What keeps this madlad going?

What keeps this madlad going?
Does he even make money from his comics?

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This one is bad, because it's just accurate without jokes.

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What, the left do all this, without more than a couple mass shootings or bombings or running people over? How do they manage to stay relevant when they barely kill a person a year?

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Antifa is putting concrete in the cups now. Supposedly like a milkshake.

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No. Ngo just finessed you guys out of a quarter mil.

but Kamala Harris is 100% correct

The fucking north pole is disintegrating. Not just the ice, the actual magnetic forcing.

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Pole shifts have nothing to do with climate change.

fascism isn't about the kill count, but being sure all opposition know the "OR ELSE" of they "obey me OR ELSE" politics. People voted mussolini because they knew that if somebody knew you voted something else, you could be in the same state as the communist that got beaten ups and were shown all over the news.
This is why nazism and fascism are separate. hitler got elected on "good faith", Mussolini was more about saving your ass from the gangs.

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global warming might be happening, but none of the reasons are proven to even be real, and most of the "you will see what happen next" are fantasy and fear mongering tactics. the atmostphere is more than oxygen, nitrogen and co2.

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It only takes less than a millionth of a gram of botulism to kill a person. CO2 and Methane are very potent greenhouse gases even though they only make up a fraction of the atmosphere

I feel Venezuela would work better if it weren't the country but the name written on the horse

Water (in the gas form) eclipses the two in both potency and quantity. Complaining about carbon in the atmosphere is misguided. Nevermind the fact that it's consumed by the plants and greater temperature further assist growth, increasing atmospheric carbon depletion rate.

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>CO2 and Methane are very potent greenhouse gases even though they only make up a fraction of the atmosphere
So what, where are the proof it's the cause, then? why always curl down to "we just know you will see" anytime you are asked actual peer reviews and not student publications that are the equivalent of scientific fanfics

Yeah like how Acorn is ""supposedly"" raking in millions of illegal votes and a pizza shop is ""supposedly"" helping Hillary Clinton molest children, god you're fucking gullible.

>This is why nazism and fascism are separate. hitler got elected on "good faith", Mussolini was more about saving your ass from the gangs.
Kind of like how you vote for Trump in fear of these so so dangerous Antifa folk and the so so dangerous Mexican children. The danger doesn't have to be real, user, you just have to be stupid enough to believe in it.

>what about all these completely unrelated things???!

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They're all related; they're all right-wing fiction designed to get you scared and motivated to side with the right against a largely irrelevant or non-existent entity. Acorn, Pizzagate, Antifa, these are all just boogeymen to build a narrative around - something you adopt once you've lost the anti-authority edge that you only get with a Democrat in office.

>antifa doesn't exist

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I just wanted something other than a career politician.

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>Trump attacks children
He said he enacted zero tolerance so coming to America wouldn't be like "going to Disneyland". He's doing automatic child separation to make it more miserable. Attacking? No. Purposefully traumatizing as a coercion method to encourage self-deportations? Yes.

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>vote for Trump in fear of these so so dangerous Antifa
Is this really the mindset of the left in 2019 in the USA? antifa is leftist and attack anybody who doesn't vote left. It's literally fascism in its purest, most common form.

I hope my gay mayor becomes President, because he's a smart democrat type while still knowing how not to waste all your money on the poor and just simoly policing them, while improving on areas of actual growth

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>Crying Lady Liberty
Is this the long-awaited Garrison/Kelly crossover?

>anyone who does vote left
That's not what's happening. You don't even understand the issue.

Why the fuck is alfred e numan there

The phrase is "oh so" you dumb spic.

Inflicting trauma is an attack you dense motherfucker. Putting someone in shitty conditions is an attack on their wellbeing.

Bigger question is why fucking Ganondorf is outside the window.

We do the same to criminals of all sorts. Idgaf how old they are.

Plus make the horse white like the one of the country's coat of arms

that free stuff shit is actually racist

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Seeking asylum is not a crime. These children have committed no crime. Just say you want other people to suffer.

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It's bias and shows clear prejudice, but it's not racist. Racist would be Ben Garrison titling his comic "FUCK NIGGERS".

Do we really just let them all in?

those two at both sides are right hto
if that was "free speech cuck" or something this image wouldve been perfect

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It's really frustrating seeing how any political side thinks they're always right just because they live under the assumption that their opinions are objectively correct and that everyone who has different viewpoints is retarded.
I fucking hate burger pop culture politics

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Keep in mind cheap mercenary political cartoons don't really represent the hearts and minds of America. Media outlets are pushing hard in every direction but most mature people know things arent so simple

>racism is just saying a mean thing
Even /pol/ knows that isn't true.

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>Purposefully traumatizing as a coercion method to encourage self-deportations? Yes.
The American spirit, everyone. Fucking soulless abominations that make Satan and dictators look like innocent cutie pies.

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I mean, it's supposed to represent "Big game companies", so having a video game character makes sense.
Still surprising that Benny G knows who ganondorf is.

