Someone should stop him
Other urls found in this thread:
Why? He doesnt have money for Belle's Bathtub water, this is the closest thing
Batman should rape him
But sharks and whales poo in that water
Yea Forums for this feel?
Absolute madlads
They also cum in it owo
We're going full circle now
this thread scares me
How deep.
obligatory is that mike comment
What's his endgame?
>Kenny talking normally
What shoes does he wear? They always looked nice
To sit down
What? That's not Mike?
Just drink some ocean water user, you'll calm down
Looks like that one guy from Red Letter Media
Yeah, Jack really looked different when he was young
I need to know what he did to that flag
Now this is OSCAR BAIT
Do I need to see the first 2017 to understand this one?
When are they gonna put this in She-Ra?
Water sucks. I'd rather hunt pokemons and eat pizza hut
Pokémon and Pizza Hat sucks, i'd rather catch Digimon and eat Little Ceasar's
>he'd rather catch crummy Pokemon creatures instead of sipping the hippest new pails of water
do you ever dream about being a permanent Bologna?
I dunno, do you?
>15 cent for a burger.
I'd totally travel a desert for that
midlife crisis came early for him
Which kind of burger would it be?
The kind with permanent bologna, ham and cheese
>doctor, there's a stick in my tit
>If I must...
Rick and Morty season 4 hot new leak.
I urge everyone to read this modern classic
>tfw 30
and it don't stop
This guy is quite aviation enthusiast
Ahem.....Fuck Niggers
>drinking Kronos's tears
That fucking writing on the other side of the page makes this all so ominous.
This is really making me ashamed that I have autism because I share the same disability as these retards.
autism thread?
>DA Autism Thread?
Based on this guys DA I feel bad for him
>No one posted murrlogic1 yet
This fucker closed his DA account, he continues harassing people and guess what, looks like he was the "abusefag" from the draw threads, his account disappeared after someone called him out
>bloimy comishna, don'tcha think that's a bit extreme?
>you are grounded grounded grounded grounded for 100,000 years
That's a deep cut
this one is autism-cute tier
I'd say, you shouldn't consider yourself a famous artist if that dude didn't contact you for a com.
>Murrlogic was the "abusefag" from the drawthreads
Why am I not surprised?
I had alot of siblings/step-siblings meaning someone had to sit on the floor of the car.
Not quite sure why he is so obsessed with it.
Actually, dude got BANNED and the faggot even made a thread here on Yea Forums whining
Have this
Youth is a physical condition, not a number. The more you live, the better your MIND becomes. And you should look forward to that part of aging.
A sandwich
Genuinely wondering, why is it that internet autists with loneliness issues often show deep interest in anything military? Like, I can think of several examples, including someone I met personally who’s a legit autist and loved war video games and is into worldbuilding with lots war and post-war themes.
>The more you live, the better your MIND becomes.
My oma's Alzheimer's would tend to disagree, senpai.
One of the autism superpowers is being able to kill without second thought, and that extends to being able to be interested in killing machines, killing strategy and consequences of killing.
It's almost like having a progressing disease makes you life worse over time.
My autism makes me like gathering as many companions as possible in videogames, and trying insanely not to have any of my dudes die in strategy games.
Autistic people think the military and history is a shonen or a superhero comic. They have teams and colors and figuring out how an M16 works is like learning to do a Kame Hame Ha
It's called perfectionism. It has nothing to do with not feeling any emotions when and after you kill someone.
I'm not clicking fantasy fueled garbage, spread facts, or fuck off.
Oh this isn't actually that bad-
>checks the text below some of these pieces
It's even worse
which ones, i didn't see anything
I suggest we send Jim the raper gordon
The latest, for one.
>artist draws mermaid OC's
>every single one of them has Humans on their hate list
is this a way to say you unironically believe in Global Basedming?
I remember when I used to be a lot younger than this guy.
Young Mike Stoklasa?
When did it all go wrong?
So it is him on deviant art
Something to fill up their time while it slowly withers away. War stuff gives them the illusion of focusing their undivided attention on something useful, cool or manly.
And to be fair some military stuff are pretty fun
link please
He saw Star Trek Generations.
Deviant Art and Autism make for a great combo.
did you go to that page though?
This is not Mike's account.
what the fuck
Considering that this guy is a lower functioning autist I don't doubt he sees all these child characters as his friends, he likely reasons on the same level as these characters do.
