OK K.O.! Let's be Heroes!

Now that we're in the final plot, what do you think his endgame's gonna be?

Recent episodes: mega.nz/#F!nt9lDKyY!VLidKM6I1Re8cqejqli8xg

Attached: It ain't gonna suck itself.png (1664x934, 2.58M)

Other urls found in this thread:


And a template.

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Is shadowy figure to venomous what tko is to ko, or is shadowy figure that one hero that died that one time?

Venomous is Laserblast and Shadowy Figure is a goo clone

Going off the assumption that Shadowy Figure is PV, I think he wants to unleash TKO and give him a massive power boost similar to what he does with Fink. Other than cause chaos I'm not sure what the goal of that would be, but he seems bored with regular villain stuff so causing as much chaos as possible might be the goal itself. KO has the potential to be physically the strongest hero in the show, he is already level 4 at such a young age. His TKO form boosted by glorbs would do some fucking serious damage.

i think he wants TKO to be his son but KO is all no WAY because MR. GAR is my dad

and then Mr. Gar stutters and gets really sweaty and nervous and KO is all it's ok father and gives him a hug of family love

then they elbow the SHIT out of Venomous until he cums goo all over the place turns out he was a goo clone and so was shadowy

laserblast is the REAL villain he faked his own death because he wasn't ready to be a dad yet

Both. Laserblast probably got fucked up after the sandwich incident and then eventually became Professor Venomous. Shadowy Figure is probably the TKO to Venomous who has already given in to a lot of his dark side.

I think you are mostly right. I think its more likely the sandwich incident fucked over Laserblast so that it unleashed his version of TKO which is Venomous. And rather than being his version of a TKO, Shadowy Figure is just incognito mode for Venomous.

anybody have the previous thread?

the Rippy Roo ep (it's the last video in the post, gotta press the buttons on the side of the images/videos) is confirmed to be the 100th ep produced


I want Fink to obtain father-daughter bonding cupcake

>I'm your mommy now, momma's boy!

Attached: Turbo Fink pins KO.png (1920x1080, 1.89M)

thanks senpai

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So basically, 2 entities for Venomous? I can get behind that.

OKKO being put on a final season hammers home an important lesson: stop screwing around with "lore" and just tell the story. There's no point to expanding the world outside of what is immediately important to the protag.

well for OK KO it was less screwing around with Lore and more screwing around with goofy episodic cartoon adventures

To make out with Boxman on screen.

They feel a lot more in a relationship than Korra/Asami and Marceline/Bubblegum, a kiss would be well deserved.

Boxman and Venomus are practically married.
Raymond calls Venomus "Stepfather"

They basically attended couples therapy during the Darrell/Fink feud and ended with them holding hands.

Attached: 5789.png (1193x671, 1.01M)

>Don't bother with making the setting interesting. Just do plot and nothing else.
Please stop.

I see Elodie has been inspired by Enid to follow the road to true thiccness

Attached: 84289.jpg (1920x1080, 325K)

The setting should expand as the story progresses and only as far as the story needs it to. Think of it as headlights revealing stuff as the protagonist keeps walking forward.

Well, they do save lives.

Attached: Elodie upskirt.png (1664x932, 2.18M)

>whats wrong, afraid your mommy may be watching you from the dojo?

I gotta play catchup now. Does the mega involve season 2?

With great authority comes great thiccening.

The whole shebang.

Hue Troop bust chart is well underway

Attached: image.png (814x308, 109K)

>final plot
it... JUST fucking started.

Hips, waist, or bust size?

Reread the post.

Exactly what OP meant.

no I mean the SHOW just fucking started.

They had two seasons already, going on their third.

worth noting that the earliest eps could've premiered way before they actually did; they squeezed a year's worth of episodes into half a year

it just feels like that because we had a dozen filler episodes.

I like how it's gone from an "odd couple" partnership to a relationship while still being ambiguous.

I believe Venomous/Shadowy figure are to LaserBlast what TKO is to KO. Maybe he too locked his darker side into his subconscious until it got loose thanks to the sandwich incident.

It's the only cartoon fag relationship that doesn't annoy me and feels organic

what exactly did he mean by this

Attached: stupid sexy venomous.jpg (590x655, 91K)

Matt Braly retweets amphibia fanart all the time

>Boxman gets to his twink ass out every night
What does venomous see in him?

>now eat your greens

One of the more subtle changes with the new art direction: a few characters (like Rad, Enid, and Venomous) have those shiny eyelids like in older cartoons and Billy Dilley

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>OK K.O.! Let's be Heroes!
OP, whyyyyy

You were SO CLOSE. The logo only has one (1) exclamation point, and “Be” is capitalized!

At least you properly punctuated “K.O.”

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Stuff likes this makes me doubt that he's Laserblast.

Attached: Venomous's vision of Boxman.png (705x398, 297K)

Imagine how fucking good Boxman must feel knowing that all his passion about being evil that the other villains find annoying is what got him to score Venomous.

>venomous likes bara
is venomous a power bottom too?

