I'm in despair

I'm in despair

Let's have a thread about the good times

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Venus de Milo was in the comics before.

Fuck this shitty comic.

Whats going on?

Yellow but yeah this is the move that will kill this comic. It survived Alopex's bullshit and Angel becoming Nobody wasn't that big of a deal...

But you do not fuck with the core Turtle brothers dynamic. Not to mention judging by her being chummy with Casey she's also going to fuck with the Casey and Raph, as well as the Casey and April dynamics.

But most of all you do not fuck with the core four and if she's inserted so they become five it's going to be the thing that kills this comic indefinitely.

Yea Forums was never good.

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They turned a side character in the comics into a turtle so they could have a female turtle because reasons


Weren't the turtle themselves also feudal japan humans once? I dropped that book long ago, i might be mixing things up.


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Yes you need to cope with your autism, seek help.

They're reincarnations of kids from feudal Japan.
But genetically they're still just mutant turtles, not humans turned into turtle mutants.

>calls me autistic
>he frequents a board where everyone LARPs

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>Haven't been into TMNT since ending of 2012 version
>Wonder what they are up to
>Turtles wiki
>Front page is nu-turtles
>Fine, w/e
>Go to characters
>Whole sub section dedicated to LGBT representation

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Fuck it, I'm feeling down too OP.

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ok, not seeing the issue, I'll take that over "the lost 5th turtle" shit of next mutation

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ah yes
the "good" times

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Is Splinter still the leader of the Foot?
That shit got boring really fast.

I mean if you really need another turtle atleast keep them related....in hindsight karai from the nick cartoon could of been turned into a turtle and it would of been awesomw

and that is getting people upset/down? You have humans turn into mutants and baby box turtles becoming human sized teenagers being raised by a ratman to fight bladed ninjas and brain aliens that have tummy suits?

this shit isn't Star Trek people

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i thought the 5th turtle idea was a one time thing that everyone agreed not to speak of ever again.

Wait do people actually defended Redwood?
