Was it really that bad?
Was it really that bad?
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the first illusion scene was kino
I liked it more than homecoming
No, but /pol/ thinks it's pushing an agenda so they want to shitpost discussion about this movie
Absolutely, it's the WORST MCU Film.
the moment that giant fist crashed out of the Queens building
the way Peter was still questioning reality when Happy arrived
that final hallway scene where Peter learns to trust his Spider-Sense
I fucking loved this shit so goddamn much
It was pretty good. All in all, the MCU Spider-Man films have been middling ranking films as far as the Spider-Man movies that have been made. I'd put them both above the ASM films and SM3 but below the other Raimi movies and Spider-Verse
It was alright, not great but alright.
Or maybe it's because it's a terrible adaption of the comics
I place it above Spiderverse
Yes. All these Sony shill threads are that bad. Even worse when they pretend to talk like it's bad so they can then post in its defense. Same with all their Zendaya posting.
Fuck off with this shit already. At least keep it to one thread.
This is worse than when the awful Ghostbusters remake came out.
Yea Forums is the only place I've seen that's not calling it the best Spider-Man movie since SM2. It's almost like this board is full of contrarians who can be reliably predicted to form an opinion opposite of whatever the mainstream opinion is 100% of the time.
I really liked it. But Peter losing his spider-sense was a massive plot point that was barely foreshadowed at all.
I put it under Spider-Verse but that was one of the best movies I've ever seen. This is...probably the best live action Spider-Man movie I've ever seen.
He didn't lose it. He explicitly used it to win in the end. It's just May doesn't trigger it, which is something that comes and goes in the comics.
His conversation with Happy made it sound like it wasn't working at all. Then it came back during the climax.
tThere is a very noisy minority who do all they can to try to monopolize threads with anger, but the majority, even those who are not entirely in favor of the Mcu Spider-man recognize that this is indeed a good movie.
He never lost his spider sense, in the movie he learns to use it and trust it, during the final hallway scene where the drones make everything go black and cut out the sound, that’s all Spider sense and Peter just going with it, I’m willing to be if that was a page from a comic, Peter’s inner thoughts would mention how he just closes his eyes and goes with it.
people are saying it was bad? I seen mostly nothing but praise, even people who thought Homecoming wasn't that good are praising it
The '>' symbol means greater than you idiot, your list is backwards.
Thing is. Most of the MCU movies are good. Its just that they dont respect source material anymore. They dont care about the comic fans. They just pick some stories from comics and create a script for movie-goers.
that's every comic book adaptation
probably not, but I'm still not going to see it
Comic book fans are retarded and deserve to be shat on
Yeah. But MCU changes it lot more than other movies. It was kinda faithful in Phase one. But after they gained momentum they did anything they wanted .
The changes do not cancel out the comics. At most they make the two things different experiences.
Can you assholes just keep it on one board?
I don't like Holland as Peter.
Why exactly is this a bad thing? The best X-Man movie was Old Man Logan, and aside from Wolverine being old, it was absolutely nothing like the comic. For some reason people say BvS was great, even tho it is nothing like any of the comics it’s trying to adapt. So why is it bad when Marvel does it sticking to the continuity of the own cinematic universe
No, but it is just ok. Which sucks, because Spider-Man is so good
There are almost doign their new thing . Hankpym, Guardians, Spiderman's side characters and many more are much different than comics.
It’s almost as if the movies are different than the comics, whoa
What are you doing this board. Goto
it was good.
who cares about adapting the comics 1:1
different mediums require different solutions
>For some reason people say BvS was great.
I must have ended up in a parallel dimension
>Its just that they dont respect source material anymore
I know right? Thats why i hated they made Mysterio into a hero >:(
Yeah, because Hillbilly Hulk Family and Carrie fucking Kelly would have made Logan and BvS so much better.
but what if youre finding a solution to a problem you created?
Well, great spectacle, nothing to remember elsewise.
That's a low bar to hurdle.
There's the paid Mouse shills. I wonder when they were going to get here.
What's wrong with homecoming?
Something something Ironman something something Flash Thompson
Can someone tell me what the fuck that thing that was glowing and swirling in Peters room in the beginning?
I'm gonna ask this in every Spider-Man thread until I get an answer
I think that was his iron spider suit. That is probably how it charges.
No, just really mad DCfags as always. Farmers let the farms open and all the pigs went out.
