Born in 1996 but didn't regularly branch outside of Toon Disney/Disney Channel until 2006

tfw you:
>missed out on seeing the SpongeBob movie in theaters
>missed out on seeing prime SpongeBob and FOP episodes as they were premiering, didn't really get into either show until 4th grade
>missed out on fully immersing myself in the Powerhouse AND City eras of Cartoon Network
>missed out on Rugrats, Invader Zim, Hey Arnold, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Lab, Samurai Jack, Courage, Johnny Bravo, and Teen Titans (though I saw all of these here and there during that 01-early 06 period)
>first premiere witnessed was Squirrel Boy
>unironically enjoyed watching Teamo Supremo and Disney's Doug on Toon Disney in 1st grade
>barely watched any Disney Afternoon shows on Toon Disney in 2003 besides Timon and Pumbaa; it was mostly OSM stuff
>found early 2000s CN stuff on RetroJunk in 2006 and immediately regretted not watching it more
>no matter how much old CN shows are rewatched, you can't recreate the immersive experience of watching early 2000s CN as a child
>don't even really remember earlier DC sitcoms like Lizzie McGuire and Even Stevens
>can't rewatch early-mid 00s CN commercial videos without feeling a deep sense of regret

>Nicktoons Network let me redeem myself a little with Hey Arnold and Rugrats every morning, plus experiencing Rocko and Angry Beavers for the first time
>Courage came back on briefly during the YES era
>EEnE, KND, and Grim Adventures were going strong, even though I didn't really get into them until right after 4th grade ended
>Recess, Pepper Ann, House of Mouse, and Timon and Pumbaa were still decent shows
>pretty much fully experienced the Golden Age of Homestar Runner (discovered in November 2003)
>Newgrounds, Albinoblacksheep, YTMND, and YouTube

Everything could've been different had I just changed the channel. Back then, I thought Disney was the king of TV animation. Sucks man.

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Yeah, I feel ya.

I was born in 2001 and didn’t miss out on any of those shows. Boomerang and Nicktoons Network aired all of that old stuff. There will always be those 90sfags talking shit but just ignore them OP.

Yikes nigga you fucked up big time

>t. born in 1996; primarily watched CN & Nick with some Disney on the side.

>tfw I'm 4 years younger than OP, yet I was able to embrace all these shows at an extremely early because my 10 years older brother guided me through them


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You grow up to be gay didn't you?

Yes, I did.

We had Nicktoons Network in 2006 but only got Boomerang this past year.

Also, it's not just about the shows. It's about the entire network experience. Powerhouse Cartoon Network was a unique experience and while I saw a good bit of it growing up (more than CN City, in fact), I never really fully immersed myself into it like I did with Toon Disney.

Attached: CNPowerhouse.jpg (259x194, 5K)

>tfw people in the 2000s are old enough to be on Yea Forums

Actually based.

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It's a new feeling indeed. I just wish I could have a do-over of my childhood and watch Cartoon Network more.

>born 1997
>saw the Spongebob movie in theaters
>stopped watching Cartoon Network/Nickelodeon in late 2004
>have taste in cartoons that more or less lines up with my older boomer brother
I feel like people born around our time could go ether way in terms of the zoom zoom/boom boom debate

>I feel like people born around our time could go ether way in terms of the zoom zoom/boom boom debate
You definitely seem more like a Millennial (Boomers). Although I missed out on really getting into them on TV, I find myself preferring cartoons like Powerpuff Girls (actually saw a lot of this due to my older sister being fully immersed in Powerpuff-manis), Teen Titans, and Dexter's Lab (saw more of this than I thought at first) than stuff like Catscratch and Squirrel Boy (neither of which I ever really got into).

Attached: PowerpuffTitans.jpg (279x180, 15K)

Any one else grew up as a poorfag?
>no cable/satellite
>watch pbs cartoons and major broadcast network stuff, parents only had an antenna
>that’s literally it
>always left out of the daily conversations at school about nick and CN shows
>to this day still occasionally don’t get references to spongebob etc.

i feel you 100%, but i did enjoy watching all that PBS even well into my teens, but then i discovered internet piracy


How much was Disney Channel/Toon Disney talked about in those days?

