This BU~RNING... desi~re

this BU~RNING... desi~re...

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Why didn't she just help him get off?

Attached: I know exactly why I have this boner.jpg (960x536, 63K)

He wasn't willing to pay for the service.

So you're perfectly okay with jerking off some crazy bible thumper's old man dick? Be my guest, freak.

Attached: Even Doggo Can See Your Bullshit.gif (294x225, 3K)

he was short on cash that week and was too horny to wait for his next paycheck.

He'd be validated in his belief that she was trying to turn him to sin

there are worse things

Option 1: getting an old dude's rocks off
Option 2: my pyre
I'll go with 1, fire hurts


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She's a gypsy dude, if he'd paid for it she would've been down.

Couldn't he just duck it from Quasimodo's allowance? What the hell is he going to buy with it, more models?

Frollo is not a righteous man!

>implying that would be enough for Frollo
Didn’t you watch the movie? She had to be completely his (as in marry) or die. He wasn’t going to settle for a one night fling because that would be a sin.

He is blameless! She ran, he pursued!

>marrying a wealthy man who is completely in love with you
Oh the horror. Being a gypsy who doesn't even own shoes was so much better.

Delete this, you fucking gyppo.

>marrying a guy who forces you to convert you to his beliefs instead of respecting you
>marrying a guy who wants to genocide your race

You’re the cuck of the highest level

Why didn't Esmeralda just fuck the goat?

>convert you to his beliefs
From the way she prayed in the church she already shares his beliefs
>marrying a guy who wants to genocide your race
Gippos got it coming, every single prejudice Frollo had against them was proven to be correct by the Court of Miracles.

obsessing over someone and wanting to posess them is not the same as love or at least it is a distorted sick love







Which is why marrying him as the most brainlet thing you can do. Fucking him is just as worse because .

who is he said greatest of all time

If it weren't for magic gargoyles, they'd have all died by following the path they chose.

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implying there isnt an even more likely option
3) getting the old dude's rocks off THEN going on the pyre in the morning. cuz sex out of wedlock and all

That is all love, user.

Cast his actor for the movie adaption

maybe if you have narcissistic personality disorder

user I...

Why are her toes so fucking ugly?!

no one is going to post your attempt at a forced meme but you bud

In the end was Frollo not just another victim of the church and its harsh indoctrinisation practices?

personally I thought of him as a huge virgin

Exactly. If he were a servant of a different faith then there'd have been no problem.