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you know looking back, while the way Parker *drew* characters was pretty basic looking (but still nice), a lot of the gags he wrote were pretty out-there. Stuff like Succulentus making his child grandson drive him to the plaza, and whatever the fuck pic related was

These "Parkerisms" are also pretty common in Mao Mao too, and with multiple different crew members on that show

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Attached: at that point we all realized enid has too much ass.png (1657x935, 3.24M)

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The perfect cushion and the perfect size for him.

You couldn't be bothered to fix the dent you made in the chair while lazily enlarging his bulge?

He's not the guy I was and it was meant to be a one time joke thing really.

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Isn't Black taller than Yellow?

Why would you besmirch /ourdad/ like that?

I like the show, but it's a shame so few episodes have any rewatchability.

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i am gonna be honest, i like the show and i got hooked whit where the plot was going
But i hadent found time to watch it since uni n shit and i just watched till the episode darrel and fink figth
can you fill me up whit the major plots at least?

when the hell did this happen

"We're Captured" aka Venomous' debut

-POINT reveals its interest in the plaza, bringing the bodega in direct conflict with them.
-Carol gets outed as an agent
-Drupe opens a fashion store

They're about the same height

Attached: Hue troop.png (1012x583, 879K)

I wanna see them fuck KO

>laserblast,venomous and shadowy figure is just the same person
What happens?

he fucks carol again and makes RKO

Except for the juicy green shortstack and the blue snu-snu goddess.
They explain why Laserblast turned gay.

just means Venomous has a thing for Glorbs and Thicc people.

Attached: OK KO Let's Be Heroes.jpg (576x890, 168K)

>They explain why Laserblast turned gay.
well it's not like the show hasn't had bisexuals in the past

Wow you actually came through with that chart.

I wonder who Mira's partner(s) on the final 3 rotations will be. Will she partner with other regular boarders like the weird situation the rippy roo ep has? Will someone new join the crew? Will some non-boarder crew member get promoted?

Attached: OK KO season 3 boarders.png (880x62, 9K)

Man that doesn't look right, I'm sure that was all taken from their ref sheet

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>mfw i make the org template and all someone did with it was make a poorly done bulge edit

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well played user

What boards does Venomous visit?

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Why is this? I find gay pairings in cartoons fun while the lesbians are boring and a bit annoying. I wonder if its's about the writing.

gay male pairings are seen as less "safe" as lesbians (I wouldn't exactly call lesbians safe, but they're "safer" than gay male pairings) so the type of writers willing to include them have more guts than ones that just include lesbians

It's definitely the writing. Don't let the fujo fags on this board fool you, Bubblegum and Marceline was basically memed into reality by a minority and it fucked the main character out of his own show. Boxman and Venomous' interactions feel genuine unlike every other forced gay pairing I've seen; the worst being Craig/Tweek which the writers even joked about how it was forced and how it's only canon cause Fujo's love it.

> fujos
> bubblegum and marceline
that's not how it works.

I honestly want to see a episode just featuring the Hue Troop, no KO, no Enid. like the Point flashbacks

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>craig/tweek forced
you know they're "dating" in the sense that any literal 12 year old would, right? there's no 'tru wuv' end game behind it and absolutely no one would be surprised if the writers broke it off next season.bad example, op

/fa/, /k/, and /sci/


I need this please

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what season/episode was this?

He's the definition of a bottom

Attached: 84654.png (500x281, 168K)

OK KO hammers home an important lesson
Ian JQ is a fucking legend and OK KO is among the greatest cartoons of all time and more people need to be taking notes of all the shit OK KO did right
This, but i still don't want to see them kiss. Ruins the whole joke.

>people still think Laserblast was a hero and his disappearance was an accident
He was always shady and insisted on going into the lab alone. Even if he didn't intend to fake his own death he was at least going to steal the tech.

10 to 1 Venomous is his brother or uncle

All in the Villainy, season two.

Shit, is there anywhere I can find the last 10 episodes of season 2? I've completely neglected keeping up with this show due to IRL stuff and now my passion's been reignited.


Thanks lad.

>this is capitalism, and you're all complicit!

what did raymond mean by this?

I think the last Fink episode implies Venomous has complete control over Shadowy Figure but it drains him.

My guess is that it´s inspired by KH.
Laserblast is the original person.
Venomous is his Nobody.
Shadowy Figure is his Heartless.
He probably wants to be whole again and he needs KO (more precisely, TKO) to do that.

Jesus they´re making it really obvious that Laserblast is KO´s dad

alright i'm on gar trains punching judy right now, and to be honest i haven't really been a fan of gar's sperg moments for most of the show but now i'm starting to warm up to them for some reason

Man, I hope those model sheets get uploaded somewhere. The official tumblr page hasn't been touched since November.

This. I need that human Shannon sheet for reference purposes.

>Pinned by Turbo Fink
>Gets super close with Elodie's legs and panties
>Face slammed into Clone!Enid's ass

Dendy needs to step up her game and fast if she wants to stay in the KO game.

based Ian

Attached: file.png (612x691, 239K)

Did stebvi do this shot?