It was his iron spider suit, probably like that because of nanotech
It’s the Ironspider suit, it’s made out of nano-machines, what you saw what it’s storage unit, probably also how it maintains its power supply too. Honestly man how do you not know this?
Oh thanks for answering before I started spamming it in other threads. Appreciated very much
Buy glasses, you need them
I watched a camrip :^)
Also my glasses are broken and other kind anons answered me anyways
Would you like him as a shota kid that bangs high schoolers and slutty superheroines though?
My problem with the film is that there’s way too much comedy. Spider-Man is supposed to be the funny one, not the whole cast. The first act is solid, the middle drags and is forgettable, the final acts with the illusions and battles are good. It’s like Age of Ultron, they needed to cut down some fat to make it solid
Gwen Stacy or JJJ?
It's the suit Stark gave him in Infinity Wars
It baffles me that there's anyone who genuinely believes entertainment companies pay to astroturf sites like Yea Forums. Reddit, Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB, maybe, sure- those are actually relevant to the normie audiences that the Mouse wants to court. But here? What would be the point? No one here likes anything, barely anyone here even PAYS for anything. It'd be a waste of advertising dollars.
That said, Disney, if you're watching this site, please get in touch with me ASAP, I will gladly take your money in exchange for shilling your terrible movies. I've been coming to Yea Forums for over ten years and I have absolutely no integrity at all.
I feel like this movie is very divisive. I can understand why some people don't like it, but I can also understand why others love it.
I think the thing with his spidey-sense was sort of built up throughout Spidey's entire run in the MCU. We first got a glimpse of it in Civil War, but come Infinity War it's barely utilized to the point where people were wondering whether or not he actually still had it. FFH didn't do a very good job explaining it because it was leaning on the other movies as a crutch.
>Yea Forums is the only place I've seen that's not calling it the best Spider-Man movie since SM2.
Tumblr overall doesn't give a shit about the MCU as a whole, sees them as soulless corporate conveyor belt films, and thinks Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is the best SM movie, so I haven't really seen any posts saying FFH was anything special there.
Honestly, the MCU needs to come up with a reason to trash the iron spider suit. It's but ugly and makes everything a bit too convenient for Peter. They should trash it in one movie, and then bring it back again later down the line, maybe something a little more faithful to the original red and gold iron spider suit.
That's why they're good. Comic books are fucking shit. Sure, maybe once in a while you'll get a good story, but how many artists, editors, failed ideas, and retcons did you go through to get there? Will that good story be retconed in turn? How many other titles do I need to follow to understand the plot?
Motherfucking this. Is Mysterio that cool in the comics? Fuck, that shit was great. I love trippy shit like that so much.
>tfw i'm a spiderman secondary for this very reason
they're so fucking jewish too. i can't believe they get away with shit like stretching a story arc across 5 different titles.
>MCU starts out, all of the films besides the first Iron Man are shit and the movies stick to the same washed out digital effects and forgettable scores.
>Tumblr loves it, gay Tony, Steve, Loki art canvases the Internet
>MCU continues on, makes it to late phase 2 and 3, different franchises build their own identities with touches from the directors and the actors start playing to their strengths in more dynamic stories
>Tumblr hates it, says it's soulless
lol. Fuck them
They're salty about the Russos crashing their Stucky ship, the rest is just to dress that up, don't doubt that for a minute.
I liked Holland as Peter Parker before endgame. Before that his naivety was kinda endearing. In endgame it seems like they leaned on it too much. I wish the whole ‘ur an avengers now’ and the look he had about taking it serious had changed him just a little. But I guess idiot Holland/Parker sells more
All of his illusion scenes felt like something that you would see inside the comics. that shot of Peter inside the fishbowl that he removes from his head I’m pretty sure was cover art for an issue
Also, anyone else find it hilarious that in the comics Quentin shot and killed himself, and in the movie Quentin fakes his death by having a drone shoot himself?
Seeing the movie prompted me to read ASM #66 and 67 and it was a blast. Mysterio really threw a gauntlet at Peter to mess with him and I loved it. The cover of 67 itself is amazing.
What's some recommended reading for Mysterio?And Spider-Man in general? I haven't been a huge Spidey fan since I was a kid and haven't really read any of his comics.
Guardian Devil lol
>anons say the movie is pushing an agenda because of the buzzfeed mention
>watch the movie
>they actually make fun of buzzfeed
If you browse here with any frequency you should no the average emotional iq is quite low.