There are a lot of immature people walking around thinking like this tho, but it has always been like this.

>mature people in the US
The REALLY silent minority, huh? Let me guess, the US has fairies and unicorns as well!

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>big bin laden
I kekked

What has formed your impression of what "the average person in America" is like?
Could it be
>Media outlets

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Racism is willfully displaying acts of racial superiority while belittling another's race through vocal prejudice and discrimination. Being an old fuck who spouts nonsense doesn't make Garrison a racist, it just makes him stupid. I'm right there with you on him being an idiot user, but by definition he's not what you're saying he is. It's like calling someone you don't like a Nazi just because you disagree with them.

Those kids are safer in cages than near those people that pretend to be their parents and are often just criminal that bought them to get some sympathy points and an underling once in place.

I've only seen Garrison on Yea Forums, and I always thought they were a piss take. After reading this thread and googling him, I find out he's serious. Which makes him fucking hilarious.

Ben Garrison draws kids like they’re from Love & Rockets. I knew the dude was a paedophile but damn.

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Yes, if they qualify. Just treat them humanely during the process instead of inflicting harm in an attempt to drive them away. They are already here so get on with the proper procedures.

The goats should be the ones getting chased.

I noticed now that Bernie's initials are BS which stands for bullshit

Does A. Wyatt Man still make comics?
Is he even still alive?

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They have run experiments about the heat trapping qualities of carbon dioxide and methane. Also were pumping more carbon dioxide and methane in the air as we pollute and destroy the earths forests

Talking to average US citizens on a chat room, because your news outlets are toxic and vague as fuck.


The water vapor is more controlled by the temperature and as we pollute the air and destroy earths forests we increase carbon dioxide and methane emissions

I heard they're also donating to charity

Hitler didn't get elected on good faith. He was given the position of party leader, after the former died and Mussolini didn't win the popular vote. Both of these fascists weren't democratically elected and it set a precedent.

>That's not what's happening. You don't even understand the issue.
Truly the motto of the intellectual

I've never actually seen an antifa

>Trying this hard to appeal to the ancient PTSD-riddled fossils from the past wars
Jesus, America is really suffering under those lengthy lifespans. Just kill grandpa already, he’s a filthy fucking mooch any way.

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Have you ever read any actual peer reviewed material on climate change? Cause all the recent papers agree on one conclusion.

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>You don't even understand
everybody understood, you just love that leftist myth that "they know better, obey and things will work out for us"

I really wish all this pride and black history month shit GTFO. but then I realize that humankind should kill itself and return back to my daily activities

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Do you even live here? You really cant base everything you see on social media. Social media rewards attention seeking, most people think its ridiculous. Like, maybe you're a student somewhere where everyone's your age and studying ethics, but yeah in the working and family world people just want to mind their own business, and are much better at tolerating variables and problems than career media producers will admit

They don't, that's the thing. They say "yup, the change is real", but nobody knows the cause, at best they have vague correlations, but they can't dig too much because too much facts on CO2 is bad for the companies that fund those research. Especially the one that need their free slave workers in China and India.

All I think of is that comic where he somehow completely misconstrued the meaning of Don Quixote, despite apparently knowing the entire premise.

So how come Garrison political cartoon threads seem to be okay to post, but if you make one of Michael de Adder's cartoon, that actually related to him getting fired over it, it's automatically deleted? Seems to be a bit of a double standard there.

Antifa is hyped up by the news for controversy
Antifas are literally just punks with a "cause" it's more like a fashion fad. I've met a group of angry antifa teen girls Design school that had barely any political understanding, but they loved making buttons and stickers.
It's the kekistan of the left

>And vice versa

We get it, US politics are a joke and the only things stopping you McFaggots from killing yourself on the spot is mass entertainment.


How about you google G20 hamburg antifa and tell me how they arent a bunch of violent lunatics

The Canadian cartoonist who the other day basically got fired over this cartoon going super viral.

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Because you have to post at times when the tranny janny isnt awake to nuke every comic thread that isnt Questionable Content.
You're free to post them in this thread though, i dont discriminate. :^)

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I wish there was some effort or anything at all to help these people in their homeland rather than just leave them to show up have to 'be dealt with'. Like even at its best this is all just some accident we have to deal with because Mexico is basically a third world country
Not being sarcastic btw

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Do political cartoonists make a living from solely from their political cartoons?

fake news, he was already being let go before he drew that.

>social media
Yea Forums is a joke website where mentally ill people say radical things for attention
You literally dont live here, so dont act like you know what yours talking about when we say media and social media doesnt reflect most of us

Oh so NOW you’re suddenly people? NOW I’m supposed to think you fuckers aren’t completely brainwashed goldfish?

Then fucking swim harder against the stream, little fish. Millions of people troll their asses off to prove you wrong.

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You could have just said “I didn’t read any of them nor do I understand how they draw the conclusion.”