I don't think he's going for "deep"
Fuck you, I'd rather Monster Ranch and eat Papa John's
Hey, I remember this one!
When you see it
The scary thing is that this is probably canon in one of the millions of realities in the show
SPOILERS: She gets hit by a car.
Steamed ham.
So that's where fwuffy pony abuse fags originated from...
I always assume that it's just some kid who shouldn't have this level of access to the Internet instead of some adult eccentric. I'm a pretty weird fucking guy myself but I naturally assume that everyone else is well-adjusted.
The guy needs to get his internet taken away from him.
>Tfw this guy hates his sister so damn much for some unknown reason that he insists he’s an only child and if you bring her up he’ll deny it or even say that she’s simply his niece
>This monster can turn into a cute anime girl
Camaraderie in extreme circumstances can give you a sense of purpose and meaning that's very tangible and real, surrounded by people who will literally die for you. War is inherently appealing because civilian life has become so fucked up and empty, even if actual military life is often unsatisfying and built upon a ton of lies.
I strongly recommend Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging by Sebastian Junger if you want a serious answer to your question. It doesn't just affect autists and it explains why grown men have a constant obsession with violence and the armed forces.
Oh shit he was abusefag?
kys Yo-Kai Watch and Domino’s all the way baby
The lost South park theme song lyrics
He's also written fanfictions of cartoon children shitting themselves.
He's 39
Yeah, but that's an actual character
This one's going in my "image unrelated to post" collection
Or maybe dude, just maaaaybe jets are fucking rad? Ever think of that? No of course not. You're too busy sucking yourself off to even cum to that conclusion. Loser.
The absolute madlad
aw this makes me feel sorry for the poor guy. It sucks how hard it is to deal with mental handicaps in the modern era.
not all autistic people lack empathy.
>Tony stark holding Peters eyes open
>groot looking like he's had enough of this shit
You mean the wonderbread guy who got rejected by FUCKING SHADMAN?
Can someone translate it?
>Purple Smart
Yeah, Thanos' taste is cringe
Shadman doesn't even do requests.
this reads like a dril tweet
>abusefag being able to pay for commissions
I doubt it.
I used to rent this movie back in the ol' good Blockbuster days
I made a thing
You could probably get one out of him if it was something he liked.
what the fuck
>mfw watching it at 0.5x
Is this image appropriate for themes of this particular thread?
I think autism is starting to get out of hand, like, if this is how people are today, and it just keeps getting worse, what happens? Is there a threshold where it stops?
This one will always be my favorite
this is some spc shit
>Dislikes: Pepperoni
>my autistic brain
Does anyone know who the Astrid pigfucker abuse guy is? I cant imagine what kind of guy commissions all that shit, but I've hear its some middle aged Arab guy. Anyone know the full story?
I'm genuinely numb to fluffy torture, but this one really fucks me up
I mean, I get it.
>the time he posted on Yea Forums
What? Did anyone screencap that or remember what he said? I can only find pictures of him on /cow/.
That last post is honestly kinda fuckin sad
canadian what?
I remember that. Probably just some shitposter, right? How would he know about 8gag?
>Pepperoni is Garbage and Here's Why
In my case, I'm allergic. In ranter man's case? Pure heathenry.
She is not for lewding user.
I suffer from Asperger's and I'm often angry at myself for not being able to function as well as other people, but looking at stuff like this... you know, I got off pretty well.
>Nazi Finland
>Large numbers of aircraft and tanks
>Allied with USSR
I've seen some bullshit alternate history but this really takes the cake.
Pretty sure that originated from yukkuri abuse.
>this guy goes to my fucking school
>have seen him in Japanese class
Oh FUCK no
Offer him some pepperoni and cranberries
>that guy who makes threads about how Angelica pooped herself
Third worlder here, what the fuck is wonderbread?
Sucking up to the pepperoni lovers, huh? How weak.
i don't know why this one got me so much what the fuck
Kid you're in high school get the fuck outta here. Lurk or leave. Let the giant autistic kid be his massive town idiot self, you spastic.
They do taste good though when I'm not getting rashes from them
Interesting if true, but underage leave
check this before the thread dies
>I am 35 but cannot comprehend the answer!
My fucking god
Oh wow. Looked up this guy's profile name and found this.
Don't feel sorry for him, he is actually a pedophile.
