What would you like to see from a hypothetical third Avatar show?

What would you like to see from a hypothetical third Avatar show?

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More BBC

Big Breasted Chinks? Well, they're rare but I do like them.

Korra's violent death.

Fat Korra


trans main character

Set it so far in the future that bending has all but become a legend. The Avatar doesn't learn they're the Avatar until the end of the first season, then goes around the world to learn the other elements. No companions, but antagonists who are trying to keep bending from returning (because it would tip the balance of power away from corporations or the military or whatever). Lots of side characters, a scant few who are descended from characters we know but very far removed like six generations or whatever.

The Avatar trying to re-connect with his past lifes, retconning of Rava into non-canon and the show just shitting on Korra for being a terrible Avatar, Earth nation going into civil war due to democracy and people wanting to restore monarchy oh and Air Nation genocide pt. 2.

fuck that shit! It didn't make sense how they went from medieval with tanks to industrial steampunk with radios in a span of 40-80 years.

Vietnam era, Earth Kingdom is like Mao's China, Republic City and the Fire Nation are fighting a proxy war with Earth Kingdom using another Water Tribe civil war.

The avatar is a free love anti-war hippie rock star firebender.

in space

flashback to some other older avatar. similar to wan. so long as it was long ago enough old you wouldn't have any bullshit prequel cameos or that kind of shit. have a firebending woman go into the spirit world with some friends, maybe air nomad and a water dude love interest, and get her day fucked up by spirits.

you know, with there being so many avatars throughout history, this must have happened at least once.

Star Wars, but with spirits instead of aliens, and the elements instead of the force.

Korrasami retcon, and an earth avatar as main character.

Let it die. Do something new.


But if you insist: Make Four Elements Trainer into a show.

Love, Love, Love, Slave.

Fire Nation Incest.

I've actually thought about this. I'd want the setting to have an 80's neon aesthetic to match the passing of time.
Have it be in another city that's been built during the timeskip with a Miami vibe to it.
The Avatar would be born into a mob family and the focus of the story would be a set of characters that try to convince him to switch over to the side of good while the Avatar is mostly content with using their power to help the mob.
I just really like the idea of the Avatar being born into a situation that makes them not the hero they're destined to be.
I'd also make it so the Avatar would be in their 30's by this point so his allegiance to the mob would be really strong, he would already be an experienced bender in his prime, and the world will have gone the longest time since Aang without an Avatar to take care of things.

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There's a fourth option already? All I get to do is slapping Korra and playing candy crush with Meelo.

Everything from Korra is retconned.

Fist of the North Star/Mad Max, but with Bending.

We've seen the far past, the 20th Century Industrial versions of the Avatar world. I want to see a Post-Apocalypse.

Korra lived to a ripe old age and died some time in her worlds equivalent of the 1970's (if we assume LOK take place in an equivalent of the 1900's). During her last years she was holding out an unneasy peace between Republic City and the Earth/Fire Kingdom alliance. After she dies, Earth Kingdom Scientists discover nuclear fission and drop the bomb all over the Avatar World (or the Water Tribe, and they where able to insulate their cities with Heavy Water so as not to be affected by the fallout).

Nobody knows if the next Avatar will even born(see the events of the end of Season 2 of LOK) or the cycle is broken. Chaos ensues, and a series of warlords use a mixture of Bending and reclaimed tech to take control of a a bunch of personal fiefdoms. It's very middle ages.

Fortunately, a young male earth-bender was born and he is the next Avatar. The white lotus tried to train him, and for a few years it was good, but then he ran away. The first episode happens when he's first seen in 10 years.

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Still beta, but when the full version comes out I'm still going slave.

an Avatar who has to rebuild the earth nation and make it great again.

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>Wanting the series to keep having more and more contemporary settings rather than sticking with the Asian fantasy with a dash of steampunk that set it apart in the first place.
Have you faggots learned nothing from what we got after TLA?

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milf korra trying to juggle being the avatar and being a mother

It wasn't the setting that was the problem. You can still have the Asian fantasy stuff just make it about exploring ruins and reconnecting with the past.

The setting was far from the issue with Korra. We can't just distance ourselves from everything Korra did. Also I want a character that's pretty much the equivalent of Jacket from Hotline Miami who constantly fucks with the mob and tries to kill the Avatar. He'd be largely justified in his actions, but his desire to just kill the Avatar puts him at odds with the heroes of the story.

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what they had steam engines and ships in TLA. They also have a convenient way to produce electricity and process various metals therefore technology leaps as we have seen seem fairly likely.

A good show.


A How I Became Yours AU

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>Some steam power, barely any trains, mostly agrarian
>Electricity, cars, factories, radios, large urban areas
>Fuck, how did they go from steam to radios in 80 years?!

The same shit happened in real life.

Korra but 20 years older, way more mature and diplomatic, also more muscular

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War of the Three Kingdoms with the avatar not being found till later in the show.

Lesbian pornography.

>less than 1% chance in a sample size of 7 billion.
yea, not really that likely.

