ITT: oh yeah that was a thing

Remember the NEW Spider-Woman? She had her own comic that no one asked for and no one read.

Attached: Spider-Woman_Vol_3_9.jpg (1280x1968, 1.1M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I miss Mattie Franklin.

I read it, it was nice.

>no one read it
still sold better then about 70% of all the trash marvel releases these days.
and it sold better then 100% of all modern female lead marvel titles
all thanks to the fact that the author didn´t have a huge bone to pick with men nor had a problem with adding some fanservice every now and then

>DC is out of the question because they suck too much to be even considered

Based and Marvelpilled.

>post only mentions Marvel in a Marvel thread
>brings up DC
Kill yourself company fag

I only know her from Alias where she was a crack whore

>immediatly expose himself as the DCpig he is

Ah, you worthless retards are so easy to spot, take your own advice and do everyone in this world a favor, idiot.

>did i mentioned that i'm talking about MARVEL and MARVEL only?

Tommy, you aren't even trying anymore you turbo faggot.

Attached: rentfree.png (724x855, 428K)

Remember the new Lizard? Back in the 90's, during the Clone Saga, Marvel was trying to renew the Spider-Man rogue gallery, and we got a new Lizard, that was just a... giant Lizard, I guess.
It even appeared on some crossovers, like DC vs Marvel, and was amalgamated with King Shark (Superboy villain) on the Amalgam Comics.

Attached: Spider-Man_Super_Special_Vol_1_1_page_57_Lizard_(Creature)_(Earth-616).jpg (1000x1533, 346K)

I think Prime from Ultraverse even fought it.

Yeah make sure you are talking about Marvel little DC soldier.

Who the hell can keep track any more? There are like 8 spider women

I remember it being very fetishistic.

Of course, it was by Byrne, so that's unsurprising.

>i have entered this thread exclusevly to shit on marvel, how dare you ruining my safespace!


He looks like he rapes people.

Attached: spider-woman (marvel) v2 001 (OCD)-01.jpg (966x1478, 449K)

calm down. modern dc is just as bad.
I am sure that this comic also sold more then every modern female lead dc comic

I hate this coloring so much

It was supposed to just be the Lizard mutated into a different form, but was retconned into being a new Lizard, who got killed by the original.

>Marvel is selling badly
>has more than the 40% of the market

I wonder who is behind this post.

>inb4: Muh overshipping!

DC is the only one overshipping, save yourself from being more shameful.

>Tfw Robbie Thompson used Slott’s Clone Conspiracy to give Mattie a death where she saves people instead of as a sacrifice to bring Kraven back to life
Why is Robbie so good to comic characters bros?

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>DC is the only one overshipping,
You're as bad a liar as the anti-Marvel guy you were responding to

Late nineties and early thousands had every character turbo tanned, like Bruce Wayne in BTAS or Luthor from Superman. Julia Carpenter here looks like Wonder Woman from Super Hero Girls.

Could Robbie lift Mjolnir?

On the plus side at least it isn't one of those comics that thinks "realistic = dark colors that make it hard to tell what the fuck is happening in the image"

Not since the end of Spider-Man and Deadpool, he was shown to be corrupted by his own power

The dark times of Liquid! coloring.

I remember real Lizard choking him to death with one hand like a little bitch.

This is who Miles should be shipped with. Both are terrible deviantart-tier OCs created to pander to their respectable creators' fetishes.
Not to mention Bendis having to lie through his teeth about how much he loves it and Byrne having nuclear meltdown in his dark corner of the net would be too precious. Truly this is the worst timeline.

I own some of these comics because I pestered my bro to get them when he was buying his comics. I liked the idea of a Spider-Woman and I liked that she changed her costume all the time. It's how I found out who Jessica Drew was and some other Marvel stuff.

I also thought the spider-legs were awesome and her having a web ponytail was cute even though it's pretty stupid.

Attached: SpiderWomanASM5.jpg (300x273, 13K)

It made the news not even so long ago.

That finale was awesome.

He's sperging about SJW and getting triggered by shit that no one was talking about in this thread, but he was actually defending the old Spider-Woman comic. You and the other fags (or you making multiple replies) brought up DC.

You're all insecure fags, lol.

>can't provide source

Remember the vote related villain she had?

Attached: 20190708_172035.jpg (956x1474, 650K)

>can't use google

I'm not here to spoonfeed you tard.

>lol i'm totally not mad about being busted
Sure thing idiot, now you can't stop samefagging.

>This is who Miles should be shipped with.