Misread the birthdate, nevermind, it's some other black weeb.
He always says "konnichiwah mah nippa"
He sounds fuckin based to me
>my autistic brain
>stomping trolls
>true and honest
chris is that you?
So when Chris-chan finally kicks the bucket... will this kid take up the mantle ?
>A bored twenty six year old human boy child
>Trusting Hypocrite people's online Peperroni
what did he mean by this?
See you in four years with all those lovely stories.
They don’t look like they are having fun
I would unironically watch a movie about the joker doing stupid fucking Jackass-tier pranks. I wonder if this is what all of this is leading up to.
>likes: cheese pizza
This shit actually makes me nervous and uncomfortable. Why didn't Deviantart shut down yet?
thats not even toast
A brand of American bread, typically when someone refers to Wonderbread they specifically mean the brand's white bread since I think they also make wheat/multigrain/etc.
It's solidly mediocre as far as generic plain breads go.
You can't just shut down a fucking goldmine of autism. Imagine the consequences.
It's like Rap God on acid.
Because contrary to what you might think from seeing this thread, deviantart isn't entirely populated by autists and creeps.
This is weirdly ominous
Deviantart outlasted Tumblr. It's gonna outlast Twitter. Slow and steady.
Would you please sit down?
It's like someone made E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy into a comic
>this was released 9 years ago
I hope things improved for him
Tony is a sick fuck.
recently just looked at some art of spider-man and other fictional characters on deviantart.
for some reason it´s the worst fucking feeling looking at some artwork from 2010 that you like only to find out that the artists hasn´t released any new drawings since then.
I think it depresses me a bit since it shows how fast time goes by and because some of the artists could be dead now.
>I think it depresses me a bit since it shows how fast time goes by and because some of the artists could be dead now
Few days ago I encountered Mike Wieringo's Devinatart and it did make me sad.
Murr was known for being flaky as shit with commission money. He'd pay if you demanded in advance but if you were dumb and didnt get the money upfront you wouldnt see it.
What does he have against WASP? Their music is sick as hell
American bread became so over processed that all nutrition was lost. Wonderbread began advertising added vitamins to their bread that should have never been necessary in the first place
Fits in with Murrlogic's rampant capitalism fetish
I know it´s typical of people getting older to say stuff like this but I honestly feel like things used to be better 10 years ago.
I look around and see nothing new that excites me. everything is just a worse copy of something that was done in the 80s, 90s or early 2000s
And I am not just talking about comics and cartoons.
I keep wondering where all the talent has gone?
Fucking wew
Here's the thing: you've reached the age where experiencing things superficially will no longer excite you.
By this point you are supposed to be out making experiences of your own, but instead you are continuing to "watch" things from the sidelines, and the effects just keep getting duller and duller.
Enjoy being here forever.
actually i am doing much more with other people nowadays then I used to in the past.
It´s still however not enough to fill the void
yes, he is mentally handicapped. it isn't that unreasonable that he would exhibit that kind of behavior. He was raised in a household that was not equipped to deal with him and it is reflected in his behavior.
Reminds me of that one guy who spammed the boomer meme
>that comment
This is cute and I would watch anime with him
Don't open it.
Seriously, don't open it.
. . .That was it? Lame.
Anyone feels some kind of warmth for this? Reminds me of the struggles of my autistic little sister.
>true and honest
>stomping trolls
>obsessive capitalization
This guy was originally discovered on DA. He still has an account but I can't remember the name. Bones are wood I think I hope.
why is there a comma between had and had
Also he broke the jaw so he could stick his penis in.
>Reminds me of the struggles of my autistic little sister.
Does she masturbate in public?
You haven't seen shit
>Dislikes: Cranberries, Death Threats
He also makes threads on /g/ and /pol/, although he started posting less on /g/ because people kept trolling him.
wasn't there a song he where he kept repeating himself like a retard about how some sperg stands by his desk all day at school or some fucked autistic drivel.
We taught her not to.
Vore really attracts some hardcore autists. I remember this one guy who'd go fucking ballistic if Pichu was ever prey in Pokemon vore art. Like, he'd take it as a serious personal attack and it was the weirdest thing ever. I don't know if he's been around and it's been years since I last saw one of his freakouts, but that'll always stay with me.
everybody knows Supermarket Sweep is the best grocery/shopping-themed game show
>new Yea Forums banner
Is surrealist cringe a thing? Because that's the best term I can come up with for this thread
>Yea Forums
>play video games
Wasn't this more or less a joke in Looney Tunes Back in Action?
you think an autist can tell the difference between a joke and a plot point
Is it true that this guy makes Chris-chan normal in comparison? I honestly believe it after looking through these posts.
