Horrorverse Thread

It's that time again. Time to test the mettle of man.

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Oh cool, one of those threads. I like Sam from Trick R Treat

If you didn't like Sam, I would have to question your taste.

Let’s not

Anyone else think the new Child's Play Theme would be a better fit for NuPennywise?


It's terror time again
They got you running through the night
It's terror time again
And you just might die of fright
It's a terrifying time

You must be fun at parties.

It definitely comes off that way. But I suppose it fits the style they're going for.

Feels very Danny Elfman

Glad to see Bear McCreary is getting more popular

>You will never ever get succed by crazy cat demons
Why even live?

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Season 3 of Stranger Things any good? I'm hoping they do more with Mike. He's always just kinda been... bleh.


Season 3 is actually pretty damn good. Better than 2 by far.

The only people I've seen outright shitting on it are /pol/ and Yea Forumstards, and they have everything by default.

Both have several comics, dumbass.

Is Ash coping a feel?

That face suggest nothing less.

Talk about the comics then retard, keep movie and tv show discussion on the boards they belong

Here's an EC story you guys may find interesting, as it not only establishes a continuity to EC's vampire and werewolf stories (the method of becoming a werewolf was used in a few other EC stories and a werewolf resembling Zorgo occasionally appeared in Haunt of Fear splash page backgrounds) and provides an origin for, well, you'll see, but was cited as an influence by R. Chetwynd Hayes, who established a 'monster bloodline' mythos that appears in his stories and the movie The Monster Club.

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Their flirting is kinda adorable.

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Ingels knocked himself out drawing this part.

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And so we have a story that only establishes a background and continuity to EC's horror, but is ahead of it's time in it's sympathetic portrayal of monsters who are nevertheless vicious killers who the story never makes out to be ''oppressed'' by the villagers, and wrings comedy out of them acting like an ordinary people, but not to Munsters/Groovy Ghoulies levels. Bretty gud.

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We can't discuss the comics for either without inevitably bringing up discussion for the rest of the franchise, dumbass. Especially ST, as the comics are only complementary material for the show.

Neato. Thanks, user.

Shit ''*not* only establishes'' is what I meant to write. Forgive the uncecessary ''an'' too. Fucking autocorrect.

And from the comic book adaptation of The Monster Club by John Bolton (actually seen briefly in the film), here's the monster genealogical chart.

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But you're not talking about the comics, you're talking about the movies and the shows. You only bring up the comics whenever someone tell you to rightfully go back to Yea Forums. Comic adaptions are not carte blanche to talk about everything.

>muh Yea Forums purity
Shut the fuck up. We literally have threads spamming porn and other even more genuinely off-topic cancer than anything else, and you never once raise your voice against those. Or the shitty MCU threads. Or the Toonami ones. Or really anything that you know for a fact you can't screech at without someone rightly telling you to shove a rake up your ass.

Those faces are pretty spooky, not gonna lie.

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If we can talk about Godzilla, Death Battle, and webcomics, we can talk about Child's Play and Stranger Things.

Evil Dead is only /co because of comics

Did Ash tap Cassie?

Yes. They fuck in his car in one issue, then they're seen sleeping together in the second to last issue. It was a bit weird since Cassie is in her early-mid 20s and that version of Ash was in his late 40s canonically at the time.

It's Cassie. She'll fuck most anything that isn't some hideous abomination.

>these people are breaking the rules too, why can't I?

I haven't read the comic, but don't most of Ash's comic take place right after Army of Darkness when he portal jumps? Or Rip Van Winkle in alt apocalypse future.

That's daddy issues for you.

Current crossover is with The Crow.

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MCU is Yea Forums since it's originated from a Yea Forums source

You're complaining about webcomics? On a fucking comic board?

0/10 bait.

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>MCU is Yea Forums since it's originated from a Yea Forums source
By your own admission, that's not how this works and thus the MCU is not Yea Forums and needs to fuck off. Same for Death Battle, Animorphs and literally anything that comes from an online source and isn't normally affordable at a sweatshop.

Do you see why acting like a stick-up-the-ass boardpolicing faggot is retarded? You literally have nothing to talk about once you start throwing out anything that isn't "X definition of what i like reeeeeee"

Hack/Slash has so many crossovers it's almost obscene at this point.

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>but don't most of Ash's comic take place right after Army of Darkness when he portal jumps?
A few of them do (whenever they decide it's time to reboot the series). "AOD vs Hack/Slash" takes place in the continuity Dynamite had been following for almost 10 years with their AOD books.

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After a point, there's a split in the timelines and realities we follow. A clone of Ash is made from his undead hand and we follow his stories and struggles in several issues. Meanwhile, the original is busy bunnyhopping all over the multiverse and we follow his quests as he does.

>this thread again

Nah. You can go there if you want though, schizo.

You can talk about Yea Forums adaptions of non-Yea Forums properties, you can't just make a thread of the non-Yea Forums property with the excuse of "but it has a comic" especially when you don't even start with the comic because that bullshit. Someone tried to make a DOOM thread recently and they didn't even reference the comic until one guy posted it as the thread was dying.