I mainly watched PBS Kids in the very early 2000s, when shows like The Big Comfy Couch were on.

My parents didn't let me touch CN. Saw nickolodeon but they didn't let me watch Spongebob. Disney but it wasn't that good. Ended up being in Boomerang most of the time. It was fun, but god I missed so much.

Absolutely. I had qubo as well though. For two years we were able to afford cable and I watched cartoons until my eyes hurt. But then 2008 happened and there went cable. Only recently am I catching up with cartoons.

>grew up watching Nick heavily throughout the 90s
>didn't get Cartoon Network until 2000
>hardly watched anything outside of Toonami/Cartoon Cartoons
>was a huge Nick fan until 2001/02ish when they started shitting out Butt Ugly Martians and basically treated Invader Zim like some black sheep
>felt like I missed out on CN still

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>97 But watched every single network, and watched everything.

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>2003, turn 14 and went on an edgy "Nick/CN is for babbies" phase
>start watching Comedy Central/Adult Swim
>felt like I really missed out ignoring Avatar: The Last Airbender until 2 years ago.

I’m a huge comic fan now
Didn’t watch any of the dcau while it was on
Never cared until after it was all over even tho I had friends who did
I feel weird about it like I missed something I could have loved

I watched stuff like anamaniacs or spongebob or Garfield or beetlejuice or the mask,
Also I watched atla every week, remember seeing episode one and the finale when they premiered, tho I did stop watching in the middle and see them all out of order, but my library had season sets of many cartoons so I got caught up before the end

I was opposite.
>Born in 1998
>Hated Disney Channel as a kid for being "girly"
>Mainly watched CN and Nick
>Had older siblings who had it on when I was younger
>Has vivid memories of the powerhouse era and fully immersed myself in the city era
>Got all the old Spongebob and FOP reruns on the side
>Still got reruns of the classics
>Meanwhile every kid around me was fully immersed in Disney Channel
>Used to get picked on for watching CN because those were "baby shows"

>born 1993
>old enough to remember everything OP mentioned
>had super strict parents and wasn't allowed to watch anything "too violent" which was basically everything
>watched it all pass me by
>still friends with dudes i knew back then
>go silent during every conversation they have about shows they watched growing up

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I have friends born in 98 who constantly reference Dragon Ball Z and Johnny Bravo, yet on Yea Forums most people say that 1998 is prime zoomer cancer, when to me, early zoomer cancer is more like 1999 or 2000 since those people were under 6 years old when the powerhouse era ended

>Tfw I remember sitting on my grandpa's lap watching Looney Tunes and eating the always burnt popcorn he made every evening
We cannot cling to the old dreams anymore.

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Two times I’ve heard people born in the early 2000s go “dude remember Dexter’s Lab????” at my high school. Weirded the hell out of me but I’m glad I wasn’t alone in remembering that show.

>born 93
>no cable
>first cartoons outside of PBS is afternoon Kids WB
>based big cartoonie show, batman/superman, MIB, batman beyond, pokemon etc.
>fucken nice
>time passes
>be bored on random saturday morning
>flip channels and find One Saturday Morning
>its ok but wish it was Kids WB
>time passes
>flip around randomly and find out Kids WB was on saturday mornings too
>mind blown
>watch only Kids WB from then on
>time passes
>one saturday Kids WB is over so randomly flip around
>stumble upon Fox Kids
>cool but weird
>stay loyal to Kids WB
>time passes
>flip around and decide to check whats on that weird Fox Kids thing
>wtf is Fox Box?
>time passes
>Kids WB isn't as good as it used to be
>flip around to that Fox Box thing
>wtf is 4KidsTV?
>time passes
>Kids WB really isn't as good as it used to be
>maybe i'm growing out of saturday morning cartoons
>stop watching
>time passes
>random saturday morning
>decide to check out Kids WB for old times sake
>wtf is CW4Kids?
>watch it slowly wither and die throughout the Toonzai and Vortexx years
>witness the end
I may have missed out on the cool cable kids shows, but at least I experienced the magic of Saturday morning cartoons up until the end, something that future generations of kids will know nothing about it.