This guy was also pretty weird. Hopefully the site still works
>Bones are wood I think I hope.
they werent
Now this is kino
>he probably wanted the doll to be as authentic as possible
unironically Jimmy Corrigan
>tfw you can never find peace even in death because an autistic furfag turned you into a fuckpuppet and posted it online for everyone to see
>acknowledgements: to Microsoft for creating word
I can't believe I never gave this masterpiece a chance earlier. I hope I can finish the whole thing.
>wants to lick other mice with his permanent Bologna, Ham and cream cheese tongue and pass the virus to them
what the actual fuck
doesn't seem safe
This shit isn't even qualified for being nightmare fuel, it's actually fucking disturbing if the part of the bones is true.
You want to see someone obsessed with a single person? I'll show you someone obsessed with a single person.
What happened to GOOD autistic fanart?
Bet you money this is the same faggot obsessed with Courage, Scooby, Emma Frost, and Sailor Moon crossovers shitting up our drawthread
I know this is a ripoff and on purpose but still.
I feel like this could be a reaction image
This man saw the future, EXACTLY 20 years in the future
Holy fuck you're RIGHT.
Disney owns Alien too, doesn't it?
Isn't that all of kiwifarms, though?
>Yea Forums
>I am an only child living in my house
This sounds like a straight-up David Lynch line
the "1997" still gets me.
What art programs were even available in 1997, anyway?
Fucking imposters, they don't know the struggles the true troll slayers had gone through.
Reminds me of the furry porn they auctioned on a shopping network in the early 90s.
This is true.
Is there something he's not telling us? They say that a person's life is reflected in their art.
oh yeah
Deviantart always did live up to its name. Haven't noticed the same amount of degeneracy on Pixiv luckily.
what the fuck
I suppose you've never heard of dev-catscratch. I envy you.
At least their heart is in the right place
another one from Molly Hale Is My Friend
Wait what? I don't understand. And I shouldn't even be surprised he's a Brony as well.
How did bronies become so autistic in the first place? I've never seen a fanbase so rampant that it needed its own containment board because it got banned.
I'm just as lost as you. This is one of the most inexplicable things I've seen in my entire life.
what the fuck i hate beer now
I think this guy hates beer too? which is maybe why he views drinking it as unpleasant, and therefore a protest??
the creator is majorly obsessed with being a child forever, so maybe he thinks of beer as a bad thing because of its association with adulthood???
Any list of things he hates in particular?
Read it in this voice
His sister
Actively pretends she doesn’t exist and insists he’s an only child, only giving vague reasons why he’s an only child when people ask
He just tells people he stopped being an only child and then became one again within the span of a few years.
Reason for being so vague is because he’s trying to keep his personal life safe even though there’s a full on encyclopedia dramatica page about him
apparently this is supposed to be read with the intonation "I am not A chef, I am THE chef", but see how it is now some kind of absurdist artwork
he never explicitly mentions hating beer. he does hate Adult Swim though, but it's not one of his primary obsessions. mostly he's just obsessed with malls, children's cartoons (exclusively cartoon characters who are about 6 years old or younger), game shows and Bargain Hunters
as a vorefag let me tell you this is only the surface of what we have to offer, shit's fucked
this shit's out of a goddamn horror movie
I wouldn't even be surprised in the slightest if he hated mature animation like as you said adult swim and even more likely despised anime, dude has shit taste if that's the case.
he likes Pokemon specifically, but no other anime.his name, Molly Hale Is My Friend, references a Pokemon character and he depicts Ash from time to time
oh I forgot: for some reason he uses Beavis and Butthead from time to time, despite other times being vehemently in favour of the idea that only "family friendly" program should be allowed on Cartoon Network.
Is that all? You guys are gigantic pussies. How did you even find this site?
Huh no kidding. And yeah I just looked back and saw the ash images, yeah he makes me uncomfortable.
You tell me.
This is repetition, why just why, also who is that character he keeps posting and why is he specifically using her often? It's creepy as hell.