Planescape Torment Style Dystopia.
Think about it:
>World presided over by a ruthless, uncaring, immortal avatar.
>Next Avatar is a zombie who comes back from the dead all the time, thus losing his identity
>Surreal steampunk dystopia
>Bending has mutated so much over the eons that it's now does horrifying things like "Emotion-bending"

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As much as I would love that, it would be too dark for Nick.

the avatar spirit seemed to make a habit out of sampling very different people, though. since the entire point is for the avatar to learn what it's truly like to be a human.

like maybe one cycle she'd be a conservative, the next cycle be a trans, the next cycle be apolitical and live in a hut...who knows

Just make them remember how successful season 5 of Samurai Jack was.

>season 5 of Samurai Jack
Which was on Adult Swim. Maybe if Nick had an adult-oriented animation block.

They could put it online.

>no don't do something original, just copy the success of the past

I like the feel of the first series as well but you can't make something great if you aren't willing to experiment

>wants to experience humanity
>jams certain gendered spirit into an opposite gendered body to see how uncomfortable it is
No wonder the avatar line ended.
Hell just typing that out made me stupider

More big brown breasts please

>Takes place after Korra's death
>New Avatar is kidnapped at a young age and raised by a cabal composed of benders from each nation
>Taught values that run counter to the Avatar's traditional duty of bringing the world together
>Avatar quickly learns all forms of bending from his mentors
>The Cabal uses the Avatar's power to become an international political movement
>They gain supporters based on the idea that they are the divine party, playing on people's unwavering trust in the Avatar to come to power
>After 60 or so years of a corrupt Republic, the people of the Earth Kingdom are more inclined towards a Monarchical restoration
>The Cabal hunts down the most recent successor to the throne, who is now a private citizen, influences him into going back into the public eye and rallying people behind him with their financial support
>The Fire Nation comes under an attempted coup by the Cabal, but repulses their attempts
>Fire Nation accuses the Earth Kingdom of the coup, shuts its borders and refuses diplomatic interaction with the Earth Kingdom, talks of war are thrown around but not acted upon
That's as much as I've got, feel free to build upon the idea though.

You should have been playing book 4 as Korra. You could practically hear Mity begging people to let him make Korra the protagonist of book 4, but the perverts wanted a dick.

Cyberpunk Nightmare and a Fire Nation Avatar.

if avatar spirit was omniescent in who she's reborn into, literally none of the plot would have happened. all the avatars except yangchen basically caused more problems than they solved.

Sure, why not.

On topic: Earthbender Neet. Nations working on nukes which will serve as M.A.D for other nations and the Avatar too. Neet bender doesn't give a shit. Highschool slice of life for our Neet bender

A edgy Teenager finds out he is the avatar, the only problem. He thinks Sozin did nothing wrong. (Especially funny because he is a earthbender)
And he uses his new found power to help him on his journey.

He also regularly mocks the other avatars when they talk to him.
Especially Korra and Kyoshi.

>My spacing.
>No Pic
Fucking hell.

earthbender must be the worst discipline for a guy who never goes outside.

mocking a lady who can possess your body is a very bad idea

Korra decanonized


I fucking lose it every time no matter how many times I see it.

We need more muscular fem protags in fiction.

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Imagine being the Avatar and all you've fucking got to help you is the jedi ghost of Korra.

She'd probably be over a hundred years old, by that point. So, it'll be as if she was a completely different person.

What if a Avatar Committed suicide?
This is bugging me now.

Asami pinning Korra down and repeatedly artificially inseminating her until they have a dozen children.

>People treat him special because he's the Avatar
>Avatar has nothing to do as Tech both unites the nations as well as deter's another war
>Avatar doesn't trust people, thinks they only care cause he's the Avatar
>Avatar doesn't care about school because he's got an ineffectual political up lined up since birth.
>3 or 4 kids from other nations gather for whatever reason to make the new Team Avatar
>Secretly it's a harem anime

>he wants to get fucked
Well, to each their own I guess.

And probably the most hated Avatar in history.

nothing just let it die

Both of these. Chunky MILF Korra traveling around and solving minor problems with her adopted daughter.

Oh god, not this again.

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Based on what exactly? How you feel about the show? In spite of how the show ends, Korra saved everyones butts and still had the rest of her life to keep doing her job.

An apology.

Sure, and every Avatar can claim to be the champion of the people, and I'm sure they've all had at worst been blamed for inaction, but Korra let the spirits back into the world.
By virtue of that alone, she probably earned the title.

People can learn to adapt. It was really only the shitty mayor of Republic City who complained about it for the most part.

The mob idea is really good I think. Id like to see an adult avatar in conflict with the legacy of the avatar.

Learn to adapt, sure, but my statement still holds.

An avatar show that switches from different avatars from the past, like one offs. Maybe they have multiple episode parts following one character during a great feat. The creators would be able to play around with things more, settings, characters, etc. If certain characters are liked enough they'd probably do more episodes on fan favorites. I wasn't really feeling the setting of korra and where their technology was at. Don't want to watch a season of an avatar looking at a steampowered laptop.

