Would they actually get along?

Would they actually get along?

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Johanna is going to be mad!

Master chief already has a waifu called cortana.

bro........ thats fucking marcus fenix!!

I think you mean had.

Hilda’s mom?

I see Raps is getting advice on how to deal with Cassandra.

Dude that's fucking zelda, he's wearing green

Doomguy's/The Doom Slayer's whole thing is that he doesn't get along with anyone (except his pet rabbit), and will outright kill you if you show even a hint of being demonic in anyway.

Yes. She's already mad that they had to fight off the legions of hell during "take your daughter to work" day.

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Doomguy a /k/ gun nut, so knowing about guns would help out.

What a good dad that Doom Guy is

>t. redditor who didn't read the codex

Doomguy is willing to work with demons. his armor was built by one

>Caring about the lore.

Doomguy is based and loved by all

Why does this image exist

reminder Doomguy is the grandson of BJ Blazkowicz and the son of Commander Keen

>being assblasted your shitty surface-level opinion was wrong

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>scrawny, barely legal thot who lived in a tower all her life now can lift a +20 kilos .50 BMG cal heavy machine gun
she can barely swing a frying pan, come on

>Claiming superiority over a non-argument.
From day one Doom was never about the story.

Enhanced, to be precise, but the point stands

It is now, shitlicker

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goalpost status: moved

considering she is aiming at his arm, it will be a short lived friendship, otherwise yes, they are cold blooded monsters

>Gameplay with a vague voice-over.
Wow, much story.

Rapunzel's whole thing is that she get along with almost everyone.
Doom slayer doesn't say much or have many strong non-demon related opinions, so they'd probably get on fine. It wouldn't be a very close relationship though.

You serious?

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Mulan makes more sense. They both have huge bodycounts.

That's very clearly BJ Blazkowicz...

Bitch, that's samus in one of her alternate suit

Why do they keep paired “lul I’m badass with my joke weapon” characters with actually gritty characters expecting them to be daughterfus

The contrast is cute. Don't let it trigger your autism so much.

Let's give a warm welcome to any Star Vs refugees looking for a new better show to watch. Please pardon our autism and enjoy the ride.

>Is this show good?
>Are you memeing or is it actually good?
It's actually good
>What's the watch order/timeline?
Tangled > Before Ever After pilot > Tangled The Series > Tangled Ever After short
>Where can I watch it?
Episodes links: pastebin.com/hE0MPEXx

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Rapunzel canonically has enhanced strength from the hair magic and lifting Gothel's fatass in and out of a 70ft tower.


Most of her friends are murderous bandits and thieves so yeah, probably.

Why do you have to be such a faggot, man? If you want people to like and watch our show, just link the pastebin, don't post the whole pasta. I'm halfway convinced you're actively trying to ruin the show for people.

So my buddy told me that Rapunzel is a literal phyiscal god in the series, with Hindu deity power levels. Is there any truth to that?

He's taken.

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Rapunzel is the worst friend to have because she's not inherently malevolent. She's selfish and ignorant of other people's emotions. Traits all sociopaths possess. Varian and Cassandra chose to help her out of their own goodness, traits that Rapunzel exploited for her own benefit while completely unaware of how much it was costing them to care for her.

That's why they couldn't tell her how much of a jerk she is to her face, they felt guilty due to her upbringing so they kept helping her, all while piling up resentment every time she let them down.

Since they were guilt tripped into accepting she wasn't at fault, the anger built up until they exploded and drove them both to insanity. Meanwhile Rapunzel went on her merry way to pursue whatever picks her fancy.

To reach her destiny, she will gladly step on the corpses of her followers, using them to build a stairway to her dream. She will offer her friends and lover to unspeakable horrors on a whim, all while keeping that smile on her face.

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i thought she was called alexa

Have sex

>So my buddy told me that Rapunzel is a literal phyiscal god in the series
He's right. She's got one half of the power of a cosmic entity. Here's a twitter from Chris, the director of the Tangled cartoon where he describes the limits of her powers:

>It can kill others instantly or slowly Cassandra was lucky that when she touched Rapunzel during the events of Zhan Tiri's tree, Rapunzel was focused on giving the team time to escape not killing the tree. If it were the other way around Cassandra wouldn't be in the story right now. This power also works at a distance as seen when she first used the power, the distance can cross the planet, or even across multiple universes if Rapunzel wanted to hurt that many people. The moon stone can wither and decay others as said in the incantation. It can erase things into total nothingness, destroy all things within the universe or other universes and dimensions it all depends on how the user cheese to use the power of the stone. It grants Rapunzel and Cassandra the ability to manipulate all forms of negative energy physical and spiritual, and lastly for the moon stone it can control other people's will, their thoughts, and heart.

