Final Space S2 E3 "The Grand Surrender"
>The search for a dimensional key leads the Crimson Light to Ash's home planet; HUE hosts a bachelor party for an unexpected visitor.
Get in here fellas, t minus 5 hours until it airs (11:30 EST.)
Final Space S2 E3 "The Grand Surrender"
>The search for a dimensional key leads the Crimson Light to Ash's home planet; HUE hosts a bachelor party for an unexpected visitor.
Get in here fellas, t minus 5 hours until it airs (11:30 EST.)
Looking forward to waifu origins.
7:30 bump.
Will she have legendary cat sex with Little Cato?
she just sees him as a pet
Last episode was terrible even by this shows standards. This shit better be a fucking masterpiece.
The Look might change that dynamic
not time yet but
anyone got any fresh OC? made this for an user in the drawthread
Calling it now its gaelry is going to walk in on cato and ashe getting it on and its going to be a i dont want you seeing her I may not be your father but I'm still in charge of you episode
hour bump
>when human/human looking girl x creature guy is your favorite kind of romance
5 minutes remain
it begins
So does Conan actually voice someone or no?
He voices Clarence
he voices Clarence
He voices Clarence.
I know everyone here seems to like ash but I do not like ash.
this. i adored the first season and came in with great hopes for S.2, but it honestly feels like its missing something, there's slow pace or non at all and somehow the charm is gone entirely. i still hope it gets better on the long run, but my expectations have been lowered entirely
Is Avocato back yet?
I love how Gary was all FOR playing a game that causes him losing his limbs.
Which one of you is lying and which is telling me the truth?
1st season took a few episodes to find itself, it really didn't become special until Avocato died
anywhere good to watch it stream?
there is no adult swim in my country
I couldn't even tell. He's pretty good.
They are all telling the truth.
>KVN is responsible for a mass slaughter
yep, it's Monday
Holy shit KVN.
Jesus Christ the cast is crowded, we need to start Killing characters off
>"A lot of people just died. We can't forget that."
thank you user, i hope life throws good beer and women your way
KVN just killed hundreds.
I really hate most of the dialogue in this show but it's visually appealing enough that I keep watching.
I REALLY feel like Clarence is on the chopping block.
unlikely, Conan produces the show and probably does the voice acting for free
Honestly loving how desperate HUE is to be a fun guy. He used to be a whole ship. Now he's just a bot. Not even a good one.
In my opinion, the cast is not crowded enough.
E.V.A is a grade A bitch to my man H.U.E
She seems to be a bitch to everyone. Why would you program an AI to be a bitch instead of BASED like HUE?
She's just being tsun.
all tsun
no dere
they're just preparing their plan to hatefuck later on
God, Olan, get better at writing, please.
calling it that she ends up in a hot robot body and helps hue loose his V-card long before garry does
European Swallow or African Swallow?
I do kind want an infinity ball.
>KVN is a master of games and riddles
No shit, it just killed a guy.
It's almost cathartic to see KVN get mad. Like even he's sick of that shit.
because it was bullshit, he just cobbled together to random nonsense on the spot
Li'l Cato don't do it. DON'T DIE FOR PUSSY.
I don't want to hear Tom Kenny make sex noises.
Shit I’m late, gonna wait for mega
If you've watched Spongebob then you probably already have
Wow we've got a pretty big death toll this week.
and it's not over yet
Well there was that time with the washing machine and also that time with the prom and then that time he got fucked by Patrick.
wow they really killed a LOT of people this episode
I repeat.
LOTTA death this week.
What. The. FUCK.
>Rice! Now the birds will also die
Also when heat was eating the chocolate
What's up with all these pointless subplots?
it was meh, 7/10 episode.
hopefully next week its worth it in a way
I remember a critic saying this but the humor really interrupts the flow of the more dramatic stuff.
I think its funnier but the more dramatic character based stuff in this episode could've easily taken more time over the unecessary comedy stuff.
another shitty ep
So, KVN was useful for a second time. That's good for a laugh.
Also, the final conversation between Lil' Cato and Ash was actually touching. I could get on board with a relationship between the two further down the line.
death count:
>The cult KVN killed (~50-60)
>Dragon (1)
>All the zombies including Ash's sister (~100-200)
>Wedding alien (1)
>Possible birds below the stratosphere (~10-15)
total (that's most likely off): ~278
I'd rate it 7/10.
Better than last week for sure.
Lil Cato and Ash are cute and perfect
my based nigga
Only two of those deaths would have had more happening then the entirety of Gravity Falls
the recent episode says otherwise
Ash gonna get that BARBED. CAT. DICK
any MEGAs for this yet?
that's not very nice
Too early unless a MEGA user appears. It's up on [as]'s website, only downside is that you're required to have a cable login.
I just hope Mega user appears. Usually appears around this time.
Mega soon?
