Capes are cool. Fuck this movie and its shitty anti-cape propaganda.
Capes are cool. Fuck this movie and its shitty anti-cape propaganda
Capes are what killed most of the heroes, though. It even killed Syndrome.
nope, fuck capes.
Who cares
Post Elastica ass
*post VioletxRose
they look cool but they're impractical
if you can't make an appealing super suit without a cape then you're just shit
> t. Cape shill
cloaks are cool, capes are not
Alan Scott is ashamed of you all
Why would you want block this view with a cape?
Considering how strong both of them are supposed to be, why did grabbing his cape stop Sentry? You'd think the cape would rip and he'd keep going. Hell, there are moments when Batman just rips off a piece of his cape off with his bare hands.
>I am forgotten
It was meant to be a comedic moment.
All the more reason why it's not a good reason to say "nope, fuck capes."
If I was a hero I'd definitely have a cape like Mysterio's or Strange's
If i was a superhero i would wear a kimono to hide my big muscles and my blades
That's not even a kimono.
>tfw a generic shonen manga understands capeshit ideals more than actual capeshit.
They actually don’t. They equate being a Hero to being a job
Never, my hypnofu
It is a job tho
It’s more than that,
Really ? That manga sucks at trying to be a cool superhero comic which is not
Rightclops seems in favor of it not being a job because they’re not janitors.
>Little girls
>And cloak them
Yes that's good so people don't see the penetration. Keep it classy
I'm siding with Wolvey. X-Men usually deal with a lot of trash and shit.
A job can be more than a job
>this is my uniform
>sips bud light by the fire on a beach
CopClops thinking the X-Men are superior to janitors
It's boring
Janitors eat food, too, Shitclops.
Why didn't she design capes to be ripped off easily in combat? It's not like capes of the past provided protection like modern steel woven capes
What's the consensus on half capes? Better or worse than full capes?
Great, that’s why he’s Rightclops, he sees it as beyond as a job
Pretty good in their own right
been horrifically spiralling downhill since the sports festival arc, I haven't even bothered keeping up for over 3 months now
Worse. Something about them just looks wrong. The only fictional character I've seen, not even a superhero, that it looked good on was Hugh Darrow in Deus Ex 3. With him it made sense because he was missing an arm.
I like nite owl's cape. It's rounded so there's a smaller chance for it to snag to everything and strong enough to work as a shield, but it's flexible enough to be wrapped around.
half capes are based
She obviously never met Megamind
I wanna punch you in the face!
Capes were expensive to animate. By the time of megamind that had changed.
Capes are fine. It just sucks that in The Incredibles Universe, Supers are weak enough to die to cape related problems.
Capes look cool but they really never made any sense 95% of the time.
Batman is one of the few times the cape is actually sensible since it's not only meant to make him have the silhouette of a bat but it's also what allows him to glide.
The deaths they had shown as examples of why capes are bad made no sense at all. At least Dollar Bill in Watchmen was a reasonable cause of death. The supers in Incredibles just had physics temporarily stop working for "comedic" effect.
I miss the Nemean Lion skin look
Spawn's cape is both cool and functional.
The spin off vigilantes actually addresses this issue. It's miles better than the main manga.
A hero who deserves the title should be someone who puts his own safety at risk in order to do the right thing, even when that is not what he is paid to do and even when it goes above and beyond his duty. Meanwhile the so called "heroes" of BNHA are just glorified private security contractors who compete with one another in a popularity contest. The very idea of turning heroism into a career is borderline ludicrous.
the no-capes thing makes a lot of sense in the incredibles universe though, given that virtually no super actually has super-durability
The only one in the Incredibles family itself that doesn't have some form of super durability is Dash, whose power doesn't really go well with a cape. Bob was the one who wanted a cape and he's probably the most durable hero in the movie.
allow me to introduce revolutionary cape fastening technology
Never seen a speedster with a cape
True, but this is also the reason why the Incredibles are alive at all basically. They're built out of steel in a world where everything else is made of paper.
Put the cape in capeshit
>posts a cloak
What about Thor?
It was really only Golden Age Superman that had flightless super speed and a cape, but also seemed to rely more on jumping for travel than running. Speedsters and capes really don't mix in general.
The cape would be the slowest moving part of them, making it an obvious weak spot. Trailing behind them it'd be the easiest part to grab, make them easier to see/follow, and would make a loud flapping sound as they run, ruining any stealth advantages. Capes are good for masking a character's shilouette, making it easier for them to hide things and harder to shoot a vital area, but with super speed you're better off just not standing still long enough to be seen. Unless a cape could be used to glide and fully retract like the wings on Terry's batsuit, it'd just get in the way.
meant in reply to
I always wondered how the Beyond suit's boots were fueled
Why are these capes sewn onto them with steel-level strength.
>Only janitors wear uniforms
>What is the military
Why is Cyclops an idiot.
Violet's durability is activated, she is just as vulnerable to cape snagging shenanigans as a normal person
Helen's durability is not that great either, she's still at risk from bullets
Yes, but Violet would be able to make some use out of the cape, especially if it has a hood, holding it up with a force field and sneaking away from it with invisibility as a distraction. She's still vulnerable to cape snagging shenanigans, but she'd actually be able to get some use out of it.
Helen being vulnerable to bullets really has nothing to do with the cape, but the cape snagging shenanigans are less of an issue since her body (and the cape if it's made from the same material as the rest of her suit) can stretch. And in some situations it might be better to use a really stretchy cape instead of a limb since the cape could just be cut off if need be.
Couldn't the problems with capes be solved by making them use magnetic, velcro, snap, etc. breakaway fasteners?
This cape discussion reminds me of how in early drafts, it was a running gag that the entire family could fly except for Bob because he got too fat, with a gag sketch in the artbook showing him following the rest of the family in the car grumpily raising a Superman fist out the window.
A long coat is better than a cape without the downsides.
Most of the fucking characters in actual comics who wear capes are super-durable and wouldn't have died to any of the things those idiot strawman characters in Incredibles died of.
Not really, at least a cape can be easy to remove if it snags on something with a simple breakaway fastener. A long coat is just a short coat with the added downsides of a cape.
>Most of the fucking characters in actual comics who wear capes are super-durable and wouldn't have died to any of the things those idiot strawman characters in Incredibles died of.
fucking this, but sadly the mouse prefers tactikewl
A superhero is just a glorified cop, fire fighter...etc. Making superhero out to be a job just put a little touch of realism into it
>Arr hurr hurr super hero should either be rich out of the ass or scramble around for food all day everyday
none of the vigilantes(better characters) wear capes so capes are shit
That's what Batman has for his cape although it's not always the case so it depends on the writer.
coats > capes
100% this
A cape made out of actual fabric and not like Kevlar or something would tear like paper before sucking someone into a jet engine
Superheroes should be kept as far from realism as possible. Those BNHA kids are government boots.
I thought Scott's remark was due to him being somewhat disillusioned after of the death of Jean, which was around the time that miniseries was set.