had Carol and Stevil passing around Tony like a toy.


because blondehaired blue eyed ubermensch are fetishized by cuckolded jews and homosexual peckerwoods

I didn't notice the hidden dick, I was distracted by the wholesome dialogue.

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The roadtrip fics about them are kino

He's socially and emotionally stunted and yeah he's stalkerish even with Clark. There's that comic post-Superman and the LOSH arc that has Bruce arriving at the fortress because looking for Clark only to find him laughing amd drinking with Lightning Lad. He's there because Clark wouldn't pick up his Justice League comm (wasn't even an emergency) so Bruce decided to see what he was doing.

Also he was giving LL the stink eye, pretty funny.

Why Thor isn't lewded as much, then

I need to go looking for them.

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I want to now if I'm the only one who prefers Enemies-to-Lovers HelmutSteve over School Buddies version?

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God I hate being a fujo (male)

As long as you're not annoying about it you're fine, user

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I remember going through that guys pixiv for smut and looking at that pic of Cap.

I wonder what fetishes Kamala writes about

She wrote a fic about Steve sucking Zemo off

Kissing, hand holding and prolonged eye contact.

Too lewd. Can this mad woman be stopped?

People who like disney superhero movies also really really like fascism

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>Hydra Cap mind breaking Tony into his broodmare
>Hydra Cap telling him he knows how much Tonys always wanted children of his own and that he'll give him as many as he wants
>Hydra Cap just keeps knocking him up from that point onward

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Hydra!Cap stuff writes itself.
>Makes Tony stop working and wears him like a fulltime cocksleeve in a harness.
>Takes him to his old lab and shows him off to Hank and Bruce who take turns using his mouth.
>Loves his baby bump and makes him wear suits with a curve cut out to show it off and usually jerks off on it.
Good Steve catches a glimpse of this occasionally when Stevil's using him in the common area or under a conference room table.

>broken Tony turns full on yandere to cope with the new power dynamic, produces an AI to help with this and murders anybody that Cap even eyeballs with nanomachines
>baby on board sticker on the suit and the Helicarrier
>best broodmare mommy Tony who keeps his children immaculate, hailing Hydra and torturing any tutor into shape that doesn’t meet his standards like a PTA nightmare

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I need the name of the artist

Crazy evil Tony is one of my things and there's not enough of it.

I wish that fic existed.


Can he be dressed like a tart while doing it?

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>it’s everything he ever wanted, theoretically, and his broken mind reforms around it
>resisted at first, but now he’ll bring the whole world down to defend it
>including keeping regular Steve captive and letting Hydra Cap plough him till he’s knocked up in front of him

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>this suit design

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I imagine Cap revived Nat and brought her back to the past so he could have both Peggy and her.

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>"He's got a lot to answer for, frankly".
That could be read as a really wholesome Stuckony interaction.

Tony’s extreme increasing salt levels at Cap in Invaders are extremely funny.
>Cap you said we weren’t doing any stupid solo stuff—
>Tony I gotta go bye
>Cap we gotta go get the missiles off the Atlanteans—
>Tony stop wanting to start WORLD WAR 3
>Cap for fuck’s sake
>No, Tony, I’m gonna talk to Namor now
>wow Tony now is not the time

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We can always write it, right?

Exasperated or not, Tony can't say no to Cap when he begs. Now I need a fic where Tony and/or Bucky punish Steve for his insolence and not listening to them.

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He's even got a little smile in the armor.

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That's called a fudanshi, user-kun.

Nah I'm a dirty fudanshi and even I know that Wondy x Cap is the superior crossover ship
It's just too pure

>It's a hotsprings episode

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It's a shame such little ThunderIronShield exists.

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Why is everything better as cute anime girls? What the hell is wrong with me am I possessed by the devil?

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Yea Forums - Comics & Cartoons & Sex Ed For Girls

>just two dudes chillin in a hot tub
>super broski relationship
>Tony and Thor get gem fusion’d in Warp World
Underrated pair up, honestly.

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>So...you jacked off to gay fanart of me again.

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Have a link to that thread?

Do you think user managed to get off?

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Probably still in a state of edged frustration.

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>with Steve’s serum enhanced body you could keep him (or her) permanently edged for hours, maybe days

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You say it like Cap's tears aren't the best.

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From what I've seen Iron Hammer and Soldier Supreme seem to be Yea Forums's favourites out of the fusions.

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Might be because Thor is often treated as a third wheel to Steve and Tony. Carol sometimes gets the same treatment and even Scott did too in Endgame.

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I saw . I like all the trios you mentioned. Scott/Tony, Carol/Tony and Tony/Thor’s rare too.

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There’s more.
I meant to say I saw someone make thor the third wheel in this too.

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I don’t know where to get the high res.

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I think it's safe to say that just about anybody will get third wheeled when it comes to them. Whether it's by shippers or Marvel themselves.

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>Cap literally shielding his dick
Aw, that’s cute. Where’s the page where they spit roast him

I can't even remember if I've read that scenario.

Shulkie has no shame.

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It’s our patriotic duty to lewd him.

Why don't just turn it into a threesome all the way?

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Foreven in our hearts and dirty minds , Cap

Threesomes are the best.

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Why they keep pitting Tony against Bucky (and Steve) is beyond me.

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>He even fancasted a young Robert Redford as him.

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Because Marvel still thinks Civil War comics was the last time anyone cared about them

The only good part of this art is that the armor is pretty much a second skin clinging to Tony's ass.

They don’t take feedback do they? Many of us just want found family shenanigans that last more than three random pages in a run.

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They only take feedback when it sucks their dicks nicely.

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There’s this entire post on why Hydra might have chosen Pierce to be Bucky’s handler because he looked like Steve.

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Why does she look like a mannequin from Goosebumps or something?
Also, that blows.

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Current writers are hacks

>Sincerely, C.O.

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I can't help it. Straight fan art, gay fan art, I need to jack off to it. You're just so fucking handsome

>tfw no odd couple tier team up of Cap and America

>Ma'am, would you stop buying crazy hair dye and posting on feminist blogs, we have a Hydra site to find. And stop butchering Spanish while you are at it.

That's the spirit.

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I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that cover is a copout meant to interest readers or if they do fight it's meant as a distraction or a ruse. Bucky and Tony seem like they're on the same page as far as Namor is concerned.

Plus, you know. Iron Man could pretty much obliterate the Winter Soldier, the firepower differential is ridiculous.

I can see Hydra Cap being aware of Doom's respect and secret admiration of Tony so he goes through extra lengths to flaunt off Tony when he knows Doom will be around. Stevil's insufferably smug every time and Doom silently seethes.

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He can wear his famous Red Thong.

>Stevil and Tony will never sexually bully Doom
Absolute tragedy, though.

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Stevil would modify his armor for easy access, maybe stick a pen in there and make Tony keep it ready for him to sign Hydra business.

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>tfw even old, manages to be an absolute DILF
There's no rest for any of us

Absolutely not.

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Looks like they're gonna be in another story together. Even though it's just a 10 page issue.

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>Logan, Tony, and Bucky
Oh boy. When was the last time all 3 were together? Bendis Avengers?

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>linking arms

>90s Iron Man vs the 2008 financial crisis
All right then.

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people lewd cap for the same reason they lewd loli: It's fun to corrupt something so pure

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