Tribore is so fucking useless, why couldn't he be killed off
>episode where ash and lil cato finally get together
>clarence and gary try to break them up
>ash and lil cato don't even notice
>clarence and gary see how cute they are and let them be together.
>ash finally goes to space prom with lil cato
>Clarence and Gary find common ground and end up becoming good friends as the season progreses
here's to hoping it happens
Bump for Mega
He's the comic relief.
As is everyone else, but whatever.
pls gib mega
would also like mega plz
I feel like I'm the only one who likes tribore even before this season.
Also Fox is probably the funniest character.
I sure fucking hope so
>a unique opportunity
>time travel
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
Also mega plz!
this must be a part of the trailer scene where we see an adult little cato. probably future events
I wonder when the mega will show up......
Hopefully soon.
doing a mega dance to summon the fabled mega
wyayayum, wyayayum
What episode do you think they'll hook up by?
My guess is by episode 6.
Hopefully the MEGA comes.
for everyone waiting on a mega, I was able to sing in to adult swim dot com by only clicking my cable provider and it played. Chrome didn't work, even with adblock turned off but I was able to get it working on edge.
>no Quinn
Come on show stop denying me.
How's season 2 shaping up? Any of the issues brought up from the first seasons fixed.
If your issue with season 1 was the pacing, you're in for some disappointment
i cant say i love it but its not terrible either, it just feels slow, but hopefully it gets better as the season goes forward so ill reserve my judgment, tho my expectations aren't to high but i'm positive
one of the episodes is a time travel episode, so we may probably see their future, fingers crossed
Comedy is better and so is Gary.
Problem is the pacing. They just can't seem to let the characters breathe and the editing is weird. Also as said the comedy is in places it really shouldn't be which really shows in the current episode.
They do the same inappropriate comedic commentary during a really serious flashback scene as they did in Chapter Six in season 1 and it comes off as awkward and kills the tone.
>that terrible commentary in a serious flashback moment
Now, I like this show and have hopes for it, but that shit needs to stop. It really doesn't make me feel for the characters at all.
How's that coming along?
is the MEGA out yet?
Oh shit final space is already airing. I gotta watch this shit.
How has the season been so far lads?
Go take your awful taste somewhere else. Besides, you still have other Quinn anyway.
Hopefully, the MEGA comes.
Mega pls
Mega pleeza
Waiting for the mega
after hours of waiting and bumping, it has arrived:
From me to you
I love you
The blessiest meganon.
Damn, thanks for your merciful hands.
Thank you!!
Weren't the other two episodes mp4's? Why's this one an mkv?
The user who originally did the MEGAs didn't show up so I grabbed this from
Im looking forward to seeing Lil Cato and Ash's relationship develop. Their final conversation at the end was really cute and genuine.
Light-years better than Quinn and Gary
Lil Cato does the face to Ash
Man we were really forgotten
Doesnt feel good bros
you know why this season feels so weird?
Mooncake, he was so important in the first season but now he does nothing, even more useless then HUE
I think there is an episode that addresses that soon.
God's work, user-kun.
Is there a full folder? I haven't been on Yea Forums for a while and just seeing how Final Space got a new season blows my mind.
Made one for Tangled, here's a Pastebin for this show.
Thank you!
I'm honestly hoping HUE just murders the other AI and takes control of the ship.
what did you think of the episode?
It was okay, could've been better. We still don't know what Ash's powers are just when she got them.
I missed it but I feel like nothing is going to make me like her.
Could be better. They really need to cut back on the unecessary comedy
man these episodes have felt really unfocused.
this image's existence sums up why i hate her
>the worried/guilty look on nightfalls face as Little Cato consoles Ash
>"So great job. You're gonna be awesome"
Shes gonna die isnt she?
And when I mean she I mean Ash
Also that could lead to future punished Cato.
Nightfall has experienced multiple realities and timelines where the entire group dies, or where Gary does this and that or something else that still couldn't save the universe. Of course there's a huge chance for Ash to die.
when do we get the episode with the evil KVNs
>Little Cato loses his father who sacrifised himself for him
>Little Cato will lose Ash who also will sacrifice herself for him after she kisses him and tells him she loves him
>When this happens he will turn to Nightfall
>"You knew and you couldve prevented all of this! My father and Ash would still be alive if you warned me!"
According to wikipedia episode 7
I'm enjoying it, but it's missing the sense of tension and progress that the first season had. No big bad (yet), no time limit, no feeling that people could die. Just a casual treasure hunt.
This. I felt like the second season should of been the first season.
But maybe itll pick up in the next few episodes. Remember the first season didnt really pick up until episode 4
that could be interesting. part of me wants it to happen but a part of me doesn't want it to happen because I like Ash and Little Cato too much
Anyone else find Fox pretty funny?
the show already has enough """"funny"""" characters
I mean one of the only characters who is legitimately funny and not try hard funny