Didn't Yea Forums spend several months making a whole 80s-inspired Earth Kingdom Avatar storyverse?

I'd kill for a good animated Hotline Miami.

Never saw that, but that sounds pretty awesome.

retcon korra
overarching storyline rather than villain-of-the-season shit
no steampunk
no spirit pokemon
no asspull bending
more femboys
more musclefus


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>What would you like to see from a hypothetical third Avatar show?
None of it.

White people and a much more powerful avatar

>You're right, but I still won!
This post right here is Yea Forums in a nutshell.

My point was that you don't have to do much to be the most hated messiah in history.
You're just not reading what I'm saying.

An actually good story and characters done well?

most men aren't gay, so no

A prequel about Yangchen

Twin earthbenders. One is the Avatar, one isn't.

Gibe plot where the avatar falls from grace and becomes power hungry and the sibling has to kill them despite their bond.

i just finished ATLA for the first time and damn I didn't think it would be this good, unironically one of my favorite shows now

get the FUCK out of this thread

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Make Korra non-canon.
Set it in the future like Korra was, maybe a little bit further so it doesn't rely on the old cast as much as Korra did.
DO NOT go back to that 1920s America steampunk setting, scrap that idea entirely.
Less poorly thought out political philosophies.
Add some new Asian cultures to the influences pile that didn't get to be explored in ATLA, like Thai, Persian, Turkish, etc.
No more villain of the season wank like mentioned unless they serve to build up the main villain as ATLA did.
Let the Avatar actually go on a journey this time when it comes to learning to bend, I don't care if I they already start a little bit more ahead but there is a lot of things you can do with the Avatar journey.
Maybe explore the concept of when bending sub-skills start to branch so far off from the original that it starts to become its own thing and the people who specialize in it start to develop their own culture around it, causing for potential civil unrest.
Let the Avatar state actually mean something unlike it did in Korra.

a prequel so it avoids the hot mess of Korra. or an AU

I always forget to ask, is there more of this? or is just this page
I'm talking about the parody, no the comic itself

Team avatar traveling around the world, having adventures. That was my favorite part of the original series, seeing the world and the different sub-cultures that formed inside each nation.

Technology was already catching the avatar's power in korra's time so it would be interesting to see the avatar feeling threatened by a world that seems not longer needing them.

ALSO, I like what Kyoshi novel is doing. The avatar not knowing that she's the avatar, traveling with a fake avatar. That shit is a mine of gold for comedy moments. Maybe not exactly the same thing but, idk, maybe the show doesn't show you who is the avatar in the team or something like that.

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Korra set 5 years later where she broke up with Asami and said she was just going through a phase trying new things.

Watch tumblr go into Chernobyl mode.

Yea Forums already tried this, it was called Legend of Shen. Why do you dumbasses forget so quickly

I was thinking the same thing, but then I realized it would end up like Voltron.

Is this the thread for people too lazy to write fanfiction?

>in space
No lie I did have a half baked idea that was ATLA as a space opera. There are 4 other alien races that bend a single element each, with humans being the only ones who can bend all of them (with a precursor race being the energy benders). Each race has its own avatar, though I'm not sure how an avatar that could only bend a single element would work.

Let's see...massive retcons of Korra or at least what happens in LoK kinda blows up (the Equalist returns with the real Amon, opening the spirit portal wound up bringing in evil spirits and creating super benders etc.), main character's basically Ryo Saeba..

I love my wife Korra

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isn't that book just over a week away

Go full Watchmen/Evangelion.

Honestly, if you keep Korra canon the only way to continue is to go full Cold War. At the Avatar learns there are no good sides in war and dies tragically.

Just pick up with an earth bender trying to figure shit out with the world's worst avatar as his only link to the past. The world has gone tits up because spirits and humans still haven't figured out how to coexist and the amount of benders being far greater than the days of Wan has only made things even fuckier. Have the new guy set out with the intent to return all spirits that refuse to live peacefully alongside humans to their realm and shit the portal while Korea reeees constantly at him whoever he's forced to speak to her until he finally shuts her down by pointing out the horrid imbalance her actions have caused and leaves her to reflect until she comes around to his way of thinking towards the end and actually gives some useful advice to at least semi redeem herself. Big Bad for the final showdown could be a powerful band of spirits that have basically taken over the White lotus and are pulling the strings from the shadows as cult masters to convince the public that the avatar is trying to make things worse because they like how things are. New party can be made up of a Dale Gribble tier swamp water bender, a chill but surprisingly strong as fuck spirit that wants to help because they prefer the human world and want an easier life without people constantly freaking out about spirits, an air ended that got excommunicated for being a jackass and a hedonist, and an older exasperated fire bender that more or less got dragged along and acts as group mom because holyshit these guys are doomed if left to their own devices.

