How about a shelf thread?

How about a shelf thread?

Just got Shao Kahn. Wish I got the collector box from BBTS instead of Substandard because it's a mess and collector was only 4 dollars more. Oh well.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Those are very nice figures. Did you like the MKX comic that came out a few years back?

Does anyone here actually buy Marvel Essentials?

Thanks. Yes I enjoyed that comic a lot. It's too bad they didn't make all of it canon.

As an companion media to the game I enjoyed too. It made Goro sympathetic of all people!

I wish they could have done an MK11 comic or have the writer of the MKX comic write the story for MK11/X. The story for 11 was kind of lame. I wish they'd go back to doing tournaments.

Don’t forget the thread intro

Shelf thread:
Post/discuss recent purchases, shelves, collections, current reading, etc.

Don't know where to buy? Try these: (known to manhandle books with bad packaging) (worldwide shipping, often has sales) (worldwide shipping)
[your local comic shop here]

Are you Euro or UK and don't know where you should buy? Try these: (EU) (EU) (UK, hefty fees if delivery address outside of UK) (free worldwide shipping but known to manhandle books) (worldwide shipping) (AUS/NZ, free shipping if referral by Booko)

Price Comparison website(s):

New list of things out next week:
Upcoming Omnibus/Hardcovers:

Thread question:
>what’s your favorite horror comic?

I did yes. When I was a broke teenager they were good bang for your buck. I read a lot of good comics between those and the DC Showcase books

Thanks, I couldn't find the copypasta anywhere.

Should I read Immortal Hulk even though I've never read any Hulk before?


Thanks for the user who pointed out that there's already another shelf thread. Just to copy/paste my concern here:

I posted in an earlier shelf thread and some guys here recommended me a Billy bookshelf for my comics (Hemnes is too expensive in my opinion). Now, I have seen many people online discuss how the individual shelves are a potential risk due to the instability. On Ikea's website, they recommend the 40x40x202 for heavier books but I am wondering how the 80x40x202 would hold Absolutes. Can the 80cm version actually hold 30kg per individual shelf/row or do I have to buy two 40cm bookshelves?
If you guys could post your fully loaded 80x40x202 Billy shelves, that would be awesome

Just got this.

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Nice user

You can still follow the story alright but it’s way more fun to read with prior knowledge of the hulk. Also PAD Hulk is required read amigo

Speaking of horror, anyone else gonna pick up this bad boy

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Needed this thread, man. Was arguing with Bendis hatebonerers over Legion. They'd rather he not do it at all (which is the state of Legion anyway, not being published.) I argue we are getting reprints so it's worth it. God it's impossible reasoning with these people. I don't even think they buy comics.

>okay with bendis writing legion for more legion exposure
This is a very positive way of thinking and I support

Just curious but for anyone here with a big shelf of comics and/or action figures/toys, how do the opposite sex (or whatever you're into) react when they see it all? Is this stuff pussy kryptonite?

It's all you can do. Heroes in Crisis for example. Terrible comic. BUT, it shown the spotlight on Booster Gold, precipitating a Dan Jurgen's run in hardcover this fall (assuming it doesn't get canned.) We /shelfers/ only really care about collected editions, and attention is where those come from.

what's the best version of the Green Lantern/Green Arrow stuff

Objectively it's the absolute edition. But you're fine with the paperback.

the Deluxe edition is also pretty nice, or you can wait for the new one coming out later this year

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when does it come out

I was mistaken, it comes out January the 7th

It’s exactly how I feel about his young justice, I want a new deluxe edition

fuck that's a long wait
I might just get something else for right now

Have you cummed on psylocke yet?

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Almost all my figure have been gifts from girls, really it depends on what type of girl you’re going for my man. Most ladies are hidden weebs or are into something to the same extent as you

I wouldn't know because no woman has ever seen it. Hopefully not. Women are usually receptive to me otherwise.

I have a lot of toys that people say I should cum on but I don't. Especially my Kotobukiya Black Canary. I would never ruin her value by cumming on her.

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depends on the girls you want to attract. If you interact with regular girls, ergo non-weebs and non-nerds, you'll have kind of a hard time. I only have female friends who are into sports, travelling etc so they kinda laugh whenever I say that I have a (small) comic collection. they're totally alright with it though because girls realise that they also have some weird hobbies. figures are a whole other thing in my eyes because they're hard as fuck to explain to regular people who don't give a shit about that kind of stuff. I mean, I even catch myself thinking to myself why some people would collect certain shit like Funko Pops so I get why outsiders would give people with figures an odd look.
My advice for you if you're really uncertain or insecure: Just play it off like a joke and say that you're really into art
Protip if you actually don't give a fuck as you should: Actually say that you read comics due to the stories which are, to some extent, actually better than many books and offer the girls a comic or two.