I wish I were you. I’d EASILY trade The Replacements, Teamo Supremo, and Camp Lazlo for Powerpuff Girls, Teen Titans, and Hey Arnold!.

>Golden Age of Homestar Runner
Homestar never had a "Golden Age" because Homestar never stopped being good.

tfw your mom couldn't' afford cable from 2011 to 2013 so you barely remember anything from Nu cartoonnetork

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>Homestar never stopped being good.
True. Once the Brothers Chaps found their stride in 2002, they were perfection all the way to the hiatus. Even their post-hiatus content is top-notch and better than basically everything I've ever watched on TV. Only pre-movie SpongeBob and BoJack Horseman are consistently on the same level.

>Homestar never had a "Golden Age"
I'd say it was the 2002/03-2008/09 school years, when they were at their best and updated on a regular basis.

Attached: homestar.jpg (300x168, 11K)

Now this is something I never got into. Can you tell me what the appeal of homestar is? because from the few clips I've seen, I feel like its complete randomness

The appeal comes from the in-jokes and the pop culture references. The key to the references is that they never refer to current events, so they're always timeless. A great example is Marzipan's Answering Machine 17.2 from 2016, where Homestar himself refers to the early 2010s fads of planking and Linsanity.

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Rather than pop culture references, it's more about the dialogue between the characters and in SB's case the viewers/himself

I just read books as a kid. Didn't start watching until I was in my tweens

Any particular favorites? In retrospect what did you regret watching?

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>born 88 in Mexico
>watched the three original Nicktoons on ZAZ
>watched European/Indie cartoons and Japanese puppet shows on Canal Once
>watched American CN (Spanish SAP) during the Checkerboard and Powerhouse era
>watched Discovery Kids back when they had shows for both young AND older kids
>watched Fox Kids during the early 00s until it became Jetix
Pretty good childhood/teen years.

I remember back when the late 00s-early 10s stuff like icarly, hannah montana, johnny test, cn real, bieber, etc. used to be widely considered the "downfall into shit era" and was ranted on a lot (see top), for a long time.

But come 2018-2019, zoomers took over the internet and childhood nostalgia for that once-hated late 00s-early 10s era exploded, rehabilitating its reputation (see bottom).

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Why is the splat with the full "Nickelodeon" logo a part of that starter pack? It should either be the "Nick" splat or the new Nickelodeon logo. Not your fault; the blame falls on the person who made that starter pack. I'm also assuming that the CN logo only represents 2006-2010 (YES/Fall/Noods), not the 2004-06 Silver Age Y-Z cusp City era.

> icarly, hannah montana, johnny test, cn real, bieber, etc.

Notice how all of these things are late 2000s. This was the dark period before the debut of The Hub and Adventure Time officially accelerated the 2010s cartoon renaissance after Chowder and Flapjack planted the seeds for the revival.

Attached: nick09.png (299x168, 2K)

This too. Pic is fitting because it's from the sbemail "do over," and I wish I could have a do over of my childhood.

Attached: do_over.jpg (264x191, 14K)

This is pretty accurate. It’s a shame the Hub was so short-lived.

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>tfw born in 87
>growing up watching Rugrats, Tiny Tunes, Animaniacs, Freakazoid, old Scooby Doo's and Thirteen ghosts, plus all the CN stuff
>also getting home from school every day for Toonami to see Thundercats, Voltron, Real Adventures of Johnny Quest, Sailor Moon, Robotech, Dragonball Z and Beast Wars.
>Goddamn cartoons are just getting better and better.
>all of my friends all watch the same stuff, we can talk about what happened in our shows the next day.
>then the Mid 2000's happened and the decline started.

Definitely sounds exciting.