These are all the same fucking comic

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>You literally dont live here, so dont act like you know what yours talking about when we say media and social media doesnt reflect most of us
Yeah the rest of you are too busy being worthless sacks of shit too far in debt and depression to even matter.

Ben is going to the white house

memes become real

>it has always been like this

On the ground, but media outlets and politicians historically tended to be center-right regardless of party. The fact that media and partisans are moving leftwards is a new thing.

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Come on, /pol/. Rap is hardly anything like it used to be. Shit is in state that rock was back in 90s.

It's the new rise in the trend of simple politics
>your opinions are WRONG

Needs more labels.

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Did Yea Forums have a shitstorm when the NYT shutdown all their political cartoons after they published a single cartoon that criticized Israel's PM

Wow you really are an inflamed jackass. I'm not trying to manipulate your worldview or order you how to think, I'm telling you the people I live and work with arent literally political cartoons or radical punks either way. How could you be mad at that? You're some guy with opinions about another country, who doesnt udnerstand there's a world putside social media, fuck what you think

Wow you really are an inflamed jackass. I'm not trying to manipulate your worldview or order you how to think, I'm telling you the people I live and work with arent literally political cartoons or radical punks either way. How could you be mad at that? You're some guy with opinions about another country, who doesnt udnerstand there's a world outside social media, fuck what you think

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A sense of right and truth

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Not really, most of us are working and raising families. You're right its a bullet you need us to rise up more than we do

Alex jones being in that pile of people who actually have a political opinion and want to spread it for whatever reason. He clearly just makes shit up because he wants to sell his crap to people.

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Its bullshit*

Meant to write that it annoys me that alex jones is in that pile

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Maybe. But that hardly matters because I was talking about all sides in general

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>t. Russian troll
Every American is either left or right, don’t bullshit me with your neutrality shtick.

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99% sure he already made this comic before.

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Im sure you're being sarcastic but even those terms are too vagur

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Hypothetically speaking if trump loses the next term, will the right just do the same BS as the left and pull everything to prove he actually won the election ?

As Napoleon once said: You don’t reason with intellectuals - you shoot them

I doubt it.
Neither party really did that until the last election, and the level of "YOU MUST LIKE HILLARY" being spammed across all channels of media was also unprecedented.

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Usually that always happens, but at this point I really doubt a Trump loss would come as a surprise, and people would have less reason to assume there was a problem

Ben draws a very fuckable Trump.

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Its hilarious, his Trump reminds me of dream Homer when Apu has three heads

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Talking about people wanting /pol/tard neet money, what happen to those alt-right comic that were shilled here some time ago. How much of a scam did they end up being ?

Last cycle people just finally woke up to the fact that a) it's pretty bullshit that you can have millions more votes and still lose and b) the electoral college in practice doesn't do what it was supposedly designed to do: stop demagogues from winning the election.

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Seemed to do its job just fine, letting states have a relevant say instead of simply letting New York and LA determine every election.

All of these are terrible, but this one probably has the most retarded Kelly-tier message in the entire thread.

Christians are the biggest hypocrites of all. Religious nutcases.

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That's no longer applicable. Sargon is now a basedgoy. So we hate him now.

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>Labels everywhere
Garrison? More like Gay-treason!

>What keeps this madlad going?
i would say good food does the trick.

>tfw no hot blonde cartoonist wife to help you fight against the globalist new world order

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Sign = Mueller Report
DW = Ben Garrison

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Was that its purpose? I thought it was to even out representation between states

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Thread's already on autosage, I'll make a new one in a little bit.

>someone else will pay for it
isn't that what trump always says but what he really means is the american tax payers will be the ones paying?

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It's odd how many criminals were part of Trump's campaign.

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Why is the mod trying to hide the fact that he put the thread on autosage?

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Not really. Criminals are everywhere on both sides. There's enough of them that you can sling shit in any direction and it'll stick to something.


Yes, users from the donald send him postcards with crinkled up dollar bills taped to the back

Wasnt that banned from reddit?

the populations of LA and NY don't even scratch the total population of the US. why should a bunch of flyover states be able to overrule what the majority of the population wants?


Because "the majority" already fucked up their own cities.

Blacks only make up 13% of the population, why don't we just bring back slavery since it would benefit everyone else?

You mean the vegan milkshakes?

Really more of a hilarious commentary on vegan food than antifa.

except aren't most major US cities way safer than they were in the 80s? NY in particular? besides, what's that got to do with anything?

>way safer
Barely safer, and still literal hells compared to everywhere else.

I hope he got fired for being incompetent and not for his views. Because what the fuck is the point of these? Trump is somehow responsible for people who die by attempting to illegally enter his country?

How so? A lot of people hate the South because they think the war was literally pro-slavery vs anti-slavery. So those people will either have to admit that all those white people died to give African-Americans freedom, or admit that it was a war over state rights and the South states aren't the devil incarnate.

They're attacking "nazis" not voters. You're the one believing a convenient myth.