Make something good literally everyone likes

>make something good literally everyone likes
>rejuvenates Supermans character dynamics in an era where people always bitch about him being "boring" or old fashioned and tired
>Natural progression of character for Superman and Lois that gives them development and lets Superman and Batman have something in common
>rejuvenates the classic Worlds Finest dynamic
>Everyone loves Super Sons
>immediately and irrevocably ruin it by hiring dumb bald egg fuck Bendis and allow him to completely ruin the character and erase all of that progress
>Now nobody gives a shit about Jon Kent and we're right back to square one

Who the fuck greenlit this? Why? For what absolute fucking purpose? What was the fucking point?

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Dan Didio hates shit like this and is still pissy people didn't take to New 52 like he hoped.

Dan Didio doesn't want DC's heroes to be parents and married, he wants them to be single and young in their 20s.

I dropped all my DC books because of this.
I mean I also dropped Marvel too but DC hurt

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>Doing something retarded

How shocking.

I would normally agree with you but you're retarded if you think Superman and Batman didn't have anything in common before having sons. 80 years of comic book history prove you wrong.

user you know what i fucking meant dont be a pedantic asshole.

They're both fathers, it helps strengthen the Worlds Finest dynamic, thats what i meant, you little shit.

I don’t know if it’s just Bendis’s ego to make his mark on Superman. Or just Didio getting off on sabotaging legacy characters. But anyone who thinks this development isn’t a nail in the coffin for Jonathan is kidding themselves.

1. Arguably
2. Correct
3. Correct
4. Somewhat, but it didn't need it, by mid New 52, it was back to stasis
5. Fuck no.
6. Somewhat accurate but for different reasons that you're giving here
6. Fuck no

>>immediately and irrevocably ruin it by hiring dumb bald egg fuck Bendis and allow him to completely ruin the character and erase all of that progress
I'm not sure it's irrevocable. There are ways to deage and reset to bring back the young Jon we love. That's the goal of my boycott of Bendis Superman,Legion and everything in support of the age up.

>not undoing meaningful character development in a slavish devotion to the status quo

What were you expecting

There's no way in hell we're getting Jon back. And even if we do, not only has any and all interest in him been irreversibly damaged (if not outright destroyed), there's nothing stopping Didio or those like him from simply doing this shit again.

And what's the alternative? Try to enjoy this status quo? Wait for a reboot back to ground zero? I want the younger Jon back and I'm not willing to accept this. The best way to fix this is have somebody go back in time and rescue the younger Jon from the crime syndicate and return him to his parents.

Only pedos and anti-nu52fags liked him

user, you're not getting him back.

Being a dad was such a wonderful bit of character development for Supes. You get to see him refer to his own unusual childhood and rely on the teachings of his father. And his cornfed sensibilities lend themselves so well to dad jokes. Lois is a natural mama bear, and her donning the HellBat armor to fight the Eradicator was wonderful.

Man, fuck Bendis.

I'm a newish father of two, and I fucking loved dad Superman. But I agree with you about all the fucking gay pedos.

Nothing but shota wallpaper. Now bendis is turning him to based man.

>There are ways to deage and reset to bring back the young Jon we love. That's the goal of my boycott of Bendis Superman,Legion and everything in support of the age up.
that's two threads i've seen you in now, you should start a petition!

capefags are so fucking autistic ahaha you really bring it on yourselves caring about this drivel

Not giving up.
And why are you here if you don't care?

I dropped Marvel because of their bullshit and went over to DC just in time for Rebirth. My god it was fucking glorious. Why does nothing good ever last?

Aren't you adorable?

Superdad REALLY wasn't as interesting as everyone made him out to be.

>I want the younger Jon back and I'm not willing to accept this.

Jesus cringing Christ get a grip man

>My god it was fucking glorious
It was really mediocre.

>t. Bendis


>JL by Hitch (literally so bad that people asking when he was leaving became a running joke in its storytime threads)
>JLA by Orlando
>Teen Titans by Percy
>Wonder Woman by Robinson
>Detective Comics by Tynion
>Action Comics by Jurgens
>Batman by King
>Comfyfag wank fantasy by Tomasi
>Cyborg by Marv Wolfman
>Batwoman by who even fucking cares
>Superwoman by who even fucking cares
Literally the only things worth the paper they were printed on in Rebirth was Deathstroke and New Super-Men. The only reason anyone thought it was 'glorious' was because Didio and Johns tricked you back in to reading it by wanking you off with nostalgia and hollow promises that things were totally gonna get good soon, honest!

Genuine question: what runs do you genuinely like or enjoy?

why do people pretend King's Batman isn't good?

what they did to nightwing pissed me off alot more than what they did to superman since there was at least semblance of closure for that period of superman.

they practically derailed nightwing mid story.

so where were you when the new 52 & DCYOU were happening?

Actually no, you're wrong on the ones you didn't list as correct.

He's right point by point.

>t. Didio