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did this really play on nick? how'd they get away with that?
This is like Warner Brothers and Disney putting an ad on each other's channels.
How much I wonder...
I believed they disguised it as a local ad, so Nick didn't go over it.
Never thought I'd see Double D animated so fluently like that. For an ad that was made to poke fun of Nickelodeon while also being aired on their network, they put their heart into this. kudos.
Description says "Snuck onto Nickelodeon's air via unmonitored local ad buys" and it was uploaded by the writer/producer, so it sounds legit.
I miss Cartoon, Cartoon, Fridays
I want to be invaded by Johnny Bravo.
nostalgia hit me hard with this one
None of those shows were good, only Ed Edd n Eddy, Courage, PPG and Dexter were the truly great ones. Shit like Cow and Chicken can fuck off.
Hot opinion there, fagtron. Cow and Chicken was great.
It sucked dude, even Cartoon Network agreed and gave I am Weasel more episodes while C&C was dead.
Imagine being so shit that a spin-off managed to oulive the original show.
>none of those shows were good
>except for most of the ones shown in the video
also dexter was shite
I am Weasel was good too. That happened plenty of times (Yogi Bear) and is never a reflection of the original.
>Dexter was shit
Zoomer detected
In fact the only show that could be considered weak in this short was Mike Lu and Og.
Only if you are talking about the Savino seasons
It's not like Nick was innocent. They were taking digs at Cartoon Network back when they were just a year old.
Cartoon Network was shit back then, barely any original stuff and filled with Hannah-Barbara stuff.