Only true Yea Forumsmrades are allowed into this thread, prove to me youre a true Yea Forums user

Only true Yea Forumsmrades are allowed into this thread, prove to me youre a true Yea Forums user

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I fucking hate both Comics and Cartoons.
They cause me physical anguish.

Fuck you faggot, I've been here for a decade, I dont have to prove shit to you.

Y-you wouldn't

I’m here.

I don't read comics, I watch cartoons solely if I find one of the female characters fuckable and I'd much rather complain about e-celeb Twitter posts and reply to obvious bait than have anything in the way of discussion. There. Am I Yea Forums enough for you?

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I go to the Yea Forums booru to fap to things

Yea Forums is dead

I've sucked your mum's dick

I have strong opinions on comic books I've never read.

Giant robot hands

I jack off to Kamala Khan and love the Looney Tunes Show

I post comics that cause tranny jannies to dilate.

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I story time regularly

Superman could beat Goku. Roosterteeth sold out. I laughed at the guy who gave his GF's dad a blowjob while Teen Titans was on. Yea Forums needs to fucking stop posting here. My first fap was to Ms. Bellum.

>I laughed at the guy who gave his GF's dad a blowjob while Teen Titans was on.
Wait what?
>My first fap was to Ms. Bellum.
Based, mine was to jenny wakeman

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Is this one of those threads where everyone posts a bunch of 2017 memes and calls themselves and old fags

and mods ban everyone ITT to make Yea Forums a better place?

Who even knows? I'm so Yea Forums I don't even read the threads.

>It is 2019 and no one remembers this thread

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>Wait what?

What is that reaction supposed to imply?

Yea Forums? More like /trash/ lite!

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shocked by the truth. not really. i have similar complaints.

Yea Forums's inability to discuss comics, especially new issues, without devolving into company wars shitposting, fanfiction and power level arguments is a big part of why I haven't read a comic book in almost a decade

I used to read them all the time, right away on a wednesday even, but it turns out that a lot of them aren't just bad, they actually attract idiots who want to defend how bad they are, and every time the publishers do anything new or different or inclusive instead of rehashing the same old shit talking about them becomes impossible

so fuck 'em, let comics and comic book guys die in their weird suicide pact if that's what they want

Told ya.
Dilatin' jannies.

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Isn't this live-action, though?

>erasing the Tails
why? It was an honest joke.

I only watch the most obscure cartoons like Moville Mysteries and Generation O!
There. Obscure enough for you, or do I have to watch more mainstream cartoons?

Remember the reason to always come back to this board.

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now I realize has no goddamn idea what a blowjob is.

I think Yea Forums might be the board with the biggest disconnect between its users and it's tranny jannies.
I dont even bother trying to post here without a proxy anymore; I've got a different browser for using all the boards with less insane and arbitrary mods.

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Legit fan right there

This, chink moot needs to kick out the faggots moderating the board

uh, i was mostly agreeing with the "Yea Forums can't resist obvious bait", but i can somewhat empathize with what you're saying now. i don't take Yea Forums's opinions seriously. i don't really care if i read a comic and Yea Forums shits on it or Yea Forums says something is good, then i read it and i think it was shit. i'm just along for the ride. this community has been going downhill.

>prove to me youre a true Yea Forums user
I still have this saved from the first year.

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I constantly drift off into daydreams of me and my waifu

It depends what you're posting. No one wants wojaks or shitty politics comics here, but sometimes they get anal about normal stuff and have never had a interest in the non-capeshit parts of the board


ah. good times.

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So that's why that thread was up for so long.

Nah, I'm sick of them calling single threads "spam" just because they dont like the comic, while leaving up a dozen simultaneous Steven Universe threads.

I own thousands of floppies and have never interfered with a woman sexually.

3D animation is the death of the world's creative soul and digital cels were its harbinger

Yeah, the moderation on this board could be better.

Surprisingly, it's only been storytimed in 2 out of the 4 years we've done the weekend of pain.

Maybe it'll happen again when we do it this year, who knows?

It was the thread for the /swco/er, not as random or clumsy as a steven universe thread, a more elegant general for a more civilized age

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Every time Life and Times gets story timed I take my time to enjoy it.

So be it.

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I hate Disney.

I am a member of the apathy corps... meh.

Yea Forums mods are quicker to erase [REDACTED] material than outright /pol/bait.It speak volumes where their priorities lay

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I was here even before ponies had a general in Yea Forums

South Park hasn't been good in last 10 years but I still watch it just so I can bitch about it and yearn for my childhood days.
I haven't watched Simpsons since season 11 but I still pretend I do because I want to talk about it.
I don't enjoy watching modern cartoons but anime sucks too because it's just slideshows with no animation.
Character design is good as long as it's fappable.
People who genuinely enjoy things are losers and to be frank, they should fuck off.
Fujoshits ruined cartoons by liking things that appeal to them, but I refuse to spend money on things I may enjoy once in a while.

Can I get in your club now

Is fargo Yea Forums?

>don't use proxies
>get banned for proxy usage anyway
I sincerely hate our mods.

Anime / manga is better

Hello, I'm Nigel Thornberry

Thanks for reminding me.
>Yea Forums shitposts
>company wars
>east vs west
>mods do nothing
>calling someone a tranny

I started proxyposting when I unironically got a 3 day ban from all boards for "Racism", for saying something negative against Islam.
The mods are pathetic.

Uh... I want to have sex with cartoon children and animals, but that neither makes me a pedophile or into bestiality.

>for saying something negative against Islam.
There's a lot of chance that you are omitting a lot of information to make you look like the victim. Yea Forums is not known for its nuanced critique.10 bucks you attached Stonetoss to your "negative comment" or added a sandnigger here and there

Nope and nope. It was something relevant to a Ms. Marvel conversation, but I forget what it was about.
Congratulations, thats yet another problem with our tranny jannies.
Pretty much the only webcomic allowed now is Questionable Content, which also happens to be one of the worst, which the tranny jannies babysit all day.

If you don't know this pain you were not around in 2011

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I received a 3 day ban for calling out a /pol/ thread. The thread stayed up of course

I wouldn't be surprised if Yea Forums has the largest number of ban evaders.
When you randomly ban people for no reason whatsoever, they don't "learn their lesson", because there's no lesson to be learned except "how to evade bans on Yea Forumsmblr".

ep.154 of AOSTH features an homage to Bimbo's Initiation

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I watch both boomer and zoomer stuff only to find myself caught in a void by being born in 1997

I used to contribute to the holiday sharethreads when that was a thing we did.

I make thinly veiled fetish threads, brag about obscure cartoons only I've watched and shit on Homestuck.

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