Ok I'm confused is she super Muslim?A little bit muslim?Only practices because of her parents Muslim...

Ok I'm confused is she super Muslim?A little bit muslim?Only practices because of her parents Muslim?Or if she found about how gays get thrown off roofs in Iran she would say "Nice!" Muslim?

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This thread is gonna be awful

If you had read any of her comic you would already know the answer to this.
But you haven't, this thread is transparent bait.

I only read one and I'm on vacation and they sell comic books here

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Don't sell*

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Needs cum.

My cum will save her.

She meets a lesbian and doesn’t execute her so she’s pretty chill

>Only practices because of her parents Muslim?
Mostly this one.

The only correct answer

Uh. Pretty much just lip service, she eats possibly not halal hot dogs.

The veiny kind?

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She saw Spiderman’s penis at the very least

can a woman be a muslim and not wear a hijab?


She's like watered down Muslim, the Americanized version that makes her approachable and hated back home

Well, I mean, how Catholic is Daredevil? Miller and countless other writers love to play up Daredevil's Catholic aspects, but when's the last time he went to Mass? When's the last time he went to Confession? Is he anti-abortion and anti-gay-marriage? Does he use condoms when he has sex?

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Catholic enough to throw an infant off a building because some randomfag told you that kid is the fucking anti christ

>When's the last time he went to Confession
like three times in the current 7 Zdarsky issues.

>No Kamala porn parody yet
>Mia khalifa is still fucking garbage

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Why should I read her comic?

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Kamala comics are like political comic for retarded children. Read it if you like but set your standard real real real real real real low

Aren't her first issues actually good?

The early issues lied to you, it tried to appeal as a "Muslim culture exploring" and slice of lice but with super hero comic but then very quickly went full retard.

Literally WOKE tumblr trash

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i have had too many jasmine threads to know where this thread is going.


Drop more redpills I'm uninformed

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She is a super muslim. She's a muslim with super powers.

She's an open-minded Muslim. Yes, those exist.

they the ones that just watch when you get beheaded instead of joining in?

she is haram and a fake muslim sana amanat uses as an instrument of propaganda

She is a disgrace to real muslims who follow the teachings of allah and extremely disrespectful to the religion.

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>Does he use condoms when he has sex?
If End of Days is anythingy to go by, we know the answer.

>Doesn't wear a hijab
Lip service muslim obviously

She is a faithful Muslim who favours mysticism over legalism. Like most modern Christians.
That is to say she follows the religion and most of the teachings, and she worships Allah, but she only follows its laws as she agrees with them.

Does she kill heretics?

Yes, but not because they're heretics, it's because she just can't stop killing.

Culturally muslim. Very westernized. Goes to mosque, follows the bare tenets of the religion like dressing modestly (for an american teenager) and not eating pork, but that's about the extent of her devoutness.
The comics are pretty clear from the first issue about the degree of her religiousness.

She retired anyway and wasn't that good in porn, quite terrible in fact.

She is a really good character, but depending on the writer she can be just a regular teen or be the most obnoxious zoomer "Random XD look im on the internetz" type, her solos are pretty good and would recomend definately
She is as muslim as he average american is christian meaning she only cherrypicks the good parts or the parts she likes about islam that more or less align with American values since she was raised in the USA and also has a friend who is the muslim equivalent to "the crazy christian mum" which actually helps to convey how ridiculous islam can get or how in every religion there are people who go to the extremes without hesitation desu

Also, where's the lie tho?

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I like this one, reminds me of a filip chick I dated in college

>She is a faithful Muslim who favours mysticism over legalism.
Bah, if you can't go around exploiting high Legalism to lower Corruption, you aren't playing it right.
You obviously want ALL the money to get your economic snowball rolling.

I can't get why people think depicting a secular Muslim girl as a hero to inspire is a bad idea.
It's basically an anti-extremist message.
Unless you believe this comic is meant only for your 40yo pasty white ass, user.
It's not "look how harmless Muslims are", but "we need more of these, be that way".

Legalism all the way. Max mysticism is too hard to maintain while playing aggressively and the income+tech modifier from high Legalism can outmatch the Missionary bonus

She's an inbred muslim.

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Do you always hate the only people who actually buys comics?

She's a boring character with a mediocre to dogshit solo series.

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Unless, maybe you're Mughals and gotta convert you an India fast.
Then you will have all the dosh you need and an empire to grow.
But other than that...

So basically it's a propaganda comic about being more "western" got it. What a moron you must be. Thinking he reads shitty cartoon comics and thinks he's an authority on other cultures.

t. muslim

Essentially, yes.
Although your rant does not follow from what I said at all.
I just said it's not trying to represent all Muslims as well-meaning and harmless, but to present what the author deems a positive role model.
I made no claim on the status of any culture or person but meant to facetiously clarify that the message here is not directed at the group feeling often offended by it.
If your ass is not pasty, I meant not to insult it.

God you're miserable.

No, I'm German.
This is what I do for fun!

