ITT: you hear it, you lose

ITT: you hear it, you lose

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nope, can't remember

C'mon, I've already did it three times today!

Zoomer detected

When I need a JOB done, I get someone with a JOB to DO THAT JOB!

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I mean, I watched it when I was a kid
I just don't remember this scene

I know this scene is "one more thing" but I went straight to "u mo guai guai fi dee zao"

I went to Yea Forums, must have seen op's post in my peripheral, the song started playing, a minute later I actually saw and read the fucking post

Who's that girl? What's her name?

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part 2

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I dunno but she looks like she's one in a million.

Yeah but is she cool or lame?

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>not liking bad cartoons makes you a zoomer

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>implying that Pepper Ann was bad

I stated it explicitly, and I did so because it's true.

Dammit, you made me lose.

>thinking that Pepper Ann is bad
You serious right now?

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oh you're talkin about what's-her-name


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>doesn't remember the opening credits

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I lost before I even came into the thread.

After hours ~

>not liking bad cartoons makes you a zoomer
But that's true...

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Damn I heard that too

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wasn't she wearing a chainmail bikini in the OP