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Raygun gothic with distinctly Asian (and specifically postwar Japanese) elements. Despite the presence of the spirit portals and the revival of the airbenders, humanity is transitioning away from spirituality towards technology and fewer and fewer people are able to bend, and the show begins with the findings of the first global census conducted by the newly formed World Council (an international forum, not a political body that has a mandate) being released to the general public. According to the findings there has been a drop-off of 45% of new benders being born in the last two decades, and the world's leading scientists are at a loss as to why. The new earthbender Avatar is charged with leading his Action Magic Science Team to get to the bottom of this, and to stop any rogue elements from disrupting the peace, in the event that the local authorities can't handle the extraordinary situation (a metalbender terrorist or a kaiju-sized spirit, or a good old fashioned mad scientist).

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I want to believe this is bait

Here goes
>Main character is an Earthbender who was traumatized to use bending because he nuked his hometown. Long story short, Equalists attacked his hometown, young Kouji (initial name, might change it) tapped into the Avatar state and since his only past life is Korra, lost control and nuked his hometown with the only survivors being him, his older brother Tetsu and childhood friend Saya
>The only Earth bending he can do is small pebble bullets which he can fire pretty accurately but 9 times out of 10, he settles for hand to hand fighting or his wits
>Currently works as a private detective in Republic City, his brother's a police detective and a fire bender that can also bend lightning
>Setting wise, it be a 1950's pulp thing combined with wuxia (basically closer to the Giant Robo OVA, you know, guys in suits and ties doing martial arts and such)
>World now kinda suffers from what Korra did, spirits run rampant, exposure created benders with extended abilities like able to create air blades by snapping their fingers or fire benders firing explosive shockwaves from their hands
>Plus the Equalists returned with their leader, the real Amon and they're working on making artificial benders (basically guys in mech suits with abilities to mimic bending etc.)

Post-apocalypse is my idea as well, but my setting's different.

Focus on the Sandbenders, who would obviously dominate and come to power in a Mad Max-esque desert setting. The MC is a sandbender. One day on a raid, they capture a young girl, the daughter of some important noble. She befriends the MC in her captivity, who reveals to her that he is actually the Avatar. Nobody else knows - he only realized his potential a few years back, and has been paralyzed with indecision ever since. The tribe hates deserters, and he's worried that he'd be ostracized if he revealed himself and stayed.

The girl convinces him that he has a duty to help fix the world, which has become overrun by spirits. He's unsure, but realizes that he can at least take her back to her father, as that's the right thing to do. He breaks her out and runs off. Naturally, he is pursued by the entire tribe, but also by his wife, the tribe's best assassin / operative. Fun adventures, etc. etc., at some point the wife joins up with them, it turns out that the little girl is a prodigy firebender, very smart, and they eventually find the father.

Father's glad to see her back, but wary of the MC and his wife (who metaphorically have guns pointed at them by the guards). Girl tells her dad that the MC says he's the Avatar, dad gets a complicated expression, interrogates the MC. Who are you, why did you have my daughter, why do you think you're the Avatar, do you remember who the last Avatar was, stuff like that. MC answers yeah, yeah, obviously it was Korra. Dad lets them go and shit since he helped the daughter, but he doesn't believe that MC's really the Avatar, since there's no proof. Daughter had been trying to teach him firebending with no luck.

There's an altercation, MC feels like he's being attacked. Turns out that the DAD is the Avatar, and his daughter was captured while they were looking for an Earthbending teacher. (Alternatively the daughter is the avatar)

Little girl being the avatar is more dramatic because it can be like while she was pretending to teach firebending to the protag she was actually trying to learn earthbending from him.

After Korra's death a new avatar is found, he's a great guy, everyone loves him and he saves the world from horrible threats on the reg, he's basically treated the same way people treat Superman, he's a super hero..
Our protagonist is a young earth bender, chilled out, patient, everything that Korra wasn't. He lives alone in the poor district of Republic City, struggles to make ends meet financially but doesn't really mind that much because he lives an ascetic, spiritual lifestyle alongside some of the spirits who still hang around the city. Think a cool hippy who isn't too obnoxious about it and just does his own thing without preaching.
One day while working his day job he gets in the crossfire of the Avatar dealing with some problem, he's about to become a casualty before the Avatar dramatically saves his life and ends the threat, the media flocks in and he becomes part of the headline. The Avatar rides the media wave and acts like a cool dude to our Protag, takes him to his mansion to give him some cover from the journalists for a bit. Things are going well and Protag retires to his room for a bit, but a spirit wakes him up urgently. Protag sneaks about at night hearing yelling until he stumbles onto the Avatar arguing with the guy who he was dealing with that day. It's revealed that the Avatar has been working with the criminals he fights and is secretly funding his own sinister, unrevealed plan. The Avatar discovers Protag and tries to catch him, but Protag manages to escape into the night. The next morning Avatar declares Protag persona non grata and initiates a manhunt after him. Protag assembles his friends/makes new allies and resolves to find out what the Avatar is planning and reveal him to the public.
Mid story twist is that the Avatar is actually the "Dark Avatar" and has been working with what remains of the Red Lotus and plans to merge the physical world and the spiritual world completely, disregarding the destruction it would cause.