The only new edition I have is that dragon age I got as a gift. I also just ordered Bernie Wrightson’s Frankenstein

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this came in last week
it wont fit on my shelf because it's so unweildingly large so it's on my bed

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First comics of the month. Got the issues of Adventurers that I was missing. The new Kramers has some fantastic stories in it. The Blood of the Virgin story from Sammy was great. I dug the Trots and Bonnie stories too. Can't believe I've never heard of that one.

Usually just funny looks or banter about it. People don't really give that much of a shit.

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and here's part 2
still regret not buying this though

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Faggot, just wipe of the jizz when your done, of course take a few pictures before you do that

If someone asks me why I collect figures and comics I just say they're fun. If that person wants to get confrontational about they can just leave my house.

Cool collection, fuck funko pops though

what are the highlights of Ergot

Depends on you, depends on the girl. If you're cool and confident, it literally doesn't matter what's in your room. My room is basically a library to nerdy shit, and it's never been a problem. If a girl agrees to go back to your place, she wants to fuck you, and seeing comics books once she gets into your room isn't going to change that.

It was my birthday so I got this

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That’s fair. In my defense they were gifts, do I get to keep my shelf card?

you can have the ironic funko card

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Felicidades cabrón

How do I ask a girl I like out

Not sure if this counts as recent, but I've been re-reading Comix 2000 (third time around), and I've been loving almost every page of it. More than 300 authors from all over the world, including several well-known names that I'm too lazy to mention here.

It's a library rental (handling with care) because the cheapest available copy online is more than $150.

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happy birthday

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Cool and confidently. I would need some more information about the situation to give better advice than that. But really, if she likes you, she's going to say yes no matter how much you bumble and stumble through the proposition.

happy birthday amigo


Rec me some horror books. are gideon falls and/or the immortal hulk in the trade yet? I dont wanna get single issues

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Batman Black Mirror is pretty sweet

I'm starting a new job in 3 weeks
>same position as I am now but different company
>27% pay increase

I can get 27% more comic books now

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>met girl in class
>said hey one day, and then she started to talk me everyday after that and keeps asking me personal questions about family and hobbies, she initiates conversations randomly
>after two weeks, I just asked for her number and then she took my phone and put it in without hesitating
>sitting here hesitating to text her, but I'll see her again tomorrow anyway
>have comic collection that I never mentioned or want to mention

Sounds like she's just waiting for you to make the move. Be warned, if you wait too long, the opportunity may pass, and you may find yourself in the deaded friendzone.

Luck favors the bold, strike while the iron's hot, yada yada. Nothing is more attractive to a woman than confidence and assertiveness, nothing is less attractive than the guy who sits their twiddling his thumbs wondering "what if."

she'll probably say no

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The name is Batty, the logic is erratic

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That right there is called a "loser attitude" and won't help you.

Even if she says no, that's fine. You're back where you started, you had nothing to lose. There are a million other girls out there. Even if she's just your friend, that's fine because she can introduce you to her friends. It's good to know people. I'm not you, and I don't know her, but you will probably regret not asking more than you will regret having asked in the case of a rejection.

If she says no give her my number, I've got nothing to lose.
I mean if it really does become awkward you won't see her beyond class if you don't want, right? You'll be a ghost by the end of a semester and with some call ingores.

> Lightspeed Red

/shelf/ - Funkos & Relationship Advice

>You'll be a ghost by the end of a semester
Yeah, pretty much over in a couple of weeks.

More likely GoRed considering the kamen rider up top

>players handbook
Do you have any other dnd books?

Happy birthday. Do anything nice?

was DC Dark Knights: Metal any good?
I think this is the best thread to ask in

Like this

All the stuff I got in the last month. Which I need to stop until I get a new shelf.

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Son of a bitch, how? It's not out for a few more days.

The best in my opinion are:
Blood of the Virgin Part ? by Sammy Harkham
Liquid on Neutral by CF
Trots and Bonnie strips by Shary Flenniken
Sarka by Lale Westvind
Equalizers by Helge Reumann
The Hall of The Bright Carvings by Anna Haifisch
There are a few stories that were stinkers, but most of them were pretty good.

My order to fill a couple of holes in my box from Midtown's sale the other week just came in. Now I just wish IST would ship my damn order. Pick the other two books!

It took me so long to get my copy after being yanked around by Amazon that I have vol. 2 coming next week and I haven't even opened the first. I'll have to get through that this week.

Oh, yeah. I love that shit.
Werewolf by Night is really entertaining. You can still get the omni I think. I’ve read mine like three times.

Better view

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My order to fill a couple of holes in my box from Midtown's sale the other week just came in. Now I just wish IST would ship my damn order. Pick the other two books!

It took me so long to get my copy of vol. 1 after being yanked around by Amazon that I have vol. 2 coming next week and I haven't even opened the first. I'll have to get through that this week.

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We've cum so far and got so hard

I've got a ton of digital ones. The player's handbook is nice to have in print though.

>Golden Age Batman
Good work
That’s like the second time I’ve seen Caniff in these threads.


