To be fair, a smart kid creating a suit that somehow allows his fingerprints to still stick to walls is pretty unrealistic.
To be fair...
Isn’t it, that he has like a “clinging” aura around his hands?
The suit doesn't do anything, jackass. It has a flashlight on the belt and some pit wings to slow descent slightly via wind resistance.
They build the suit where the fabric is small and thin enough to where his skin particles that does stick can still be used
You are aware most fabrics aren’t a sheet right?
It's very specific telekinesis, which makes sense given Spider Sense is limited Clairvoyance.
im not gonna lie i actually prefer the fucking raimi's minuscule hairs over that
Fuck your realism. We’re talking about him getting powers from a fucking radioactive spider. Besides I’ve seen cosplays that tier so yeah, a teenager can do it
desu a kid getting superpowers from a radioactive spiderbite instead of cancer is pretty unrealistic
comics are meant to be real.
>Spider-Man's exposure to the mutated spider venom induced a mutagenic, cerebellum-wide alteration of his engrams resulting in the ability to mentally control the flux of inter-atomic attraction (electrostatic force) between molecular boundary layers. This overcomes the outer electron shell's normal behavior of mutual repulsion with other outer electron shells and permits the tremendous potential for electron attraction to prevail. The mentally controlled sub-atomic particle responsible for this has yet to be identified. This ability to affect the attraction between surfaces is so far limited to Spider-Man's body (especially concentrated in his hands and feet) and another object, with an upper limit of several tons per finger. At one point, Spider-Man was able to prevent Anti-Venom from taking his mask off by making it stick to his face.
Me too, this shit sounds mad dumb.
His suit isn't what lets him cling to walls, or his fingertips.
spider-Man can adhere to walls with his feet or his back, its only 'tiny hairs' in the one specific movie adaptation and is not universal.
Well no, because that's even more retarded with the way he is shown sticking to stuff.
Why is tiny hair better than "it works the same way Spider Sense does?"
its more realistic to me than telekinesis but i have no idea why im even talking about flicking realism when it comes to spiderman
i dont really like the idea that he sticks with mind powers
im not 100% certain on how the spider sense works i thought it jsut made his senses more sensitive and could hear chaos from miles away ?
or is it literally fucking mind powers rather than enhanced senses?
Spiders stick to stuff with tiny hairs, not telekinesis, that's how.
Any suit allowing his fingers to stick to walls is unrealistic. The idea that his fingers can stick to walls at all is unrealistic. You are already suspending your disbelief.
Spiders are also alot smaller than a human being
He can tell when a bomb hidden in the next room is going to explode before it does, that's not hearing.
go put some glue on your fingers and put them on a wall
then tell me if you have a hand free that hands sticking to walls is unrealistic
could be a mechanism or the smell of c4 that makes him sense it
He had a literal sixth sense. It's how he dodges bullets. He moves before the gun is even fired.
tl;dr Spidey can control static cling and impart static cling to shit he is touching. This lets him and other spiders wall cling in any outfit and while wearing shoes.
Ironically, and this was proven well after Spider-man came into existence, spiders can actually control the charge in their silk to fly, so spiders do have electricity powers.
Spider electricity powers are also how Miles can do his Venom Blast, not just because he's black.
well fuck i always assumed it was him seeing the finger movements before the trigger is actually pulled and the beating of the hearts
im gonna have to read into this becasue its a semi mindfuck on my terms
Spiders have hydraulic limbs, eight eyes, and no penis.
>Peter didn't become a literal giant spider when he got bit
>Therefore it makes sense for him to suddenly develop psychic powers because of it
??? I know it's just comics and his powers are whatever cocked out Ditko said they were back in the 60s, but if we're trying to make sense of things, that's not the way to go, friendo.
Spidey can move at mach 2. Even without a Spider-sense, he could dodge bullets (that he sees coming) simple because he only has to move a short distance laterally before the bullet gets to him. Bullets are fast, but they don't home.