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Set it in modern times. The Avatar is a "coinbender" who can manipulate cryptocurrency prices by doing karate moves next to his computer. At the start of the show he is just trying to cover his tracks so the EKRS(Earth Kingdom Revenue Service) can't figure out how much he made in capital gains, and shirking his duty as the avatar. But the EKRS catches him and flips him, and turns him into a government asset. Now he uses his powers to help bring a solid RICO case against a branch of the triads who are kidnapping NEETs who've invested in cryptocurrency and are coercing them to buy and sell in huge quantities in order to manipulate prices.

more korrasami

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Extra stuff, more on supporting casts
>Saya later becomes a chi blocker as she was rescued by the Equalists and was trained by them to take down the Avatar and for revenge (Kouji did nuked her hometown, killing her family). Is a reporter to get closer to Kouji
>Zhen, blind defense attorney and Kouji's partner (more like they had to share the same office as both of them had to pool their cash to get the only affordable place). Is an Earthbender and a pretty good fencer (keeps his sword hidden inside his cane). When he's not working on his cases, he helps Kouji out in his cases..and occasionally has fun on Kouji's expense

I'd still like to see a series about a non-bender who is confident that the ability to bend is not physical but spiritual, and so goes around the world in an attempt to learn how to bend.

The last time I drafted out my idea it was also in tandem with the idea that this non-bender was in fact the true Avatar, whose talents have gone undeveloped for at least a decade after the announcement from a rich Earth Kingdom family that their own child (and a friend to the protagonist) was the rightful Avatar despite privately showing no signs of bending ability.

My idea is post-apocalypse. Thanks to Korra fucking up Spirits have begun to take over everything, cities are now built in communion with nature, old technologies are seen as mystical, bending is divided between free-fighting/dancing styles and classical martial arts.

Anti-Spirit sentiment is at an all time high as a technologist faction rises to power to lead humanity and try to and expel Spirits back through the portals and close. Then there is a Spirit calling itself the King of Spirits who wants to continue where Vaatu left off and mix the Spirit/Human world together and conquer the humans.

The Avatar is just a young boy in a remote village who desires to see the world, but can't become a giant Spirit blocking the path/making it dangerous. Two sister from the technologist faction shows up after finding a way past the Spirit in search of the Avatar for their leader who wants to use them to help expel the Spirits and who gets the boy to go with them as long as he gets to see the world.

The result is a journey to the see the leader of the technologist faction. Along the way the Avatar learns of how civilization collapsed over the ages for human, learns to master the elements using new martial arts styles and mixing them with the classics, and tries to bridge peace between Spirits and Humans as a war slowly brews between them.

Every Avatar has to clean up the previous imcarnation's legacy mess.

>Korra (herself princess of the south) is the presumed wife of the most powerful corporate CEO, and good friends with their only real competition (Zhu Li also becoming UR President).
>Korra also pretty much pressured Wu into dissolving the Earth Kindom itself, not just Kuvira's empire
>Korra is also somewhat responsoble for the legal separation of the north and south and the decline in religious faith in the north.
>The (((Air Nation))) are self-appointed globalist police force. Of course they are tied very closely to the two most powerful people innthe world, who happen to be extremely wealthy, anti-nationalistic homosexual.
>Spirits mutating people with impunity, like Paki rapists in UK. Korra is also Merkel.

So what world, 80 years later?

A world of weak nations kept in perpetual reparations austerity (Fire and fractured Earth and maybe even North Water) , but two or three massive global corporations that can do whatever they please with near monopolies on tech as well as airbending. And spirits dindu nuffin.

Shitty anarcho-tyranny, globoHomo cyberpunk, or even low level space opera (Gundam style)

Korrasami' grand/children are absolutely the villains

to continue, LoK chars represent ideologies
Amon - Communism
Varrik - Capitalism
Unalaq - Religious Fundementalism
Zaheer - Anarchism
Su Yin - Randian Hypocrisy
Kuvira - Fash/NatSoc

Korrasami is Corporate Neoliberal Globalism. i.e. the current day world order. so just think of fantasy-scale problems inspired by Irl.

Maybe bending starts to go extinct due to all of the intermarriage. Criticizing Avatar Korra-s legacy or criticizing Airbender privilege gets you censored and depersoned

Amon didn't represent communism though. The mother fucker was more national socialism than anything with a cult of leadership.

LoK to be retconned and replaced with something superior to AtLA.

Amon's true nature complicates things but Equalism in the public and as policy involved violently taking from the fantasy-bourgeosie- bender. That is "seize the means" style Marxism

Hell, I'd retcon'd everything post season 1. Like Wan's not the first Avatar and a well-known bullshitter (again, I rather believe what the Lion Turtle said at the end of ATLA that before folks element bend, they energy bend instead then just have the actual first Avatar story be something akin to the Three Kingdoms style story.)

