Summer Camp Island

>summer camp island has a town called Heartforde
>The Mist mentions of safezone town of Heartforde

So is julia literally hiding some lovecraftian horror beneath this hugbox show?

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Other urls found in this thread:!3ngmVC6Y!GyarfWLMbLt87cDk18eMfg!Wnhiia5A

Have you seen the other animated shorts made by Julia? Those things are nightmare fuel and are in the same style as this show.

My guess something very fucked up is going to crawl out of some forgotten part of the Island.

forgot pic

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I don't know. A lot of fans say that one of the reasons they like the show is because it's not dark (hell, they make that very point in the episode "Puff Paint"). For a show with, let's be honest, pretty shitty ratings, I don't think they're going to risk alienating people who watch for that reason.

Last thing I heard was that it does decently on streaming related services.

Makes sense, they're releasing it the same way Netflix releases their stuff.

Last couple episodes got kinda weird and creepy, in one of them Oscar messes up a ritual the monsters and the old witch does to keep time moving forward instead of moving randomly, he sees different parts of his life including a dead hedgehog.

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Which episode is that?

Why is The Library so rough looking?

Episode 36 Midnight Quittance

Not gonna lie, some of the off-model scenes were great because it was for expressive purposes, but what the fuck was up with the scene with them running towards the library at the beginning? Unironically, I hope whoever did that bit should be fucking fired. That was awful.

Yeah, that's different from the island secretly housing Cthulhu. I'm just saying, if they did go in that direction, that's kinda ballsy.

>have to wait a year to see if Hedgehog gets her wand back

It reminded me of the Highwayman from Over the Garden Wall.

Have you prayed to your lord and saviour today?

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We've already seen some creepy shit here and there lurking around. Something is up there

There's been some creepy shit seen here and there (that fucking tree in one of the early episodes for instance). And thus is fucking Julia. The woman excels at making cutesy-seeming shit go full cosmic horror story without warning.

Oh my God I got to Director's Cut and Oscar's voice got absolutely FUCKED

fucking sick, keep it up pott

Considering we have seen that weird swamp area where dr toad and the gay ghosts live in like twice, wouldn't be surprised if you kept going deeper and deeper into the islands presumably large underground system, the more fucked up it gets.
Who knows, for all we know there's just straight up gate to hell at the bottom or some other world/ reality ending creature being contained at the bottom of the island.
If the jabberwock is anything to go off of, this island must be home to a lot more dangerous shit if one keeps digging.

The island is pretty clearly home to some severely nasty things. I mean, the Witches are outright reality warpers of not insignificant power. They aren't malicious (barring Susie), but they could easily fuck over pretty much everyone else seen thus far if they could be bothered. And indications are that there are other things like them out there, if not worse.

Knowing Julia, the show is going to go full horror story when we least expect it.

>Knowing Julia, the show is going to go full horror story when we least expect it.
It already has. Nothing is more horrifying than a show cutting you real deep, like some of the episodes do. Mom Soon is a real punch in the gut. Also, that episode Hedgehog finds out about the cult that idolises her. Now that was creepy.

Howard in Directors cut did mention that "Magic used to be all over the world, then people changed overtime" or something along those lines, which explains why the island is a melting pot of mystical shit.
There's also how there seemed to be government agents in the quicksand episode (could be misremembering) which confirms that the island is at least being monitored by some organization or government to make sure something doesnt or does happen.
The more this island and its inhabitants are dissected, the more I come to respect how Potts has never once shoved this lore stuff down our throats and forced us to make up or own conclusions.

Where TF can I see episodes past 30!3ngmVC6Y!GyarfWLMbLt87cDk18eMfg!Wnhiia5A
or go to kimcartoon

>The more this island and its inhabitants are dissected, the more I come to respect how Potts has never once shoved this lore stuff down our throats and forced us to make up or own conclusions.
Yeah, what I really like about SCI us that the lore is there, but it's very subtle and utilized sparingly, but effectively. There's lots of room for discussion and speculation, but there's little to no chance of jumping the bridge and outright bullshitting stuff up. There's definitely dark shit going on here on the island. We just don't know WHAT yet.

I like seeing Susie warming up to the campers as the series goes on.

>He hasn't seen The Library
Oh, user... she's close to murdering one of them.

She spends the whole day making sure they have a good time. You don’t do that if you dislike people.

Stop thinking about it and eat your hot pockets.

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Remember how when Jesse Moynihan first joined AT his first ep, Crystals Have Power, was weird and off model?
Guess who coboarded The Library

Thanks, user. Julia knows who to fire.

I want more episodes set in Heartforde. That place is max cozy.

Spiderphant, spiderphant
Does nothing 'cause he can't

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whos the best witch and why is it alice?
(pic unrelated)

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Mama mia!

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>Hedgehog performs a full-on heist on Susie's cabin to get her wand back, her crew comprised of other campers from the island

I'd watch it.

Moar of this cute devil

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Post >yfw you have a 200IQ and realise The Library was a great finale because it shows how childish and impatient Hedgehog is and isn't qualified to be a Witch.

You ain't that smart and Hedgehog and Oscar are fucking terrible characters who need to just kiss already.

As much as I think this show is OK at best, Camp Camp is far superior. Too bad it doesn't have Susie (or her friends) in it, but whatever.

That just proves Susie is best character, as much as I don't like her being a bully to the kids at first - too bad they kinda deserve it for being babies.

I wanna pracky on this dragon bitch - and that cloudkicking horse bitch - and the monsters - and anything else I can't think of. Fuck all of them!

I'm actually starting to like this show more and I'm not even a lorefag. Just a sucker for some good storytelling.

>There's definitely dark shit going on here on the island. We just don't know WHAT yet.
I think people are expecting deeper stuff in this show than there actually is. There's only two main underlying plot things happening aside from Oscar and HH's journey.
>Susie ending her friendship with Ramona likely because she was afraid of what the future would bring
>Monsters gathering on the island because of racism

That's it. Nothing really that deep.

Ever notice that his last name is Peltzer and the aliens look mogwais ?

Best witch is definitely pic related
Why would you even post her then and not your choice?

He's a bit of a dickhead but he's sure cute.

Their heads are so big here.

I drew this as practice but mostly for qt demon monster UwU

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>Yeah, they're super co-dependent, mmm
Is Heeho really that dependent on Oscar? The other way around, sure, but she seems pretty functional on her own.

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She just doesn't show it as much, but she's still very much dependent on Oscar being around cause they've been together since they were babies.

Hedgepig is dependent on Oscar looking up to her. The moment Oscar steps out of her shadow she gets angry. In general hedgepig gets angry when she doesn't get what she wants.