Yep, she and Ryann boarded that episode. I have a hunch they also did Planet X.

Last seasons finale was so rushed and shit, but the first eps of S3 have been good, so ill give this show another chance

Attached: AA_Franziska_von_Karma_Finger_Wag_1.gif (220x220, 118K)

Pretty sure Ryann was the one who did that shot; Ryann did the first scene and 2nd half of the episode, Stevie did most of the first half (with the montage sequence being boarded by Toby and Geneva)

Ahh, I see now. I just assumed so because it looks similar to her other art where she draws the characters in her own style.

Attached: Stevie Borbolla Venomous and Fink.png (818x963, 245K)

On another note, I personally think she draws the cutest KOs, with Geneva coming in second.

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Why is he still shilling his show if he already chose to end it so soon? Does Ian get royalty checks from merch or something?

Attached: Punch Pen!!.jpg (441x1000, 104K)

To be fair, CN is terrible at handling merchandise and often does it at the last minute, if at all.

I've only heard rumors of okko ending. is the official confirmation?

Pretty much, but there’s gonna be a 22-minute finale.

>Continuing the Bubbiline ruined Finn meme
Get over yourself. Yes they mishandled Finn's romance, but they had chances outside of Bubblegum and Marceline to get it right. They should have just kept him with Flame Princess considering they designed her to be the perfect girlfriend without the age difference issues with Bubblegum and Marceline. It was obvious pretty early on the Finn wasn't going to get with either of them and they spent seasons building up Bubbiline. It would have been better if they pulled the trigger earlier on, but stop equating the existence of their storyline with the failure of Finn's.

I unironically love that every thread you critique/praise the spelling of OK KO
it makes everything feel normal

No. Everyone's just assuming just because there's going to be an episode called "Fight to the End" that it's the series finale
It's not impossible that that's true, but there's no actual confirmation of this
There's a 22 minute finale every season.

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there's also the fact that a lot of the show's boarders left around the same time, and the season is unusually short (a common trend with final seasons of CN shows)

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Is there porn with her avatar yet?

Current fates of the boarders:
still on the show because Supervising Directors are relevant to post-production
was on Rise of the TMNT, now is storyboard supervisor on a "TBA Cartoon Network Project"
Created Mao Mao; he's *been* gone from the show since early season 2
see >Dave
unknown, but he's still at CN Studios
boarder on Battle Kitty (upcoming CGI netflix show)
boarder on some unknown CN show called "Rumble Jaw"

Her Twitter states that she’s still on the show.

a lot of artists don't update their twitter bios at times. Jeff Liu's twitter bio said he was still on SU long after he left to join OK KO

Understandable. I know episodes are produced a year in advance, so for all we know, she's probably no longer on the show.

Which episodes were your favorite of this batch?

Everyone seemed to have left during last December/this January

400,000 keks

Boxman is a dirty Communist.

I think it looks better. Gives him a bit more "leg room", if you know what I mean.

Wait really?

Do they besmirch communism on the show

The most evil thing venomous can do is make the heroes watch him and boxman fuck.

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thick thighs end hero lives

K.O. vs. Fink and The K.O. Trap.



Also worthy of note, three members of the OK K.O.! design team moved to Battle Kitty, too:

>Julia Srednicki (character designer)
>Ryan Cecil Smith (background designer)
>William Gibbons (background painter/occasional songwriter)
There’s no doubt that the show is ending. Just accept it, folks. Hopefully, it ends well.

Attached: Battle Kitty Crew.png (1200x900, 1.97M)

>There’s no doubt that the show is ending.
How is the show ending? Last time i checked, Ian was working on a new storyboard, and that was like 3 weeks ago.

Here: twitter.com/ianjq/status/1142564752947728384

Fuck your filename for all eternity

This whole situation just seems so shady. The clues for the show's fate aren't all lining up.

Why would multiple major crew members (boarders AND designers alike) leave to work on other shows all at the same time? Sure, production hiatuses are a thing--where artists need to scavenge for freelance positions in the meantime--but then there's the question of why Season 3 only has twenty episodes, with one of them being a half-hour special titled "Let's Fight to the End."

Add to that how the first six episodes all seem to follow a more direct, linear story arc with titles that sound like Final Season material ("We Are Heroes!" and "KO, Rad, and Enid!" are the biggest red flags), and OK K.O.! ultimately starts feeling like it's in endgame territory.

But, like you said, pic related singlehandedly creates even more confusion since we're to believe that the 20-episode season's production is already well into the final stretch of post-production. So, what could Ian even be working on right now?

I wish we weren't being left in the dark like this. Is anything OK K.O.!-related even happening at Comic-Con this year?

Attached: that sunglasses emoji is casually hiding spoilery material.png (1024x768, 1.17M)

They might go full Venture Bros. and take a hiatus for everyone to pursue different things and Ian is just taking it easy for a while and working on the next batch.

This show is wide open to things like timeskips or random shifts in central plot. It could truly emulate the shounen anime it ribs so much by having actual story arcs.