Twin avatars *boom*

one gets earth and wind
the other gets fire and water

> but Equalism in the public and as policy involved violently taking from the fantasy-bourgeosie- bender. That is "seize the means" style Marxism
They weren't taking any means of production, mate. The Equalist movement was closer to the French Revolution/American Revolution as the Non-Benders were displacing the ruling elites (Benders/Aristocracy) for their own self-rule/nation.


Taking away bending, which had economic uses as well as extends human ability is absolutely a violent theft meant to bring everyone down to a lowest common denominator, regardless of the net negative effects on the society

See also: EFF/ANC Afro-Communists in former Rhodesia and now South Africa killing white farmers and taking their land, yet not managing the same agricultural output.

I don't watch political propaganda

Solo earthbender pre ATLA trying to find a masters and not fuck up along the way.

This is so fucking good! Hop on it Nick!

>Taking away bending is a violent theft
Absolutely wrong. Bending is an unnatural force in the world granted to certain Humans by turtles. The natural state of humanity is to be a non-bender, by removing bending Amon is restoring people to their natural state which is inherently good and its not theft since Bending never belonged to Humanity originally.

>t. The moustached lieutenant

Bending has been around longer than pretty much all ethhnicities and most racial groups. Indo-European invasions only started out from Ukraine ~6000 years ago.

Fuck off faggot back to tumbr

every time

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Later on in Korra's career, a cadre of powerful spirits decide to take over the earth, which has slowly been terraformed due to the constantly open spirit portals (republic city and both poles have been abandoned by humans). Korra subdues these evil spirits but dies in the process, and the world collapses into war between various human and spirit factions. The next avatar is born, found, trained, but ultimately unable to peacefully resolve the complicated webs of hate and ambition, finally being forced to resort to using the overwhelming power of the avatar state to vanquish, bananish, and seal away the spirit world, as well as destroy most of earth's armies and technology. After his eventual death, a particular firebender is born into a broken world, and as the avatar faces the difficult challenge of helping people to regain the physical and spiritual prosperity which their predecessors had lost.

So, just had lunch and thinking of continuing on here. Granted this idea I have for the third series also involves...retconning the fuck out of LoK, torpedoing the Korrasami ship and have Korra instead settling down with a non-bender (who will show up in the 3rd series as basically serves as the Speedwagon Foundation for the Avatar AND their oldest son happen to be Kouji's martial arts master...who is suffering from an incurable disease)

I also had this idea. Like Gundam with bending. It could've also been a way to remedy/undo the damage Whorra did - A new avatar coming into being, by some regular schmuck absorbing a Universe-tier spirit and becoming the superavatar. the old avatar who is a distant successor to Whorra could've been the villain... only you need to write a decent story around it and not this SW-prequel-esque shit that Wan's story was.

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bending war 2

technology has advanced to the point that the average bender is completely outclassed

Oh no the mean lady is using some force to help unite her fragmented kingdom, the horror

Dude, they had airships by the time of the third season of the original show. And even then, earthbenders had came up with locomotion that just required some niggas to push the shit with their feet and then presumably bend the stone of the cart along the track.

Also, they have fucking kung fu magic, that shit would obviously help advance technology in a setting where the humans aren't retards and just stay in medieval shithole status indefinitely for no reason.

You mistake me. I'm not using "Fascism" as an insult. And Kuvira was the least wrong of all of the listed options.

Did you not also see my rant against Korra enforcing a globalist order?

If anything Kuvira would have prevented what will be the awful corporate dystopia of the Korra's friend's circle oligarchy.

that is facism though. a unifying force.

What did Amon do that was wrong? Benders did literally start every bad conflict in history and non-benders ate shit and continue to eat shit.

Yeah sorry about that user, I was more poking fun at the series than you, Kuvira representing "fascism" is obviously something the series wants you to take away from it even though it pants on head retarded.

They literally lived in a society that catered more to non-benders than ever before. Can you list one or two examples of benders oppressing non-benders in Korra?

has the earth kingdom ever been really unified though? its kind of like the china of the avatar would.

That he's a bloodbender...that's what's wrong. Should've been that poser is a phony Amon and the real one came back months later in front of a crowd and such.

Not really..considering that the Earth Kingdom has like 2 kings in ATLA. One's so sheltered by his advisor and his secret police and the other one is Bumi.

wasnt there mention of more though? plus all the towns are just kind of on their own.

Equalism, like its Communist inspiration, needlessly and destructively divides a nation/people based on class. Usually for hidden, outside (((interests))).

Fascism / Kuviraism strengthens the nation by giving all, rich, poor, bender or not, a way to contribute for the glory amd restoration folk.

Contrast this also with Zhaofu Ayn Rand /Su Yin Bei-Fong Objectivism, where the rich elites hide themselves away and yet still meddle internationally.

The problem isn't benders. It is the United Republic itself. the UR creates (((class conflict))) because it is a globalist merchant state out of whack with natural balance.