Need pictures of him bullying Hedgehog

Need more pictures of anyone bullying hedgepig.

Susie just wants to separate them so she can corner Oscar when he’s alone and vulnerable.

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Reminds me of this

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was this Oscar's subtle jab at Max?

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i want to hug susie

It's a direct reference to this.

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Yeah, the DEEPEST talk in this thread feels kinda forced when you watch the show.

That doesn't mean it isn't fun to speculate, theorize, and analyze for the sake of it. All the theorycrafting for shows like Adventure Time and Gravity Falls were mostly just 2deep overanalysis that didn't really result in anything, but that doesn't mean the discussions had were exactly meaningless.

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>Monsters gathering on the island because of racism
Why do you think this is a plot thing?

If you leave the island do you lose your magic powers?
would Susie get really old and die if she strays too far?

I liked this moment. It showed that Susie really does care about them.

Moynihan is a good writer, even if his art can be a bit wonky. Pretty sure he's just a freelancer so he shouldn't have many more episodes if any.

Can't wait for the obligatory Friday the 13th parody.

how would they pull it off?

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Pretty much. If she leaves the island she'll straight up probably just turn to dust.

>Susie tries to trap the elephant so she has some company in her endless life.

Probably the witches messing with em only for there to turn out to be an actual spook the main duo get stalked by when they are deeper into the islandnl. Ends with an eerie final shot of the actual stalker looking on from the distance

Susie going in full legaly-distinct jason attire without telling anyone in advance (including the other councilors) to scare the fuck out of everyone.
Everytime she "gets" someone, she just warps them to the mess hall and tells them to play along.
You can come up with a lot of ways to do it, just gotta get creative.

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It's the little things

Time and age seem to be recurring themes. I wonder what that's building up to...

I expect some kind of government spec-op to uncover the magic of the island or something. The final legs of the show will definitely be a drama.

Mom soon isn't that bad to me since they did it immanently after that cloud puncher, just seemed like an easy way to settle the plot.

Probably building up to Susie realizing she cant stay 15 forever and giving up her title as head witch, as well as finally letting time take its toll on her.

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100 Reasons You'll Be Okay
But I like yours better.

Why do you faggots like this tumblr garbage again?

Here, have some gay ghosts. Are you spooked yet?

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Is it me or did they make Oscar a lot more childish in season 2?

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How old are Alice and Betsy? Are they all 115 or do you think they joined Susie later?

They probably joined at a later date, but they're definitely not 15. They were apparently around in 1972.

Nah you're right, they do seem to have ramped it up a little.

*huff* *huff* *huff*
Am I late?

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Bushpork hangs out with Oscar for two reasons:
-His innocence and purity helps her avoid going full-Tim and Eric;
-Him being a perpetual loser means she is always winning, which is important for her self-esteem.
Their relationship is inherently unhealthy.

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Whoever wins gets to keep Oscar.

That's not a thing on Yea Forums.

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then why does it keep getting threads deleted?

What are you on about?

>The only gift she really wants is his cock

They keep getting deleted because some asshole keeps posting porn, and furry is a super-bannable offense.

Furries, in my Yea Forums?
Perish the thought!

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Ay Tone, if bats make 13% of the population how come they commit 52% of the crimes?


Do you think that the "Oscar not getting his original voice back" at the end of the episode before that was a nod to how his voice started to change?


Is that why he wrote Web Weirdos?
Everyone on Yea Forums's most beloved and top of the top 10 adventure time episodes

I don't think Moynihan is a good writer, I just think he tries really hard and that can sometimes mean literally anything with todays cartoons

i don't hate that episode as much as some folks on Yea Forums

and i know for a fact that death in bloom, the limit, no one can hear you, marceline's closet, return to the nightosphere, beyond this earthly realm, sons of mars, finn the human, all the little people, mystery dungeon, and flute spell are top-tier episodes that have made it on to plenty of top tens. there's also plenty of episodes i omitted like normal man that aren't universally loved but i appreciate them

acting like he's a bad writer is stupid. sometimes he gets too abstract but it just sounds like you're buttmad because you didn't get it.

Practically every cartoon since Flapjack has done silly goofy hijinks with an abrupt left turn into something creepy. In a world of possibilities, it's a very short reach.

>lovecraftian horror
Go back to 2005.

Alice is a mammoth, so she's tens of thousands of years old. Aslo why she's strongest with magic.

Most definitely. On the topic of the voice, you can probably catalog which episode was produced in what order based on Oscars VA's voice

Shit-tier opinion. Moynihan wrote many of the greatest AT episodes.

do girls do this irl

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what the fuck happened to the art??

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yes very

because it was unrelated

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draw fags get on this

I love Alice's voice, it's simultaneously invokes affection while exhibiting retardation.

yeah even good boarders can have duds

Now we have...
Pilot Hedgehog, Normal Hedgehog, The Clone Hedgehogs and now Evil God Hedgehog (pic related for reference)
Thanks Jesse for providing another variation of Hedgehog to the world.

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No, threads have been deleted (mind you, only Summer Camp Island ones, never any others) purely because they were bumped from page 9 or 10.

Phhh. like the mods ever give reasons. You're all just grasping at straws. They delete things they don't like because they're fucking children and also probably fucking children.

not erotic enough

>>Whoever wins gets to keep Oscar.
>implying oscar is a prize worth winning
Even worse is that Lucy will help him become independent and less pathetic overall but he'll reject her advances and go crawling back to Hedgehog.

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>but he'll reject her advances and go crawling back to Hedgehog.
I don't think so, buddy. Midnight Quittance pretty much confirmed a light-skinned character is going to be his prom date.

>he'll reject her advances

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Lucy is the thirsty fuck stereotype
-goes for the pathetic type
-probably a loner
-is the dominant type

Yup it checks out

Are all episodes of season 2 out? I just watched 9 to 12 on cable, and it seems that I haven't watched some of the episodes' screenshots posted here.

I want, like, some kind of life-sim game based on SCI. Like an Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon clone with SCI as the backdrop and maybe more adventurous missions.

Yes they have. But they're shitty recordings of TV or screens

>not erotic
u wot m8?

If you have Spectrum in the states you can watch all the episodes there for both seasons, but I know someone here has a mega link.

I'd definitely play that.

Hahaha, people said the werewolf subplot wouldn't be brought up ever again.

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In that scene who ever it was seemed pissed due to the fist being clenched. So either its a break up scene or some other thing.

I'm confused
Not only have we seen the toothpaste not talking before (maybe it was asleep), why should Oscar be eager to buy nonmagical toothpaste, when... all the nonmagical shit he brought from home started talking when he arrived at SCI. clearly it's the island that makes shit talk.