Deviantart is the gift that keeps on giving
What annoys me is the serious double standard at work here, as in "I'm allowed to abuse what you like but don't you dare abuse what I like." People have their preferences and kinks and I 100% respect that (I have a shameful ryona fetish myself), but I recognize that my preference is based on a sense of harm and I would never want to force that upon other people.
It just gets under my skin whenever people act with such a staggering lack of self-awareness. It's easy to just dismiss it as stupidity or autism but you see that kind of stuff among the "well-adjusted" too.
apparently her name is Penny. Encyclopedia Dramatica describes her as "a one-time character from the obscure animated incarnation of Sylvanian Families". That "Bargain Hunters" show he's obsessed with also was apparently cancelled after just nine weeks.
Its no wonder, haven't heard of any of those shows at all, and it's always Molly for some reason, haven't you noticed he seems to be in particular likes the name Molly? This is some mad hatter shit right here.
I've already written it down to steal for a story later
The stand is called “Aurora Burger-alis”.
I remember in 2013 I could post some random piece of diaper porn and we'll all agree that was the worst thing ever but I feel that's so innocent next to this.
have things really became worst or have our distates changed?
>death threats
I don't know if I should be more worried today than when I was a kid. I recall death threats on the playground and don't know if these kids take it seriously now with hover parenting trigger culture.
I think it's because diaper is so common. Hell, Bob's Burgers made a reference to it in it's first season.
>tfw not that far off from this level of insanity
A-at least I don't upload it right
I remember seeing this years ago, when I was like 18. In two years i'll be his age and I still feel the same
I wonder if you could track those paintings down, someone has to have them still
What are marine parks?
I think that kinks have become less stigmatized in general and people will be less unanimous in collectively mocking them. but then you get shit like which goes way beyond kinky into a desire to have/spread some kind of horrible medical condition, apparently
>Self-aware enough to recognize my own autism and problems
>Still can't get rid of them
A special kind of Hell.
>None of these fools know the joy of DiGiorno's and Fire Emblem
I think he's referring to stuff like sea world. I mean I have no idea what's he referring to exactly.
like...Sea World maybe?
Weirder than 2007 Chris for sure, but 2019 Chris is several layers of rock bottoms below.
Wow, Trauma Center 3 is really shaping up.
It's especially hard when you can only think about one cartoon and are inclined to talk about it as if it's the only thing you can talk about.
Why are some of them official art and some of them terrifying MS paint?
He got worse?! Damn the live action sonic trailer really did something to him didn't it?
>14 but 6'2
>Hates pepperoni
Actual, literal autism.
this guy (Erik Mokracek) seems to have more extreme autism than Chris-Chan (Chris' is relatively mild, just severely mismanaged due to awful parenting), which means that way more repetitive. though the repetition enhances the feeling of losing your mind while scrolling through his DeviantArt page for sure.
It was more the Idea Guys, they fed into Chris' delusions and got him believing in shit like the Dimensional Merge, and messed with his real life, getting him to assault his mother by threatening to blow up CWCville with moon lasers.
Rocking Raven's Profile:
Real Name: Rocking Raven
Syndrome Brain: Autistic
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Skin Color: Gray
Species: Gothic Human
Role: Hero
Element: Undead
Battle Class: Sorcerer
Date of birth: 01-01-1993
Age: 24
Race: American
Home Country: United States of America
Home City: Mobile, Alabama
Relatives: Phoenix Rocker (Sister), Thunder Drum (Cousin)
Also Known as: Gothic Guitar Girl
Favorite Food: Unknown
Favorite Color: Sliver
Super Power Abilities:
Guitar Strike
Guitar's Strength
Guitar's Speed
Guitar's Electricity Attack
Guitar Laser
Imaginary Guitar
Guitar Hammer
Fighting Skills:
Karate Kick
Karate Punch
Karate Chop
Karate Flips
Many Karate Techniques
Personality: Rocking Raven has a weird personality, she likes wearing black gothic clothing and she loves playing with her rock and roll guitar. Rocking Raven is (un)fortunately a gothic girl who never writes poems, but instead plays with rock and roll electric guitars. She never plays dumb with anyone (even if you try to tell to turn down her guitar noises) but she will use her guitar to torture you if you play dumb with her (this guitar is very dangerous). Just try to be careful with her, she can kill you with her guitar.
