I wish Mysterio was in a Spider-man movie!

I wish Mysterio was in a Spider-man movie!

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You are using the meme wrong, Mysterio was great.

Everything else blew though

You should have said you wished there was a Spiderman movie with Mysterio in it

I wish i could die quickly and peacefully

>Mysterio gets in a Spider-Man movie
>movie becomes kino
dunno what's wrong

Hyphenated improperly, you now have a Mysterio stuck in the horror movie being berated by a spiderman holding a laboratory office job after a horrific teleporter accident. At best it gets reruns on intergalactic cable.

I wish Chuck would buy the store back from Sneed.

wish granted, but it is not this day.

>Chuck's Seed and Feed
>Formerly Sneed's

>Mysterio was great.
Nope, Jake Gyllenhaal is a good actor but a really bad pick to play Mysterio.

And it was in the best Spiderman movie yet and the first billion dollar Spiderman movie to boot

Are you too stupid to know how a monkey's paw works?

It’s made a billion already?

I wish DC unjusted itself

ok neets, redpill me. what was so wrong about movie mysterio? i've never read any comics with him in.

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You don't know what this means.

With the exception that he, and everything else in the movie, is more related to Iron Man than Spider-Man.

Ok but its Rey Mysterio.


Kino means horrible piece of shit that bombs hard

not until next week

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I thought the paw was supposed to make things worse?

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He fucking sucked

nah he was good