Director's Cut mentions how magic used to be a common thing throughout the world before being secluded to the island. From that, we can understand that what does come alive was actually alive (if that makes sense). Meaning Pajamas is a real living entity, even before entering the island. Only now the magic allows them to move and speak. I believe Heartforde is a place that sells specifically made or imported goods with no sentience or magical qualities.

I assumed that Heartforde's normalcy is in itself an oddity, like all items from it aren't affected by magic for whatever reason.

>we can understand that what does come alive was actually alive
So like a toy story type of thing right? Where specific items that were once somehow enchanted had to remain inanimate until
>A)Nobody was around to observe
>B)Those items arrived on the island
The question is, if this is the case, how would they explain it? Would they just go "ever noticed how certain things in your house go missing?" Or even devote an episode to just Pajamas.
Theres a lot you can go with this angle.

I don't think it's Toy Story kind of deal. Only going on the island would reanimate them. I'd imagine they're completely unconscious and unaware they're alive until their arrival on the island. It's actually quite horrifying now that I've thought about it. Billions upon billions of sentient beings unaware they're actually alive and never will know they're alive.

>Bring calculator to island
>It realizes its been sentient the whole time and can make thousands upon thousands of calculations
>it then finds out its actually an inferior model compared to other calculators, which can do more than it could ever dream of doing
>a day goes by
>cant find calculator
>search around
>eventually find it
>its in a pool face down with a note written in binary
>spend hours translating the damn thing
>"I am inferior and pathetic, I will never grasp the concept of neither love, nor trigonometry."
>bury it in the woods
>I dont want to get haunted by a suicidal calculator
>buy a new calculator at Heartforde a week later
I joke, but there was no doubt a few items that couldn't handle sentience and offed themselves on that first day.

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Post the song you want the finale to end with. Would be sad, sweet and realistic when Oscar & Hedgehog go their separate ways.

Too bad Hedgehog's werewolf voice is dogshit.

I'm willing to give Oona Lawrance a pass for being a kid. Her acting is otherwise pretty good outside of the werewolf voice.

So for how long it took for season 1 and "season 2" to come out, will that mean a season 3 is coming out in like a year or so? Wonder if a season 3 is gonna be the final one like how OK K.O.'s third season is it's final.

Quite frankly, if they wrap up everything neatly in the next 20 episodes and finish the show by the 3rd Season, I would be very happy. It's nearly at its peak and if you end when the show is at its peak, it'll become a classic, eventually.

If it can keep up the early Adventure Time vibes then I'm down for it to end on a high note. Don't want it to become late Adventure Time.

In a perfect world, the finale's credits would just have this playing while we see every camper's lives play out, ending with a reunion of sorts, recreating the shot of them by the campfire in the intro as it zooms out with the camp at sunrise.

>sad, sweet and realistic
I'm not intentionally feeding into the "comfy and nonthreatening" thing but I'm so utterly fucking sick of this shit.

I think that's supposed to be part of the charm. Like they just told the kid to pretend they're a werewolf and ran with it.

Papa Pia!

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That is really gay.

Why can't Oscar find happiness bros?

Happiness is a meme.

yes. that kind of thing is common when you have a crush.

Don't say that

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No one finds happiness.

no it's not what the fuck is wrong with you

Don't give up, little fren! It is sometimes a struggle to find, but it's worth persevering.

How has this show actually performed? Does anyone even talk about it outside of Yea Forums

>arkham asylum is in batman
>it's also from lovecraft's works

w-whoa is batman also about cthulu?

no u


Isn't anyone else bothered by the bed ghosts having their third anual hedgehog is a werewolf thing when hedgehog became a werewolf in the island?

Three years have passed somehow.

Hedgemom or Momhog

Attached: hedgehog pickmeyuuup.jpg (1600x900, 209K)

Prolly a different dimension with warped time or at least a different perception of it

Mommyhog taking care of her gay ass pachyderm

Another user brought up time might be kind of fucked under the bed, either that or this cult somehow knew about Hedgehog long before they arrived on the island.
The moon was able to spy into oscars parents place and apparently oscar's mom does know about the alien couple since she has had calls with them (granted she doesnt know shes talking to an alien but still), so its at least possible magic can interact with the world outside the island with out the rest of the world noticing.
For all we know, this cult started 3 years ago.
Either that or they employ that time quick sand and that somehow fucked with their perception of time, since it seems only the bed ghosts know of it, as not even the witches seem to know about that sand pit.

I'm glad the resolution to Hedgehog's crush came and went. probably the second fastest resolution to a pairing i've seen in a show. Even if they did start dating it probably woudn't last long. Didn't want this show to end up like Star Vs.

If Christian Bale can get away with it in three summer blockbusters I'll cut a kid VA some slack.

I want to see Oscar and Susie hug in a future episode.


the best retard

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the most dangerous witch.

I feel like the same way the did haunted camp fire

she just wants the trunk

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I wonder who would win between Alice's tard-strength and HH's autism.

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Oh fuck. I am the hedgehog. Time to get me a therapist

She really is. She's pure chaos that needs to be contained.

>a spiky thot vs. an overpowered turbo retard mammoth

I think the answer is prerry clear

>actual witches, werewolves, monsters, and ghosts
>cliff hanger mystery about why Suzie didn't age like that witch with the time babies (or whatever they're called)
>there's that cursed video game that affects reality
>a forbidden and deadly forest on part of the island
>literally a sentient and moody moon that can actually move out of orbit affecting all tides on Earth
You might be on to something, chief.

>all of these greentexts
>no question about the hat
That's the REAL mystery that I want answered here. What's its significance? Why does Hedgemom wear one? What material is it made out of? Does it have hammerspace?

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and why doesn't her dad have one. I'm guessing it's just paper. Also she doesn't sleep with it so.

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Why does her mom look like a bat?

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Hedgehogs have teeth like that, y'know?

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Since when?? Sonic doesn't have that!

we didnt see jims face, for all we know he could have some fangs

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its this universes yamaka but only the girls need it, also JEW HOG JEW HOG

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Oscar and Alice are the Jewish ones. Hedgehog is mixed, and Max is black.

*falls off cliff*

hogs mom has a pic with I assume is hedgehog with her dad so I guess it's not a gender thing.
Maybe cut out the "I'm gonna kill all the judges" part.

Are we getting a season 3?

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No. I hope the show ends with Hedgehog awkwardly losing her wand.
now that would be kino

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what the fuck

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What will happen to Oscar's butt though?

You think any of the young actors ever accidentally call Julia Pott "Mom"?

Lucy will peg him

What's up with the fentanyl addicted panda

I don't know, but I wish she would step on me with her dirty stockings and make me call her Mommy.

He's cute and adorable.