>Miller and countless other writers love to play up Daredevil's Catholic aspects
That's a super weird thing to say considering that Miller made Murdock catholic ONLY for Born Again and its themes.

There was zero to no mention of that in Man Without Fear. The only writers who particularly accentuated Matt's Catholicism (that I can think of right now) were Kevin Smith and Charles Soule, most other writers just make him brood on top of churches when things get rough for Matt. I don't remember if Ann Nocenti particularly accentuated Matt's Catholicism in her run, I mean, he did go against Mefisto, but that's not the same as Satan?

Elektra Lives Again starts with Matt pouring out his heart to his parish priest in the Confessional, to be fair.

she isnt poc to begin with. shes white whos a muslim larper

t. poc

"When it benefits the narrative" Muslim.

It's never used in the narrative as an issue. Using it would hurt "brand purity", alienate readers.
Compare it to Priest's Deathstroke. Power Girl Jr., a Christian character, has a conflict with the teammate Jericho, a bisexual. He gets a tech guy on the team, and PG Jr. goes on a rant for how improper it is for her as a Christian girl to share the base with two guys fucking everyday. Jericho is freaked out that she assumed that just because he's not entirely straight he'd go fuck around at the drop of a hat (his wife has just gotten killed). NEITHER character is depicted as "villainous" because of that.

Maybe you could read the comics and find out.

Yeah, but Priest's a good writer. Which is rare in the Big Two nowadays.

Who's Marvel got, other than Soule?



PG Jr seems pretty villainous, bisexual or not, that’s just being an asshole

Kamala khan is awesome!

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Her family is full of Sunday muslims, except for her slacker brother.

She's a teenager. 'Nuf said.

>You will never give Kamala your infidel meat

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Eh. They have Ewing and Zdarsky.

Replace Muslim with Christian and think about that for a moment, because this question is so dumb

Read the comic book itself and get the answers yourself rather than just ask other people here of their opinion of Kamala, and not waste your time on this. She's a freakin teenager and a Jersey girl. Name a number of Christians and Jews who are like that

So can she date infidels or not?

I live in a 70% muslim town in britbongistan.

And the interesting thing about muslim girls that I've noticed there, is that the big bad 'West' has influenced them quite a bit. They are somewhat like Kamala, but of course, they're not going to run around without their hijab (lest they get beaten by their parents), but you know, they do typical teenager stuff. Read fanfictions, get hot and bothered by hunks, discuss yaoi with other girls...

Almost makes me believe that they are actual humans.

They do any other extreme shit goes in the Muslim community in terms of going shariah allah

Can you turn off the racism for like, five seconds? Is that too hard?

Thanks for doing your part to get Trump elected, Kamala!

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I ship it

I'm just wondering if there's been any acid lately

>I live in a 70% muslim town in britbongistan.

How is London this time of year?

Oh bro that never goes away. I still see a bunch of people with scars, sometimes not even the hijab is enough to hide it. I don't have the courage to ask someone about it though. Guess it goes without saying, that you DO NOT leave a muslim family or if you do, you're a dead man.

Dunno, don't live in London and probably never will.

Hmmmm would a comic/movie about Kamala leaving islam be good for stopping Islam?

Honestly this is why most people are in any religion.

I think Jesus is cool

There is a woman in a hijab who works a my local pharmacy and I see her in town by herself.

Absolutely Haram notify her husband immediately

>Culturally muslim. Very westernized.
I like this. I remember in high school sitting behind a Muslim girl. She wore a hijab, but also wore slutty Western clothes like yoga pants that showed off her thicc physique. Gave me many confused boners.

Absolutely. It's really only the hardline people that actually give a shit about hijabs. And those whole beekeeper burkas are only found in the suuuuuper hardcore Muslim nations like Saudis Arabia or Iran

>And those whole beekeeper burkas are only found in the suuuuuper hardcore Muslim nations like Saudis Arabia or Iran

And France.
And England.
And Sweden.

Kamala is saving herself for marriage

to Sam.

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Lol no

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Umm, yes.

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>Ok I'm confused is she super Muslim?A little bit muslim?
She was born in the United States to Pakistani immigrants. It's safe to assume she's no more Muslim than her neighbors are Christian.
her older brother is so orthodox he wears a dishdasha, but that's ironically his way of teen rebelling against his moderate parents

Sam is miles BBC GODDAMIT


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Who knows?

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Certainly not that guy.

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Why did he say that?

Is Kamala khan a harem protagonist now?

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She's in America, so she's less likely to be a fundie than the muslims in Britbongistan.

He was just being honest. Don't act like you wouldn't say it too.

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Make a Kamala khan a harem image.

He didn't, it's an edit.

In America, Muslims are less likely to be fundies than Evangelical Christians who are also in America.
I don't understand how Evangelical Christians functino.

Well she can deform her body so she could probably look very hot if she wanted to. And be perfectly tight.