Huh.... This actually makes sense. Originally Miles would've been around her age. This would've prevented all the mental gymanastics that came up trying to account for Bendis' slow pacing for Miles and Spider-Gwen being in college.

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>still no source in reply

I bought her entire run fairly recently, just because she tends to get such shit stuff happening to her every time they remember she exists. She deserved better.

Attached: spiderwoman-franklin-4th-costume.jpg (271x557, 36K)

blessed Robbie
he wrote the best post-season 5 episodes of Supernatural, anything is possible



She was created in a time when Byrne still had some form of clout but that was gradually eroding due to people being pissed off at his comics and how he conducted himself online. Also didn't help that he was getting into arguments with a lot of comics creators.

I assume you mean vore-related.

That doesn't explain why every appearance she has after her run is each one tragedy after another, from being an (underage?) fuckdoll-slash-human-drug for a gang to being a human sacrifice. Everything about her life is just terrible.

Byrne was taking shots at Bendis' Alias, before the book was even published. All he had to go on was about how it was getting promoted as having an anal sex scene, and then Byrne was ranting about how superhero comics shouldn't do that. Bendis was pretty disappointed and/or pissed off when he heard this, but I can't find the quote. Bendis putting Mattie through the wringer in Alias shouldn't come as surprising based on that. This happened around 2001, I remembered it happening before 9/11, so if you know when Alias was first announced in the comics newsworld, it's probably around there.

I also remembered in the 90's he made a snide remark about how Kevin Smith and Joe Quesada's Daredevil was late; Quesada had to attend (I think) his mom's funeral. Byrne remarked that if the book had been on time in the first place, that shouldn't have caused a delay.

And a decade ago Brevoort talked about times he screwed up while editing and brought up Byrne's time on the late 90's Hulk as an example:

Another thing to remember is that fans at the time kind of hated Mattie partly because of their view of Byrne's work, and also how right after Mary Jane "died", Mattie tried to say to Peter they're meant for each other in the next issue right after.

I'm not sure if Joe Kelly had any conflict with Byrne, though.

Thanks for the history lesson, a lot of that is new to me.

Giving her pants was a mistake.

>I also remembered in the 90's he made a snide remark about how Kevin Smith and Joe Quesada's Daredevil was late; Quesada had to attend (I think) his mom's funeral. Byrne remarked that if the book had been on time in the first place, that shouldn't have caused a delay.
The delays on Daredevil, and the Spider-Man editor forgetting that he'd given Smith permission to kill Mysterio led to Byrne's Spider-Man book doing a Mysterio story set after Smith's Daredevil run, but published before the final two issues were printed. Smith and Quesada got angry about Byrne retconning the end of their story. Byrne was angry a Spider-Man villain being killed in a Daredevil issue, and seeing Smith as a celebrity writer who hadn't paid his dues getting to kill off Karen Page and Mysterio in his first Marvel work.

The following year, Quesada became editor in chief, Byrne's books were cancelled, and he never worked for Marvel again.

>I'm not sure if Joe Kelly had any conflict with Byrne, though.
IIRC, Kelly said Marvel wanted to reduce the number of Spider- characters, so he killed the ones they wanted gone.

>DC is the only one overshipping, save yourself from being more shameful.
What titles?

It wasn't even Kraven, it was one of his lame kids, and he came back as a lion freak that was killed again almost immediately.

I wish she stuck around and became Silk's roommate nor something, to give her an ally and to let Jonah have a little happiness after he lost his dad and wife and became estranged from his son.

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>IIRC, Kelly said Marvel wanted to reduce the number of Spider- characters, so he killed the ones they wanted gone.

I think they told Duggan to do the same with Hulks, and Remender to do the same with symbiotes.

But this is a Photoshop nightmare.

>it was one of his lame kids
Yeah. Remember this? Vladimir Kravinoff, the GRIM Hunter, like the New Lizard, the rejuvenated Vulture, the female Doctor Octopus, another failed villain reboot.
Quickly dispatched by Kaine.

Attached: grim hunter.jpg (661x1258, 129K)

And Carolyn Trainer, the female Doctor Octopus. Another new villain that no one asked for.
And she was the daughter of SEWARD TRAINER! Remember Sewar Trainer? The man who held the truth about the clones!

This one wasn't killed.

Attached: doctor octopus II.jpg (988x1500, 565K)

abloo bloo bloo, you bitch.

Well, apparently she's now emulating Liv Ock from Spider-Verse.

she was pretty cute

Byrne is an awful petty human being that runs his mouth without caring about the consequences or the dumb shit he's saying. I am not surprised he pissed off a lot of people.