Every main character on the show is one of the 7 deadly sins. Pepper is sloth.

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Who are the other six, Father?

>Alice: Greed
>Hedgehog: Wrath
>Max: Pride
>Oscar (he's a brand new sin entirely)
>Susie: Envy
>Betsy: Lust
>Pepper: Sloth
>Ghost: Gluttony

If anything Oscar is kind of like Dante. Just sort of watching everyone be sinful.
Also no fucking way Hedgehog is Wrath. Shes more pride than Max.

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Oscars sin is certified dumbass.

So does this mean the island is Purgatory?

That's horrifying and tragic. Poor Pajamas.
Also just found out Pajamas is a girl. That's cute. And it's gonna get rreeeaaal awkward within the next year or two. Not that it .. I mean I guess it'd be more awkward if it wasn't a girl..
and the fact that it's a little kid makes it bad regardless, but either way Oscar should maybe just retire those jimjams and hope his sheet doesn't come to life.. well I guess he's going to outgrow them.

Pajamas' gonna get crusted, it's inevitable

What if Susie did this for Oscar's birthday, ending with him being teleported last and everyone shouting "Surprise!"

Oscar finds out that absolutely no-one was in on it and it was all Susie's idea.

Oscar is autism

As an autism, I agree.

What makes him autistic? If anything Hedgehog's on the spectrum.

If I had to guess people don't understand the difference between manchild syndrome and autism because so many manchildren have autism that it's now believed both are part and parcel to the same mental disease.

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This. Oscar is pure

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Big think time: Oscar and Hedgehog are both on the spectrum. Oscar has autism and Hedgehog has Asperger's Syndrome.

The Music house is the one from the webm, the one where Oscar sees dead hedgehog is

That and the episode where Hedgehog goes mental because Oscar got the medal show she at least isn't as mature as she think she is.

its just a fashion thing?

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no but in fall we are getting season 2, CN and pott herself are saying difrent things about how 'oh this is season 2' and then we would hear oh this is season 1 still, this is confusing for my small brain lol

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How did Hedgehog come to start learning magic? I feel like I completely missed that.

If someone is interested, Julia went to a podcast a couple of weeks ago to talk about the show. starts at 14:30

So what we got so far is 1A and 1B. Steven Universe did something similar, only in SCI's case, the two semi-seasons are significantly distinct from one-another in tone, so calling them 1 and 2 makes more sense. In my opinion, anyway.

It was behind-the-scenes mainly, but after the Werewolf episode Betsy and Hedgehog became secret-besties. Betsy first taught HH how to handle her werewolf transformation, and from there it's ostensibly understood that HH asked to be taught magic.

Last thing said before credit roll:
>"It's not even my birthday."

>Conguraturashunsu, Osuka!

How in the fuck did Hedgehog end up such a mary sue with such a perfect patient personality when her parents are such absolute assholes? don't people like that usually pass the assholeness along to the next generation?
For that matter, as much of a hopeless wimp Oscar is, it's surprising he's so sweet considering his parents coddle him so. He should be entitled and shitty to others.
Are we going to find out Susie has just the nicest, sweetest folks, and everything is just backwards in this world?

it sounds like a different person though, not a lower pitch.

They withheld affection with made her an overachiever.

>How in the fuck did Hedgehog end up such a mary sue
She's not, dude. Watch the show and learn beneath all of the glamour, she's very flawed. And yes, the arsehole behaviour from her parents does seep into Hedgehog sometimes. For example, the severe impatience she sometimes displays is most notable in The Library.

I think HH's parents were very restrictive, possibly authoritarian that forced her into a more subservient position, she's clearly very repressed emotionally. Her love of science and research was probably an outlet for that. We see her lash out here and there like in the clone episode and when she hangs up on her mom.

Oscar's parenting actually fits perfectly with why he's so codependent with HH. While his parents do spoil him they genuinely show him love and taught him to be kind to others rather than the shitty kind of parent who just buys toys to shut their kids up.

I have no idea what Susie's parents would be like. She's been a teen witch for what, 100 years now? I think that's enough time for her to figure herself out beyond that.

That photo of Susie with a young Ramona from what I recall was taken back in the early 1800's? So either she grew up in a very strict household or was straight up abandoned.

I remember some line from S1 that indicate she does not harbor positive feelings for her mother.

>Max giving a speech that art should be dangerous
>Egg, after being read Humpty Dumpty, says of it, "I don't like the content, but I appreciate its cultural value."
Could Julia be based and redpilled?

Either Susie's mother,
>A. Abandoned her at a young age, leaving her to fend for herself
>B. Was so strict it made Susie runaway from home
>C. Whatever you come up with

Yes, lets just ignore Hedgehog brings Jim Jams to life in the 5th episode of the show and say Hedgehog started learning magic in Hedgehog's Werewolf, the 18th episode of the show.

No but seriously, in the 5th episode of the show Hedgehog literally says "Oh! Betsy's been teaching me magic in secret."

The production code for Hedgehog Werewolf is before Pajimjams so the theory still holds.

>Susie volunteered to be a counselor at Summer Camp Island after having fond memories there in the 1890's
>Saw the world turn against magic, including her family
>Her and Ramona decide to make the island a last bastion for magic, cutting the island off from the rest of the world in the process
>Still wants to give children the same joy she felt as a kid at the camp, so she keeps it going under the public guise of a normal summer camp
>Decides to halt her aging to make sure Summer Camp Island would keep going forever as she saw fit
>Recruits two more (or, if we're to believe Alice is truly the oldest, one more) new counselors after Ramona continued to age and left deeper into the island (though probably using the effects of the "in-between-the-seconds" realm to slow or weaken the effects of aging)
>Automates the island with magic by making everything on the island come to life, along with frequent help and visitation from the Aliens
>Sees so many children come and go that the emotional magic of running the camp goes away, letting herself grow more distant from the campers and the camp itself

>Lucy goes from background character to best girl in one episode

Attached: 1545758862295.jpg (1920x1080, 228K)

I've been liking Oscars expressions lately. I feel like he's not putting up with this island's shenanigans as much anymore.

I feel the island is deprived of privacy, even toothpaste was a bit too foward and social, i'm sure he is just getting tired.

He's been done with the islands bullshit since day fucking one. Only reason he stayed on the island was because he didnt just wanna up and leave his pal behind.
Have to give the kid credit, he takes lifes (and sometimes literal) punches well.

>Issues with her mom
>Tortured artist
>Cute as a button

He probably can't even imagine going back home and not having Hedgehog near him.

That and I think it would be kind of difficult to explain to parents just how the fuck you got back from an island thousands of miles away from home in like a day and alone no less.

So basically Julia's self-insert?

but what about based Momhog?

