Itt: forgotten disney villlains

Itt: forgotten disney villlains

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He looks like a One Piece villain with broad shoulders and borderline superhuman strength.

Ah yes, Rattigan but human.

He was a more realistic evil than Rattigan. No goofy song to make him "memorable".

A ruthless man that meets a ruthless death.

genuinely scary and awesome. looked a bit too much like anthony's dad from ren&stimpy tho. him and the 80s vibe were the only thing i liked about that movie

Both are based on different novels

Bill Sykes= Bill Sikes from Oliver Twist
Ratigan= Moriarty from Sherlock

Fagin has better claim to main villians status than Sikes, but for some reason they make him sympathetic in every adaptation.
They also always drop Monks, Oliver's older half brother and true architect of his pain.

>cant find a good screencap.

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First I swill your bug poison
Then I fuck your bitch

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Probably the lamest Disney villain ever.

Forgotten because he's too dark.

Was purposedly created to be lame and goofy, it's called comic relief, and to make contrast between the cats and humans, the first outsmarting the latter despite the contrary in real life, to create humor. It's not rocket science

From those two sentences, I can tell you're a deeply unpleasant person.

i literally had forgotten this guy. he's pretty good.

>browsing for "most ruthless disney villains"
>Hans from frozen is on top
>literally no one knows this guy

Good, hope we don't cross each other because otherwise i'd break your jaw with a pipe, you self righteous asshole

Never forgot these two

How fat are you? You seem like a fatty.

Also horseshit, he tries to kill like two people.

Okay guys lets not derail this thread

>break you jaw with a pipe
A toughguy and unpleasant? Who would've thunk it.

Bill Sykes is so forgettable that I thought he was a Don Bluth character at first glance.
It took about 3 seconds to register that he was from Oliver & Company.

It's a pretty forgettable movie over all. Basically it's just "that one that came right before the Little Mermaid".

Who knows how many Sykes has got killed. He's a mobster, has connections and people to do the dirty work for him. Once he clearly discussed at the phone with one of his minions about torturing a man with brass knuckes and them throwing him into the Hudson with cement shoes

He didn't do anything wrong.

Nah, even more than that.
It's the movie that came out the same weekend as A Land Before Time, the film Don Bluth ACTUALLY made.

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There's also Shan Yu and Frollo, who each try to wipe out countless people.

Do they had the privilege of loading a gun on screen? Sure swords are weapons too, but are also heavily romanticized. For what I know he's the only one who drew a semiauto and tried to kill someone with it. I know it doesn't seem very much told like that, but considering the politics regarding weapons and violence in disney, the movie was overall pretty dark. A bold move indeed

If not for Disney Sing Along VHS tapes, I don't think I would have even known that Oliver & Company existed.

It had a top tier dogfu though.

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>Robert Loggia
This movie had a surprisingly stacked cast for a pre-'90s animated movie.

damn look at that (((hooknose)))

he kinda looks like corporate version of Rourke from Atlantis

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Reminder that he had one of the most brutal deaths in Disney history

That Demon guy from Fantasia who is never really brought up or mentioned anywhere again.

He's a kingdom hearts character now and so is the wizard.

Chernobog? That guy is completely the opposite of being a forgettable character.

>Forgetting Chernobog
Are you a fag?

He only appeared in KH1 and was never brought up again. In fact if I remember correctly Jimmy's Journal in KH1 doesn't even bring him up.

He is one of the worst bosses in dream drop distance as well.

I bet nobody remembers his aussie cousin. Bit of a loony but damn good at his job

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Basically the sniper in his later years

Who this? Where he from? I love cartoons about bugs they usually got sexy bees or moths

I wanted to fuck the shit outta him. Klayten, and Lyle too.

how did disney even get away with this back then?

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Man, that guy caused my first nightmare. He made me wet the bed. :(

What's wrong? How did they get away with what?

Patrician taste indeed.

The Meteor from Dinosaur.

Dude thought cats were capable of blowing a multimillion dollar fortune on hookers and catnip in a short amount of time and that "nine lives" was literal and didn't realize that for all intents and purposes, he was still getting the money and was just taking care of them.

Impressive use of CGI for 1988.


>intentionally inept villain is lame

>Amos Slade
>Madame Medusa
>Sa'Luk (if direct to video sequels count)

What the FUCK was his problem?

>most ruthless

Shit, man, most Disney villains do what Hans did in their opening scene.

Calling that a boss fight is being too generous.

This escalated quickly.

>Voiced by George C. Scott doing a slight southern accent

No, I am pretty sure I am constantly reminded that Disney are a bunch of villainous Jews. Like just yesterday with the Spider-man tombstone.

Rita was also pretty nice.

tarzan was great and i'm happy to see it on netflix. it got some drunken tears out of me

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Do you even know which movie?

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Who got it worse
Death by train or...
Crocs and waterfall

I agree. Stuff like Tarzan, L&S, and Emperor’s New Groove fixed the tonal inconsistency that really plagued the mid-90s Disney movies. Id say late 90s-early 2000s was peak writing/artistry for Disney until they started fucking up after L&S

>Emperor’s New Groove
which is funny because tonal inconsistency and the inability to write characters we could care about was the biggest problem with Kingdom of the Sun

Was it Brother Bear 2?

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He was barely a villain

Calm down Mr. Norris.


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He looks like a business sleazeball variant of Ruber, with his tiny cranium and huge face, hulking shoulders and upper body.
>One Piece villains
A) really mixed bag
B) can't think of any villains with a tiny cranium, certainly no major arc ones. The norm for serious one piece villains is generally impossibly-tall-and-handsome with the odd ogre, and some henchmen are tanky megashoulder types

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One Piece has affected my ability to percieve Blackbeard as anyone other than Marshall Teach. I love McShane but he doesn't scream Blackbeard.

Honestly he reminds me of Crocodile crossed with Burgess.

>his entire motivation is just to squeeze money from a hobo

Pointless. Why.

>Do they had the privilege of loading a gun on screen?
Would be impressive if they did given their locations and time periods.

How did Monty Python get away with making Life Brian? How did Woody Allen get away with breathing oxygen?

Sometimes you just gotta let a bum know where he stands in life or he'll start getting ideas.

>How did Monty Python get away with making Life Brian?

George Harrison.

Fuck this shit.

'Mickey's Garden'
Mickey is spraying for bugs in his garden, only to end up getting gassed with his own spray, causing him to hallucinate into thinking he's shrunk down to bug size.

That's how they funded it once EMI went AHHH and ran away - but today they'd need more than that because the bullshit brigade would actively seek to destroy them.

I had a DVD that was a compilation of old Mickey cartoons and I loved this cartoon as well as the ones with the orphans.

>had crazy voodoo and a magic sword but did jack shit with it other than draw the quake logo on jack sparrow
the whole movie was meh

Both him and the dogs had some pretty brutal deaths given how disney standards/policies are are

The Phantom Blot is underutilized AF.

He was in the House of Mouse Halloween episode macking on Malificent

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i bet youre not that tough