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Scared of potassium, OP?
Yah traditional Asians are gross
You been watching Oney plays, haven't you?
I feel like I saw this on Wienerville when I was super young.
I'm 30 and I don't think I'd EVER heard of Batfink before Tomar brought it up
I love this shit. Batfink has an Asian man as his sidekick who's yellow named Karate and his only use is kicking in doors with karate. And he never fucking successfully kicks in a door. Whenever he does it's a trap or he's immediately held up at gunpoint or some shit. He has one job and he fucks it up every time.
Batfink was fucking retarded and I loved it.
You did, I did, too.
Even as a kid that had no context of how racist his depiction was, I knew there was something off about Karate. I have no idea how or why Nick fucking greenlit that.
What the hell is a Batfink?
The new guys aren't as funny.
He should just merge with Supermega. Those guys are at least personable.
The best worst was the UPA made Dick Tracy cartoon from the 60s and their character "Joe Jitsu". He was every single Japanese stereotype at the time: a miniscule little man in with big buck teeth, thick glasses, a constant slurring of his Rs and Ls, and when not sounding like a fortune cookie would profusely apologize to his enemies with cries of "So solly!" and "Excuse, preese!"
Hilariously, after the 1990 Dick Tracy movie succeeded at the box office, they dusted off the vintage cartoon to put on syndication as fast as possible to cash in... and then realized what the fuck they had done and quickly pulled like half the episodes.
He's not friends with SuperMega.
My wings are like a shield of steel!
> tfw there will never be another dynamic like Julian's and Ding Dong's.
>No on screen reaction of Julian seeing CTR add gay biker Tiny Tiger as a dlc outfit
>Dick Tracy himself only gets about ten seconds an episode to appear
What a rip-off!
I will forever miss Ding Dong's and Oney's amazing relationship. They worked so well off of each other.
I really do hope for DD and Julian find a stable income so DD doesn't have to work as hard at everything and hopefully overcome his insecurities.
>Ding Dong: this beloved popular game is actually shit
>DD: I love trolling people on the internet/Spacestation 13
>One single comment: Why is DingDong so whiny?
>Julian: Lets Players are awful people cause my little brother watched one and started saying nigger
>Oney: Faggot cunt retard faggot retard cunt kike faggot
>Julian: Haha Chris you’re so funny!
Yeah they had a great dynamic
I've been enjoying Lyle/Zach, Lyle/Tomar, Zach/Tomar a lot personally. I wish Zach was on more. Also Lyle's gotten WAY better tbqh.
The dynamic was Ding Dong and Oney. Julian was just a yesman with funny scream.
Too true. I still liked what they produced, but man Ding Dongs streams were hard to watch. Let's Plays are like free money. That doesn't mean they don't get to complain about it, but whining about children's stupid attempts at emulating them? And acting so dramatic about it? Put a sour taste in my mouth.
More like "Rikes"
why a karate man as a sidekick to a superbat
t. game gurps fan
why not?