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>able to erase people from existence
>also can control minds
>Cass is now fused with it
Season 3 is gonna be a hell of a trip

wouldn't he kill everyone in this series on sight though

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He'd feel apathetic towards her at first but then they'd bond over their mutual love of cute animals.

If this was before/during the film he would punch a hole in her mothers face when he finds out about her abuse. I haven't seen the tv show so I don't know how he'd act there.

Dude I thought Master Chief was dating Siri?

>The sun drop can heal, resurrect, and regenerate the user from all wounds physical and spiritual. The sun drop also grants longevity, immortality, Rapunzel aged the way she did cause she chose if she wanted to remain a child the power of the sun drop would've allowed it. It slows down her aging as well, much like a character such as the Wolverine. The sun drop can also protect Rapunzel, as seen in earlier episodes her hair would climb up the castle and latch onto things itself rather than have Rapunzel do so. It is living and it will protect Rapunzel because it is part of her and they are needed to keep the balance within the Disney universe. The shield it can create around Rapunzel with her hair is both offensive and defensive it protects her from strikes but hits the opponent back ten times as hard with sun beams and as seen in "Lost and Found" if the opponent is far weaker than Rapunzel it destroys them all the way down to their quarks. As the opposite of the moonstone and the negative energy it feeds on the sun drop thrived on positive energy both physical and spiritual. Both the sun drop and moon drop are stronger during their respective times though, night and day. Although this change is hardly noticeable even within the context of the story.

Source: twitter.com/eorsdalas/status/1128244416437739521

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She can talk about honor and glory all she wants but deep down we all know Cassandra wants the moonstone to brainwash Raps into lesbianism.

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This simultaneously makes me interested in the show and want to completely avoid it.
Its badshit insane sounding but also seems to make Rapunzel into a complete Mary Sue who can just do anything. Even if she doesn't in the show knowing this is gonna make me wonder why she doesn't just automatically win every time.

First of all because it isn't a shonen. Rapunzel isn't in the least interested in getting stronger, she just wants to have adventures with her friends and see the world. Maybe major in arts and that's about it.

So just like in LoTR, magic isn't well defined and isn't necessarily a common thing. She won't specialize on it, won't participate in a tournament arc and would rather not have anything to do with those powers.

Most of her flaws come from the traits she shares with Disney princesses and the decisions she has to make as she tries to become a good queen. I'd say give it a try and see if you like it. The Before Ever After movie is pretty good and not very long.

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Jesus Christ...

eeeh maybe. Even if it is all just background stuff it's Powering her up to literal Multiverse levels for no reason other then to be cool I guess. Like you say she doesn't want to get stronger but from what I've read shes already Super Duper Fuckoff strong, which personally I have no interest in.
>She won't specialize on it, won't participate in a tournament arc and would rather not have anything to do with those powers.
But again from all that I've read shes already good at it and gets into trouble involving magic all the time. Hell she doesn't even need to do anything she Sun Drop will use its OPplsnerf powers automatically.
I feel I'd run into the same problem I had with OPM, nothing being exciting because I know no matter what happens the ending is going to be an anti-climatic mess that ruins everything. I could be wrong but honestly I never had much interest in the show before this was all a thing, don't think I got much more in it now.
You can enjoy it all you want user, this just dont seem very for me

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I don't know

But I know he would be a good father

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Only if Rapunzel also accepts Jesus Christ as her lord and savior.

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Doomguy PROTECTS cute things

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you can admit you were wrong

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About Doom never being about the story? No, because that's true.

He's probably going to be fighting angels in Eternal, I don't think he's too big on religion any more.



No way in hell BJ's hair could ever grow that long.

So...now canonically doomguy is hilda's father?

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Have sex.

Also Doomguy/Doomslayer was given an emotion like hatred directed straight at demons, and terrible strength by the highest choir of angels, he explicitly tries to protect humans.