Too bad the edit was more interesting

Kind of

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He was actually using his faith as an excuse to not get a job. It took getting married and having a kid to feed that finally got his ass into a suit and in a job interview

Literally nothing wrong with this.


How do I get a cute Kamala gf?

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Lurk high schools?

Meanwhile he's hatefucking an alien.

He can have a harem if he wants.

Actually did that issue come out yet?

A preview came a couple of days ago

Except his job is now being the head imam at the local mosque. Is that a paying job?

>everyone's afraid of being near Muslims when it's really white teens/men that are more likely to shoot up the place

Those girls are the only hope for the future of the Middle East; the boys are too cucked by the power Islamic ideology gives them.

This is true for America, but in Western Europe not so much. The US/Canada does a much better job of screening immigrants than Europe does, plus migrants from Islamic heavy countries can't just literally walk to North America.

If Europe increased its level of screening and only took in low risk migrants--women, children, the elderly, LBGT, and those fleeing from religious persecution--they'd have less problems with terrorism and other crimes typically committed by male migrants.

God I hate non Muslims who try to police how Muslims should act, just because she don’t adhere to every hadith aka rule doesn’t make her less of a Muslim. Islam is rooted in not practicing shirk, no sex before marriage, praying 5 times a day, not eating pig and covering yourself. I noticed Pakistanis don’t really cover their women up properly so it’s no surprise that kamala dresses like a whore.

Don't forget beating your wife and killing gays and non muslims

>no hijab
Peepee no hard.

Shut up mudslime

If you're female and don't wear a hijab you aren't a Muslim, period. The Quran is EXTREMELY EXPLICIT about covering your head when out in public. Men are to avert their gaze from strange women who are not their wives, and women are to cover themselves as to facilitate the man's "hijab of the eyes". Ms. Marvel is NOT Muslim, PERIOD.

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Saudi Arabia pays mostly of the time.

Haram thread

>Muslims hate her
>Non muslims barely like her
Why do she just leave Islam and proceed to be CUTE!?

What about the dead muslim?

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She's a Christian Convert waiting to happen. All she needs, is for a white aryan christian man to come along, fuck her for a whole night, and then marry her.

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Marvel needs to make it happen

Somebody get Steve. Or Hydra Steve. Either or.

A little bit muslim. She doesn't really care about her faith that much, it just is part of her life like everything else.
Honestly the media makes a big deal about her being a muslim but she is just moderate and in many stories it isn't that important.

You left out the part where they livestream it to her family.

There's nothing "moderate" about Islam.
How would that even work?
Kill half the infidels?

Only if it's a mating press with both buttholes visible.

She's as religious as any second generation immigrant, just enough to appease her parents.

Second gens often become radicalized.
They don't have the experience of how shitty Muslim countries are, but their parents keep them from integrating fully due to their assbackwards beliefs. That makes them an outsider in their adopted country, which either makes them disown their parents and integrate, or reject the country entirely and go full allah ackbar.

Is it wrong to think Islam should be destroyed?

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>Muslim women are cute and oppressed
>Not reason enough for another crusade

Fuck this cucked country

Not if you also think Christianity, Judaism, etc should also be destroyed.

Went to confession in the most recent run.

i just came here to say i utterly fucking hate her outfit

>dude all ideologies are exactly the same lmfao
Utter brainlet response.

Pandering to Muslims though, should it be allowed?

Muslims shouldn't be allowed

Oh good, guess people will stop being racist towards her.

>whole beekeeper burkas are only found in the suuuuuper hardcore Muslim nations like Saudis Arabia or Iran
The Burqas is aonly really big in Afghanistan


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>Islam is a race

Calladita se ve más bonita.

She's a white person's concept of a Muslim which means they have no clue what she does

Priests make a salary from donations to the church, I assume imams pay thier bills along the same lines

>Utter brainlet response.
Race cuck too stupid to figure out why the other religions are no good on his own.

Literally nothing wrong with muslim entrism, the muslim brotherhood will place in you the influence of alllah.
Like it.

>Can you turn off the real world for like, five seconds? Is that too hard?
You don't seem to notice how two faced they are.
You ascribe to them your ethnocentric pov. To them, the world is us vs them, you will of course never notice no muslim help any non muslim.
It is dishonest to create such a character, it is propaganda surely paid for by some quatari prince in the same vain as aj+ channel.

>with both buttholes visible
Americans treat it as one, just look at what happened to that poor veteran who converted to Islam years ago, Nicholas Brody I think it was? Anyway, he suffered some relentless harassment once he came out as Muslim, made some headlines too.

Catholic Kamala is the one true path.

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I want to make her a teen mom

I'm not familiat with that story, but they sound absolutely deserving of harassment. "Coming out" as a Muslim is even worse than "coming out" as a Klansmen.


You were right

Threads. Plural.

>Marvel not being low-key racist

Marvel should've never ever tied Kamala with the Inhumans. She could've been her own character like a Spider-man. But no, make her a Captain Marvel Legacy character and tie her with the Inhumans.