Spiderverse > Everything
what agenda, out of curiosity?
No, the illusion scenes were amazing and i'm so glad my fave spidey villain has finally come to the big screen.
Old Man Logan is the only story where Mysterio is taken seriously and not as a joke
You should read some more comics with Mysterio in them user, Facebook articles are only surface level
Spiderverse>Spiderman 2>Homecoming>Spiderman>Far From Home>Amazing>Spiderman 3>Amazing 2
how many times will they reuse the premise of "I became a super villain because Stark was a dick to me"?
It worked two times already, Prepare to see it at least 2 more times. Yes, they already shaped their audience to such a low bar
Until Stark stops being a dick to people.
So we've got, what, another thirty fucking years of people who feel spitfeul?
All of his Lee stories for sure, Webspinners Tales of Spider-Man ##1-3, ASM #618-620. Also ASM #193-199. He isn't technically the main villain in it, but his parts are legit great. Also this cover is the best.
Mysterio scenes are good.
Pacing is all over the damn place.
Plot is decent but relied on convience.
Lots of gags. Not much depth in storytelling.
Action is barely choreographed but effects are great.
All in all it's decent if you like a fun romp. Not much else worth mentioning.
The opening "in memoriam" montage had me laughing my ass off. The getty image watermark sealed the deal.
you'd expect that most people would just let go now that the guy is dead
Same here, only I had the family in front of me turn around and give me a dirty look, which just made me laugh harder.
Honestly I was expecting a picture of Stan Lee, but then the super low quality film started playing and it just took me by surprise
Stark was renown all over the world, kind of like Hitler, just a different context, and people STILL can’t ducking get over Hitler
I thought it was going to be the same, and was wincing at the music choice. But the font choice and the crappy images just kept coming. It was so damn accurate. I swear, somewhere, someone in high school made a slideshow like that after Infinity War/Endgame. It's on YouTube somewhere with 6 views.
>Now that the guy is dead
That makes it so much worse. They can never get even with the man, and worse, he's fucking beloved by everyone now.
Are you really so surprised that they'd want to take down any bit of his legacy that they could?
Do the directors or producers have any kids about that age? That’s a project I’d have my son or daughter do, just so they could say they contributed to the film
He's basically like a modern Jesus in the MCU now though. He beat Thanos, he helped bring back half the worlds population, he's pretty much a hero no one will ever forget because the world wouldn't be the way it is without him sacrificing his life. And he was an important father-figure to Peter and they had a close relationship so having this movie serve as an epilogue to Endgame where Peter gets over it makes total sense.
I hope so. It reminds me that for the M.A.S.H. movie, the composer wanted to make the theme song's lyrics as awful as possible, but couldn't make a song that retarded, so they passed it on to a then 14-year-old relative and they churned it out in like half an hour
When you want to make something deliberately awful, it's better to go straight to a legitimate source.
saw it, liked it, it's shit in in the grand scheme of things
I don't even have to look to know that all the growing Harley/Peter shippers are probably pissed that FFH didn't show them interacting or grieving together. They're already in a bitter war with all the other shipfags over their non-existent ship.
>uncle ben hasn't been alluded to 1 (ONE) time since civil war
holy fucking shit how do you completely ignore the single, most fundamental, basic point of a character
>It was kinda faithful in Phase one.
They changed a lot of the Thor mythos
He was alluded to in this movie. His initials were on Peter's suitcase.
Fuck You!
let the man rest I'm glad we haven't had to hear about uncle ben at all unlike every single other god damn time. Them referencing him subtly with the suitcase was enough.
>Mysterio gets away with killing Spider-Man
>World mourns but moves on
>Nick Fury: "Mysterio! We need your help stopping this immensely powerful supervillain and stop his doomsday plot!
>Uhh I.. uhm...
Seriously, what the hell was Mysterio's long term plan? Was he seriously planning to work with Nick goddamn Fury to stop apocalyptic threats using drones and light shows?
Fuck me!
thats literally cameo tier. look, i know the uncle ben death scene has already been done, but they don't need to even go that far. they just need to reference him in a way that motivates peter as a character.
i fucking rolled my eyes when they showed stark on the gravestone during the illusion scene. if they had mysterio simply find out about peter's past and then use uncle ben against him in the same scene, it would have been perfect and i would have been fine with that being the only reference. stark shouldn't be peter's main motivation as a character, its just asinine
>Nick Fury: "Mysterio! We need your help stopping this immensely powerful supervillain and stop his doomsday plot!