Even dumb Korra realized this, she just did not understand the way to return balance was to bring the world back into tbe four seasons, four elements, four nation paradigm.

>name two situtations where benders were oppressing non-benders in Korra?
1. The Mafia who nobody could stop until Amon did
2. Amon's brother who locked up all the non-benders and shut down their power
Don't you dare try to goalpost now.

so when does earthbender mao show up to unite the earth kingdom?

Too late, tech wise we're 1945 but they went straight to Fukuyama "End of History" liberalism.

Bout to have a fifteen years of Sandbenders aloha snackbarring when Asami's oil drilling.

Then the teens that willingly let spirits mutate them are gping to get into retarded street fights with Fire Nation and Earth Empire revanchists.

i thought they were at 1920s tech. would be a great opportunity for avatar ww1 to pop up
>airbenders bending chlorine gas

They're filthy mutts now.

which is exactly why they would commit such atrocities

Well, we know of 2 but there's probably more.

I mean they have totally bipedal and agile mechs, planes, aircraft carriers(?). Tje spirit cannon was a nuke analogy. I am sure jet engines and moon missions are less than twenty years out.

>I mean they have totally bipedal and agile mechs
thats the really only place that doesnt fit in
>planes, aircraft carriers
they had biplanes, which fit. and aircraft carriers did exist then, they were just seen as a novelty and thought they wouldnt compete with battleships (which ended up being the exact opposite)
and the manhattan project began in 1939

all in all its shaping up to look like a ww2 scenario. even the politics fit.

well, the development of what would later become the Manhattan project would start in 39, but you get the point.

Well we never got to see current year Fire Nation. Could be a Weimar situation over there

imagine how pissed the people would be if after all of the deaths that winning the war had, the leader just decided to pull out.
fuck, even zuko didnt want any part of that.

Avatar was never industrial, it took place in a more advanced version of the "1800s", specifically around the "1860s". Steam engines, trains, early steampunk themes, the entirety of Ba Sing Se looking like a fictional version of a certain final Chinese dynasty, etc.

Korra would have to have died an early death though. Aang dying young only happened because he used up a lot of his lifespan frozen. I'm fine with it, but realistically, it would take place much further in the future.

A prequel mini-series involving past Avatars.

Do transexuals even exist in the Avatar universe?

Go backwards. Seriously, go back to an Earth Avatar before Kyoshi and go from there. Make the series more grounded instead of Prohibition Era fan-wanking, and bring back some elements of mysticism.

Going back is a wrong idea. All you will get war of conquests in the Earth Kingdom or some gay civil war shit. Rarely spirits fucking with people.

Aang's time period and Korra have the most action/things to do.

Perhaps it’s set in a more advanced Steampunk time period ala Bioshock Infinite, but I want an Avatar who comes from a poor background who fights against oppression to achieve peace, both literally and figuratively.
We know it’ll be an Earth element for sure.

I can dump some pictures if you'd like, the dropbox and pastebins still work. The premise was a cold war scenerio, Fire Nation vs Earth Kingdom.

Kimiko is a fire nation noble's daughter who is sent by the prince to find the Avatar, which is a job she gladly accepts. The Avatar is a sandbender in the middle of nowhere, and she recruits him (and his brother). They travel, I forgot the exact premise but it's all in the pastebin theres was a lot of art and writing

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Honestly, the Avatar movie was bad, but I genuinely think having the Fire Nation as not-Indians instead of not-Japanese was amazing and should’ve been in the concept from the start.

Found some neat pics, thing I liked best was all the different fashions people came up with for the characters

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Yeah India fire nation was unironically an interesting aesthetic. Senior Fire Navy correspondent Aasif Mandvhi!

Sokkha and Katara being white could have been okay if yoi gave them a Finnish / Celtic / Iceland Lappland vibe. But then you really would have needed to make Aang asian (or even black). Lots of people have used the raceswap casting on live action anime to justify Blacking current adaptations, so I'd rather not give hollywood kikes any more reason.

Without the guidance of past generations of Avatars the next Avatar becomes a dictator and a tyrant and the show is about a resistance rising up to defeat them.

it comes in USA July. 16 it been out in Canada it great I have read it already worth getting for sure

This is actually a pretty good idea.
Go full Yin and Yang with it.