Attached: 1533850530789s.jpg (1315x860, 162K)

I think Suzie is strictly the self insert, as in she voices her too.

Attached: Creepy Smile.png (1920x1080, 1.48M)

No. That's Susie. Which means Julia is stuck mentally as a 15 year old.

Attached: 1534591668204.png (1849x1008, 1.74M)

What's he watchin'?

Attached: Is that a SNES.png (1747x865, 1.68M)

still can't get over that Lucy kiss flashforward

She's so cute, I want to strangle her purple during a violent rape.

elephants have thick necks

you're full of shit

Attached: bullshit.jpg (600x694, 660K)

>this is the oldest version of Oscar from Midnight Quittance
he's alone.

Attached: 1556627026136.jpg (1920x1080, 201K)

>He doesn't know

thats basically it user...

Attached: 7a50f27a7a9a44fdc9559e2946dc2341.png (423x600, 190K)

they brought back werehog, they have to lead up to that kiss.

Real men love a challenge.

I'm surprised there isn't more fanart of Susie wearing cute clothes.

oscar destroys the witches just with his elephant strength

Attached: DESTORYER.jpg (750x421, 79K)

the best girl for oscar

Attached: bloggif_5cdc8fb1a421b_pixiz.png (666x586, 244K)

oof that looks a bit bad....I remember this looking a lot better!

Definitely Oscar's summer camp fling endgame

theres lots of art of susie in alt outfits, people just havent been posting them

Attached: 1553368852447.jpg (1715x2576, 2.94M)

whats the production code

Eh anyway have this pissed off Oscar I made ages ago, but never posted

Attached: B62E0A79-95B7-4EEF-BA3A-9F6875963733.png (750x421, 96K)

have some goddamn OC, this show needs more art

Attached: chiquita susie.png (575x600, 30K)

>Oscar now knows he wont be with Hedgehog in old age and will be alone in the future.
How Oscar isnt a complete shut in after this whole thing is beyond me.

He really is taking it quite easy now clearly knowing where random times of his life will take him. That's existential nightmare material.

>"Keep smiling, and hopefully you don't remember just how bad things really are on this island sometimes."

What did Julia mean by this?

Is this the essence of Oscar's character?

Attached: w.jpg (1600x1800, 313K)

I don't know how to caption this

Attached: we were uhm.jpg (1600x900, 252K)

>In front of my salad!?

Most people are

Attached: oscar we're gonna be TOADS.jpg (1600x900, 168K)

it's the essence of the whole show


Attached: STAHP THIS.jpg (1600x900, 201K)

>"Susie owns a realistic, life-sized doll of Oscar? Well at least she captured his doofy look well enough... should probably ask about her making me a max doll."


still best friends

Attached: bffs.jpg (1600x900, 181K)

Looks like from that other flashforward HH dies before Oscar.

Fucking ouch. That's a hard bombshell to drop.

Attached: Crying Hedgehog.png (1920x1080, 616K)

>Their relationship is inherently unhealthy.

But they emotionally support each other.

Attached: there's a card with a heart on it.jpg (1030x645, 70K)

What other flashforward?

But they've been together so long that they've gotten an unhealthy sense of co-dependence, especially Oscar.

This one

Doesn't necessarily mean she's dead.

Attached: 🤔.jpg (1600x900, 139K)

Attached: run for the hills.jpg (1600x872, 260K)

Attached: call of hedgehog.jpg (1600x900, 362K)

What if the angels are the bad stuff and the demon the good one?

This kinda hits me, because I had a friend I grew up with since preschool, but she and I have grown apart and I can barely recognize her now...she isn't a bad person, just different from how I remember her

>old man Oscar returns to the island after Hedgehog's natural death.
>has a chat with Susie, still young and still calling him a baby
>jumps into the quicksand to relive that fateful summer

Oscar is in a time loop confirmed.

Attached: hey peppy wanna make some money.jpg (1600x900, 186K)

Why did we forget about him?

Attached: He Didn't Survive.png (300x300, 79K)

i didn't. He is the toat

They gonna make pepper babies

He turned into Woody Allen

Well, Oscar's last name is Peltzer. It's understandable that in his old age he'd end up looking more and more stereotypically Jewish. As long as he doesn't go around claiming his grandmother was raped by Cossacks, it should be okay.

Attached: ever get a feeling so complicated.png (800x563, 111K)

what if i was playing with susie's cute feet

You'd become a toad.

Imagine an episode where Oscar and Hedgehog pitch a show to the camp's television network.

Attached: Big Sister is Watching You.png (1723x861, 884K)

Oscar and Hedgehog decide to pitch a televised version of their radio broadcast and their pilot episode basically devolves into the eric andre show.

>"Hedge, don't worry. We had a weird pilot, but we still got picked up!"

>"You wanted someone complicated so I got the most complicated guest I could think of."

Attached: capture42.png (1200x627, 382K)

>Jewish are Elephants,
What did they meant by this?

Why Chiquita?

Attached: 1_5SjMHCGg3zZ8jZi5mrQeww[1].jpg (500x341, 60K)

Lucy is going to teach Oscar to be independent.

Attached: 1562391383386[1].png (2560x1440, 1.45M)

Can't wait to see them on their first date, with Susie turning the mess hall into a restaurant for just the two of them, while Hedgehog looks jealously at them through the window.

I would like it better if Oscar pitched the idea of a double-date because he doesn't want to be away from Hedgehog, but HH can't find anyone to go on the date with her and is forced to pick Pepper, who keeps falling asleep when she tries to talk with him. Meanwhile, Lucy and Oscar are having a fantastic time, while Susie and Betsy watch in the background. Susie would be delighted at HH's growing frustration and hostility, while Betsy would try to discretely intervene to save their friendship.

Susie is an asshole but seem genuinely worried that Oscar is so dependent of Hedgehog, I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to hook Oscar and Lucy.

Now that we are at it, Why does everyone has normal names human names but Hedgehog is called hedgehog? Her mom doesn't seem like the hippie type to give her a name like that.

hey kid wana /ss/?
(is it actually /ss/ if the girl is 11?)

Hedgehogs parents seem to be always busy. To them, they probably saw her birth as an interruption to their schedules and just wanted it to be done with it as soon as possible, thus her name just being Hedgehog.

it's straight and it involves a shota so yeah.

Contrary to popular belief /ss/ isn't "older girl lusts for younger kid"

why is one flying?

Attached: 2.jpg (750x375, 18K)

In an earlier scene a bunch of the clones bended a flagpole to make a make shift catapult to launch that one.

ah thanks user

Attached: summer_camp_island_361.png (283x371, 112K)

His peen is gonna be the only independent thing when he can't control it anymore.