I ordered it, they dispatched it and delivered it. Not sure really to be honest

I only just started the first myself

I also won this last night on an impulse after someone mentioned it the other day here (or another thread?). I got it for a damn good price but I didn't realize until after I won that they're reprinting a hardcover in October.
I could probably flip it if I read it fast enough for a little profit.

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Nothing could have surprised me more than how much I’ve come to love Golden Age Batman.

Can't I just ask in person

Yes. Keep calm, don't over think the situation, treat it like any other conversation with her. We believe in you user.

>I argue we are getting reprints so it's worth it.
Which reprints? Is 5YL re-solicited?

Thanks, I love Caniff. Reading Terry & The Pirates was a life-changing experience for me, it renewed my love of newspaper strips.

I'm looking forward to it. This will be only the second Batman story I've ever read after Dark Knight Returns like 15 years ago.

>I argue we are getting reprints so it's worth it.
Of what? Anything not written by Bendis that they're contractually obligated to print for his duration?
Have you seen the state of DC's trade department? They canceled Hitman re-prints, and you think Legion is going to get printed?

its a trap

Oh I don't know that something is coming. I'm just speculating because that's what usually happens, such as Heroes in Crisis causing a reprint of Jurgen's Booster Gold. I suspect Great Darkness Saga at the very least will get a reprint, which I will happily jump on.


I have a couple of X-men ones. There are good to wait for the epics to fill the gaps

Feliz cumpleaños hijo e puta

Mine shipped today so I should get it tomorrow. I'm pretty stoked. I've been dying to finally reread it without the shitting online translations.


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Not pictured but just arrived today: Mouse Guard Fall, and Ragnarok hardcovers 1 and 2

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Going through Bendis' run on Miles Morales. Pleasantly surprised so far. Like usual, Bendis only works with the best artists, like Pichelli and Marquez (and even Samnee for an issue!)

>thinking DC is still going to print stuff after AT&T has signalled that they're ending print production

are they going full digital or are they just endings comics as a whole

They ended Mad last week

could I get some proof on this
companies will usually let a failing thing survive it the merch produces money.This is why the simpsons are still alive today

>it is the year 2080
>the entirety of DC comics physical book catalogue: all star superman, batman year one, dark knight returns, watchmen, kingdom come, sandman

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2080 would have some great releases, because that's the year that all of DC's cancelled releases get move to on amazon

Mad is just a magazine though. There is no merch,movies or shows to make money off of
well there was a show but it ended years ago

ay you got the reference


>all star superman
Based and morrisonpilled

For me, its front morrisons run on the justice league of America. The best superhero comic run ever written.

>tfw you give your girl the ol' Front Morrison

It's where you rub your bald head between a womans breasts while saying a magic spell and vigorously masturbating

>>what’s your favorite horror comic?
Shame is my answer but if I had to pick one more fullly in the Horror genre I would go with Lust by Steve Niles, Ben Templesmith and Menton3

Attached: Shame-4.jpg (378x580, 117K)

it's already out, I have a copy and it's beautiful, nice thick paper stock . that's probably another printing

Was thinking of buying legion trades. What should I get?

that's pretty cool
happy birthday
I'm enjoying all those Image books you got there
no, it was really stupid and typical Snyder batwank
alright, who did you kill for all that? I may come for you to finish up my Supreme Power collection

It was fun at least, if heavy on the batwank.

No. At the most you'll get people who say it's fun, but it's not good.

My birthday was a few weeks ago. Here's a combination of stuff I got as gifts and stuff I bought for myself.

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tfw I have finally completed the picture.

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I really want that Zatanna but it's so expensive in Canada $60. Also good pick on Sunstone

>Shade the Changing Girl
Nice. It's fucking baffling it's the same writer as that fuckawful Furies book though.

*blocks you're path*

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I want one of those pretty badly. Shame it's out of print.

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Yeah. Dark Horse will go under before it gets reprinted. I have it, and all the Colossal Conans and really treasure them since they're so rare

Complete apathy. Occasionally looking at the shelf the way one would look at the books in a library, pulling them out to see the covers.

It’s just one corner of my room, and I’ve got plenty of prose books too. Tbh I’d probably preen if a chick mentioned my shelf.


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never had a issue in the past but I'm married now.


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i'm going to out on a limb and guess you like Hellboy

Went to the Mexican flea market and found a bunch of Nam.

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I'm expecting a batch to come in the mail some time today with my copy of Mort Cinder. Pretty hype about it.


physical copies are absolutely based

My grandpa went to school with Doug Murray


I’ll have to give those a read user

Immortal Hulk has multiple trades but I'm personally waiting for the hardcover, just three more months.
Tanabe Gou's HP Lovecraft stories are pretty good, they just released the first part of his At the Mountains of Madness in English too.

The 2 GFs I have had since I started collecting Yea Forums related material havent cared. My current GF and I keep my shelf in the living room. I get more worried about showing my friends my shelf.

Why? If they judge you for reading comics then they're not really your friends.

Look, take it from me. I have over 10,000 floppies and comics are basically my life. I hang out with dudebros and none of my actual friends have ever thought it was anything other than interesting.