"I'm off planet at the moment, sorry."
Hey, it works for basically every other Avenger
only good thing to come from this film was the illusion sequence from mysterio. but mysterio back story was garbage so it was meh
Holy shit, I wish they could've got a better actor for Mysterio
>Harley/Peter shippers
That's a thing?
maybe that was his list and he's saying sm2 is the worst
Shut up Hi-Top
He had access to Stark's satellites, intelligence, and a massive fleet of killer drones. He could probably handle it by just pushing a button that fries the threat from space every time and not even need to resort to theatrics.
>Yea Forums is the only place I've seen that's not calling it the best Spider-Man movie since SM2
You mean the same thing they said about Homecoming?
he was planning on killing Fury, not work with him
Did you even watch the movie? Mysterio straight up says he plans to kill Fury and then tries to do it.
it's not that bad. it's carried by based jake and tom
he's dead
Technically three if you count Ivan
I wish Yea Forums and Yea Forums related discussions would leave this place forever. What the fuck are you even on this board for
Better than ASM2.
Worse than ASM1.
Worse than Homecoming.
It's the 2nd worst Spidey movie.
How the fuck do you expect Stark Satellites to handle the shit the GOTG or Captain Marvel deal with? The world is fucked if Galactus gets to Earth.
>but mysterio back story was garbage so it was meh
it worked in context
??? Who's better than Jake?
>Wanting one single solid scene where they discuss Uncle Ben dying as a result of a mugging this starting Peters initial idea to be a hero
>At all the same as your bullshit
Start at 2:25
Something something bullshit reasons
I'd watch this 5 times in a row before I'd watch Thor 2 again.
Now thst yiu mention, why doesn't anyone ever give BvS shit for not being like The Dark Knight Returns?
I know it's not "officially" announced about Ben's death I just assumed that the MCU just makes an assumption about the viewers that we ALL basically know Ben died so that's why it wasn't really discussed or explained? Also that scene was rushed when the entire Disney and Sony deal surrounding Spider-Man.
Is it true that in the end they tease Harry Osborne being an Indian
boring as all my morning shits. MCU spiderman can go fuck himself.
Still, when Peter is talking about playing football or other sports and what have you, or while talking about his suit and webbing he’s pretty calm, then he talks around something that he feels responsible for and you can see the weight it’s putting on his shoulders. It’s very obvious he’s speaking about Ben’s death and the impact it had on him. Had Peter answered “Because I want to be like you,” when Tony asks him why he’s doing this then yeah, I could get behind Ben not existing in the MCU, but like you said, we ALL already know spidey’s origin, and I think everyone involved in the production decided that we were smart enough to understand.
For the same reasons no one gives it shit for not being exactly like Death of Superman.
Nothing wrong with thor 2, its literally a standard mcu movie. They are all the exact same.
We didnt get our first actually bad one till Hoecoming. The jesus Captain Marvel.
Now this
Three times. IM3, remember?
Its so tired at this point.
It's not like it could be worse then homecoming
That's a fucking dope cover.
>that time when he just tweeted "saw captain marvel" and that was it
>dont respect source material
That would be the X-Men and Fantastic Four.
the "any non-white characters shouldn't be allowed in media" agenda
whoops, read that wrong. the "replace white characters with non-white actors agenda"
>it's a /pol/ complains about an MCU movie episode
don't you retards ever get tired of being like this
you won't magically make the movie industry racist if you shitpost hard enough
how do you not understand this?
I thought they were all spazzing about the little mermaid. Is black MJ still triggering them?
It was good. Everything Mysterio was amazing. But stuff like Peter bumbling around with Edith, and everything with Chad or Brad or whatever when he was trying to get Peter was pretty genuine cringe. Like "woh oh, funny misunderstanding. How will he explain thisss one to MJ". Speaking of edgy MJ. She was fucking cute. What are you, gay?
JK added like, 4 bonus points to the score of this movie, at least.
>the mysterio snowglobe
>the grave scene
Just read the good runs of the characters. I do that and i have no problem.
>??? Who's better than Jake?
Literally who?
Well actually the movie industry is probably well aware of its casting decisions, and probably see morons complaining about it as free marketing buzz. The entertainment industry uses race as a tool to raise cash flow from key demographics.