my idea for a season one

>the world is in conflict not between nations but between humans and spirits
>spirits desire to keep nature as is and humans advance in technology neccessitates resources and land
>korra could not stop this and since her death the situation has gotten worse
>an organization was formed that believes opening the portals was a mistake and that humanity can only survive and thrive if the spirits are gone forever and both worlds are isolated
>they also believe that the avatar is a traitor to humanity
>the leader of that organization has a child
>he finds out his kid is the avatar
>but instead of killing him and ending the line of the avatar forever he spares it out of paternal love and the believe that he could be useful to the organization
>years later the new avatar has mastered the earth and fire element and its specializations e. g. metalbending and lightning bending
>can bend neither water nor air
>they are skipping air bending because his father does not want him to be influenced by his past lives and the spirits but without airbending he can not master waterbending

part two

>the organization is an enemy of the white lotus and in one of the skirmishes the avatar gets sperated from his group and lost
> as he tries to find his way back he meets a lot of humans and spirits that live together in peace, has humans terrorizing spirits or spirits terrorizing humans calling into question his world view of evil spirits and good humans
>when he gets back to the organisation they notice how he has become skeptical of teir cause and the situation escelates leading to him defecting
>his father lets him go again out of paternal love and the belief that he has to help his child to get back on the right path
>the avatar meets the white lotus but does not join the they do not like and trust each other but he wors with them on stopping his father
>they try to stop some big and dangerous plan of the organization which could make or break them (the organization)
>his father confronts him and it comes to the showdown between the avatar and his father
>the father despite his love for the avatar is willing to kill him for the good of the organization and mankind but the avatar does not want to kill him
>the fight ends with the avatar mortally wounding his father either out of self defense or by accident
>the avatar tries to heal him with waterbending but it doesnt work he is confronted with the limitations of his powers and his father dies
> the organization is defeated and lets say Jinora who is now the leader of the airbenders will train him in airbending
>the season ends with the avatar learning how to airbend having to mend the divide between humans and spirits and becoming very driven to learn waterbending so he can heal people and preventing them from dying

Here’s a straw poll for time period

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>Non gender conforming main character

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What happened to that Yea Forums project that was essentially creating this?


Unironically this.

Nation building sometime between Won and Aang.

robo avatar!

Fuck off.

>>the world is in conflict not between nations but between humans and spirits

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Do not bring your evil here

no, not in this ''current year'' atmosphere.
it would follow an agenda, not creative passion.

unironically this

Anthology of past avatars, like have it normally be serialized to 3 or 4 episodes so there's enough time to build up good characterization and plot, with occasional one-offs for shorter stories

like all other Yea Forumscreations, it began as a popular project but quickly devolved into a small group of squabbling creators who couldn't agree on anything, and most things past the basic backstory were never really finished.

Not the avatar after Korra, but the Earth Avatar after that one. Gives the series 5 generations' time to move forward, and an excuse for an entirely new cast of characters, with a different geopolitical atmosphere. On top of that, it gives the main character a total of 5 former avatars to act as spirit guides, whereas the one after Korra would only have her.
Maybe set it in like the 90's technology-wise. The Jump from medieval-tier tech to roaring 20's was a bit jarring, no reason for the next series to repeat that and have in some kind of cyberpunk dystopia.

also this gives the opportunity to play part of the first episode as being only a bit after Korra died but then they can pull the reveal that all of that was hundreds of years ago

Before the fall of the Airbenders, Star Wars Prequel-style but without the shittiness

>Season 1 has the Avatar as ruthlessly evil
>Season 2 has him getting interested in the spiritual side of the Avatar but since Korra cut the line he cant actually talk to the other ones
>in the S2 finale he somehow restores the connection, but none of the Avatars will even look at him, except Korra who explains how bad he fucked up, "and I should know because I fucked up a lot".
>Season 3 is him saving the world and making it right

A complete reboot of the 2nd season, opening with the entirity of Legend of Korra having been a bad fever dream. Followed by the show apologizing for Korra's terrible writing, the squandering of actual good potentil from the show, abject destruction of Avatar Lore, the asspulls, derailment/assissination character, and pathetic pop-culture attention grab with the sudden-lesbians lovers at the end.

Then go on to do an actually good sequel to Avatar the Last Airbender.


damn u a salty bitch

also you can't /thread yourself, that defeats the purpose

a /ss/ 12 year old male lead
his group of friends are 16 - 18 year old hotties

a beach episode.

coming of age story with sexy girls and avatar martial arts and elemental powers.

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It doesn't nessarily have to be a perfect 60 year jump. It can be a little more while still keeping an 80's aesthetic. Since it's a fantasy setting you can fudge technological and social progress a bit.

Where the FUCK was Korra's beach episode Bryke you fucking hacks

This, full on amazon avatar

Solar-punk. Basically, post-apocalyptia but without fucking zombies.

Earth or Fire Avatar.

New pantheon of past lives.

Consistent threat for entire run.

Boo, no cyberpunk. Ruin delving was fun.

>lightning bending has specialised into tech interfacing and sabotage
>airbender monks live in a cloud city that may or may not actually exist
>Metal bending is illegal as it can make most security checkpoints and hunter drones into improvised projectiles. (Pretty much a lost art)
>advanced water/blood benders stealing organs from people to trade on the black market, also work with cyber-modders for complex integration surgeries.
>a lot of airbenders from the Earth Nation fly around rooftops and steal shit.

Bryke would find a way to fuck it up. Like not having any of the women in bikinis

The one thing I’d do.

Have Korra before she dies figure out how to unfuck the severing of the avatar, so the past avatars can all appear in this.

Modern Era where the Avatar is evil.