Her Feet/Toes being tickled
Licking People's Feet
Hiding in shadows
Guitars that sound like motorcycles
Playing Heavy Metal music
Playing with her guitar
Waving her hair around like a whip
Vores and Violence
Being forced to kill someone
Not being entertained
Her Feet/Toes being licked (she will kill you for that)
Country Guitars
People messing with her guitar (she will kill you for that)
Geometry Dash (…)
How many people's lives has she taken?
Does mike have nudes?
where else does he mention the name Molly?
I don't know but he has like 9 pages of just pics with descriptions like this
thats not even taking into account the villains and the rest of his gallery
Behold the greatest villain.
for anyone interested, this 12-minute cartoon is the only time this little girl character has appeared in anything
>but you see that kind of stuff among the "well-adjusted" too.
This is probably because you conflate intelligence with sanity.
Are these "well-adjusted" well spoken, erudite even? Because that has very little bearing on their mental stability.
This is just my OPINION, but I think too much social media + Culture War of the 1st World = more craziness than before. It was inevitable. Yea Forums didn't change, and neither did DA. The entire 1st world changed.
yeah, the useless bulk in storytelling is pretty much a telling sign of autism
Finally, the one true Florida man has been discovered.
Bizarrely, nearly all the other characters KodyBoy555 has made are basically all scuba divers with exactly the same body shape/proportions. They're differentiated only by species and place of residence, and have little to no backstory. He seems to have a need to put at least one in every state?
>do not touch the tape inside
What happens if somebody did?
the movie might actually be improved
you'd turn into cheese
People with those fetishes took that random post as a sign that "I BELONG HERE XD".
How the actual FUCK do you come up with such a convoluted and gruesome backstory for that fucking MS Paint doofus?
I suspect it might the biography of an actual criminal or the plot of a movie or something. But it might just be pure stream-of-consciousness ranting.
It's just such a stark contrast between that and the image of this fat, goofy lizard looking all bashful about it like, "Did I do that?"
I distinctly remember deciding against starting a deviantart account when I was younger
Sometimes I wonder how my life might have turned out if I did
Hey, that’s not how the Scout Law goes...
yeah it's pretty jarring, but he draws all of his characters like that due to genuinely autistic repetitive behaviour
I made one as a kid and only used it to fap to SpeedyHimura's shitty anime tiddy art
Going through his journal, apparently this is less a kink and more outright torture (he says that he made the images when he was angry)
every time
The artist (Biohazard) is still pretty active.
(no links because this is a blue board)
I always forget I'm an Eagle Scout because I fucking hated BSA so much. Super surprised I still know the Oath and Law
Mike Matei?
>the media is all racism this, trump that, I just want to sit down for god's sake!
go figure, it struck me as clearly referencing the mummification BDSM fetish.
also I had to look up "delitization"; I assumed it was a pre-existing word describing some kind of horrific medical condition where your organs become, like, solidified or something into "hunks of meat" instead of literal ham and bologna.
The porn using that expression as a meme is pretty funny.
there's an image that shows off exactly why /mlp/ was born that I can't find
military and history are connected to shonen. Did you watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes user.
My dad didn't let me join boy scouts in elementary school. He just straight up said "The counselors have sex with the kids and I don't want you to get molested, son."
Damn cockblocker blowing my only shot.
Do you remember anything about the image?
I need to read Tribe. All I've heard is reviews and summaries/interviews and his thesis seems really ironclad as to why PTSD outstrips actual combat encounters. It's more the solidarity of the military than the actual experience of it. Life today is exceedingly untribal, atomized and miserable despite so much material pleasures.
shit the kids from Dragon Tales are plotting some kind of coup
>there’s multiple Eagle Scouts browsing Yea Forums
How the hell did we end up here. Clean and Reverent, my ass
do what you love, they say
He's still alive
>Why don't you actually post art instead of mocking ripping apart and doing asinine bullsit of sex and BDSM
New comeback.
>no thankful I will pass on that, over Rated and I don't want it one bit, pick someone else
Oh fuck, that one got me
>S E X U A L D I N O S A U R E G O M A N I A C
holy shit. it's like the end of an era for this dude. it's astounding.
You do realise that the roundel of the Finish air foece was a swastika right? Unrelated to the german's use of it though
When did Chris Claremont start writing Sonic comics
If only more people could do it.
It was at the quality of one of those rageface comics, albeit completely drawn.
