When did Disney suddenly thinks it's ok for boys to dress like girls?

When did Disney suddenly thinks it's ok for boys to dress like girls?

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God I want to fuck Princess Marco’s mouth

Who cares, this is a bun thread now.

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About the time they refused a grieving father's request to put Spider-Man on his son's grave.

It is okay

I am trans btw

Mulan was in '99 wasn't it?

Bugs Bunny was doing that in the 50s

Agreed. I'd do such gay shit to that boi.

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>Implying you don't want to have sex with trap Marco

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It's funny how intolerant little boys actually are. If you started talking about boys in dresses, little kids would start shouting "Gay!" and you'd have to stop and start a new speech on being tolerant.

Mulan wasn't a Princess. btw, Mulan was 1998.

When they look hot, of course.

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Boys in dresses are only okay when its so the girl can humiliate and rape him.

Talking about babies is actually like 800% appropriate for this show because Nefcy has a baby fetish and secretly enjoys molesting them

I'm sorry, but I couldn't think of another creature that was related to sucking things (besides OP).
And fuck you janitor. Why you don't delete the entire bait thread instead?

Lola thread when

Nobody cares about your roastie rabbit.

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Now should be okay. Beats a pedo thread this is turning to.

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he's 15, too old to be a shota
t. shotacon

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>First gay kisses
Have this "Journalist" not seen Mission Hill?

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Why are they so perfect for each other

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Because Pfzier is paying everyone it can to promote that so they can make trillions of dollars selling expensive hormone blockers to kids.


Tranny's always have to come and shill and derail when they're being questioned at all. That should be proof of the massive amount of money being fleshed out to control and push the opinions on this issue.

Remember, your precious trap grows into a big ol' hunk a man.

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That has always been okay

Back then was different. It was done as a joke. "Princess marco" was explicitly played straight

Ok, let's answer the OP
>When did Disney suddenly thinks it's ok for boys to dress like girls?
Since the 1940s, it has long been a trope in Disney animation and animation as a whole
Anything else you need?

Remember, she's dead.

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Take pics

Genderswap > traps

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I think Nermal was the first legit trap I ever came across. I still can't believe that he's a boy because when I read the comics in my head he had a girl's voice.

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See, I'd rather plow Marco and watch his leaky limp dick bounce around.

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>black widow is the only man surrounded by scores of horny newly female super heroes
>he has no powers
>They all have super strength
>She hulk wants snu-snu

Everyone wants that.

yeah, I can work with this

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With just a few tweaks, The Emperor's New Groove is practically a gay-lover road movie.

Especially when you consider that historically the Incans were polygamic and homosexuality wasn't really a hang-up for them.

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Thanks Disney for giving me a reverse trap/tomboy fetish combined with yellow fever.

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what? How is 15 too old to be a shota?
You’re thinking of 18 bud.

True, also Kuzco’s the type you wanna fuck the brattiness out

15 is actually the age of consent in the majority of Europe and some parts of the Americas. Hell, even in some states it's nearly that low.

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lolis and shotas are either prepubescent children or creatures that look like prepubescent children. Marco is a teenager with the body of a teenager, so he can't be a shota.

I know that.

No, I don’t think so.
The main thing working against your argument is that some people look younger than they actually are.
15 year olds are either still working through puberty or are only just starting.

Shonen Jump = Dragon Ball Z, Hunter X Hunter, My Hero Academia = Young Men

for a while now

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This is bullshit, the first male princess was Bugs Bunny. A load of crap with no care for history

What? I don’t think so.
Maybe depends who you’re talking about.


I want to love him physically. With my mouth and penis.

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What I meant to say was that since Shonen means Youbg Mab in Japanese, Marco is a young man, a shonen.

All Might called Midoriya "Shonen," and the subtitles said young man. Midoriya is like 13. This is what Kotaku said:
Literally meaning “few years,” “shonen” (少年) typically refers to young boys under the age of fifteen.

I would do many, many lewd things to his body.

So how many of you were molested as children?

Marco x everybody thread?
Marco x everybody thread.

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But what would you do to his heart?

That's not a Disney show, you mongoloid.

No love for reverse-traps?

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The term really doesn’t matter.

I’d keep him locked up in a basement with me as the only person he’ll ever see again!


>I cant go back to jail for this
Why was Conrad in jail?

>That Also Featured First Gay Kisses (in a Disney cartoon)

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Theyre not