If your friends are going to judge you over comics, it more than likely means they're already doing it. You just don't know it. Comics then become the convenient excuse to bully you out loud. Which means they're not making fun of you for reading comics - they're just making fun of you.

Action figures and statues are crazy lame though so don't do that.

>new super-man
absolutely based

>Action figures and statues are crazy lame though so don't do that.
this is the post

Perfect summation of quite a few things.

I have one that's still sealed if you want it.

>New Super-Man

Probably not for what you'll charge.

Have a bit more stuff coming in the post, but here's everything Yea Forums-related on hand that I've bought so far this month.

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I've still got Green Arrow 8, Great Darkness Saga and Strangers in Paradise 2 coming at some point.

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I thought the Ghost Rider figures were Twisted Metal and I was trying to figure out who they were.
And never stop buy, just buy more shelves (or boxes).

Toys are really all I buy these days.

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I wish I had an ant-man helmet.

Have you guys ever had this happen? Had a shipment sent via UPS from IST last week to my courier which was slated to arrive last Saturday, and it apparently did but it's stuck at "In Transit". The last status in the shipment process underneath says:

>07/08/2019 - 3:13 P.M.
>Miami, FL, United States
>Received by the post office

>07/06/2019 - 12:07 P.M.
>Miami, FL, United States
>Package out for post office delivery

>07/06/2019 - 11:57 A.M.
>Miami, FL, United States
>Package sorted by post office

Since it's a courier service, I can't really check directly whether it arrived or not until they update or sort the status in the system. So annoying.

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I generally ask people who get weird about it what the last thing they read was. That usually shifts the subject to something else in short order.
>t.3/4 of my fuckhuge omni collection consists of gifts from my wife.

All the time. It'll be fine.

Reminds me of some girl who tagged along with the group of us nerds to see Endgame, and I could feel she was constantly judging me over liking comics, to the point she was mystified that I still followed them and had no idea they were still running. At some point I was like "yeah, I do read comics, there's good stories, so what?" (Specially dumb since I read a lot of novels and have more serious interests otherwise). Granted,I was the one in the group who read comics the most (others were mostly aware of the stories and characters but not much else), but it really ticked me.

I didn't want to judge her back because I'm glad other people are having interests like these even if deeply superficial, but I couldn't understand why someone would try and shame others for liking deep nerd shit while going to see a movie based precisely on nerd shit. Good thing she wasn't a regular in the group, only the girl the "chad" of the group was dating. Hate to sound so stereotypical but that's what she was. I don't even hate women nor act awkward around them the way a lot of people in this board do, so finding one that was a jerk was a true test of faith

Happy Birthday!

Treat yourself my dude. Happy bday.

happy birthday

Alright, that's reassuring, thanks. Hopefully today I'll get an update, because it makes no sense to me.

This one time I had ordered a copy of something massively out of print, waited two weeks past when it should've arrived, got refunded because it had been lost in transit and then it showed up

Best plot twist ever.

Needless to say the prison sentence was well worth the crime.

I've posted versions of it before, but never the full shelf in its entire, messy first, so here it is. There's a gap between some of the books where my Annihilation volumes are supposed to be, because I lent them to a buddy.
I'm gonna have to relocate a lot of my lit for space once the new trades I ordered arrive in a few weeks, and I'm sure it's gonna be hell.

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Better than SAO

A nice bookshelf filled with comics with decent looking spines isn't a bad look if the woman is even a little bit chill, but in my experience having action figures actively displayed in your home is a good way to spend a lot of time alone.

Started reading a manga a couple days ago. Currently at chapter 803

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>reading 800 chapters in a couple of days

>hot toys
>gaogaigar figs

Richfag AF

Clarifying, It's One Piece and I just finished the Dressrosa arc.

How do you absorb the amount of information OP gives you in just a few days? I shiver in disgust thinking of all the things you missed in the blur of flipping pages. Did you even look for Pandaman?

I wanted to catch up from the beginning since the last update I remember is a time skip starting. I've read it before, and I caught some stuff I didn't notice/remember before. It's similar to a good movie, each time you read something you should notice something you didn't before and it's like a new experience. It's fun, no need to worry. Are you the user that collects OP? What are your general thoughts about it? Do you think it'll ever end? What crew member do you think is going to get added next?

>Are you the user that collects OP?
I own 90 volumes but plenty of others buy it as well.
>general thoughts
It's the series I'm the most emotionally invested in. Been reading it weekly since 2008 and will not stop until it's over.
>Do you think it'll ever end?
The ending was planned out before it even started, it will end when the time comes, and that time is steadily and inevitably approaching.
Jinbe of course

Tom Scioli is going to be doing Fantastic Four Grand Design. I'm a decent fan of his, so I'm excited. I think somebody on Yea Forums suggested this as the next Grand Design project.

disgusting viz shill here. I moved out of my parents house last month so I finally have space for a second shelf. it's arriving today. I can finally get one piece back out of its boxes and get some of my newer books off my desk space. a friend wants to buy my dragon ball books since I want to replace them with the boxset tanks or VIZbig versions

sorry about the mess. I took this picture when a ton of books were on my desk

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You really can't just buy one. Though I'm done with iron man units besides the Mark 85 and war machine mk 4. Yondu and Vision are on my short list of impulse buys to get.