That said, with the sense he does indeed dodge before the gun is fired.
>Spider electricity powers are also how Miles can do his Venom Blast, not just because he's black.
He can do the venom blast because he's a Bendis pet character and thus can win any fight in one hit to show how 'cool' he is.
But also because he's black.
Some writers treat it as simple heightened awareness, but from the very start Peter reacts to things based on future tense instead of senses. It's also why he can't spider sense clones/the symbiote. He doesn't react if his subconscious doesn't immediately read it as "danger," which means a part of his brain analyzes what the fuck is coming his way.
It's literally future sight.
>The precise nature of this sense is unknown, though the Master Weaver states it is enabled by his connection to the Web of Life and Destiny.
Spider sense is magic, stop bothering Marvel writers at cons about it.
Radio waves don't let you detect expired shrimp about to give you food poisoning. Spidey's detected too much shit beyond human senses over the years. He's dodged lightning before. They had to go the psychic route with the explanation being the Marvel weaver Fates equivalent are spider gods and that's who most of his powers come from, with the psychic power specifically coming from his connection to the Web of Life and Destiny, the Marvel tapestry of fate.
The spider being radioactive just gave him radioactive spider blood and was not part of the plan.
I'm aware, I'm just saying Spidey sense isn't a reaction to something that is already happening, but what will happen. It's why he has trouble in crowds and with Ock, people can change their minds, react, etc, and too much just leaves him dodging the wrong shit.
The point is he isn't a spider. He has spider-themed powers and they work in the way that's closest to an abstract so people don't worry about it and so writers can't use the little details as crutches for tension. Hair can be cut/burned. You can't negate brain magic with a knife.
why would people think pete was sending drones to kill them all if he was seen destorying them all on london bridge? yah, mysterio edited the footage to make it seem like a kill order, but the elemental illusion was gone
and spidey sense doesnt work the way it did in the movie, he can sense something flying at him, but its not like he has full radar scan like daredevil
>You can't negate brain magic with a knife.
It's just very disappointing that it all boils down to "a wizard did it"
never been to a con and other than a few issues of spiderman and sentry i barely read marvel mate
He never used the web pits from his classic costume to slow down his fall, though.
It's been like that since 1962, what do you want? For Spider-Man to be made shittier so he can make more "sense?" If Spider-Man made sense Peter would either be long dead or way richer and more bitter.
I mean yeah but that's what they're for.
thats something miguel would do. he doesnt have a spider sense. he has accelerated vision which basically means he can see in slow motion and really far away, but in real time. so in essence its kind of like a spider sense since its a heightened sense telling him to move, but he has to be looking at it
>and spidey sense doesnt work the way it did in the movie, he can sense something flying at him, but its not like he has full radar scan like daredevil
It's the precog type that shows up in the comics sometimes. He just let his instincts guide him fully, just like he almost always ends up doing with Mysterious fuckery. He just did it against drones instead of illusions.
No it was literally just for show at the time
Why do people care so much about how Peter sticks to walls/shoots webs, but everyone is cool with Superman flying just cuz?
Because secondaries watched a Spider-Man movie that did it differently and they demand everyone accept that it's better that way.
>spidey sense doesnt work the way it did in the movie
yes it does. if i try to remember instances of spiderman tingling in the comics, all i can bring up are times hes sensing something behind him that is NOT attacking him. it activates with danger, no matter where its coming from or how its happening. i mean he frequently tingles at people just because he can sense their evil intentions.
it DOES work like that. being attacked was never a prerequisite
if its right next to him, behind him, or in some alley he's about to walk by, sure, he senses something
but this was basically the entire transbaytube thing mysterio was standing in
Didn't people see Mysterio turning into drone tho?
>but this was basically the entire transbaytube thing mysterio was standing in
And? His Spider-sense is directional. He literally uses it to detect safe places to web onto when swinging since every other spot is a faceplant.