MCU is still Yea Forums because the source is Yea Forums even if the adaption is not. Non-Yea Forums adaptions of Yea Forums properties is still Yea Forums. Like how live action adaptions of Yea Forums material should be Yea Forums, their mods are just so elitist that they usually prune any live action threads.

>it's only Yea Forums if it's an adaptation of X Yea Forums thing!
Not how this works. If that were the case, Animorph threads would be deleted and shat upon on sight, but they aren't. If that were the case, Death Battle threads wouldn't exist on here at all (and don't give me that "b-but it uses Yea Forums characters" crap either). If that were the case, then we flat out wouldn't have lengthy Godzilla threads at all.

You are quite simply a drooling moron for attempting to apply this kind of shitty logic to a board subject as large and varied as Yea Forums's. Even worse, since you're only doing it to try and get rid of a thread you have a personal dislike towards.

Wow a Hack/Slash thread on Yea Forums?

I always read through a handful of issues in October for Halloween.

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Goddammit Cassie. Stop fucking anything that moves.

It’s mainly a Horrorverse one but yeah

That explains the bickering over if this is Yea Forums related or not.

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Most of the bickering and whinging is coming from the same mentally ill backseat mods who'd turn Yea Forums into a literal ghost town if they ever gained power. It's pretty much nothing more than autists with hateboners.

Yea Forums moderation suck, what do you want me to tell you? There shouldn't be Godzilla threads either outside of the comics or TV show since all they talk about is humanized versions drawn by a particular artist. Animorphs should be on Yea Forums too since there's not a single thing Yea Forums-related about it.

Ah, I see. You're literally just a crazy backseat mod as I said. And here I was holding out hope that you were just someone with a genuine argument.

Fuck off.

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Here's a fun anecdote.

I first learned what a "Whore's bath" was reading a Hack/Slash comic. Cassie was in a truck stop bathroom washing herself with paper towels when she told some random woman in the bathroom.

I love Cassie but I hate how deep down she wishes she was just a generic pretty popular girl with a normal life.
I mean I GET IT, but I just wish it wasn't the case.

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If this is now a Hack/Slash thread, what did you anons think of the Chaos crossover? Cassie should have embraced being Draugsplitter. I get it from a storytelling perspective, but it would literally solve all her problems.

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>Cassie was in a truck stop bathroom washing herself with paper towels when she told some random woman in the bathroom.
Utterly unsurprised. Cassie is horribly blunt and prone to randomly interacting with people in conversations whenever one of her friends isn't there. Much of the time, said conversations are about things most people would rather not talk about.

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At her core, Cassie just wants to be normal. It's the same reason why she didn't want to become the next Fantomah.

Wait so the Chaos one, these are generally the new versions now on her Earth? Cause I remember the original Chaos stuff was supposed to be a parallel Earth to her Earth.

>she didn't want to become the next Fantomah
Good choice. Everyone knows Stardust The Super-Wizard is the superior Fletcher Hanks creation.

Seeley admitted that he fucked with continuity for this crossover to simplify things. That and the old Chaos universe was destroyed (hence the old Evil Ernie showing up in Cassie's world).

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I don't think he's canon to Havk/Slash though.

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Can you blame her? She's lost her mother, countless friends, numerous innocent bystanders and even more solely because of the supernatural fuckery going on in her life. Anyone would want a means of escaping from that.

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>tfw the events of Manifest Destiny probably ended up happening here, but were made worse by any number of Horrorverse related things.

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Do we have Elfen Lied here?

Yeah, probably. Though Lucy probably got killed before she ramped up to her craziest shit. She wasn't exactly subtle.


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Guess this was foreshadowing.

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Not surprising, given how interconnected everything in Hack/Slash tends to be.


Another off topic thread on Yea Forums?
There's only one man who can put a stop to that.

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Problem with your plan is, this thread isn't off topic. In fact, it's probably more on topic than half the catalog right now.

I have no idea why board purists like to talk shit when they clearly don't have brains.

They did have a painting of some sort of him in the background of a panel during the Superhero arc, but I don't think Seeley confirmed or denied if he exists. It could just be considered a painting of a fictional character. Besides, since that arc is included in the Horrorverse we'll just go with the idea of Stardust not existing in the Horrorverse cause that would raise even more questions.

How have we not gotten Hack/Slash vs Predator?

Oh boy, should we allow KFC threads because of those crossover comics they did with DC that one time?
There's no need for shit like this here. Yea Forums, as a board, has enough of this off topic shit as is and these threads are worse than a Discord circlejerk. There's no payoff to this. No grand writing. No drawfags adding onto it. It's literally around 10 or so ideafags spewing shit out of their mouths and calling anyone who says it's not that good to fuck off for being backseat jannies.
You hide behind the premise of being on topic through comics so you can discuss how well Freddy fingering Pinhead in the bumhole would go, since Yea Forums mods don't like that kind of stuff on their board.
and even then the kfc threads would probably be more enjoyable than this

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What game is this?