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Haven't read Piskor's first Great Design with the X-Men mainly because it's the X-Men (I only care about their cosmic stuff), that said, I saw it received a lot of praise here and other places... So maybe I'll actually buy the trade? And I'm definitely way more into the Fantastic Four so that's gonna be a yes for me.


i wish viz did boxsets for more of their series, i "lost" all my OG yu-gi-oh when a friend was house sitting for me and decided to bring his dog with him despite me telling him no and let it do whatever it wanted to so it peed on the bottom shelf of my bookcase where they all were

get a glass bookshelf next time

were you my friend? he said exactly that

The absolute state of the catalog. I’m convinced no fan base comes even close to the autism reached by Spiderfags.

What a great friend

Xfags and Batfags.
Neither of them ever seem to be happy

Small and too capeshit focused, but surprisingly kino. You've got good taste overall.

Now just branch out into more non-Marvel/DC.

>$274 for Stan Lee figure
Fuck. Can I have some money, user?

Cmon, help a bro out guys. Is there anyone who stacked >5 books Omnis or Absolutes on their billy shelves and witnessed the thing being sturdy enough to carry the weight?

Cumpleaños feliz, carnal!

Billy a shit. Kallax master race.

I don't trust anything from IKEA anymore...

why did he bring a dog that isn't housetrained

I get my fun money from you though.
VA benefits yo.
Ants is due next.

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I’ve had fully loaded Billy’s for 2 years now and theres no sign of danger.

I saw two Billy shelves in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me

Yeah, thought about Kallax but it doesn't have enough space unfortunately

What happened?

Which ones? The slim ones (40cm) or the 80cm ones? That's the issue I'm facing atm

What happened then?!?!

My Spider-Man autism is for comics only.

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My book babies :)

Fuck off


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just got it all set up. Ill take better pictures of this in a bit.

>i wish viz did boxsets for more of their series.
I'm still waiting for an OG yu-gi-oh and assassination classroom boxset
>I "lost" all my OG yu-gi-oh
Major oof dude. I would get pets if It wasn't for how much I love my collection. when I lived with dogs at an old roommates house their dogs tore up a shit ton of my console cords. maybe some day i'll get a glass shelf like said.

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Yep, You sure seem like a Spidey fan.

Just bought GL Earth One and Hal Jordan Green Lantern volume 1
Didn't expect earth one to be so expensive though

>assassination classroom boxset
did you miss this announcement?

holy shit user thank you for telling me about this.

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I’m completely gay for Spider-Man, user. Hi
better pics

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Having long, collected series on a shelf looks so good. I hate how hodge-podgey my shelf is but that's just the way she goes.
Oh, and
>I Am A Hero

I hate seeing virgin-tier anime youtubers with collections full of just 1-2 volumes of series. I never understood why they continue to buy manga if they can only find a couple series they can really stick with. I like keeping and collecting series I really love.

>I Am A Hero, Based.
I fucking love this manga. I was already aware it had a "weak" ending, but started it anyway. I read the last couple unofficial scans after after picking up book 10 last week and honestly it wasn't that bad of an ending. just leaves a couple questions unanswered. I hope the spin off manga get localized aswell, even if they arn't that great.

I want to read more seinen manga especially stuff dark horse releases, their books are almost always high quality.

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On the other hand, there are loads of books I have only the first volume or two of. Why should I keep paying for them if the story gets worse or I turn out to not like it?
Sure, I could always sell it, and sometimes eventually I do, but until then it just sits on my shelf.
Looking at you, Sex Criminals

I'm talking entire rooms filled with manga like that. one that comes to mind is digibro. i'm not a fan of him but when I was looking for manga recommendations I saw his manga mondays videos and his shelf is a disgusting mess of stacked first volume manga and random omnibuses. it's gross.

>Why should I keep paying for them if the story gets worse or I turn out to not like it?
I really don't like hero academia after book 12 but I do plan on buying up til book 19 for it's covers. though the new villain arc is pretty kino and might get me to buy through the post-yakuza arc books just for those ones.

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personally for manga i use those thin ikea dvd shelf things, most people sell them for £5 sometimes a that price for 3-4 because they've had them for a month or 2 and no one wants them

What’s special about those showmen jumps? Or did you just pick them up?

>Amiibo festival
Shame on you user, SHAME!