I love episodes where characters try and create something. You can learn a lot about someone from their art.

Look at this fucking cat.

Attached: weird face.png (900x950, 972K)

>Remember that sơyfull pilot episode of this show?
>Today I will remind them.jpg

Attached: soy diarrhea party.webm (692x378, 1.85M)

why is susie so surprised?

Attached: image0 (11).png (630x600, 175K)

good thing its not canon anymore, and hog even got friend zoned

Attached: partytime.gif (600x328, 1.46M)

Oscar's dick was bigger than expected.

Attached: summer cuck island.jpg (1127x842, 167K)

It was so satisfying. Only thing that's left is for her to get whs

I want Susie to /ss/ the elephant. is this wrong?

If you have to ask, then yes, there's something wrong with it.

Attached: AWAKEN.jpg (858x770, 201K)

I love how his eyes are closed in all of the pictures, poor confused bastard.

>My plan to split up Oscar and Hedgehog is working better than I could have ever imagined!

this is the best response

Attached: dabsusie.jpg (604x601, 77K)

If Susie doesn't even know what a camcorder is, what makes you think she would know about dabbing? Not to mention the show apparently takes place in the late-80s / early-90s, given their technological handicaps and style of dress.

Femdom is real here
far away from home
anything can happen
when Susie makes the rules
age play is cool
footfags are our friends
I wanna fuck with you
in Susie's sex dungeon

its fan art, funny enough we now know magic doest work on electronics now

Attached: 3.gif (225x248, 21K)


Attached: 1525927029984[1].jpg (2000x1333, 438K)

Attached: 95E8DCFA-F8E1-4D04-BBF8-4820C8B5581B.jpg (1080x1080, 102K)

I wonder if doll-user is still around, I remember them saying they won’t make the enter camp but it would be really cute if there was a doll-witch set

Attached: 89FE0C26-253C-4BB5-B83A-8FE90D47C11F.jpg (750x606, 143K)

Julia is absolute-mommy tier.

Attached: find yourself a woman who can pull off both looks2.png (1056x478, 839K)

God this was so bad.

I'm glad that Pott is one of those people who will listen to criticism and, instead of fighting people on it, will re-work her creation so it's still hers, but also pleases the audience she's making it for.

Unlike certain OTHER content creators who have or had terrible shows...

What if Oscar had a sister?

This so much. i bet Pott is on Yea Forums. She just has to be.

Oh god, i get a heartboner.

Attached: find yourself a woman who can do both.png (980x625, 830K)

If this series does take place in the 90s, where would Oscar and Hedgehog be today?

Oh I've been around in this thread, lurking really but I did draw that devil boi drawing earlier , just didn't put my name.

>it would be really cute if there was a doll-witch set
Yeah it would be cute, but I've no drive to make the other campers or witches unfortunately.

Attached: thewickedwitchofthecamp.jpg (1080x1080, 73K)

ah ok cool

Attached: doll susie 2.jpg (2048x2008, 655K)

she would be cute I bet

Attached: brutal.png (800x500, 179K)

>tfw Julia uses her sweaty toes to jerk off your micropenis

Attached: 1545241769963.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

Shit wrong post

Attached: 1551642865598.png (655x728, 233K)

I made and posted this nice clean transparency weeks ago and you guys go and post this shoddy bucket fill hack job.

Attached: wtf.png (675x745, 229K)

do girls do this irl

Attached: makeout reef.png (1920x1080, 841K)


Attached: now neither of us will be virgins.png (929x695, 644K)

Is that masturbation?


i blame user

>now none of us will be virgins.jpg

Are there gonna be more episodes?

They said something's coming in Autumn, so I'd say two months to a year. There really should be more, so we could see Susie grow closer to Oscar, Oscar learn to live without Hedgehog, and Hedgehog plot to kill Susie.

Yeah, this "autumn" will be the start of Season 2.

>Boy gets friendzoned, Yea Forums loses its shit and calls it a cuck show
>Girl gets friendzoned, Yea Forums cant stop praising how based this show is

When you think about it is kinda sad that maybe Julia couldnt make the show she wanted because of the incel backlash. If she had to cut down the cuck vibe, who knows what other ideas couldnt be developed.

It's weird but when I watch them in the browser, there's sound but when I download them, there's no sound.

>Incel backlash
The only backlash I recall were people who were fucking tired of shows bullshitting around with shipping(look at Star Vs threads before the finale and tell me they weren't 90% ship wars).
When the pilot came out had its whole premise just be relationship instead of actually exploring the island, that definitely soured people.
Im glad Julia realized that another show with a "will they won't they" angle is something that wasn't needed, fanbases ship war for free, we dont need the show itself participating in that shit as well.

I find it kind of amazing that Star vs. even had ship wars in the first place. From Day One it was obvious that Star and Marco were going to get together, but what's even more fascinating is how much Nefcy fucked things over for everyone just to get to that end point.

Nipping HH + Oscar and HH + Max in the bud in S1 has me more thank thankful.

I would've preferred them not going in the romance direction period.

Like said, its better to squash it as swiftly as possible. Be grateful it didnt get to late adventure time levels of bad.

>the romance direction period

Is that after the Rococo Period?

Attached: 0FCC6F3D-4A42-42FC-ADDA-E49827CE0131.jpg (821x1128, 330K)

It wasn't squashed though. Max + HH can change and now they've introduced Oscar + Lucy.

Does anyone has a link to subtitles for season 1B?

Are you a deaf user? The show is already in English, and it will have closed captions as soon as it airs.

Not deaf, but I like to show the episodes to my little siblings and they need subtitles sometimes.

Serious predictions for Season 2 (what they're now calling S2, anyway)?

Ramona and susie reunion, backstory of how susie became a witch, aardvark dicking, and I'm guessing some more adventures in hearthforde town.

I was thinking the same.

a lot of people filling out forms in a rush will mark a space with quotation marks, to indicate same-as-above. e.g:

>123 Oak Street, Crusty Beach City, WI, 48533

> " " " " "

On Hedgehog's birth forms, the doctors may have filled out SPECIES, and the parents may have carelessly filled the blank spaces with quotation marks. HH's mom could have given birth while on a conference call or something.

Attached: 1539756234693.jpg (638x626, 107K)

I hate all the elves and elf-focused episodes.

It's also not impossible Max's feelings will change/

So we're all in agreement that Midnight Quittance and Puff Paint are the best episodes of Season 2?

Puff Paint was kind of boring to me.

I love Midnight Quittance, though.