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Angels are fair game too. All that matters is Jesus.

Zelda is the Princess

tfw you'll never be put on all fours and sodomized by Rapunzel as your entire party is slaughtered. Cumming to the sounds of their screams as they see you ahegao
why even live

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really? I thought zelda was the pig

Conjecture. Also could be fallen as fuck.
Pretty sure shooting giant monsters that are fighting alongside demons to destroy humanity isn't heresy? Pretty sure shooting angels that aren't under the command of heaven isn't heresy as they're the same as demons. Pretty sure I'm going to shoot anything that moves.

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Would Yea Forums?

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What are demons but fallen angels? If they interfere with the world of man, then they all deserve it.

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Yep. It´s canon.

It's a pretty big facet of his character considering he basically stayed in Hell with big G's blessing. If he's killing angels, it's because they're evil.

I never felt threatened by these guys in the game.

But at least they aren't as bad as pic related, they never managed to hurt me once. Kinda feel bad for them.

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I dont think you know what mean by WOULD

I understood the lewd conversation he was having but I decided to go on a tangent to express how I felt about a certain enemy in the game... because Yea Forums isn't talking about Doom anymore.

No, thats the heavy assault rifle.

Make way for a real semen demon.

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Imps might actually be one of the most dangerous enemies in the game along with summoners and pinkies

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all enemies are dangerous if you let them overwhelm you, but once you understand how to beat them all the most dangerous ones to me are the ones who move randomly like these

On the harder difficulties the Imps would either be able to read my mind in leading their shots, or be able to hit me from across the map with perfectly arcing shots.

Maybe I need to unlock the harder versions and then talk about the enemies.

I've played the shit out of the new doom on the higher difficulties.
Summoners are fragile as shit but if you let them get away they immediately become a massive threat, partially because they keep teleporting away and shitting out more imps and hell knights, but maybe moreso because they'll lead their hellwave attacks and they can go through walls, so they're literally always a threat, even if you can't see them.

Imps are nightmarish because they still do a massive amount of damage on higher difficulties, they chuck out fireballs like no tomorrow, come in swarms, and they'll randomly lead your movement which can severely throw you off at the wrong time. I usually use the BFG to deal with swarms of imps before anything else.

Pinkies are nerve-wracking because every other enemy in the game you can simply overpower if you have enough firepower. Pinkies close the distance so quickly and they take more punishment than almost everything else in the game from the front, so if one shows up, you immediately have to give it focus or they're liable to blindside you.

You forgot to mention that Pinkies always spawn in pairs, so even if you are able to sidestep one, the second one is ready to eat your ass for lunch.

yeah the level design is often your worse enemy.

>he doesn't recognize Commander Keen

How he can kill all these demons with his daughter on his back?

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The fuck is up with this? Is it some kinda forced Meme? What the hell do these two characters have in common?
This isn't even cute like Blossom/Aku is its just shitty photoshops

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Giant badass with a cute little girl, it's nice to see and it's just kind of comfy when imagining it as Doomguy being a protective dad towards Hilda.

This is What happens in Hilda threads

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But how? And why can't people make some OC from it like other crackships? All of the posts in this thread make it seem like one guy doing it all because its all the same level of quality

I suppose that makes some sense, still an odd character to pick for a dad though. Everyone knows he'd be too busy Killing Demons in hell to settle down and have/raise a kid.

In a Hilda thread from way back in the day, some user said that he shipped Hilda and Doomguy. Obviously that was dumb, so we changed it to daughter and made some OC's. This was also around the time Tilda was catching on so that's why you see tiny Hilda's

It's 30% cute + badass = mad cute and 70% passing the time until season 2 rolls up

Hilda is cannon in doom

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of course they would. Raps is friends with everyone!

Huh. Well that makes sense, gotta have something to do while waiting. Still think its weird but you do you anons

Hahaha I will say though I love this

And I Might as well ask, how is Hilda the show?

Sometimes crack ships are best ships

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He's wearing a combat suit you idiot, it's obviously Metroid.

Look at those killing demon eyes, she's like her father

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It's pretty good. It's basically just kids acting like kids in a fantasy world. It uses Norther European folklore for the most part, but the world is fairly unique from other fantasy settings. There's no overarching plot, the character drama is pretty minor, no shipteasing, none of that. It's what you would call "comfy". It does get unsettling sometimes however.

rapunzel Would the doomguy?