Maybe the original releases?

if you're talking about the magazines, they're nothing special. I got them on ebay about a year and a half ago for the final project in my mass media research class. We were asked to do a presentation about the history and evolution of a media company (magazines, tv channels, websites, ect) I chose shonen jump. of course I talked about the Japanese publication, but brought in those magazines to give the audience a glimpse of what the magazine was like. I was strapped for time and couldn't wait for a Japanese magazine to be imported so I went for this lot. it was a nice collection piece afterwards. one of them is from my childhood but I don't remember which one

I WANTED THE ISABELLE AMIIBO DONT BULLY ME IT WAS ONLY $15 I haven't even unwrapped the game.

I got this "media shelf" for super cheap for my games. I'll probably replace it with another one of the shelves i'm using for manga once my game collection gets big enough/

Attached: games.jpg (3024x4032, 2.24M)

>composite cables
i hope those are just spares and you're using component cables, user

Hey dude, you were right! I just checked and it was marked as delivered a few hours ago. I guess I just had to be patient.
Now I'll patiently await two more weeks for the 8 epic collections and trades I ordered.

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It's sitting right next to a shelf of NES games. Nothing wrong with composite for that.
Nigga it's 2019. If you're going to be elitist about this shit, at least mention HDMI. Component hasn't been relevant in years.

my consoles/entertainment center are an absolute mess user. thought alot of the mess on the top is because I just tore apart my room to get this shelf in order, it's getting there.

I believe those are cables for the NES but i'm not really sure. I don't have enough space for consoles since it's all a mix top loaders and front loaders. I don't get much time to play the consoles so I don't really worry about the set up.

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i see ps2 and wii games on the shelf, you shouldn't be using those crappy hdmi adapters because they just shit on the videoquality and they all look dark unless you're going for something expensive like a framemiester

>PS2 and Wii
Fair enough. But even still, composite is still just fine for those. The wii benefits a little bit, but wii graphics are shit anyway that it hardly matters.
at least we can both agree that user needs to tidy up his fucking cables though

honestly I don't really care about composite/hmdi on consoles that old. If I had the space Id be playing on a CRT anyway. pre-hdmi consoles look like dog shit on HD TVs no matter what you do.

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Component cables make a huge difference for the PS2 and the Wii. Both have games that even run in widescreen resolutions. That guy's crazy.

>Beserk vol 2
>Go Go Power Rangers vol 3
>Umaru-chan vol 6
>Tomo-chan is a girl vol 4

Outside of Beserk, nothing really big this wekk.

It'll be interesting to see what he incorporates outside of Lee/Kirby. Piskor's end point for X-Men was Claremont leaving, but Scioli already talked about stuff like Secret Wars, Nathaniel Richards and the Bendis era Illuminati as things he wanted to add in

>Tom Scioli is going to be doing Fantastic Four Grand Design.
so when is Scioli going to join /shelf/?

For a select few games, sure. But for the vast majority, the old ways work without an issue. It's how the consoles were originally used, and we had no problem with it back then.

Holy shit, I didn't realize Grand Design was gonna become a thing. X-Men has been sick so far, and would love to see F4 and Avengers.

Any word on a OHC/Omni/Boxset or something of X-Men Grand Design? I want to get the trades but they're stupid expensive.

>NES and SNES cartridges
do you have an FC Twin or something?

>original consoles
nm, my NES still works...usually but it's a pain in the ass

>he didn't have a CRT screen with component ports
neither did i, i used a AV to scart and got a better picture than composite

Any not too well known but really good comic runs y'all on /shelf/ recommend?

yes. ask a vague question get a vague answer

It has no collected editions, one was solicited and then cancelled because DC, but I really like the J.m DeMatteis Doctor Date series

Also the Steve Englehart Fantastic Four run is really good and it's all in the Epic collection " The More Things Change"

Fucking nice, love the 'Nam.

Okay, how about this: Any runs not/hasn't been collected in trades that /shelf/ recommends?

Books of Magic was never fully collected, loved all that I did read though. O'Neil The Question, Starman, Grell's Shado mini. Hey, look at all that DC

I too like to collect kamen rider figures

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Are the silver age Legion of Superhero books worth getting?

I will. I find myself gravitating towards pulpy stuff like this more than superhero stuff these days. Savage Sword of Conan, Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu, Tomb of Dracula, etc.


I feel the same user, something about old school horror books that just embody comfy

Starman did get fully collected.
But in hardcovers.
When they started doing paperbacks, the sales were shit because everyone who wanted them bought the hardbacks from 2008-2012, so they cancelled the rest

and now those HC's go for stupid money

No joke, last time I visited a large used bookstore, there were at least 12 copies of Starman vol 1 (softcover) sitting in a pile at the back.
DC really thought it would be a hit like the hardcovers were, and printed a shit load of copies that ended up being liquidated.