>HH's mom could have given birth while on a conference call or something.
"So anyways I feel if we continue with the current marketing strategy, I think we'll be FUCKED... sorry about that, im currently giving birth. So if I randomly swear or yell, thats WHHHY. Anyways, back on topic..."
Meanwhile Jim is outside the room, probably having an extreme bout of separation anxiety from not being in front of a computer keeping up with his investments or planning for his childs future, 30 years in advance.

Good taste. Midnight Quittance is the best by a longshot but Campers Above the Bed's more interesting than Puff Paint.

Do you think Puff Paint was a reflection on feelings Julia had on the show?

Yeah, but it's selling itself short. It's not the mindless kiddieshit people think it is.

You sure about that? Not that I mind kiddieshit.

Attached: 1531496697452.png (577x480, 273K)

the message I got from the episode was that "'being comfy' is a perfectly fine reason to like apiece of art."

I think it skews towards a younger audience but it has broad appeal. I could see a parent enjoying this just as much as the kids.

That works too. It's a big part of the show but I think it's more than just comfiness. Maybe I'm shilling too hard but this is one of my favorite cartoons in a long time.

My perspective is that this show is giving out lessons that I never got from cartoons in my generation, or from my parents who were busy being bipolar and divorced. It's nice to get "you don't have to have your parents' approval to be happy" instead of "heroes don't do drugs".

More importantly, SCI is delivering realistic messages instead of sappy "everything will work out okay" bologna. It's why I loved the first two seasons of SVTFOE, because everything that went wrong was Star's fault, and she suffered for it, and it was her responsibility to fix her mistakes. (Granted, S3 and S4 took a dump over all that...) It's why I hate SU, because 20 CHA doesn't mean jack IRL; you can't preach evil out of a person the same way Yea Forums can't preach the gay out of Steven.

sure there is more to it than just being a simple comfy show but it's the main reason I watch it.
I mean it's got enough world building and mystery to keep the show interesting but it's not lore heavy or the focus which I appreciate. The message and themes are pretty straight forward. the characterization is the show's biggest weakness.

Absolutely. Respecting your audience and being earnest with your messaging goes a long way. It's funny how this show gives off this veneer of being childish with its embrace of fantasy elements and faces on everything but it's grounded enough that it isn't patronizing. It's a great combination to have.

Another recent cartoon I like is Hilda which is very similar, but something about the kids not being with their parents or going to school gives it the sense of freedom that they really can do anything.

That said I do like the character interactions.
Oscar and Hedgehog's friendship is realistic. Hedgehog doesn't coddle Oscar and rags on him like real friend's do.

I want to guest star on this show just so I'd have the chance to ask Julia to call me "Mommy's special little guy" in her most patronizing voice.

>More importantly, SCI is delivering realistic messages instead of sappy "everything will work out okay" bologna
>Absolutely. Respecting your audience and being earnest with your messaging goes a long way. It's funny how this show gives off this veneer of being childish with its embrace of fantasy elements and faces on everything but it's grounded

I I felt the same way with. Clarence. It was the first time a brand new show has given me nostalgia and I don't think they were even trying to. Many things those kids felt I felt and the interactions just felt real as if I had those experiences even if I didn't.

Aw yeah, Clarence is great too. They put in a lot of references to old toys and kid stuff but they really get you to feel like a kid again. There's a lot of episodes where the main trio just fucks around and they're a lot of fun. As much as I like it, it ran out of steam by Season 3 but it had a pretty good run, all things considered.

What's wrong with the elves?

Early Clarence was really good in how it showed children being children to a degree of realness that a lot of other cartoons didn't really do that much.

i think its mostly the AT writers building on their experience. Julia can do no wrong an she got my heart in a thigh scissor headlock and God im gonna feel empty when this show drops the ball. please tell me if this is the only current show you're watching rn. sure is for me
amphibia - garbage
camp camp - garbage
hilda - garbage
train - i an not a gamer girl
big hero 6 - mediocre
big city greens - garbage
victor and valentino - garbage
The Owl House - garbage bait
summer camp island - the only good show running

>amphibia - garbage
>camp camp - garbage
Hold it right there. SCI is pretty good in its down right dont get me wrong, but dont throw those other shows under the bus.
Amphibia is comfy as all fuck and Camp Camp is the only show that legit made me want to shill a few bucks for a First account to watch more of it.
Also heard Hilda is unironic kino, still need to get on that.

Attached: 1562223062546.jpg (255x247, 9K)

lol kill urself, there'd be no difference to the ideas they could use except they'd have the millstone of bad ship around their neck

I mean as far as we know her birth name is Jim Jr.

aight user i ll give em another chance
the point is that you cant be one note to be good
you need a full amplitude to become a ge-zampt-kunts-werk

try tangled the series?

Not a big Disney fan are ya?

SCI is funnier than Amphibia imo

Hilda didn't grab me. I watched the first episode and just didn't have the want to go to the second. I do like the british voice acting though.

We could make a meme out of this.

Attached: No Darkness Here.gif (480x270, 206K)

Will it explain why Julia is retarded and thinks teenagers sound like they're five? Cause that's the legit only thing that kept me from bothering to give the show a chance. Bad voice acting won't grow on me (same reason I wouldn't watch uncle grandpa, I hated his literally retarded voice)

Such a tortured soul

This scene deserves an Oscar nomination.

Attached: Oscar Fucking Dies.gif (600x338, 3.32M)

Here's a WebM version

Attached: SCI - S2E9.webm (1280x720, 285K)

>CN logo

im back, watched 2ep each
amphibia - pretty cool but too lore heavy, a bust from the very beginning. humor - hit or miss and yes 2 mcs are very cute and have good chemistry. would watch more

camp camp - could barely watch it. nothing good about this show. although shitting on the guy's genuinely annoying song only to use it as a fucking intro was pretty funny

hilda - 10/10 if youre a 6 grader. if youre older just watch secret of kells and read hellboy

Since I love you motherfuckers, here is a HD, logoless WEBM of the scene.

Attached: Oscar Fucking Dies.webm (1920x1080, 368K)

Aren't the only teenagers in the show the witches? Oscar and Hedgehog are 10/11?

I think I remember hearing them say they were in the 5th/6th grade.

Oscar and HH are 12
Suisie - 15 (born around 1910-s)

>Coma/Purgatoryfags when their retarded theories get deconfirmed by the creators.

Sneeze Guard is the closest to an actual BAD episode of the show. What saves it is the moral being surprisingly odd for an American TV show. To still love a friend even if they think differently from you.

It's not particularly my favorite episode, but the effects of the sickness on the island were pretty visually interesting.

What episode did we find that out in?

Don't read if you don't want it spoiled for you: Jim Jr. is a joke name made up by someone in the Summer Camp Island community. It eventually caught on and became a meme alias for Hedgehog. I know this because I started the Jim Jr. nickname.