>how is Hilda the show?

it is one of those shows where the world is more interesting than the characters.

I'mma posting it!

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I'mma gonna steal it!

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I need someone to post THAT image of doomguy and that thot demon, with the proper censor

>Hgt 6'
>Wgt 180 lbs

Attached: Doubt.png (728x392, 96K)

Hgt 6'7
Wgt 280 lbs

That's better.

master chief? it's nathan drake you indolent shrew. what other character could have an ass that great?

Geesh, this puts the SCP lore to shame

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Oh yeah she's in my iPhone

are you retarded? thats metroid

ffs its the fucking Sargent from toy story

Never thought the newest eldritch horror would be a Disney Princess

Rapunzel doesn't need rifle. She's already a bulletproof nuke.

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Came for silly crossover shenanigans, stayed for the crack lore

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Wtf are you talking about? That is just Duke Nukem learning how to shoot, with Morgan Freeman using his suit


Pretty sure that's Rapunzel...

I still think it is just a fan fiction AU from the crew and it won't be adopted into canon of the show. The sun drop and moonstone could be considered as the most powerful objects in the earth of Tangled universe, but it should be just single-planet power level like an infinity stone and it is still far from multi-verse level as Marvel comics writing.

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that image is stupid because it undermines doom guys weapons.
doom guys guns should be so powerful that their knockback would break the arm of a normal person. especially nuddle arms like hers

Cmon man. You know thats Alex Jones wearing his anti gay frog armor

that's marathonguy you unfunny fuck.

It's a tweet straight from Chris Sonnenburg. It's canon

I still chuckle at the Mancubus.

The crew and producer can still make their own fan fictions to tease the fans. The only official canon is the episodes broadcasted.

You are an idiot spouting your own headcannon, he literally worked with a rebel demon that designed his armour.

This is dumb as hell

Isn't Doomguy fighting angels as well as demon now?

Sonnenburg sounds like a powerlevels faggot

so whatever happened with H-Doom or whatever it was called? The demons were hot.

Its canon due to all Dooms being canon.


So lawnmower doom is cannon too?

That means he has a new Daisy?


No it ain't

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Why is John Carmack so beta

This isn't even about that. It's just about Doomguy being there to kill shit, not waste time with women.

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For those of you concerned, no, Rapunzel never gets within even a percent of this power in the show. One of the meta plotpoints is that she's basically an infant goddess and this is all what she's potentially capable of at full power with both Sundrop amd Moonstone.

>that closed eye
Perhaps Doomguy/Slayer/Destroyer of Demons is teaching her about proper sight picture.

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I love you

u too

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good thing h-doom lets you finger demons


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Why do you faggots keep posting these "how would X react to Doomguy" threads?

Why is she about to blow him arm off?

Because it's funny

He doesn't harm humans and only attacks things that are a threat to humanity so yes.

Doom Slayer/Doomguy is like Scooby Doo and the gang, you could throw him into any universe and he could somehow make things 10x more interesting.

I still want to see someone here make a parody gif of this scene from billy and mandy with hoss del gado and grim. Only it's Doom Slayer punching Angel Dust.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-09 (5) The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy - Dumb-Dumbs and Dragons - YouTube. (513x360, 371K)

I feel like this will all lead to Rapunzel harnessing both and using their power to destroy both completely.

I hope they get buffed in Eternal.

And if the multiplayer game modes from the last game will also be in Eternal, I really do hope our lazor firing boy will be one of the playable demons.

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Fuck Imp melee. Motherfuckers always find a way to get behind me and do way more damage than you'd think.

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>Mfw someone doesn't even recognize Alphonse Elric teaching Princess Daisy how to shoot an M4

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To think he was supposed to be the new chaingunner.
Though to be fair, I'm not sure i want Plutonia's chaingunners back.

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This picture is causing me phisical fuckinjg pain

Rapunzel would make a good Pink Power Ranger

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This is the shit that just happens in Hilda threads, fren.

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Its time to kill demons princess

What went wrong?

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Doom dad

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Doesn't she make more sense? And I'm using that word very broadly.

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Someone commissioned it specifically. not sure why.

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That means there is an audience for this, therefore a potential.