It's always fun to see which books end up mass in stock at used book stories

Around here it's the post Morrison Animal Man trades and that late 80's - early 90's Doctor Strange omnibus just sitting in piles

Same at this one. I've been tempted to grab them all, but the line ddn't collect the last seven issues or so.
Which is to be expected from low selling titles

>Dr. Strange
That’s not a good time for Strange

Good ass question, was thinking of getting a tpb I saw that was kinda cheap

So many:
>Gruenwald's Quasar, 62 issues, only collected until 25
>Sleepwalker, 33 issues, never collected
>Darkhawk, 50+ issues, only one trade from #1-9
>Large swathes of the New Universe imprint were never collected... Justice, DP7, Spitfire, etc., which is understandable considering its demise but w/e
I'm all about the late 80's and early 90's weird cosmic/street level stuff by Gruenwald and the likes.

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Marvel has some good stuff that they way over printed too. I got HC's of Thor Blood Brothers, For Asgard, most of Supreme Power all for really cheap.

It really depends. The first one isn’t as good as the second. The Edmund Hamilton and later Jim Shooter stories are solid. There’s lots of Curt Swan art.
All that aside, the best of the DC silver age stuff is Doom Patrol. Get that.

I wouldn't say they were good per se (I don't trust my memory of them) but as a kid I enjoyed all the edgy '90s Marvel occult comics like Spirits of Vengeance, Nightstalkers, Morbius, etc. It seems like hardly any of that stuff got reprinted, just the Rise of the Midnight Sons crossover and Darkhold. I'd like to have the other books just for nostalgic reasons.

Darkhold isn't even collected properly.
Their "complete collection" contains the main series, but the entire last chunk of it was part of a super-crossover, and that's not included

Dope. Can we get a Stokoe Spider-Man or Surfer Grand Design?

Should I read the Punisher Max books after Ennis?

If you mean never fully collected in trades, you'll have a gold mine with just Vertigo. Books of Magic, Sandman Mystery Theatre, Shade The Changing Man among many other.

>Stokoe on a free-for-all prestige format book
God yes please


I'm collecting DC movies, so that's fun

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Is there really this many dc movies?

i think they released a blu-ray boxset with 50 dc animated movies in it so there's a lot

No I made all of these up with my incredible photoshop skillz

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Ayyy, still haven't updated because of depression

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Marvel Untold Story is such a great read. Wish there was more like it.

Is that the one where they burn an effigy of Jim Shooter?

nothing new. repostan

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Among other anecdotes, yes

It's really gonna be like this and it's so depressing. A few years back I was so autistically obsessed with owning a complete shelf of all Batman trade paperbacks, but I got so disillusioned because of DC's retarded mapping and quality control problems and realizing that so many great stories are never going to be collected. I sold everything I could. I kind of regret it, but still.

Batman being done in the Marvel Epic Collection style is my pipe dream.

damn australian comics

Yet somehow the Robert Crumb book is the right-side up!

Hilarious, I constantly update because of mine.

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Maybe in 30 years if whatever megacorp owns AT&T feels like doing physical printing, and if all the old creators are dead

fuck yes

Think I had a complete run of DickBats.

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I just sold two long boxes full of shounen jumps to my LCS and I was just wondering if I found a neighbor

This is pretty late but the writer of the MKX comic did write the story for MK11.

>upcoming television series
This will only end in tears

I feel you brother. All I've ever wanted was every issue of Superman/AC and Batman/DC from 1970-1990. Can't say I ever see it happening. And we're talking DC's golden geese. O well

My desires are far more humble. I'd be fine with DC just collecting Denny O'Neil's Fables.

More like /shelf/-steem am I right?

Anyone here know where you can get a 24x36 print of the banned eva green sin city poster. The one whete you see her nipple?

yup, omni incoming, lets hope they don't fuck it up and skew the drawings again. oh yeah, DO NOT want a tv show, only thing that might work is to do Circle of Blood and then cut everything by Scarab. I don't think a whole season of her in a mental hospital sharing notes would work. Still, I am happy I can shove Kabuki at more people

I'm torn on whether I should wait for the omnis or just keep going with the trades.

Which is funny because i found volume 5 hc at a liquidation store for 5.99

I love those awesome finds!

Adding on to what others have said
>Ostrander's Spectre
>Ostrander's Firestorm run
>Steve Gerber's Foolkiller
>Vertigo's Scarab (am I seriously the only one who knows this exists?)

Man, I think the New52/Rebirth approach of spines all being the same is way too boring, but this is awful in the exact opposite direction. There's absolutely no design unity whatsoever, even within the same titles.
Cool collection, though -DickBats was kino. Just a shame that the spines look so fucking ugly.

Just shipped

>Not Brand Ecch Epic Collection
What an awesome thing for marvel to recollect. Get it while it's in print.
>Batman Rebirth Deluxe Vol. 4
I know this title is polarizing but I love it and I love Tom King's take, and am sad that he was taken off the title. At least he can finish it in his maxi series. Any bets on who will take over with #86?

My theory is that Tom Taylor will write the book from 86 thru 100, with 100 being a smash celebration issue. Then they will renumber back to #1 (which is functionally the same as 101) to coincide with some big universe shake-up that will happen around then. I suspect Bendis is the one that will take that big smash #1 issue. By then he will have finished his Superman stuff and they will shuffle him over to the other shiny toy of the company.