He also gets buttblasted over the dumbest shit, like he compared people referring to word balloons as word bubbles to people calling black people niggers. He also made his career by piggybacking on Kirby's work and got buttblasted because Kirby had a beef with Marvel that got nothing to do with him.

Oh shit, Jonah's dad died?!

Kraven's little bitch girl was the worse, to be honest.

>IIRC, Kelly said Marvel wanted to reduce the number of Spider- characters, so he killed the ones they wanted gone.
Oh fuck that noise. The Gauntlet, Shed and Grim Hunt were just another version of this and interrupted a good run of stories.
And then they proceed to create Silk. With a stupid-ass retcon.

To be fair, he was a pioneer on giving bendis, quesada and smith their due shit.

>thread about marvel
>surprised when it's brought up
Are you people mentally ill or something?

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Yeah he is.

I actually like him. He had a different design, at least.

He was Kraven Cable (Kraveble ou Caben?), just with hunter shit intead of big guns.

BUT he was the new villain that had the best chance of sticking.

>Oh shit, Jonah's dad died?!

Yeah it was like before Clone Conspiracy or something.

I remember Charlotte giving me very strange feelings as a kid.

It was a pretty crazy time. I kind of miss it a little, when the worst thing in comics was really John Byrne being an asshole to people and doing some really bad Spider-Man comics. Now with the advent of Twitter comics creators can go full-Byrne online, while ironically Byrne sticks to his own forum. And while Spider-Man by Spencer is better than Byrne/Mackie era Spider-Man so far, there's a shitload of other current comics outside of Spider-Man that were worse than Byrne's Spider-Man.

And he was just as bad as them and even more autistic than all three combined, so he doesn't have any room to talk shit.

I only read a few stories with Ana, but I remember her being an edgy little shit who apparently never got her comeuppance.

>IIRC, Kelly said Marvel wanted to reduce the number of Spider- characters, so he killed the ones they wanted gone.

The funny thing is that I think the number of currently active Spiders in Earth-616 is even higher than it was when they killed off Mattie and Cassandra.

>Byrne is an awful petty human being that runs his mouth without caring about the consequences or the dumb shit he's saying
So he is perfect user. But all these things don't stop me from liking his run of FF and She-Hulk or his Superman run.

>And he was just as bad as them
Eh i would not say that. At least he has few pretty good runs.

Yeah, that pissed me off to no limit.

He may be a despicable individual, but I'm just saying at least he called them what it is.

can't have a super powered side character without killing them off for drama points

can't have a non-super side character without them faaaaaading to obscurity once a new writer comes on board

Remember when zatana saw a therapist that specialised in magic users and then nobody ever used the character again.

Don't tell Tom King

>Bendis putting Mattie through the wringer in Alias shouldn't come as surprising based on that.
So that was the reason. I thought it was just the usual "Bendis shits on random D-lister for shit and giggles"

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While it was a good end, why couldn’t they have just used that as a chance to bring her back for real? I mean, for fuck’s sake, the Enforcers and Tarantula got to live through the ending yet Mattie has to die again?

There was also that bit in The Loners where she resorts to sleeping with a dude to get evidence or something and is shown to be absolutely disgusted with herself afterward.

I think Ned and the Lizard's wife and son were the only non-villain characters that got to live.

that's almost every magic user's supporting cast.

And then Spencer killed off Ned.

Editorial changes, and writer changes mean what Marvel wanted in 2010, it might not want by 2014. Slott introducing Silk, Spider-Verse happening, Miles being added to 616, and they probably want to add Spider-Gwen as well. Eventually things will probably change and someone will want to reduce the numbers again.

Wait Ned Leeds is ba-
...never fucking mind.

>And then Spencer killed off Ned.
Ned's clone could have at least been used for a story where he and Flash try to bring down Kingsley, but Slott killed Flash as well.

>There was also that bit in The Loners where she resorts to sleeping with a dude to get evidence or something and is shown to be absolutely disgusted with herself afterward.

That one was written by Cebulski, but on the other hand he was actually okay with Byrne.

So has Bendis, and both of them have had a lot of catastrophically bad runs.

God I wish that was me

Still don’t get why, out of all of spideys dead supporting cast, slott decided to bring Ned back. Mattie would’ve been good, jean dewolf would’ve been awesome considering the new wraith it would’ve started an interesting dynamic.

Either it's him or editorial.

It had to be him, of editorial wanted him back they wouldn’t have let spencer kill him without using him once

I just remembered, Homecoming was going to use a Ned Leeds. Probably some sort of half-hearted synergy.