Basically it talks about (read:implies) the big reason /mlp/ was created is less because of the autism of the community and more how whenever someone would bring up the show in any fashion the thread would fall apart into a flame war that overrode whatever the topic at hand was, hence why threads get thrown off a cliff if they loosely reference MLP in any way.
Think barneyfag but a thousand times worse.
I feel like if Beavis and Butt-Head represent your side of the argument, I'd wager you've picked the wrong side to take.
He's right.
It's an anime
Mike? You ok buddy? Drink too much again?
I genuinely feel so bad for autistic people. Imagine being so trapped in your own mind that you can't relate to anyone your age, you can't really hold down most jobs, and you're forever stuck in a feedback loop of what makes sense to you and only you.
>foreverial stuck in a feedback loop
my brother's low-functioning autistic.
i wish he'd fucking die already. he's basically a goddamn animal. theres nothing to pity. he just... exists. and because he so happens to be human-shaped itd be rude to put him down.
higher-functioning ones can be formed into at least being presentable most of the time.
>time for a nap
>i'm a cat who loves to snooze
got to remember to use this in shit threads on saturdays
Someone post that poop bear detective so everyone else can suffer through what I had to.
wtf was billys problem??
>What art programs were even available in 1997
Tons. Photoshop, Corel, MS Paint, and dozens of others. PS would have been around for nearly a decade at that point.
I know not of how delitized man is holding today other than that he's alive, but if he learned to move on from his embarassing past in some way it gives me hope for other actual autists still stuck in this odd state of mind. Unrealistic to hope for I know, but whatever.
This update on the dude was genuinely fascinating, thanks user!
>I have never gotten grounded for anything
I feel bad for their parents
That's Cay-loo
he posted again recently. He's up to Flik 38 now.
>mfw I still own that Ninja tape.
What the fuck
God i wish that guy would stop shitting up gridman threads on Yea Forums
i enjoy how even people like this will brag about being tall.
What the fuck happened to flik?
Alright it actually took longer to find this account but when i did it was worth it. I think its just a shitpost.
>15 cents
Only if that desert has a hole in space-time that leads to Riverdale where it's always the idealized TV 60's. In which case I'd travel that desert as well.
nigga just wanted a purple waifu just like him.
some of these look like mugshots after they killed someone. espicially DW.
>Stalked by Encyclopedia Dramati-cunts
I can’t imagine a worse fate.
I’m with you, bro.
Speaking of the Sonic movie, Jim Carrey as Robotnik is the only saving grace, imo.
interested to see this story tbqh
you're just adding NOT to things that describe you
Jesus fucking Christ. This is going straight into my horror RPG campaign.
Was that guy ever found/arrested? That's gotta be some kind of crime, right?
listening to Sign Of Evil while browsing this thread did not make these images any better
>I have no counter-argument to hard truths
>better just call him edgy
Have you lived or witnessed low-functioning autists or the mentally retarded? theres a reason the greeks just threw them off a cliff you over-socialized pussy.
He's still got a fucking DA account up and running!
God help us all.
Honestly one of the most disgusting Yea Forums things I've seen
I had a DA account when I was younger, except this was in the '00s before the dominance of social media when DA had more artists than autists.
It was fun if you followed the right people. I still remember the various sitewide drama that occurred from time to time that everyone seemed to have an opinion on.
Left shortly after llama badges were introduced and never looked back.
>cheese pizza
he calls this thing "Sally"? Is he purposely trying to be a serial killer movie villain??
I've never been more certain about staying as far away from a URL as possible
Reminds me of I feel fantastic, only this time he is a legitimately creepy man.
He posted this a few months ago!
>Robert Eagle
>(A eagle)
My sides
He has been at this for 8 years.
Also his favorites
You know, maybe we should go back to segregating the mentally ill from the rest of humanity.
>I hate when people explain why I feel certain emotions and think certain thoughts because it makes me feel less special
Yeah, it was much easier to deal with mental handicaps back in the Middle Ages, right?
vibrations through the floorboards
that's actually funny though he roasted every board and only with one post each
>hey guys look at me shoving words into people's mouth!
Bet you'd also like to shove your cock up my ass too huh fag? Well dig in!
The weirdly stiff-looking hand gestures make this look even more like something from the Black Lodge. And what's with the tail? Is she some kind of demon?
Is this what the horrible semi-skeletal sex doll looks like to him? Or is the sex doll a literal idol basically?