So I was wondering: This got released yesterday, the first volume of Morrison & Sharp's Green Lantern, "Intergalactic Lawman" (not my pic, got it off Twitter). I've been following the series and enjoying it, so naturally I wanted to get the collected editions, but I'm not familiar with DC's printing habits. Is it normal that this gets released as a hardcover first? Is it worth getting it in this format?
I just checked Edelweiss and saw that there's going to be a paperback version on December 24th (!), the same day as as the second volume of the series but on hardcover. I think it's counterproductive, but I'd like to read some opinions.

>>Not Brand Ecch Epic Collection
Yeah, I'm looking forward to this one, it's on my list for upcoming purchases, likely September/October when a slew of releases I want from Marvel are getting released.

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>Batman being done in the Marvel Epic Collection style is my pipe dream.
That would be like 500 batillion volumes

Here's the Edelweiss listing in case you're interested...

Attached: greenlantern-morrison.png (988x830, 266K)

I'm certain this will get an omnibus down the road so I'm holding out.

I get the feeling that's the case too. I guess we'd have to wait until later this year to see where the "second season" leads to first, before making any decisions.

>Is it normal that this gets released as a hardcover first? Is it worth getting it in this format?
This is one of Didio's latest schemes, likely brought on by AT&T telling them to be more profitable. He wants to do smaller hardcover releases first of things that might sell well (for that hardcover price hike), then do paperbacks later.
See also
>Doomsday Clock being split into TWO hardcovers now (even though they held off for a year in printing a collected edition specifically to do a single 12 issue HC).
>G Willow Wilson's Wonder Woman being collected as a small HC first.

He's also splitting what would have been some omnis up. Bronze Brave and the Bold #3 (which would have ended the run) got cancelled. Meanwhile, Bronze Age JLA #3 got cancelled and replaced with a smaller hardcover collecting 50% of the originally solicited content at 75% of the original price.

>fuck didio and wait

That's a bit insidious, huh. I guess if you don't know, you end up conned by this trick... I'll definitely wait then, thank you.

>I guess if you don't know, you end up conned by this trick.
All you have to do is be a regular online comic shopper to see through stuff like this. DC did it back in the New 52. Single volume trades would come out as hardcovers first, then many months later as softcovers. So they gouge the customer for an extra 3 dollars or so so that they can stay up to date quicker. And they aren't good hardcovers. They're extremely tight, which is bad because DC looooves their 2-page spreads. And to boot they aren't even oversized hardcovers. Like floppies wrapped in cardboard.

Maybe some pent up rage is bubbling to the surface, but DC is such a fucking joke of a company when it comes to publishing collected editions. If you're going to be slimey at least deliver a quality product. DC can't even do that.

honestly it makes sense to me why they always print from the worst quality to the best seems really dumb. Books go the opposite, HC first, then paperback, then if good a cheep mass produced paperback. and this run seems like a fun reread so I'd go with the HC


I'm and I still prefer HC for the stuff I really like. I got all of New 52 in HCs and if I had the choice between that or TPBs I would go with the HCs any day. I was holding off buying Elegy cause I was hoping it would eventually be reprinted in HC, but again the last printing of it was TPB again. So when I saw it for cheep I grabbed it anyway. Just kind miffed it doesn't match my other nice ones.

Also, I'm glad they go straight to HC for their Earth One books, they just feel more special.

>I got all of New 52 in HCs and if I had the choice between that or TPBs I would go with the HCs any day.
Normally I would agree in the case where the hardcover is oversized and with stitched binding, which is the whole point of having a hardcover. New 52 hardcovers are incredibly bad products and one of the only times I can think of where I would rather have the trade. I'm amazed you feel this way about them.

DC finally came to their senses with Rebirth by copying Marvel. Single volume trades every 6 months, and every year, an oversized switched hardcover combining the previous two volumes. And now they're going back to the old way. Fuck them.

eh...I guess you are right, they are glued binding and not stitched. They were some I picked up near the beginning of my serious collecting...and I just really like them

>Also, I'm glad they go straight to HC for their Earth One books, they just feel more special.
That's because they need to price hike to make some of them profitable.
It's expensive to pay for 170 pages of writing, pencils, inks, lettering, and colors without cutting the product up into $3.99 instalments.
It's why companies don't put out a whole lot of OGNs

>It's why companies don't put out a whole lot of OGNs
One of the reasons I like the Black Label. It's a step in that direction. Those floppies are such better value than the regular fair. Magazine sized, good paper, no ads, three times the story of a regular floppy but less than twice the price. I would be more than willing to pull floppies if they were like Black Label books. It's like a compromise between floppies and trades.

Heavy Metal as well. 140 pages for 8 dollars. 3.99 floppies are just such shit value compared to stuff like this.

So did user ask out that girl?

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obviously my favorite wheelie.
sorry for the hearts, i'd post a more normal picture if i had one that was better quality.

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Why does this guy look like he fucks funko pops?

Oh Jesus

yeah, i understand

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