>We need to reference a meme
>Say no more!

Attached: Post-ironic Memes.png (1920x1080, 877K)

Was that a reference to something?

You fool.
You think the plot was changed because the pott had an epiphany all of the sudden, seeing the errors of her cucked ways and decided to dial it back 1 or 2 levels out of concern towards the babies and the sơydults that are the target demographic? Hah!
Or that pottz figured swing by here on Yea Forums to see its show get mutilated and thought: "Damn, those incels/virgins/racists/bigots/etc... channers really bulldozed my show to bits by pointing out how sơyfull it is and highlighting my not-so-hidden fetish sub-plot, better pull a 90° by making it all more subtle and stretched!"
No, the sơytoon network suits forced potty to regulate its crap out of possible increased memetic backlash that would only get worse over time had ttop gone full 100% "I am the art, the art is I!" mode.

You're devil advocating a monkey paw wish.

The current mindset of the media networks suits hings heavily on "sex sells! even more with younger audience!" that's why all these sơytoons have mandatory relationshit crap inyected to its core, to the point where in certain cases, that's what the entire show is about. Whenever it's not the immediate focus of the show, it'll linger around from the beginning and throughout the show's run, making sure that there is potential for it at later episodes/seasons.

Having an opinion like that in today's socio-marketing environment will net you getting labeled for an "incel" as it's much easier to deal with dissenters like that with public shaming labelling tactics, so, be careful.

Wanna know how I know you're a sơytoon network simmer kampf isle shill?

That user exclusively likes shows which features male/female leads who are pushed to become couple either by the author or the audience, or by that user itself in its fanfics.

Attached: 1529826581202.png (1920x1080, 798K)

could you not

>implying it didn't already happen

I like season 2 Oscar. He just doesn't give a shit and he is having fun

If the different "species" are able to breed, shouldn't most of the campers be mixed race? It's kind of weird how Hedgehog's parents are both hedgehogs, and Oscar's parents both elephants.

But her mom is clearly either a bat or a hybrid.

looks like a hedgehog to me.

Stop in the name of the law

Attached: LXEC9432.jpg (720x960, 72K)

how? compare her to max, who IS a bat

>big pointy ears
>sharp fangs
Compare her to her husband, who has small ears like their daughter. She literally looks exactly how I would have expected a Hedgehog/Max fusion to look.

Susie x Oscar

you know I wonder if there isn't a separated household going on with Hedgehog's parents

why would i shill it itt where everyone's already a fan?

Susie's way too old for Oscar.

Susie is a mommy dom. She will keep Oscar for herself and tell anyone he died.

I think this reference.

Attached: Bgx973vIMAATAIJ.jpg (577x577, 44K)

What did Julia mean by this?

Attached: julia pott.png (939x432, 618K)

>No hat
Almost. But man, imagining Susie's voice coming out of that woman is turning me on.

Fuck, I didn't know that, that must mean I really like potts voice then.

That she's got smarts, nice fashion sense and total intolerance for not getting her own way?

Who's she talking about, Yea Forums?

Attached: susie crush.gif (500x281, 1.4M)

Oscar and Hedgehog
She loves both of them very much.

Summer Camp Island? More like Summer Cute Island!


That's what the witches want you to think.

Sounds like all the cuteness comes from Alice personally. I don't think the other two care that much.

Here's a fun idea: show this clip to someone who's never seen Summer Camp Island

That song the planet sings is AT as fuck.

I got major "Greg in dreamland" vibes the first time I saw this.

>remember seeing the pilot of this show early last year in a thread embedded
>little sister (6) randomly looks up the show on demand and wants to watch it
>it's on s2 already what the fuck
>find out they aired every episode of 's1' in like one day last year 4 months after that thread and never aired it again

What the flying fuck is Cartoon Network doing?

Desperation moves. Cable is dying so fuck it. Everything is in bomb format now.

Trying to survive in the streaming era.

If it's not TTG they don't care when it comes to actually airing it on TV. The CN app is where they're giving new shows some sort of attention.

I remember them distinctly trying with mighty magiswords and earlier clarence/unclegrandpa. Now those are canned.

in hindsight this feels like a parody of little nemo or something

Clarence's ending felt so forced. Pretty much just a normal episode leading into a The End without any fanfare.

that's how it goes for most episodic shows

>Not the werehog transformation scene

>Not the feet scene

I bet susie smells like hot dog water and cum

that's explain the darker episodes

>not the egg scene or the entirety of Midnight Quittance

You seen Pott's shorts? Not exactly a stranger to darker things to begin with.

Is Julia trying to tell us something?

Attached: onions.png (1394x888, 899K)

The witches eat onions because they're hundreds of years old and onions is very healthy.

Susie's too butch and needs to lower her T count.

Alexa and Lem's parents are a hippo and... a turkey or something. Their mom probably just remarried, though.

>Boy gets friendzoned, Yea Forums loses its shit and calls it a cuck show
>Girl gets friendzoned, Yea Forums cant stop praising how based this show is

That is how it should be tho
girls need to learn that the universe does not revolve around them

Can't wait for the episode where Oscar is told he doesn't "act enough like a boy" so he starts hanging out with "the boys" and all they do is chug soda and punch each other in the chest.

An episode where oscar is forced to toughen up and stop being so childish sounds interesting

>he didnt remember the filter still applied

Attached: IMG_20190707_113039.jpg (460x460, 29K)

>Pepper will get Pajamas by the end of the series

>Pajamas complains that Pepper is a "tight fit" in the pants
>Hedgehog offers to open up the waistband for the panda's gut
>"His waist isn't the problem, though..."

probably the Korean animators just mocking whiteoids in general.

Oscar is the best worst friend in a show to date.

Attached: Oscar Ruins a Sandwich Full.gif (500x281, 3.07M)

This will never not make me think of The Story of the Story of Everest.

this desu

the anons in co

oscars so strong fall damage dosent effect him
truly a power house

Attached: smugoscar.png (487x600, 156K)

Oscar is living in a platformer, and platformers don't have falling damage.

>and platformers don't have falling damage.

Prince of Persia.

A lot of 3D platformers have fall damage.

>Episode has a side character go from 0 to 100 in a small span of 11 minutes
This season really is expanding upon the other characters. Alexa, Oliver and Max now need their definitive episodes.

Attached: The Slap.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

you realize the whole gookish, nippish, chinkish lot absolutely devour mountains of that stuff, right?

This scene would have honestly been better if it played out like that edit.

what edit?

>You will never be Susie's boyfriend

>You will never be Julia's boyfriend

is an edit of the scene made by an user. Original scene had a cut to hedgehog telling oscar to stop doing what he was doing.

It does flow quite a bit better.