Autism can cause fixation on literally any image or experience. The guy who made those has pretty pronounced actual autism.
Is that Pedobear?
best picture.
ive always thought this was an elaborate troll to punish someone for being a trip fag and make them question if they really want attention.
Kidnapping fetish.
Looks like it
He has a general fixation on cars. like there's an entire series of characters pasted into pictures of cars saying "I'm going to open the glove compartment of this [INSERT SPECIFIC MAKE AND MODEL OF CAR]". But there are disturbing indicators he might be a victim and/or perpetrator of child sex abuse.
>Not Spectrobes and some KFC
What's chasing them?
What's the Abusefag story?
No Fossil Fighters and Larosa's
Its threads like this that make so thankful I'm high functioning
>All Ages Admitted
It's certainly bait for something
It's Trend Micro EULA
Comic-fag here, this garbage is actually pretty much standart Garth Ennis material
>his linework keeps getting better
>while the expressions become more and more bizarre
this is just beautiful
Wait hold on what did mean, I didn't get it?
Autism comes in a whole spectrum of severity. Some people have it worse than others. If you're high functioning you might have weird obsessions, an inability to recognize sarcasm, or other manageable quirks, but can otherwise function just fine in society. What they used to call Asperger's is a form of high functioning autism.
But it can also be so bad that an individual is stuck rocking in a chair all day, completely unable to communicate to the caretakers they're going to need for their entire life.
>Here comes another Chinese earthquake
I would make friends with him immediately if he used that line on me
I have trouble if I like The Beast more by them or Sabaton
Is there a term for this deeply disturbing weaponized autism fetish crap?
Should we come up with one? Or is it pointless to try and name the void of insanity that these... things come out of.
This motherfucker's art was on LIVE TELEVISION. Fucking legend.
There is an amount of attention you don't want
This one always reminds me of an Elevated Autism edition of the same desire, the Japanese guy /po/ found who makes paper mache human-sized sex dolls, with fully articulated joints. Can't find the screencaps, someone will have them
The two he's posted online are of Asuka and Rei, of course.
Have a cover
What's /his/'s opinion on this?
damn that's nice
Yon mace to skvll solveth all convndrvms
>Kiwi Farms
>Obsessed with one single person
>>everybody knows Supermarket Sweep is the best grocery/shopping-themed game show
>Not The Price Is Right
fair, I'd say they share the top spot, with Price is Right slightly higher
>I'm the best at what I do, and what I do is drink ocean water and oppress minorities
>434 people like this
Literally me
hey panini don't you be a meanie
I like the expression.
what the fuck
can someone please explain this thread to me I just looked through all of it and I'm actually so fucking astounded, is this for like the deviant arts of low-functioning autists? I'm actually worried
First time I came to Yea Forums in like 5 months and this is the shit I see. What the fuck.
see what?
why is this stickied?
I liked this mod
these posts glow in the dark
It's starting
Some of the porn tags are being slowly infested by low quality art by people with western names. Especially the ones that deviantart people love
>Race: American
>Species: Gothic Human
>Favorite Color: Sliver
>Syndrome Brain: Autistic
>You live a good life
>are put to rest
>your bones are robbed to be in some guys real sized doll
>your jaw is broken so he can stick his dick in your mouth
I'm frightened. If I die before anyone else here, can you make sure my bones are safe and not rattled?
OP here.
I have no idea how this reached 500 posts
The people were yearning for a higher class of autism, I guess
Speaking of autism, check this:
I swear, this shit is going to start an inner-board war.
we need another one honestly
I disagree, while in many ways we are stilling living in the echo of the scattering effects of steam and petrol, information technology is rapidly retribalising many aspects of our lives
Watch the whole thing, if you can. It is a fascinating piece of work
You just got used to it is all.
Autism threads are the best here on Yea Forums in my opinion.
I'm actually quite relieved to see this now. It's clear the bones are resin/plastic. Must have been an old anatomy class display or something.
In my opinion, your opinion is just an opinion.
They are in fact of course
So long as you keep your secret, shameful desires hidden in the dark where they belong.
Apparently he painstakingly carved a realistic skeleton out of wood to serve as the frame for the Sally doll. Sure, it's not as bad as using someone's actual corpse, but goddamn...
The Doom track or the Sodom EP?
Based if the latter. Also based if the former.
new thread?
>mfw I realize where i read this before